
Reborn Might Guy

What do you get if you have one of the strongest taijustu users of all time, But he is reborn into the DBZ universe? Will he become the strongest human? Will he get a system? Will Guy's full power of YOUTH be enough to go toe to toe with some of the strongest people in the universe? If you wanna find out start reading ;) This is my first novel got 0 experience in this I hope this goes well If it does enjoy if it is a little eh comment and I will see how I can improve as a author. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Naruto/Db/DBZ /DBS and any other stuff I may or may not include

HuskyWarrior · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs


During those few days of rest after Goku and Guy's battle. Goku was teaching Might Guy the kaioken. Guy thought the technique would be more complicated to learn but due to his great ki control, he was able to learn how to use it for short periods.

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away you can see a tall lean green bio android running across the land. This imperfect being was on the hunt for 2 androids to make himself the perfect being. As this green bio android was running he was thinking to himself 'I have to find the androids...'

Many hours later Android 17 and 18 were hiding out in a cave for the past few days after the events transpired. Seeing the rageful Might Guy made them question what to do next. While they were discussing what to do next a green figure was watching them like prey with a lecherous smile on his face

While this was going on Gohan and Lee were watching their fathers spar. Goku and Guy were trading fists as Guy backed up and powered up a bit as he said loudly "KAIOKEN!"

A bright red light surrounded Guy as his battle capacity doubled as he appeared in front of Goku with a hard punch to his gut. Guy unleashed a combo of attacks that sent Goku flying back. But Goku wasn't done as he turned super Saiyan to fight back.

While the fight was escalating you can see an annoyed Vegeta fly down holding his young son with a scowl on his face. Lee seeing Vegeta shouted out "HELLO VEGETA!"

Vegeta's annoyed look turned to shock as he looked at his young son who began to cry as he was woken up from his nap. Vegeta mumbled "Damnit Lee..."

Vegeta tried to get his son to stop crying until he started to yell at him with annoyance "YOU ARE THE SON OF THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS HAVE SOME PRIDE AND STOP CRYING!!!"

Vegeta Jr his son paused crying for a second as he looked at the annoyed eyes of his father. Seeing this Vegeta smirked at how his unique parenting style worked until the crying got even louder. This infuriated Vegeta even more as he was about to shut up his son until he felt a smack behind his head with a furious Bulma yelling at him "DON'T TRY TO HIT MY NEPHEW VEGETA. YOU CAN'T ALWAYS FIGHT YOUR WAY OUT OF EVERYTHING"

Vegeta was scoffing and was about to retort when Bulma took Vegeta Jr into her arms and he immediately went back to sleep. Vegeta was stunned with his eyes wide open not understanding how this was possible. Guy finally noticing Vegeta decided to fly down and say with a smile "Vegeta what brings you here today"

Vegeta getting over the shock of Bulma calming down his son so fast. He shook his head and said with a scowl "I've been sensing you and Kakarot fighting for the past few days. I decided to see how many times the clown has lost to you"

Vegeta ended with a smirk while Goku was laughing rubbing the back of his head. Goku said with a smile "I haven't won once yet but I'm getting closer. Why didn't you come sooner Vegeta? I know how much you love a good fight"

Vegeta hearing this scowled again as he said "Tights headed back into outer space for her novels she writes leaving me with my son. Every time I tried to train or go somewhere that little bundle of sadness cries about everything!."

Vegeta scoffs as he mumbles to himself "Now I know why we were placed into pods in the early years on planet Vegeta..."

While Vegeta was venting about being a father Goku laughed at this as he said himself "Really? Gohan rarely cried when he was a baby... I remember I could train and he'd just watch me with those big eyes"

Guy hummed as he said "Well with Lee too he was always fascinated with training. Even when he was a baby I saw him trying to do pushups. It made me so proud knowing my son is already embracing the power of youth even when he was barely an infant..."

Guy wiped a single tear of happiness as Vegeta's anger began to grow as he thought 'Why is it only my son that is making my life more difficult?'

Vegeta cracks his knuckles and says with a smile " Either way I'm here now and Guy... Kakarot... I'm fighting one of you right here..."

Vegeta's hair and eyebrows turned golden as he powered up almost as if this transformation was a way for him to let out all the frustration of being a father meant as he said louder "RIGHT NOW!"

Almost with bad luck as he says this all of them paused as they looked off in the distance as they sensed a foreign energy signature rising rapidly. Vegeta paused too as he asked with confusion and shock "Why am I sensing myself and Kakarot over there?"

Goku himself had a serious look on his face as he said "I have no idea... Vegeta we'll fight later let's check this out first"

They both flew off while Guy stayed behind with all the kids and Bulma. While they were flying away Gohan asked with a curious tone "Uncle Guy how come you didn't go too?"

Guy showed a bright smile and ruffled Gohan's now longer hair as he says "After what happened previously I'd rather make sure you're all safe in case something went wrong"

Gohan nods with understanding and thinks 'So he cares more about protecting his family than a good fight. This is one of the reasons I look up to Uncle Guy. I want to be strong too to protect my family and friends!'

Gohan had a look of pure determination and Guy who saw that look smiled with his pearly white teeth as his teeth sparkled from the sun as he said loudly "Now Gohan and Lee!!! Since we have some time for your choice today!! Gravity training or sparring?"

Guy smiled as he already knew the answer but figured he might as well give them a choice. Gohan pulled Lee aside and whispered "I think we should choose to spar today Lee"

Lee looked at his dad and then back to Gohan and said "But training would make us stronger Gohan!"

Gohan said with a smile "Yes but so would sparring!"

Lee screamed in frustration at this tough decision. Guy seeing his son react to his choices said loudly for them to hear "Since you both can't decide we shall do BOTH!"

Guy started pressing a few buttons on his modified Weight training watch and shot out four small orbs that implanted themselves in the ground as Guy adjusted the gravity to twenty times Earth's gravity within this sector. Gohan stumbled a bit but can hold on after a bit. While Lee fell straight to the ground unable to get up.

Guy laughed a bit and went over to his son and helped him take off the training weights he had on him always for training. After that, Lee felt 4,000 Pounds lighter and was slowly able to stand up with some effort. Guy smiled at his son and student as he got into his fighting stance with one arm out.

He motioned for them to come forward but Gohan walked toward him with a brisk pace and Lee was slowly walking toward him. Guy awkwardly watched them for several seconds as he said "Maybe I'll lower the gravity a bit..."

Guy lowered it to 5 times gravity so they were able to now fight but at a slower rate than before. They began to spar while Goku and Vegeta were flying towards the energy source that was still growing in strength until it settled above their current levels. Goku said seriously "Whatever this energy is it doesn't seem evil but yet it feels Somewhat chaotic."

Vegeta grunts as he didn't care if this new friend or for was stronger than them currently. As a Saiyan elite, he welcomes the challenge. But as they arrived they saw something strange. An imperfect being had his long tail inhaling one of the androids. Vegeta was flabbergasted seeing such a scene as he asked out loud "Are you seeing what I'm seeing Kakarot?"

"Yeah," Goku said while watching with confusion.

After this imperfect being fully absorbed the last android he was covered in a bright light as a beacon of energy surrounding him. Goku and Vegeta watched in awe of this unknown individual showing power that they have rarely seen before. While this was happening Guy stopped the training and looked off in the distance as he senses the strong power growing even more powerful. Guy thought to himself 'Should I rush over there?'

Guy could sense this new energy didn't have any hostile intentions but it felt more of curiosity and desire than anything chaotic. While Guy was thinking about this Lee tried to sneak attack him as he yelled out "LEAF HURRICANE!!!"

Lee spun twice in the air and threw a strong kick to his father's head. Who merely tanked the attack without even noticing it. After all that happened Lee was holding his leg in pain while Guy was still in deep thought. Quickly he looked down at his son with wide eyes "LEE!!! WHO DID THIS TO YOU!!!"

Lee was still holding his leg in pain as Guy shouted out to the heavens "WHYYYYYY"

Gohan merely watched with a look of confusion before thinking 'Sometimes I forget Uncle Guy is friends with my father'

Hey everyone I'm back and you can all thank this semi annoying reader Absenior for it. He's been spamming my story with power stones for days... Probably weeks!! DAM YOU ABSENIOR STOP GIVING ME MOTIVATION TO WRITE!!! LET A HUSKY BE LAZY IN PEACE!!!

Either way enjoy the chap hopefully I'm not too rusty. Have a noice day and maybe more chaps soon

For those of you that don't read in between the lines I take bribes

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts