
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Films
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Annie's Powers, and Kingping's Attention

POV; Wilson Fisk (kingping)

"What happened James" said Fisk in his calm voice, "Sir, it seems last night the Corpse Gang was destroyed" james, "corpse gang? what a ridiculous name I don't remember her" fisk , "It's a small criminal group, but I had a lot of profit because I worked selling new girls, I had recently changed the control fee to 5 million dollars a month, losing this gang gave us a little loss" james.

"If it was destroyed, just ask the 5 million monthly for the new gang that took over the territory, we don't need to worry about these ants" Fisk, "I find it difficult, from what I've researched the new gang is called iron east, and it only works by threatening shopkeepers and a small flow of drug trafficking, I don't think they can pay even 1 million a month much less 5 million" James.

"okay, just give a warning, if 1 month later you don't pay the 5 million just send the Russians to take care of this small gang, even if the damage is small, it still needs to be cut, taking care of this city takes an iron fist and disobedient ants must be crushed" Fisk....

"ok I'll let the russians know they should take care of it" james, "I'm going to a fundraiser tonight, it seems the mayor is losing support from the people and needs donations to buy people's hearts hahahaha" Fisk....


The next day it was agreed that Annie would live with us, my mother prepared a room for her and treats her so well, she really loves her daughter-in-law who she met 1 day ago, about the fact that Annie is my girlfriend I didn't say anything, she has pink skin but whenever my mum calls her daughter-in-law her little face turns red changing color I'm not a whole somehow she really liked me if she turns 16 and still likes me then i'll accept her as girlfriend, after all she is very cute.

"Annie knowing your powers is the first step as a mutant, so it should be explored, I will help you but you have to contribute with your best effort, ok?" ,"It's ok zoku, let me go I won't let you down" annie replies as she presses her little hands in front of her face hiding her shyness, she got weird after mom talked to her, what kind of bullshit mom put in her head?

"okay annie, please take off your shirt now and then...",before finishing she screams shyly " zoku that... we are so young that how about waiting a few more years ok, we can take our hands, eat ice cream and then we..." ," but what, what kind of naughty thing are you thinking, I want to see the bones in your back girl, please stop hanging around with my mother"....

After this embarrassing scene we finally started studying, annie's bones apparently are stronger than a normal human bone, I don't know how much stronger but it's at least 3 times, her horn is the weirdest because it's sensitive, when i touched it annie gave a cute and weird little scream turning red, i thought i better stop touching her horn.....

her pink skin besides being very beautiful is also softer than human skins and her stamina is also stronger, while touching her skin she continued to get red and shy until she said "stop stop stop just touch after 15 ms ino told me to let you do this only after I was 15 ok", it's really hard trying to help a baby girl in love, my mom screwed up her head in just 1 day, when i was thinking i suddenly saw her bones in her back tremble along with annie's shyness, this shouldn't happen if my guess is right these bones can be controlled...

"your annie bones you can move them, you just can't control it yet, keep trying, focus only on annie bones" , after 20 minutes she couldn't move them, "I can't move them zoku, sorry sorry sorry....", in those 20 minutes she spent at least half looking at me, dammit I'm not even pretty, do I have some super seductive power and I don't know?,,,, "look annie let's make a game, if you can move your bones I'll take you out for ice cream", "true ? it's true ? don't lie ok, alright I'll try", less than 1 minute she managed to make her bones move, after another 5 minutes she managed to open them and to my surprise when the bones opened they took the shape of a bone wing and underneath the wing shield there was a small blue circle in the center of the annie's back, her blue color looked like sea was really very cute.

I tried to touch the circle and nothing happened, I thought it was normal and asked her to go to the backyard to see if she could fly with her bones wings, as soon as she left the house the blue circle started to glow slightly, it wasn't hard to see it was a reaction to the sun, I asked annie if she was alright, "I'm fine, I feel very comfortable I don't know what's going on"....

From what I can deduce the circle is absorbing part of the sun's rays, I just don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but from what Annie said it must be good, I don't know if she can absorb heat from the sun and then use it? but if that's where the sun's heat is going? maybe it's radiation like superman i hope it's like having a girlfriend with superman power i don't need to be afraid of anything, but i don't think these theories make sense, the horn and bone wings don't match those powers at all....

As I was thinking I finally remembered something, unicorns as I remember these mystic animals used their horns to do "miracles", things like controlling fire or water or healing people, when it came to mind asking Annie to go into the bathroom and see the circle inside the water... I had to convince her that she didn't need to stay naked, mama really poisoned the girl's head....

when she entered the bathroom the circle also started to glow slightly, after that I took some earth and rubbed it in the circle, it glowed again, in fact this circle has reactions when exposed to elements, I made a little theory that this circle served as a little connection between annie's physical body and the elements, it remains to be seen how she can use them, i believe the little horn must be of great importance....


POV; Orion

this is really complicated, the russian gang is asking us 5 million a month, it's impossible for the boss to pay it, it's not smart to fight or complain, this problem i really can't solve, i'll have to bother the boss, this is our gang's biggest challenge .....