
Reborn into Stargate

I DO NOT OWN any of the Stargate franchise. All characters/objects/concepts that appear in this novel are owned by their respected company. I only take ownership of any original characters/objects/concepts. Well... I was just informed that I had died. Then I was told that I have been chosen to be reborn. A floating panel with questions on who I want to be and where I want to be reborn pops into existence. And so, I chose the Stargate franchise. Lets hope that I chose wisely. I am writing this while also working on my other Stargate novel. It is called Stargate Atlantis: Lantean Resurrection. Check it out if you are interested.

FlashyAli · TV
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7 Chs

The First Step

Okay... I am really screwed at the moment! Why did I have to be right in the middle of the Ancients destroying the replicators. I specifically asked to be placed into this universe after the Ancients had left for Earth. I guess the voice was right, I do need luck. Alright, I am gonna need to find somewhere to hide from the warship. I know that Asurans can move through solid objects, so what would happen if I did that but I didn't go all the way through but stayed inside? I guess I will find out when I try.

I looked around for anything big enough for me to hide inside. I'm in a sort of wooded area but the trees are nowhere near large enough to hide in. The largest rock around was about the size of my head. The only thing that I can see that could possibly help me is the stargate. The bad thing about that is that there seems to be a cruiser standing guard above the gate. Shit! Ok... I need to think... If I remember correctly, which I probably am do to my nanite brain, they leave the stargate intact. Because if they didn't leave the stargate intact why would they leave the gate address in Atlantis' database? So, all I need to do is hide near the gate and wait for the ships to finish bombing the Asurans.

They can't fire near the gate because if they do, the gate would absorb the energy from the attacks and once it reaches critical energy levels it explodes. So, I need to find somewhere to hide in. I cast a glance at my surroundings and see a carcass. It seems to be some kind of elk thing that was indirectly hit by a stray shot of the Lantean ion cannons. The difference between the one on Earth and the one that is dead on the ground is that the one on the ground is about twice as big as the ones on Earth and fully green. Like some hulked out elk monster.

When I saw the carcass, I had the "brilliant" idea of hiding inside the thing. My mind went to "The Empire Strikes Back" with the tauntaun mount. But thankfully, I didn't have to hide underneath the body fat. I just had to assimilate with the carcass to control it until the ships leave. Which is as gross as it sounds. When I made my way cautiously over to the carcass, I felt a tingle all over my body. When I knelt down to try and assimilate into the elk thing, I felt pins and needles all over my body for a few moments before I felt my body being absorbed into the body. It was a really weird and gross experience.

I could actually feel my body spreading out into the body and start to repair the damages that littered the body. I felt the animal's brain come back to life but before it could do anything I instinctively suppressed the consciousness of the animal. I didn't even think about what I had done until it was over. I fully took over the body and gained access to its memories. I saw its' birth and the days up until its' death. I saw that the animal was about 13 years old. I thought that gaining 13 years worth of memories, even if it was from an animal, would change me a tiny bit but I only gained its knowledge, however mundane it was. I could still see its memories but it took a bit of concentration to look at specific memories. And through this concentration I was sucked into a world that had circuitry covering the entire place. I saw that there were four different doors next to each other.

And they were helpfully labelled. One of the doors was labelled as Ali's memories. So, I am assuming that this was were my actual memories were stored so I could access it at anytime. The next door was labelled as Asuran Wapiti. So, I was correct in assuming that the animal was some type of elk. I had access to its memories. The next door was a bit different than the first two. The first two looked like normal doors, with my memories door looking more elaborate and elegant. This door, however, looked like an Ancient style door. It was labelled as Programming and Subspace link. The door after that looked the same and was labelled as Information.

I guess that the door labelled Programming and Subspace link is for me to reprogram my base code. The subspace link part I'm guessing is for when I create new replicators for myself. I don't want to mess with the Asurans because I don't want to mess with stuff that can kill me easily until I am ready. I moved towards the door. I swing my hand in front of the door control. It opens and I enter. The room had two distinct control stations in it. It looked Ancient. Even though the control stations weren't labelled, I knew exactly what station did what. One of them was the control station for my base code. The other was for the subspace link.

I approach the base code station and the screens above it come to life. I look over the code and instead of it looking like gibberish to me, I can actually understand what each line of code means and how I could change it to be whatever I wanted. But instead of changing anything I left it alone for now. I made my way over to the other station. The same thing happens with the screens above coming to life but instead of my base code, it was showing my subspace link. Because I was the only one of my "kind". It only showed myself on the screen. The curious thing was that there was a blinking button on the station.

I instinctively knew that the button would allow me to converse with the Asuran replicators by tapping into their subspace link. I also instinctively knew that they couldn't take control of my or even detect my presence if I chose to. And was I ever thankful for that. I really don't want to be deleted or something by the replicators.

I pressed the button and I was suddenly aware of all the Asuran replicators. I could feel them being ripped apart by the warships up above. I could also feel all the information that was uploaded into them by the Ancients. I did what anybody else in my position would do. I tried to download all the information into my head. Key word being tried. As I started the download process, the screen started showing error messages. It was stating that the information was corrupted. That was the bad news. The good news was that not all of the information was corrupted. Thankfully, it had a few helpful pieces in there.

Downloaded Information:

-Asuran stunners

-Asuran control crystals & panels

-Asuran crystal power cells

-Asuran hyperdrive technology

-Asuran inertial dampener technology

-Ancient gate addresses

-ZPM (partial download, corrupted)

I attempted to download information on weapons, specifically drones but the data was corrupted. I also tried to download zero-point module technology but I couldn't gain all of the information. I was able to grab maybe 30% of the information. It is a shame but at least I was able to gain very useful information. Even though the Asuran versions of the technologies aren't as good as the Ancient counterparts, they are more than enough for now. And if I do decide to build a ship, I would still have the Asgard plasma beam weapons. I have a very limited understanding of zpm technology, more than the Atlantis expedition would ever know. So, I could probably cobble together some type of mini zpm battery thing to power whatever I build. I won't be able to build anything at the moment because even though I have the information downloaded it will take me some time to understand it all. I also thankfully downloaded gate addresses that contained Ancient outposts. I will have to visit those addresses after the Ancients leave to see if there is anything useful to be taken.

After I downloaded everything I could, I disconnected from the Asuran subspace link. As I was downloading the information, the information that finished downloaded spawned a three by three cubic foot cube on the ground. It was labelled with the information that it contained. I tried picking one up and was surprised to find that it was as light as a feather. So I picked them up one by one and took them out of the room. After I had all the cubes out I turned to the Information room. I opened the door to the room and was greeted by a library like room. It was a huge room filled with "bookshelves" that looked big enough to put in the cubes.

I proceeded to move the cubes into the room. After I had moved them in, I picked up one of the cubes and set it into one of the shelves. The cube glowed brightly blue for a second and a progress bar appeared on the cube. It seems that I don't actually have to look through the information to learn it. But the absorption rate seems pretty slow. It shows a timer that said the absorption will be completed in one month. And that was only for the gate addresses. The easiest of information to learn. I'm assuming that the more complex information would take significantly longer. Hopefully I can speed up the rate of absorption later when I am in a better position.

I proceed to put the other cubes into the shelves and my theory was proved right. The other information was giving a wait time of years. So, it seems that I will be staying on Asuras for the next month. Or maybe if I go into my memories room I can find a gate address from somewhere. Hopefully I can find the gate address to the Lord Protector's planet. It contains another city-ship and hopefully a database filled with Ancient information. It went down during the war if I remember correctly, so it should be relatively fine. It was, for some reason, left with a single zpm. I could definitely use one. And on the topic of zpms, I should probably visit the brotherhood too at some point. They also have a zpm.

After I made my plans, I left my... mind world? I don't know what to call it. After I came back to consciousness, I saw that the Aurora class warships were finally starting to leave, after razing the whole area. I saw the last of the ships leaving the atmosphere. And I started my month long wait. That is if I can't find the gate addresses from my memories.