
Reborn into Stargate

I DO NOT OWN any of the Stargate franchise. All characters/objects/concepts that appear in this novel are owned by their respected company. I only take ownership of any original characters/objects/concepts. Well... I was just informed that I had died. Then I was told that I have been chosen to be reborn. A floating panel with questions on who I want to be and where I want to be reborn pops into existence. And so, I chose the Stargate franchise. Lets hope that I chose wisely. I am writing this while also working on my other Stargate novel. It is called Stargate Atlantis: Lantean Resurrection. Check it out if you are interested.

FlashyAli · TV
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7 Chs

The Beginning of it All

"Searching.... Found.... Proceeding with transfer...."

As the robotic voice finished speaking, a figure appeared out of nowhere. He was wearing his favorite pair of worn out black pants, black shoes, his hat and his university sweatshirt. He had a medium build but he had flabs instead of abs. His dirty blond hair was covered by his hat. His low effort short beard framed his face. His blue eyes with the right eye having an orange sectoral heterochromia on the bottom looked around somewhat fearfully.

"Greetings, Mr. Ali %$@!&. You have been randomly selected for the Reborn program. Congratulations on being reborn!"

P.O.V. Ali

I was startled by the monotone robotic voice that just said that I, a nobody university student, had been selected to be reborn. I didn't even know that I had died. All I remember was that I was just hanging out in my room after getting back from my classes. Then suddenly I am in some... I don't even know how to describe it... I guess some sort of purgatory cause I'm not in hell and I'm sure as hell I'm not in heaven. I turn around to see if there was anything else here other than some voice telling me congratulations.

I saw what could be described as a floating panel with questions. I walked towards the panel.

"Mr. Ali, what is before you is a series of questions that you must answer in order for you to become reborn. There is only one limitation to the answers that you can give. The one limitation is that you cannot give yourself something that will break the reality of where you were reborn. For example, you cannot choose to be 'God' in those realities. There would be no point to you being reborn. So, please proceed to think hard about where you want to be reborn and what abilities you wish to posses."

Ok... I guess I better go over and see the questions. So, I walked over to the floating panel. The questions were as follows.

"What would you like your name to be?"

"Where would you like to be reborn?"

"When would you like to be reborn?"

"What race would you like to be?"

"What gender would you like to be?"

"Would you like to customize your appearance?"

"What special perks would you like to have? (Maximum of 5 perks)"

So, I guess I should think about where to be reborn shouldn't I? Hmm, maybe in the Whoniverse as a Time Lord? Or maybe in a comic universe with powers? No wait, I know where I want to be reborn! It's perfect. The right mix of danger, fun, science and adventure! I'll be reborn in the Stargate franchise! I just need to think about what race I want to be and the perks that I want.

5 minutes later....

"What would you like your name to be?"

"I would like it to be Ali, no last name."

"Where would you like to be reborn?"

"I would like to be reborn into the Stargate franchise! Preferably in the Pegasus."

"When would you like to be reborn?"

"I would like to be reborn right after the Lanteans leave Atlantis for Earth."

"What race would you like to be?"

"I want to be a human form replicator of Lantean design!"

"What gender would you like to be?"

"Well, I would like to stay as a male."

"Would you like to customize your appearance?"

"Yes, I would just like to change my body shape into something more athletic. Though it wouldn't really affect my strength if I still had flabs, who doesn't want abs? And maybe a stronger, more defined jaw line. Otherwise I am happy with my current appearance."

"What special perks would you like to have?"

"Now, here is the hard part. I definitely want something that will make it so I don't go crazy from living for thousands of years so I would like to have a perk that makes me comfortable with not being human and living for thousands of years. The next thing that I would like is full control over my base code. I don't want anyone messing with my base code unless it is myself. The third perk I would like is to be immune to replicator disruptor weapons and also to be immune to being blasted out into space. After that I can't really think of any more perks that I would need. I protected my mind and my body from harm. My body would already be stronger than normal humans. My mind would also be better than normal humans. I don't really see the point of more perks. I can't choose reality breaking powers as the voice already said."

After I had given my answers, instead of being reborn like I expected another question popped up on the floating panel.

"Because you did not choose to use the maximum number of perks provided, you are able to use these unused perks for a bonus. Do you accept?"

A bonus huh? That sounds interesting.

"I accept!"

The panel flickered for a second before a list came into view. The title of the list was apparently 'Knowledge of the Universe'. I could see all the different technologies from all the races of the Stargate franchise. I guess this is supposed to be a list where I choose which knowledge I wish to start out with. And if I'm being honest, it is not that hard to choose which knowleges I want. I only used three of the perks provided so I had two things that I could choose to learn. So, I chose to learn how to code using the Ancient coding techniques so I can alter my base code and I also chose to learn how the Asgard Beam weapons work and made. These two things will help me a lot in the long run. I know exactly what I am going to be doing, that is, if things go the way that I want them to.

Hopefully, I am reborn on Asuras. I will definitely need the replicators help before I can go out on my own. They do rebuild what was destroyed by the Ancients and should have knowledge of Ancient technology. I just need to mingle and get access to that data. Hopefully without becoming too integrated with the collective. I don't want them to see and know everything I do. They can't reset me because I would have my own different base code and the only one able to change that would be me. I guess I will have to see when I wind up. If it is after they have rebuilt to a decent amount, they should have their central data core. I'll wait until they have one of their merges and gain access to the data stored on there. Thankfully the merges freeze them for a period of time until the new data that they learn can be distributed. The central data core is a backup of that information. All I need to do is back the data into my own mind without a merge. I definitely don't want to be apart of what is going to happen when the Atlantis expedition come across them. And I probably shouldn't mess with their base code either. Though I may be able to, in time, alter their base code better than what Dr. McKay would be doing, I should leave things in place as much as I can. I'll let the expedition do its' thing, but maybe help out a bit. I'll have to get in contact and become allies with them before they discover the true nature of the Asurans. And when they come to question me, I'll hopefully be able to show them that I am not like Oberoth who doesn't care about anything but trying to emulate and destroy what is left of the Ancients.

Ok, time for me to accept to learn these two things and I can be reborn. I touch the accept button on the floating panel. It blinks out of existence. In its' place was a countdown timer that started from 10 seconds and counted down.

"Good luck in your new life Mr. Ali! You are going to need it..." said the voice as the timer ran out. The next thing that happened was being hit by the sounds of nature. The sounds of animals thriving in nature. The wind blowing gently through the grass. And also the sound of ships firing down on the ground.

I gazed up in awe and fear of the powerful Aurora-class warship firing its' drones at the ground. I think to myself that this was a shitty place to start out. I was right in the middle of the Ancients destroying the replicators. It seems that I was reborn a bit early cause I remember specifically saying that I would like to be reborn after the Ancients had left for Earth.

Well shit!

Hey there! I wasn't actually planning on writing this story until I had finished writing my other story but I just couldn't help myself. I had started writing the new chapter for my other fanfic, Stargate Atlantis: Lantean Resurrection but I got inspired to write this. This first chapter isn't too long or too short in my opinion. It is somehow exactly 1500 words. I want to apologize if anyone was waiting for the new chapter for Lantean Resurrection. I will start working on finishing that chapter later either this week or next week. I still have some finals to take for my classes so, I may not be able to finish it this week. Thank you for reading my story or stories if you came from my other work!

FlashyAlicreators' thoughts