
Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world of Naruto be perceived with his glowing Royal Blue Tenseigan .............................................................................. Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! ........................................................................................... For more chapters support me on Patreon! Patreon: p atreon.com/Milta_translations

Alex_Clive · Anime et bandes dessinées
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856 Chs

Chapter – 631 Exchange Student

Quietly standing by the window of the principal's office, Kuroto looked at the playground below with a thoughtful expression.

At this moment, Naruto and Sasuke's class is on the playground… At the center of the crowd, two kids are present, one is Sasuke–who is standing with his arms folded over his chest and a proud smile on his face, while opposite to him is Naruto–who is sitting on the ground, rubbing his butt in embarrassment, and muttering something in confusion that perhaps only he can understand.

For the ones who haven't figured out what exactly is going on, the answer is actually quite simple, Naruto again challenged Sasuke… and the result is also obvious, he was easily defeated by Sasuke.

"This kid Naruto… he really is something, despite losing again and again and embarrassing himself in front of everyone each time, he hasn't given up." – muttered Kuroto with a smile, he really admired Naruto for his spirit of not giving up.

Earlier Iruka had reported to him that the students are frequently challenging Sasuke in the middle of the class and this is disturbing the teaching environment as well as the decorum of the class, Kuroto did not blame or scold Iruka for his ineffective supervision, on the contrary, he instructed Iruka to not restrain the kids too much in this regard.

After all, Ninja Academy is meant to train Ninjas, so allowing the students to have a certain competitive relationship against each other is not a bad thing, not only will this prompt them to improve themselves, but it will also allow the teaching staff to find the weak points of the trainees so that the students can further work on those points.

Kuroto believes this will increase the overall quality of the graduates, which is very important considering that the current Shinobi is not as stable as it was in the cannon at this time.

In the cannon, at this time, there was no trace of Amatsukami, no movement from the Otsutsuki Clan on the moon, the Akatsuki Organization was in a dormant state and was busy performing missions and recruiting members, additionally, the third great shinobi war, as well as the later feud with Kumogakure, had just ended, there was no tension on any border of the land of Fire so no major conflict was going to occur in the near future.

As such, it won't be wrong to say that the Shinobi World was quite stable with no large-scale conflicts, therefore, the atmosphere of Konoha was quite relaxed… The Ninja Academy was naturally affected by this relaxed atmosphere, and it was affected to such an extent that the number of enrolled trainees was decreasing each year and the teaching progress was also extremely slow.

However, this is not the case in this world that has completely deviated from its original course because the butterfly effect occurred because of Hyuga Kuroto's presence. Konoha Village had just experienced a major catastrophe and survived only with the help of a foreign party. Moreover, the culprit is still hiding somewhere in the Shinobi World, and considering their intentions and objective, the threat of war is on Konoha, so a sense of crisis has enveloped Konoha as well as the entire Shinobi World.

The environment of Ninja Academy will naturally be affected by this, that's why all the children must understand the cruelty of the Shinobi World as soon as possible… This is necessary for them to be prepared for the battlefield, lest their will remain greenhorn, and freeze in front of a stronger enemy, which will definitely lead to their death.

Kuroto doesn't want the students of ninja academy to face such a situation, because this way most of them will die useless death, and lose their lives for nothing.

Therefore, such measures are necessary and this is just the first part of his plan, he has obviously planned how to torment oops 'train' these kids into proper shinobi…

Unquestionably, he will do everything very carefully, and after taking proper measures.

Feeling excited over how much 'fun' he is going to have, Kuroto's eyes landed on Sasuke.

The scene where Sasuke knocked down Naruto just now was within Kuroto's gaze, whether Sasuke's speed, agility, physical strength, or overall body coordination and timing, everything was perfect, such that, he didn't have to put any effort and he knocked down Naruto… Sasuke has really become impeccable at this age.

'It's amazing… even if I was in Naruto's place or someone else was in Naruto's place from my peers except Kakashi, they would suffer the same fate.'

Such a level of skill is rare to have at this age… Kuroto didn't have it, nor did most of his peers, even Asuma didn't have it… The only one who had it was Kakashi, but Kakashi was already a chunin at that point. Of course, Orochimaru, Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi also had such skills at this age, but let's not talk about them for now.

Among his peers, Sasuke is without a doubt the most dazzling, and his progress is really exceptional…

While Kuroto was thinking about all this, the match on the playground progressed, as Naruto again got up and faced Sasuke.

Immediately as Naruto got up, the cheering and cooing voices of most of the girls present on the playground resounded throughout the school.

"Come on Sasuke-kun… kick Naruto's ass!"

"Yes, defeat him, defeat him!!!"

It's a pity that the one they were cheering for wasn't Naruto, but Sasuke.

Sasuke's attractive appearance, extremely high strength, coupled with the Uchiha temperament and background of a major Shinobi Clan has made him an eye candy for many girls his age. Of course, he is one of the many eye candies others include Neji, Shikamaru, and Sai, but Sasuke is currently the most popular one in the market.

The fact that Sasuke was attracting the attention of so many girls incited the anger and hatred of many boys, they were jealous, and they wanted Sasuke to lose and embarrass himself in front of everyone, so they cheered for Naruto, in an attempt to vent out their dissatisfaction.

Oh, Hinata was also cheering for Naruto, it's just that she wasn't open about it and silently prayed for Naruto to win, so, nobody except for Shion, Kiyomi, and Yakumo realized it.

Of course, not everyone was part of this fiasco, there were some kids who were standing quietly… These included Neji, Shikamaru, Sai, and Shin, then, Kiyomi, Shion, and Yakumo.

Observing all the kids for a while, Kuroto had a rough assessment of each of their strengths.

At this moment, Kuroto's gaze shifted, and he noticed that Elder Koharu along with three children had entered the campus, and was making her way towards the building.

As he noticed them, Kuroto couldn't help but narrow his eyes and noted that one of them was a young girl, wearing a white-colored kunoichi gear, she had short, layered mint green hair, orange eyes, and a slightly darker skin tone…

Realizing who she is, he couldn't help but mutter, "Isn't she…!?"

He didn't have to wait too long as Elder Koharu soon led the three children toward Kuroto's office. After arriving at the gate of his office, she made the three kids wait at the gate of Kuroto's office and came inside alone.

Kuroto respectfully greeted Elder Koharu, she nodded, then passed a scroll to Kuroto and spoke, "From today, these children will also be attending the Ninja Academy… The three of them are exchange students from the allied nation Takigakure, so you must take good care of the three of them. Additionally, among the three kids, the girl has a special identity, this matter is extremely confidential, only you can know it, and you must not disclose this to anyone else."

Kuroto nodded lightly, "I understand Koharu-sama."

In fact, even before Elder Koharu entered his office, Kuroto had already guessed it, and now that she revealed it with such a solemn expression, Kuroto didn't even need any more information to determine the identity of that girl.

Undoubtedly, she is Fuu from Takigakure, and her other identity is the current Jinchuriki of Nanabi.

It's just that Kuroto is slightly surprised that the Jinchuriki of Takigakure has come to Konoha's Ninja Academy as an exchange student. But if you think about the current situation in the Shinobi World, this matter is not that hard to understand.

Seeing Kuroto's calm reaction, which was much better than she had initially expected, Elder Koharu nodded in appreciation and then told him the entire story of how and why Fuu has come to Konoha.

The fact that the Akatsuki Organization is after the Nine Bijuu is not a secret in the Shinobi World.

Other than the five great Shinobi Villages, only Takigakure has a Bijuu, however, they don't have enough strength to protect their Jinchuriki.

Elder Hiruzen was worried that in this way Nanabi will fall into the hands of the Akatsuki Organization which would be very disadvantageous for the five great shinobi villages and the Shinobi world.

To make sure that such a situation doesn't happen, and Jinchuriki of Nanabi doesn't fall in the clutches of the Akatsuki Organization, the former Hokage sent Elder Koharu to Takigakure. The objective was very clear and simple and he requested the leader of Takigakure to hand over the responsibility of protecting Nanabi and its Jinchuriki to Konoha Village.

Regarding Elder Koharu's request, the leader of Takigakure was initially hesitating… But considering the great threat that the Akatsuki organization posed to the Shinobi World, and how the entire Takigakure might also suffer the fate of annihilation if he didn't do something, he agreed, and sent three children from Takigakure as an exchange student, Fuu is obviously among them.

Obviously, only Fuu's identity is important, the other two are just orphans who are sent with her to cover up her identity.

After pondering for a while, Kuroto asked, "Is the state of Nanabi's Jinchuriki stable?"

Unstable Jinchuriki is no different from a ticking bomb, Gaara also used to be like that, and he lost control several times and caused heavy losses to Sunagakure.

If Fuu's state is unstable and she loses control, then…

Elder Koharu was also aware of this problem, and she reassured Kuroto, "Don't worry, Child Fuu is very talented. She has never once lost control over Nanabi… So, it shouldn't be a problem as long as we are careful. Moreover, Uchiha Shisui is also in school, if due to any unforeseen reason, she does lose control then instructs Shisui to control the Nanabi with his Mangekyou Sharingan to restrain him, and then Nanabi can be immediately sealed back inside Fuu…"

Kuroto said, "All right, I'll see that no issue occurs."

Elder Koharu nodded, then left the school.

Somewhere in the Land of Fire.

A Kirigakure Anbu pointed at the distant sky, and said, "Captain, is that guy on that clay bird our target?"

The captain of the quad next to him nodded, and said, "Height, Age, Hair Color, Hairstyle, Skin Tone, as well as character matches the description written in the scroll Mizukage-sama handed us… That guy is definitely Deidara of Iwagakure."

"Finally, we are able to find him…" the Anbu said with a somewhat excited tone.

The captain nodded lightly, then asked the other subordinate, "Where is he going?"

The other subordinate looked at the map, and then said, "In the direction, he is flying, his destination is most likely the Fire Temple."

The first Anbu immediately said, "Captain… what should we do now? Should we follow him, or…?"

The captain thought for a while, and said, "Let's follow him from a long distance to make sure that he doesn't sense us and we don't lose track of him… also, send the message to Mizukage-sama that we have found the target, and he is headed towards the Temple of Fire in the Land of Fire."

The second Anbu nodded, and immediately passed the message to the Mizukage… After that, the three of them followed Deidara from a distance.

Late at night, Konoha.

Kuroto, who has just finished the dinner served by Yui received the scroll from the summon crow. He unfolded the scroll and grinned.

Yui–who was cleaning up the dishes noted the change in his expression, and asked, "Did something good happen Kuroto-kun?"

Kuroto shook his head, "Nothing major…"

"Ohh." She nodded in understanding. Kuroto didn't tell her, which obviously meant that she didn't need to know this matter, as such, she didn't pry any further.

Kuroto thought about it a little, then said, "Yui, I'll not be present at home tonight… So, today, you should sleep at your parent's place."

Yui nodded, "In that case, I'll go after I finish the dishes."

With that, Kuroto gave Yui a goodnight kiss, then created a Shadow Clone whose role is to drop Yui at her parent's house, and also to act as Kuroto's cover in his absence. After making sure that everything was checked, he secretly left Konoha.



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