
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime et bandes dessinées
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157 Chs

Poem Card Quarters

As Kibo flicked Samehada, Kisame's body shot out of the sword's scales.

Kisame then tried to run away, making Kibo sigh before saying, "Why can't you see, what I'm offering you? Zabuza!"

Suddenly, a shadow appeared out of the forest and slammed into Kisame, making him fly backward into another tree.

When Kisame saw his attacker, his eyes widened as he shouted, "You alive!?"

Zabuza walked up to him with the Kubikiribōchō in hand and pointed the blade at Kisame while saying, "It's been awhile Kisame. I've noticed old Gengo's seen better days."

Zabuza shook his head as he looked to the old fallen comrade he used to fight alongside and sighed.

"I think you should take my Master up on his offer. I did and it was the best decision of my life." Zabuza announced as he pointed his sword at Kisame's neck.

Kisame looked at him with a grin and asked, "So you finally found a worthy master?"

Zabuza nodded his head and replied, "Yes, and if you play your cards right you can too."

Kisame turned his head back at Kibo and grunted. He then placed his hands up and said, "I surrender."

Kibo walked over to him and handed back Samehada.

Kisame looked bewildered when Zabuza laughed and said, "I had the same expression on my face after I lost against Master Kibo. He handed me back Kubikiribōchō like it meant nothing to him."

Kisame quickly grabbed a hold of Samehada's hilt. The sword looked a little sad to be leaving Kibo's hands, but it also experienced joy as it returned to its most compatible wielder.

"Will you follow me Kisame? If you do you will receive countless benefits in the future. However, Kisame of the Akatsuki must die, and you must be reborn as Kisame Guardian Nin of the Hoshi Clan. I won't force you, but I can't let you live if you decide not to agree."

Kisame scratched the back of his head while saying, "I am at your disposal. But know this, I won't hesitate to assassinate you should you ever lie to me, and I assure you I am far better at assassination than straight forward combat."

Kibo nodded his head and pointed his finger on Kisame's brow, placing a black colored seal on him before explaining, "This seal will force the truth out of you just this once. Do you, Kisame, chose to follow my family protect them from dangers with your very life, and vow to never betray me so long as I remain honest with you?"

Kisame nodded his head and bowed as he replied, "I vow to serve the Hoshi family with my very life."

Kibo was happy to notice that the seal placed on him didn't change color.

If it had turned white it would have meant that the certain part of his brain's activity and the chemicals related to lying would have been scanned and detected.

Specifically, the two main components of lying are the activity detected around the targets Limbic system and the two catecholamines hormones made by the adrenal glands.

The two chemicals are Epinephrine, otherwise known as adrenaline, and Norepinephrine, which is also called noradrenaline. These hormones are released when one's fight or flight responses kick in, or when they're nervous and are lying."

"I'm always surprised by you 7 swordsmen. I have never seen such unbreakable loyalty, but hardheadedness towards serving a worthy master."

Kisame smiled and responded by saying, "We are Ninja. We live to be used by a worthy leader."

Kibo shook his head with a look full of sorrow as he said, "From now on your life belongs to me. Please do behave."

After giving the same rules he gave Zabuza to follow, Kibo then handed him a Chakra Armor Prototype and a Konohagakure flak jacket.

"Put this on and follow Zabuza back to my estate, and remember you serve the Hoshi Clan now."

Kisame bowed and followed Kibo's instructions.

As he flew off, Kibo carried the fake corpse of Kisame and Gengo's real body back to the village. He also took a piece of Gengo's bone and a tooth of Kisame's, before storing them in his inventory. Also, he took the two Akatsuki rings.

He showed up at the Hokage's office where Sarutobi, Tobirama, and Hashirama were in the middle of heated discussions.

When Sarutobi noticed Kibo's arrival, he looked at Kibo like he was his savior before shouting, "Kibo! Good timing. Please tell Hashirama it's not a good time for him to leave the village."

He was about to continue when he saw the corpses floating above Kibo's hands.

Kibo had the bodies surrounded with a transparent cocoon made of Star Chakra, just so they didn't leak any bodyparts or blood on the floor.

"These are two S rank bounties in the Bingo book, Kisame the missing Nin of the mist, and this is Gengo also a missing Nin from the mist."

Kibo then turned to Hashirama and said, "Lord 1st, I don't think you should leave the village just yet, it would cause a panic and may even start a war."

Hashirama's shoulder sunk and said, "But the 4th and his wife get to leave, it's not fair."

Kibo ignored the plights of Hashirama and continued speaking, "Minato and Kushina's deaths can be passed off as faked because it's only been a few years. But everyone knows you're dead, and they've known it for a long time. If they found out you were resurrected, do you think that the other Daimyo's wouldn't order their villages to attack us to get such a secret? Even if we explained to them that the technique can only be used through circumstance, do you think they'll buy that? Even though it's the truth?!"

Sarutobi and Tobirama nodded their heads in agreement when Hashirama moved into a corner and assumed his gloomy form.

Sarutobi walked up to Kibo and had his Anbu take away the bodies so they could verify that their identities.

If everything checked out, Kibo would be rewarded by the Daimyo himself, and it would be thanks to the Akatsuki's strange fake body technique, the corpse shared the same Genetics as Kisame, and could fool everyone but Tsunade.

Kibo didn't care about such things. Money and status meant nothing to him.

As he turned to the Hokage and Kibo's expression remained calm as he said, "I'll be leaving now to go get Tsunade."

The Hokage could only think that Kibo looked smaller than he used to as he watched him walk out of the office.

Kibo returned to the gates to see the group there waiting for him. Jiraiya, Minato, Naruto, and Kushina.

Kibo then nodded his head as he made a boat-shaped ship out of his Star Chakra.

Seeing the airship, Jiraiya shouted, "Now this is what I call traveling in style."

He jumped on the spacious deck and the rest joined shortly after.

Minato was touching the construct with a look of amazement on his face, "How dense, no that's only part of it. The complexity of this molding technique is amazing."

Kibo nodded his head in appreciation when he said, "You can probably do it too. It has a similar procedure of execution as the Rasengan. Feel free to study it while you can. Until then, passengers, you might want to use your Chakra to hang on to the construct."

Naruto was way ahead of everyone else as he was already doing so.

Kibo raised the ship up and slowly moved it outside of the village perimeters.

Naruto, who was confused as to why they were moving so slow, was about to ask, "What gives?"

When Kibo placed his hand down on the deck, he then looked to Jiraiya and said, "Point in the direction and tell me how many miles."

Jiraiya nodded his head, as he gave Kibo precise directions Kibo placed a clear cover over the ship, sealing everyone inside it.

Suddenly, a bright red and green energy formed around the wings of the flying boat. As Kibo watched the two elements combine, Minato was shocked again, as was Jiraiya, and Kushina.

"Scorch Release!"

The wings formed tiny tubes at the tips of the feathers; a sharp whistle noise was heard as the Scorching energy shot out with a flap of the ship's movements.

Even though they were using their Chakra to hang on, the group almost fell back.

Almost immediately, the skies began to blur into blue and white streams. The ship had reached Mach 3, and at this speed, it would only take a few minutes to reach their destination.

Jiraiya stood up on the edge of the ship when Naruto climbed up to join in on his jolly ranting. "Soo cool! How fast are we going?"

Kibo did the calculations in his head and said, "Around 3375.98 feet per second, that's 3704.4 kilometers per hour; or 2301.81 miles per hour. It's 3 times the speed of sound...aaand were here."

Kibo then continued speaking as the construct came to a halt. "Tanzaku Quarters I believe. It's a lively town that attracts many adults due to its gambling opportunities, but the festivals and historical sites are a great tourist attraction as well."

Minato and Kushina immediately understood and thought, "Lady Tsunade is defiantly here."

As they touched down over the large town, everyone noticed that it was jam-packed with dozens of tourists. Also, there seemed to be a festival going underway in town.

While Naruto was looking at the festival with shining eyes, Minato and Kushina patted him on the back and said, "Maybe after the mission, we can spend some time together enjoying the festival."

Kibo then lifted a brow before he said, "You guys can go now. It will take Jiraiya a while to locate Tsunade. Until then spend time with your family. We'll be staying at the Card King Hotel, come find us when you're done."

Minato, and Kushina, had felt that they shouldn't be enjoying themselves right now, as it wasn't the best time considering Kibo's real body's condition.

They were about to disagree when Jiraiya saw what Kibo was doing and said, "You know, what the kid said is right. It will take a while to sniff out Tsunade's location, it might take a few days, and I don't recall ever needing my student's help to do my job."

Minato smiled and took Naruto and his wife to go enjoy the Poem Card Festival.

Naruto looked at Kibo and felt a little guilty.

Seeing this, Kibo tried his best to put on put on a smile for him and said, "Please, go enjoy yourselves."

Naruto nodded his head and jumped off the ship with his parents.

In response to Kibo's attitude, Jiraiya shook his head and said "It's not good to force yourself to smile. Especially when you don't feel like it."

Kibo sighed and dissipated the ship before landing on the ground next to Jiraiya and saying, "Let's go look for Tsunade."

Jiraiya rubbed the back of his head as he sighed before saying "Kid you need a break. You just lost your woman. Was 4 day's really enough time to mourn her loss properly?"

Kibo looked at the Toad Sannin and said, "You know Naruto asked me that same question. So I'll tell you the same thing I told him. I will never stop mourning her loss. I'll carry it with me for the rest of my life. However, I don't think she would want me to sit around and become a useless person. It would dishonor her memory, and I know even though she's gone, her soul will watch over me."

Kibo lifted his brow as he stared back at Jiraiya and said "What about you. I killed Orochimaru. Even though I hated that snake skinned bastard, I know you two used to be friends at one time, shouldn't you be mourning your own loss."

Jiraiya sighed and repeated Kibo's earlier words. "Let's go find Tsunade."

The two Leaf Nin then headed to rent their rooms and set out in search of the Gambling Queen.

It was actually a lot harder than Kibo expected. After almost the whole day they ended up with only a few spotted locations.

Naruto came back from the festival and was carrying prizes and food he obtained. He handed Kibo a dried squid and said "Um do clones need to eat?"

Kibo took the food and chowed down on it, it tasted pretty good; it appeared that his Chakra cooking technique has already spread across the Land of Fire.

Kibo then wondered how long it would take for other nations to discover and adopt it.

Kibo thanked Naruto and as they talked about his day, Kushina had her arm wrapped around Minato's and said "I want another one."

Minato blushed as he laughed shyly, and a few hours later, the group then went to sleep.

After a few days of searching, they came across their first lead. It appeared she left the village for a short while and then returned to the gambling district claiming to have found a gold mine. Right before she suddenly disappeared again.

When around half of the next day had passed, Jiraiya showed up at the hotel saying, "I found her."

Kibo raised a brow and left with the group to end up at a barbecue restaurant.

Naruto went in first before Jiraiya put his hands up, stopping Minato and Kushina. "I think we should tell her first. We don't want the old lady having a heart attack, no do we?"

The two nodded at each other as Kibo, Naruto, and Jiraiya entered.

When Tsunade spotted the familiar patch of spiky long hair entering the restaurant she almost shouted "Jiraiya!?"

Tsunade had brown eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair that she usually keeps tied in two long loose ponytails.

The Strength of her Hundred Seal took the appearance of a violet diamond shape on her forehead.

Inspecting her body, Kibo noticed that Tsunade was a slender woman of above-average height with large breasts, which Jiraiya estimates to be 106 centimeters. She is in fact, widely regarded as the most beautiful Kunoichi in the world.

She was wearing a grass-green haori with the kanji for 'gamble' written on the back. Underneath she wore a grey, kimono style blouse with no sleeves, and was held closed by a broad, dark bluish-grey obi that matches her pants.

Her blouse is closed quite low, revealing her sizable cleavage and the First Hokage's necklace. Tsunade wore open-toed, black-strap sandals with high heels, and had red nail polish on both her fingernails and toenails.

Despite being in her fifties, Tsunade maintains the appearance of a young woman by using her unique permanent Transformation Technique.

Next to her was Shizune, a fair-skinned woman of average height and slender build. She had onyx eyes and jet-black hair. Her hair is straight and shoulder-length with bangs that cover her ears and frame her face.

Shizune was wearing a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels.

Lastly, A cute pig rested between Shizune's arms and chest that Kibo recognized as Tonton. And like in the Canon, the pig was wearing her usual pearl collar and a dark red jacket.

"I've finally found you, Tsunade," Jiraiya said looking at his old teammate.

Can't believe that I made through the first book. I'll will be leaving an announcement to tell my fellow readers what I will be doing with the next book, and this one. Thank you for sticking with me this long, and I hope you continued to read the rest when I'm done writing it.

Daoist_Over_Godcreators' thoughts