
reborn in the abyss!

you know what? fuck God and his Almighty shining ass! all because I said I would sacrifice half of his creation for some wishes and the ability to leave he decides to put me in the world of uncle cthulhu's fun Time murder hole! so for all of you that think that just saying something isn't going to get you punished by that pretentious fucker beware because he's a vindictive bastard, and the only way to escape this world and it's fucked up, it's to go into the orphan hole... luckily I'm not alone, now follow me as I perform the big yeet! (I have to say thank you to my co-author zjay_1)

Blacklight_sun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Riko's hidden heart

The person who got sent into the body of the supposed companion of Riko couldn't believe his ears. The little girl not only knows what's going on. She also wants him to suffer along with her in some place called Satan's Used Rubber or something like that. Everything Riko thought after our mystery transmigrater or reincarnator unloaded his thoughts was said out loud.  

Riko, realizing this by the recoiling of his figure, has the complete audacity to look him straight in the eye, smile at his face, and then say. 

Riko's POV) 

"Ignore everything you heard. It doesn't matter yet cause we haven't entered the Anti Christ's failed Abortion Clinic… If you think things are scary now don't worry. It will only get worse…"

Okay so I'm probably not going to be able to ride the coattails of the hole bot here, he most likely will not be as dedicated to me as the original rig was to OG Riko.

I continued to think about how I was going to get him to go to the bottom of the abyss with me until the reward crossed my mind.

"Do you want to escape hole town with me?" I asked as I looked at him expectantly pushing my glasses up my nose causing them to have the classic anime flash like.

"To be honest you're damn near invincible except for a few things and I've already geared up for that nigh immortal crazy bastard!" I say trying to convince him that it was a good idea to follow me.  

(??? Pov) 

"What the hell are you even talking abou!?" 

I couldn't help but yell at this crazy what appears to be twelve year old. What the hell are they feeding the kids here for this innocent looking child to sound like the devil. Her expression turns solum as she looks at me strangely with her glasses still glowing somehow. 

*sigh* she lets out. 

"It seems I will have to force you to accept your current situation…" she says to me. 

"What situation? All I see is a deranged twelve year old" 

Does she think I'm stupid? No way in hell all of this is real. I don't know what I smoked but I ain't touching that crap ever again. 

"Look at your arms and legs dumbass!" She yells.

I look at them and turn my attention back at her. What the hell are my limbs supposed to mean? I heard lucid dreams can feel pretty real but never would I have thought they would be this real.  

"Still not accepting this is real eyy? Here have a feel of my still" she says before she grabs my hand and guides it to her chest. 

I felt a small but soft sensation that is out of this world. This is a kid, this is wrong on so many levels, but why am I aroused? Ohno I got seduced by a little girl!!!! I dropped to my knees crying cause my social life is over. I'm forever now labeled a pedo. 

"How was my still developing chest? Suck it up, you're acting like a virgin who hasn't had female contact a day of his life" the girl told me adding salt in my already tender wound. 

She held out her hand and a small mirror suddenly appeared. 

"Look, your body is about the same age as mine. Wondering how you forgot when you literally acknowledged it in your questions" said the girl in an irritated tone. 

"But I-" 

"No buts, it's too late for you to act like this isn't real. Your my protection and ticket out this place, that overly righteous sleazeball of a god that long since abandoned this place. So wake up to our new reality" the girl explained to me.  

"So you want me to adapt to my new conditions unhealthily to suit your needs? Fuck you"  

"Do you not want to leave this place? I'm your best bet at returning to your old life. Like it or not we need each other to get through this absolute hell hole of a world." she says. 

"Why do you talk as if we're in some shitty world where death is around every cornor?" 

She took a step back in shock. 

"Have you not seen Made In Abyss?" she asks.  

"No. Wait, you mean that anime that everyone says is messed up? Hell no I already learned my lesson from Angel beats" 

I'm in an anime world? How the hell did I get here? All I remember is going to sleep after successfully binge watching the entirety of one piece. 

"Well we are the main characters of that anime and I will let you know now we are fucked with a capital F U C K E D! more so you than me as you're a special grade relic and the adults around here wouldn't think twice about ripping your ass apart while you're conscious and feeling everything to see how you tick while I would be strung up naked or worse!" the blonde haired girl said While glaring at me. 

Why do I feel so much resentment from that last part she said. 

"Ok… Ok… Ok… *breathe in* *breath out* So we are in an anime world where we both always are going to be in some form of danger no matter where we are." 

"Yep" she quickly replies 

"However, I need two more months to finish everything I need to get done on the surface and on the upper levels of the physical representation of twitter's comment sections" she told me. 

"Wait, how could something be compared to that autro-" I get cut off by the door suddenly opening. 

(Riko's Pov) 

My door suddenly opens and I was prepared to help my new 'friend' here hide but I get greeted by the familiar sound of Kiwi crying. 

"Waaaaahhh Ri-Riko-nee i'm scared!!!" Kiwi cried out. 

My precious baby brother is scared because of my actions… I am so sorry my poor little Kiwi. 

"Its ok big sister is here" 

I went in and embraced my little brother. He's so cute. No I am not not a brocon I just adore and love cute things. Even in my past life I was kinda this way and now that I'm a female my instincts for this stuff have been cranked to eleven. So I decided the best course of action is to sing him a song. 

I know the perfect song. The name of life from spirited away.  

I began humming the song and Kiwi immediately calmed down. Holding my little brother in my embrace is one of the few things that I can count with one hand that I genuinely enjoy in this world.I hope Kiwi doesn't spontaneously decide to follow me into Lucifer's Cum Sock when he grows older. 


"Thank you Riko-nee" said Kiwi. 

Kiwi yawned very cutely and laid his head on my shoulder. 

"Hmm? Riko-nee, who is this boy?" asked Kiwi. 

I internally smirked from the neat little response I made in my head. 

"He's my boyfriend Kiwi" 

I said it while looking away to make myself look shy from answering the question. 

"Oi I never met you before a single day of my life" came from my partner of eternal suffering. 

"Don't mind him he's being a bit of a tsundere right now" 

Kiwi giggled then says "You mean that word in your secret language that means he says one thing but means the opposite?"  


"Yeah Kiwi now keep it a secret from the others. Pinky promise?" 

"Ok, pinky promise"

I left my room not paying attention to "rig" and walked through the Halls heading towards kiwi's bedroom, I passed by leader, who just nodded at me as he was used to this happening every night.

Finally I made it to his bedroom and laid him down before tucking him in.

"Now be a good boy and stay here for the rest of the night, okay kiwi?" I started which received me a nod from my little brother in all but blood. I gave his head a pat as I left.

As I walked through the Halls back to my bedroom I thought about the projects I was still working on.

One was a project named "the little ghost pepper" which was a flamethrower that would fire out enhanced burning Greek fire  that I had dubbed "Olympian fire" and that stuff would never go out no matter what you did as long as there was something to burn.

The second was project "fear gas" it was a toxic gas based on a DC comic book characters signature fear toxin…I am so close to completing that one too as luckily enough I had found a few herbs and throw away "trash" that induced a nightmare hallucinogenic kind of effect, but the only problem was the fact that I couldn't make it toxic enough.

And my final project was code named "always with me". That one was special and I refused to leave until that one was done, as I could never forgive myself if I did.

As I was finishing up the calculations I was running through my head I finally made it back to my room and saw the other reincarnate sitting on my bed and I watched him stare at his hands for a straight minute.

"Okay what is the matter with you?" I said visibly annoyed, crossed my arms and looked at him with an annoyed raised brow.

"The matter? The matter?!" He yelled. 

Oh shiny ass face don't tell me he still as of yet accepted his new reality. 

"I can tell you. Here I am stripped away from my home, family, and lastily my dignity… I groped a little girl…" He finished off with a sad tone.

"Is that all?"I said with a raised eyebrow with my voice filled with irritation and sarcasm.

 "Let me tell you how I got here and see if you truly had it worse, one that shiny dick waffle in the sky decided to kill me just to shove my ass into an infant's body with a perfect recollection of my past life so I would quote unquote see what I lost! Two he made sure my consciousness truly woke up when I turned 2 years old! And three he manipulated everyone I loved in my past life to either betray me or abandon me to quote unquote teach me a lesson! And do you know why I had to be punished? all because I'd occasionally say I would do anything to leave his oh so precious creation even if it meant killing half the population…that is all! He did all of this just because I just talked a big game!" Riko said her voice filled with absolute hate as she talked about it. "Now tell me which of us had it worse!? At least you got to keep your same fucking gender and wasn't forced from a young age to jump into Satan's septic tank!"

I was trying to catch my breath. How long have I been holding all that in? I feel better? I don't know but I feel a load off my developing chest. Hmm? Why does my fellow reincarnator look like he blew a circuit? 

"Y- Yo- You were a guy?" he stuttered. 

"Yes "WAS" a guy. I accepted myself as female and actually prefer being a girl than a guy in this situation." I huffed.

"How could you say such a thing? Don't you miss your little brother" He told me. 

"Yes and no. Yes it will be missed because of the pleasure it brought. No cause I wasn't the manliest man in my past. I rather distance myself from my past but I will utilize my memories to the fullest extent. Plus I'm bi" 

Yes it sucked at first but to protect my very fragile mindscape at the time I skipped all stages of denial and jumped straight to acceptance. I find it funny the lengths the human brain will go to protect itself from physiological trauma. Depends on the situation though…" I trailed off.

"Your gay!?" he said in shock. 

"No, I don't even know what gender I'm interested in anymore. My sex drive isn't even active yet. I'll be honest the only reason I looked even relatively normal in my past life was because of testosterone shots…and even then that didn't fix everything." 

"Nah you ain't turning me gay" he told me.  


"What is your name? And just drop this subject cause talking to you about this is making my brain hurt. Now that I mention it what is your name?"

"My name? My name is…" he trails off. 




"What is my name…" he says in an almost silent tone. 

"I see so mr.clean majestic butt wipe took away your memories. Well guess what your name is now Rig" 

"How are you so calm about all of this!? I literally can't remember my own name!" he said in a somewhat freaked out voice. 

"Wish I could say the same because I remember everything in my past life as if I had a sharingan on since birth. Do you really want to know what it feels like being born? Let me tell you it is not pleasant whatsoever. That's not even the most traumatizing thing" 

"Ok, ok, ok I get what you're saying your situation is more messed up than mine alright. Is that what you want me to say" Rig told me. 

"No I don't really care about either of our past and circumstances at this point because there is no changing them. I have to deal with imminent death from Papa Nurgal's Wonder Pit while you have to worry about immediate dismemberment and experimentation."  

Well I guess everyone is not like me and can move on from the past. All I care about now is survival, escaping, and revenge.  

"Now that we got to the core of the matter let's discuss the plan of you not getting experimented on." 

"Don't I get a say in this? Why do I have to follow you?" he asks me. 

He can't be serious… *sigh*  

"You do have a say and you have the right to leave right now but how long will you last against a world you know nothing about? Eventually you will slip up" 

I walk closer to Rig even though he backs up straight into the wall. Is he intimidated? He's literally several times stronger than me physically and can vaporize me.  

"Now when you eventually slip up and trust me you will, this is what's going to happen, first they're going to capture you and ship you off to some building to be experimented on or if you're lucky they will just sell you but most likely you'll get the first… after they take you in for experimentation they will strap you to a table bind your arms and legs put a blindfold over your eyes and gag you, then you'll feel it, the drills, the saws and the many different tools that they break on you and you'll think 'oh that's not too bad they can't really hurt me' but that's when the white whistle Bondrewd the novel comes in and then you feel it as a laser starts slowly cutting off one of your arms slow and painfully…you'll scream you'll beg but you'll never be heard as they won't even see you as a living organism and after they get past the first one and get on to the second arm you'll start praying for God to save you but here's the thing~ this is the hole and God is not here…" I said this in a calm matter of fact tone distinguishing each and every action with a poke or dragging my finger across where they would start cutting, finally after I was done with my explanation I looked him dead in the eyes. 

The silence is so loud even though you can hear a pin drop. Rig is trying so hard to hold whatever calm expression he could have but his eyes tell a different story. 

"Y-Your just trying to scare me cause you need me"  

"Pfft hahah!! Scare you? What's so scary about the truth? Everything I said was sugar coating it cause have you seen the normal punishment around here? Trust me it is not pleasant… Plus with you or not I WILL ESCAPE THIS FORSAKEN WORLD…" 

Again with the loud silence. You know what, I don't have time for this crap. It's up to him. Did I try to manipulate him? Yes I did but it is for both our sakes or if this was some cheesy fanfic for the "greater good".  


"Now I'm going to bed and if you're not here in the morning I'll take it that you don't want to help and I'll go with my plan B but if you are here then you're here for the Long haul!" I said this as I crawled into bed without a care taking my glasses off and putting them on my nightstand and going to bed.

(2 month time skip) 

(Rig's Pov)  

Walking around hearing the cheers and music all around town is quite loud despite this backwards technological age. I have learned a lot and seen a lot. First of all I did not trust Riko whatsoever. Especially after what she said to me that night. Slowly though I warmed up to her. 

I watched her closely. She genuinely cares for most of everyone at the orphanage except for one. She may fake being happy but the genuine smiles she gave having fun with the kids especially little Kiwi. Leader she gives her respect which I found quite interesting considering how she openly insults the director. 

The director… The poor Director is being bullied by Riko at this point… I have heard insults that no one understands but me and Riko. The plan to get me inside the orphanage worked without a hitch.I'm now a red whistle. I'm supposed to see Riko's mom whistle from what I heard. I noticed a bit of sadness on Riko's face. She had told me a little bit of her last life and from what she told me we both knew that the mother from her past life was subconsciously fighting everything the one she calls The shining asshole was doing to manipulate her into the abusive monster she became. 

Her mother of this world Left her at the orphanage to give a life free of her shadow. A mother so caring that she had to abandon her child just so she could have a happy and better life. I know this because Riko has glimpses of her memories before she turned two. She has always been surprisingly open to me. I think it's because she finally has someone to relate to.  

She has never been down in the dumps like this before. Besides Riko moping around I found out or better yet heard many thing about this Bondrewd. The more and more I hear about him the more and more how fucked I could be if he caught me. Plus I got the kid friendly version of Riko's explanation of him. Funny thing the common populace doesn't know about Bondrewd's "activities". 

I "borrowed" some money that was just laying around and got a beggar. I had him ask around about Bondrewd. Most of the information I got came from black whistles that unfortunately worked with him. The beggar gained a brain realizing if he kept looking for information something bad might happen to him. Told me to keep the rest of the coin I promised him and told me not to ask him for stuff again. 


I should go check on Riko. Walking around in the last place I remember her, I see Riko and leader in the alley. Talking about stuff. I just waited till they were done. Once they were done leader just walked past me and gave me a nod while Riko who looked somewhat better. She stopped by my side and looked at me with determination. I immediately knew what it meant. 

"Cmon, let's go back to the orphanage. It's almost time for our decent" she told me. 

I nodded and I followed her back to the orphanage. Halfway there Riko pulled out what appeared to be a small music box. Why would she have that? 

"This is my final project before we leave. It's my greatest work i will ever build that's meant to be left behind" said Riko. 

She has built stuff that the American military would love to get their hands on but a music box is her greatest achievement and she's leaving it behind!? I thought music might be the weakness of some monster but what's it for? I could ask but i'll leave this be.

(Third person POV)

Riko walked into what was best described as a living room for the younger kids.

As she entered, all of the younger kids turned to look at her, getting excited, none more than kiwi.

"What story are you going to tell us today Riko-nee!?" Kiwi yelled out excitedly as all the other younger kids nodded their heads.

"Is it going to be about that one boy who found an ancient relic that let him turn into ten different monsters that he used to help save people!?" One of the many boys yelled out from the crowd.

"What about the three girls who got hit with a weird relics white energy that gave them superpowers!" one of the girls yelled out.

"Is it about the green tunic boy who fought off an evil king that wanted to destroy the world?" Said another boy excitedly.

"No, she should talk about Sora and his talking animal friends!" Said what is more tomboyish females.

"No kids I'm going to read you a special story about the little girl who became the protector and mother of all stars!" Riko said and she knew that if Nintendo could send interdimensional copyright laws if she would be buried in them.

"Now let me tell you the tale of Rosalina, the mother of stars and how she met her best friends!"  And for the next 3 hours she went into great detail about the world's she was rapidly crafting in her mind while modifying several key pieces to fit this universe, after hours she got to the ending of a heavily modified super Mario Galaxy…she may have fused both Mario Galaxy games and given the hero role to Rosalina…she really hopes there is no interdimensional copyright laws, she'd rather take her chances in the abyss unprepared than face that.

"-and so as Rosalina looked up at the night sky she could easily see all the different patterns the new stars now made up and knowing that all of her children had grown up into what they were meant to be, now there were more worlds for her to explore as she went to visit each one of her children with princess peach, Mario and his brother Luigi…the end." Riko finished her three hours long story, All the kids had paid rapid attention to her before all of them started letting out yawns with kiwi himself starting to fall asleep sitting up now that the story was over.

Riko walked over and picked kiwi up before slowly walking back to his bedroom with him laying his head on her shoulder.

As she tucked Kiwi into bed he looked up at her rubbing his eyes.

"Riko-nee can you sing me a lullaby?" Kiwi asked me and she smiled gently down at him.

"I have a new song for you tonight, it's a very special song and it's called Always with me." Riko whispered

"Why is it special, Riko-nee?" Kiwi asked, looking up at her tiredly.

"Because it's a song you sing to those who are truly special to you." Riko says, trying to hold back her tears.

"Reko-nee, why are you sad?" Kiwi asked his eyes, staring up at her with concern.

"I'm not sad it's just a song that's very special to me and it's a song specifically for you little brother." Riko said using word play as she was not sad she was devastating herself inside with what she was doing. "Now I want you to remember this song forever and only share it with those that you truly love with all your heart."

"Okay Riko-nee I promise I will always remember it and I will sing it to you everyday!" Kiwi said, yawning a little bit.

Riko closed her eyes and started humming the tune as with each note she could feel her heart tearing apart but she made sure that there was no quivering in her voice as she hummed the song perfectly, she would not allow herself to sing the song any way other than perfect.

Kiwi slowly fell into deep sleep with a small smile on his face as a single tear ran down Riko's cheek and she knew once she leaves there is a near 100% chance she will never see her little brother again, she hated what she was doing but she wouldn't put it past the shining jackass to use her little brother against her and she could not allow that.

As she finally finished humming the song kiwi was fast asleep, she knew his birthday was coming soon and she had been working on project 'always with me' for him…it was a music box that would play the song always with me but not like any normal music box! No it would play it as if an entire concert Hall was playing it.

She placed the present she had spent nearly a year creating just to make it perfect right next to his bed with a card.

As she left the card slowly opened showing what was written inside.

{As long as you remember someone they will never truly be gone, Little kiwi make sure to always remember me and I'll always be with you.

-happy birthday with love, your Riko-nee.}