you know what? fuck God and his Almighty shining ass! all because I said I would sacrifice half of his creation for some wishes and the ability to leave he decides to put me in the world of uncle cthulhu's fun Time murder hole! so for all of you that think that just saying something isn't going to get you punished by that pretentious fucker beware because he's a vindictive bastard, and the only way to escape this world and it's fucked up, it's to go into the orphan hole... luckily I'm not alone, now follow me as I perform the big yeet! (I have to say thank you to my co-author zjay_1)
The see-through soul of a man stood in a white room. The only thing distinguishable about the room was there was a desk in front of him with a big comfy chair in this chair was the stereotypical look of God who is currently glaring at the man standing before him.
God: "So you would do anything to leave the world I created huh? You hated my creation so much that you would sacrifice half the population of my creation if it meant getting some wishes and leaving the universe permanently!? Well you know what, I will grant you a system because we both know you're going to wish for that and I will reincarnate you as the main character of an anime."
The man looked at God nervously, who was obviously furious.
???: "Um thank you but who am I going to be reborn as?"
God: "all I have to say is good luck Riko."
???: "Wait wha-"
The man disappeared as one of God's biblically accurate Angels materialized next to him.
The biblically accurate angel: "why would you grant him his wish my Lord?"
God: "I knew the best punishment for him would be getting what he wanted… After all, who would want to live in the universe of Made in the abyss!"
The reincarnated soul solely woke up surrounded by what could best be called red fleshy crystal-like substance… seconds later the soul could no longer hold back the tears and began to wear loudly as their consciousness faded into the background.
The next time the consciousness woke up a few years had gone by as they had realized their body was 2 years old and panic soon began to set in as the fragmented memories of their earlier 2 years started to seep in and they got the general gist and understanding of the language of this world.
Their name was Riko and she's a short girl with a plain face, green eyes, and long blonde hair styled in two ponytails. She was dressed in the white uniform of the orphanage as she adjusted the glasses on her nose. She hated glasses in her last life and she hated them now. From her memories that she had she found out that her mother had just abandoned her in a orphanage… a orphanage on the edge of a town that surrounded uncle Lovecraft's Funtime murder hole and finally worst of all she was in an orphanage where she would be forced to become a red whistle orphan explorer or be kicked out.
'I am truly fucked! This doesn't bother me, this doesn't bother me, it bothers me it bothers me a lot! my so-called mother says this was for love! Okay all I have to do is run away, get on the boat and find another country!' thought Riko.
Riko was pulled out of her thoughts as a pop-up showed up in front of her.
[Beta version of the System is online!]
[Hello user, you have the explorer system! You currently only have access to the quest and rewards tab. All other tabs are currently locked until the full version is given to the user!]
This made Riko calm down quite a bit as she thought she had gotten her golden finger before she realized it said beta version and that all but one tab was locked.
Riko: "system what do you mean I only have access to one tab!?"
[You're currently only able to access the beta version of the system.]
Another thing hit her after a few seconds, it called itself the explorer system.
Riko: "you're the explorer system, what does that exactly mean?"
[The more you explore the more rewards you will get!]
Riko was starting to get a sinking feeling in her stomach, she did not like the sound of this at all.
[*Ding*abyss chain quest created! {enter into the abyss!}]
[Quest rewards: a mini map that will have the locations of relics and quest objectives! Unlocking part 2 of the quest chain.]
'God damn it I was right! Okay okay I was right but that is a powerful ability for the abyss even if it would be better if I could see every friendly and enemy but it's still better than nothing' Riko thought.
[System notification: making it to the bottom of the abyss will allow you to leave this world!]
'okay so the only way to leave this fucked up place is to make it to the bottom of the most fucked up part of this place… and they said Yahweh was forgiving…' Riko thought.
With that Riko started walking back inside the orphanage planning for the future as she was about to go into what would easily amount to hell on Earth.
{Time skip seven years.}
Riko exited the for her first time diving into the abyss or as she had lovingly named it 'Uncle lovecraft's fun Time murder hole'.
As she entered into the abyss she saw three pop ups.
[*ding* quest complete {enter into the abyss}
Rewards are being given!]
Riko soon saw a small mini map in her mind's eye. She now could see the layout of this layer of the abyss. There were also Green dots scattered around that somehow she knew were relics but she didn't see a purple dot which meant she wasn't in range for a quest objective.
The range of her Mini map was impressive but it wasn't able to show her everything on this level of the abyss, just a small area about a fourth of a mile in every direction.
She decided to focus on the other two messages pulling up the next message.
[abyss chain quest part 2 {the next layer~} make it to the second layer of the abyss!
Quest rewards {unlock mini map function friendly locations!}]
Riko sighed as she read this before pulling up the last one of the notifications.
[Quest created {relic collector~} find 1000 relics and give them to the system
Quest rewards: inventory unlocked!]
Riko looked off deep thought as this could help her in the future, after all if she could unlock the inventory it would make life a hell of a lot easier for when rig showed up…at least she hoped he showed up.
With that she started to explore, Riko contemplated if she should sacrifice a lot of relics today or always sacrifice most of her relics so she could quickly unlock the inventory or if she should just sacrifice one a day… There were pros and cons for each one and with that on her mind she started searching for relics.
Riko checks her mini map looking at it for the nearest cluster of relics… She noticed that some relics glowed brighter than others and her eyes narrowed as she looked for the brightest clusters, not paying attention to her surroundings.
Riko kept looking around and found a small damp cave. The cave ceiling isn't very high up but plenty of space everywhere else. Looking towards the large cluster of relics she can tell it's about 10 meters deep inside. Smiling to herself she couldn't help but think how easy her first quest is but this is the abyss and it isn't quite the one she remembers.
Riko: "God damnit I just jinxed myself didn't I? Okay so this is going to be a snatch n run!"
Riko quickly sprinted into the cave heading straight for the relics. She quickly made her way to the relics and found a large bundle of crystalline spheres. Looking around real quick Riko found no danger. Only this thick blue goo substance that dripped from the cracks of the ceiling. Turning around and placing her hand over the relics a system prompt appeared.
[Sacrifice relics? (Yes) {no}]
Riko: "set to auto sacrifice!"
Riko's whisper reverberated around the cave as the relics quickly turned to dust and turned transparent before disappearing into her chest. She thought there might be some buff of energy or some skill unlocked but there was nothing. Riko's system isn't going to bestow upon her broken abilities. Her system is meant to make it easier to explore and that doesn't necessarily require strength.
As if a response from God himself, more blue goo starts flowing out of the cracks of the cave. The hairs stood up on Riko's neck as she instinctively dodged forward and a very audible splat was heard. Turning around to see a large slime monster with a slightly glowing ruby red marble in its body.
'I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going!' Riko thought as she started sprinting away doing everything in her power to dodge the slime, she assumed that the goo was poisonous or caused paralysis as she wouldn't put it past the abyss. Sprinting the fastest her little legs can take her Riko tripped on a loose stone but unlike horror movies Riko rolled to keep her momentum. Quickly getting back on her feet she barely made it out the cave before five slimy tentacles tried to catch her but it's too late because she had already turned the corner and would not stop running till she was a kilometer away.
Riko: "I'm not getting the Japanese school girl treatment today!"
Riko, exhausted, turned off her Auto relic sacrifice and started picking up a few relics to take to the top as she knew she couldn't just go up empty-handed.
Hours later she started heading back up and felt violently ill, her friends came to comfort her as Riko venomously thought 'fuck you God, fuck you so much!'
As Riko finally made it up to the top she held her stomach as she stumbled back into the orphanage dropping off her backpack filled with useless junk, stumbling her way through the Halls she made it down into the torture chamber that was her bedroom, Riko didn't mind too much as she got to work trying to make the gadgets she would need in the future.
She had created the basic grappling hook which was basically a rope attached to a hook, now that might not seem impressive to most it was infinitely useful when going down the orphan hole.
Her second invention was bottles filled with in acidic like substance she was able to create from useless goo she had gotten in the market, those fucking idiots didn't know what they had as she was able to put a few together and create some truly horrible acids.
Her third invention was stuff that when exposed to air created a mustard gas like effect.
Most people thought she was just a cheerful and weird girl mixing weird stuff together and she made sure that anything like her first free inventions never saw the light of day.
She was currently working on her fourth invention which was surprisingly more difficult than most people would think as she was trying to recreate a type of napalm or better known as Greek fire.
{Time riko's 12th birthday.}
Riko hated celebrations and she absolutely despised social interaction but nobody could ever tell as she always put up the front of the cheerful happy eccentric little girl that was always happy to make friends but to be honest she was a true monster as after her 4th invention she slowly got more and more creative, she had also created a gas mask that worked against her mustard gas wannabe.
But that's neither here nor there as he was forced to celebrate her birthday party…bright side she was finally able to create a explosive gel which she had been Mass producing…she thought she had more than enough to make it to the bottom of the abyss with hundreds of each type of her invention although she only had one gas mask and one grappling hook which now looked more like Batman's from the original animated series.
(Shiggy pov)
Riko has been in deep thought alot more lately. I noticed something is off about her but I just can't place it. The more time passes on the more and more she spends time in her room. It's starting to get to the point where Leader has to physically drag her out every time. He searched her room but never finds anything to figure out the reason. One time I caught a glimpse her pouring stuff in a bottle and asked her to play. She said "Let me put something away".
She closes the door and she comes out a few seconds later in a completely different outfit. How did she change so fast? I told her I had to use the bathroom and doubled back to her room to take a peek. I know it's rude but curiosity got the better of me. When I checked her room her previous outfit and equipment she had on the table was gone? Does she have a undocumented relic on her? No way! If so only a white whistle would keep a relic that stores stuff. Plus the director searched her head to toe before to check for relics one day cause she caught on to Riko's suspicious actions lately. Director found nothing, Leader found nothing, and I found nothing… I give up trying to figure out what she's upto cause it's starting to hurt my head. All I know is she's still our Riko.
(Leader's Pov)
Riko has fooled mostly everyone except me. I'm not sure what happened to Riko but she has changed. She's forcing herself to be happy. I noticed this because she's happy in moments that she would have normally not been happy. She still does show guinea happiness but some of it is her faking way too hard. I have even though I'm not proud of it, followed her around without her knowing. I watched her buy and pick up random items from merchants. She turns the corner and looks like she has nothing on her plus she's halfway up a building.
I watched this process many times and got worried the first time I saw her basically rapidly climb a building with ease but after the third time I saw that her movements were calculated. She developed a skill that would be very useful in the abyss or as Riko would call it one of many names Uncle Lovecrafts Fun Time Murder Hole. I Don't know who Lovecraft is but he has to be one character to be compared to the abyss.
Another thing i'm trying to figure out is how she is hiding things from the Director and I. I still remember when the director came back to the orphanage with a few men and ordered them to take apart Riko's room to find whatever she was hiding. They found nothing of course. So my guess is that Riko has a special grade relic that is fused with her body that can store things in a different place. I never noticed any abnormalities with her body nor the Director who one time and the last time "thoroughly" searched Riko. I still remember Riko yelling out so loud the whole orphanage heard "Your a pedofile with a bondage fetish!!!"
Some of the kids still call her Ms.Pedofile to this day. How did she even learn of or even know the meaning to those words still bewilders me. All in all though with her current routine it's pretty obvious that she's preparing for something. For what I don't know but it's for sure big and I hope Riko comes out fine when it's all said and done.
(Director Pov)
I looked at my board with Riko's face in the middle and all the anomalies that happened around her, I knew she was hiding stuff I didn't know how and she obviously didn't have a relic on her that I could find…and I searched only once because that little shit had dared to call me a pedophile with a bondage fetish of all things!
How did the little shit even know what that meant!? She hasn't even gone through puberty let alone learned about sex! I turned my mind back to all the stuff she hid even as experienced divers searched her room and she looked at me with a smug smirk when they couldn't find anything. She was my pain and I hated her.
I will celebrate the day she doesn't come back up from the abyss, I have even gotten a special wine just for that day.
That little shit is way too smart for her own good, way too agile as well. I had gotten glimpses of her jumping out her window before doing a roll and continuing to run, I could never truly punish her for it as I had no proof it was truly her but I knew it was.
She was a danger to the children and I will expose her at all costs, that little monster born of the abyss. She has been acting more odd as time passes but who cares about that.
She always comes back with her full quota of relics everytime. She comes back with exactly twenty five relics every single dive. Even on her first dive she brought back the exact same amount. She most likely can sense relics as she was born of the abyss. Meaning she can find as many relics as she wants to but is getting the same amount to mess with me.
Even if I tell someone no one would believe me. She's probably laughing at this inconvenience as I speak.
(Quick Riko Pov)
'Now how am I supposed to increase the proficiency of my gun powder substitute?' Riko thought to herself
Rubbing my nose I realized I have a cute sneeze. Also who's talking shit about me?
"You ok Riko-nee?" Kiwi asked me.
Putting my hand on my hips and giving my confident trademark smile.
"Nothing I can't handle Kiwi"
"Ok" Kiwi says smiling and tilting his head to the side.
OMG Kiwi you're so adorable. I couldn't help but bring him into a hug and give out head pats.
(Director Pov)
I can hear the little shit laughing right now.
Dammit I broke my ruler just thinking about the little gremlin. I tossed the broken ruler in a bucket filled with broken rulers and pulled open the drawer filled with rulers. I pull out a new ruler wondering how long till I snap this one.
Damn you Riko I hope you turn out like your mother so I never have to see you again.
(Riko Pov)
It has been a few months since my 12th birthday and I've got to say I fucking hate that orphanage I fucking hate Satan's anus and the only thing good about this fucking world and being reborn is the fact that I actually have some friends that haven't betrayed me.
As I started heading down into the first layer of the abyss my eyes widened when I saw a purple Dot on the mini map in my minds eye, this was the first time it happened as I have only ever seen clusters of green dots, this could only mean one thing and that was the plot has begun!
She continued to watch the timer on the purple Dot as she collected as many relics as she could.
As soon as the timer reached 3 minutes left she headed straight for it and saw the giant hole monster and she had seen them eat her friend's relics before it started to go for him.
'Well time to start the plot…' riko thought as she blew her whistle as hard as she could making it sound out as loudly as she could…she may have gotten caught up in how hard she was blowing the whistle because the next things she knew she was being rag dolled down a hole! she of course positioned herself to roll and keep going.
As she hit the ground for a roll it had hurt more than she figured it would but it didn't break any bones, she took a quick glance up and saw the giant hole monster gunning for her as she tossed her backpack to the side to try and distract it with her relics while keeping a few in hand as she ran for her life going through every parkour trick in her book to try and keep that thing away from her.
She made it to the cliff where the original Riko got saved by rig on.
"Come on, come on, come on, plot kick in!" Riko begged internally.
A bright flash of light came out from behind the crimson split jaw. It completely scorched the side of one of the many lovely residents of cathulu's toilet. It flew over me to escape whatever just harmed it.
"Oh thank the glorious power of plot!" I said as I quickly headed to the new purple Dot that I knew was going to be rigg.
(??? Pov)
I felt jolts of pain all over but I feel so energized as well. It's strange and weird and I surely do not like this. I look around and see a small blonde girl quickly touch the chair that I am sitting on and watch it disappear. I fell to the ground absolutely shocked by what I just witnessed.
"Get into the rafters now!" The blonde whisper yelled as she continued to make everything disappear.
What In the actual hell is going on!?
*knock* *knock* "Riko… Riko open up" I hear a man behind the door say.
"Shit leader is already here" I heard the girl softly curse.
The girl's stressed out facial expression turned into a cheery girl which can best be described as the loli protagonist. It was a scary thing to watch.
Her clothing suddenly changed to a nightgown which added to my dumbstruckness. Too much is happening too fast, but before she went around the corner she mouthed "hide". Even though it was said with a smile on her face. The subliminal message of pain if the order was not carried out is there.
I look around wondering where to hide. I looked up and instinctively extended my arm and grabbed a support beam on the ceiling. Pulling myself up I see a man with silver hair come around the corner. He looked around the room and turned towards the blonde girl.
"So what is wrong, Leader-sama?" said the blonde girl.
"Ok what did you do this time also would you please stop giving me nicknames that I still till this day don't understand" said the man.
Tilting her head and placing her arms behind her back the girl says "What do you mean? I was preparing for bed before you came knocking on my door" she said in a cute voice.
The man who I now identify as Leader squinted his eyes as if he is calling bs in his thoughts. He raises his hand and flicks her on the forehead.
"Ow…" said the girl while holding her forehead.
"Don't do whatever you did again or nextime you won't get away with a simple flick on the forehead" says Leader as he walks out the room and down what I presume is the hallway.
He watched the girl take a piece of string and tape it to the door and door frame as she walked back to her bed taking her glasses off and rubbing her nose.
"Okay wherever you're hiding you can come out now." The girl said softly as she put her glasses back on.
I drop down startling the girl abit. She quickly adjusted herself then it all came out of him at once.
"What the hell is going on!?"
"Who are you?"
"What is this place? This doesn't look like New York."
"How did you make stuff disappear?"
"Why am I in a child's body?"
"Why can my arms extend"?
There is a long period of silence as she just stares at me dumbfounded and her mind is most likely going a million miles per hour by the murmurs under her breath.
(Riko's Pov)
HOW IS ANOTHER REINCARNATED PERSON HERE!? I thought it was a universal rule for only one reincarnator per these types of isekai. Unless he was sent here by god cause he also managed to piss off that almighty pretentious bastard. I'm not alone to suffer anymore.
Now I have someone to drag into Satan's Condom along with me. I shall not suffer alone.