
Please State the Nature of your Medical Emergancy

I awake in a dark, warm space that feels a little bit too tight to be entirely comfortable but it is nice and warm, and there is this sound. I don't know what it is but it is rhythmic and soothing. This space that I am in, although it is a bit tight, I can move around a little bit. It takes a bit of effort but I roll over every once in a while, considering that I'm tired all of the time, I get tired really easily, and I have no idea how long I have been in here or how much longer I will be in here.

Eventually I did realize that I do know where I am. The reaper said I would be reborn, so this warm, confined space where I can move around just a little bit, and I am sleeping most of my life away all leads to me realizing; I am in my mother's womb. One thing that bothers me though is that it is hard to tell how long I have been in here. After figuring out where I was (in the womb), I noticed that I can roughly tell how many days end or start depending on when my mother is moving around. I don't know how much time had passed before I had started counting, but since I found out about being in the womb it has been about twenty to twenty-six days. The large margin of error is because I can't help but fall asleep practically the moment my mother stops moving, so it could also be that some of those she has just been laying down for a little bit.

I stopped counting after realizing that I could be completely wrong, considering that I could just be counting every time she lays down. I kind of just existed for a while until one day I was just napping when all of the sudden I felt a pressure slowly pushing me… down? Out. All of the sudden I felt a burst of pain as I'm being pushed out and then I'm blinded by the ungodly amount of light in hospitals. Fuck hospitals. After being fully extracted and my eyes have adjusted to the eyes I see an exhausted looking woman lying in the hospital bed, and there was a woman wearing the familiar medic gear that was carrying me.

The medic giggled and spoke in that annoying voice that I knew all too well, "You have quite the curious child, Lady Knight. He seems to be looking at everything and taking in the details." Even as she was saying this I was getting annoyed at the fact that I don't have the physical strength to hold my head up on my own.

The medic handed me to my new mother with a smile. My mother supported my neck as she held me and made funny little cooing noises that parents make to their babies. She had piercing green eyes that seemed to have electricity flickering in them. I was completely absorbed in her eyes but I did manage to notice that she has hair that is seemingly dyed blue, like an electric blue. Together she had quite the shocking appearance, but was also very beautiful. I found myself thinking that if I was still in my past life I would have wanted to date her.

My mother smiled and said, "I think I'll name him Jason. Jason Vokov, my first child. I love you, little Jason." She giggled a little bit and smiled lovingly at me.

I smiled to the best of my ability at her. She looked so happy, especially when I smiled, but she also looked tired. Funny I should have noticed that, because as soon as I did, the medic spoke up and said, "You look exhausted, you should get some rest before the doctors come back to do their tests to make sure you're healthy and determine when you can go home. Either I can hold Jason, or I can get a temporary bed for him to lay in while you get some rest. The hospital is a bit busy today, so it will be anywhere between forty-five minutes and two hours before the doctor is available to see you, so you should be able to get a little bit of rest.

My mom gave the medic a grateful smile before she said, "If you want to hold him so he can look around, he seems to like that, you can. If you have to go do anything you can put him down. Thank you, thank you for all of your help and time that you've put in helping me and my baby. Also, you don't have to call me Lady Knight, you can call me Natalie. I might be a Knight of Moria1, but right now I'm just a tired woman who just gave birth. Please, humor me."

1: Reference to the "Knights of Ålleberg" which is a type of ghosts named after the knights that died there.