
You want a piece of me, boy?

The medic showed me around quite a bit, but I was kind of disappointed. From what I could see hospitals were about the same as hospitals from Earth back in the 21st century, but the things that were advanced did things that we were already trying to figure out how to do. For example, they could clone healthy organs so that they could replace your faulty ones if needed. Either way, it was nice to be able to look around for a bit. The medic's arms seemed to get tired from holding me out next to things so I could see them better, so she held me on her hip and just walked around a bit. The medic took me with her and called a nurse to get a bed for me before re-entering the room my mom is in.

When the nurse got to the room with the little hovering crib, the medic laid me down into it and said, "Sorry little one, my arms are tired. I'll be right here, I'm just going to go get a chair. Hehehe, not that you know what I'm saying."

I smiled and made little gurgling giggle noises. It is quite annoying not being able to speak and move around freely but luckily I'll only be like this for a little while, then I'll be able to crawl around. The medic came back and set a chair down next to my floating crib and smiled at me. After glancing at my mother to make sure that she was asleep, she let out a sigh and finally showed how exhausted she actually was. The medic leaned against the crib, and looked down at me with a little smile that didn't even come close to reaching her eyes. "Oh, little Jason, I'm so tired. I have never wanted a nap so bad. Your mom is also super exhausted from working, training, and then coming back from work to now giving birth to you. You better treat her well, because as one super exhausted woman, who can recognize another, I'll kick your butt! Hehehe, just kidding, I'd never hurt someone." she said in a slightly more exhausted voice.

I actually felt a little tired so I fell asleep, but when a voice I didn't recognize as one I had heard in this life I woke up. Another woman had walked in, and she was talking with my mom. It was mostly medical stuff like, "You had internal bleeding, but we took care of it." and, "You should be good to leave once you get a couple hours of rest." but the doctor was being a little awkward. My mom wasn't saying anything but she made a face.

Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and said, "What's going on Dr. Saiyana? You're acting weird, I've known you since back in our military days, and you've never acted like this with me, it's like… No… No! No way! Is Sergeant here? Is he okay? If he IS okay, you should tell him to come see me, and meet my son!" She was gushing towards the end like an excited school-girl.

Dr. Saiyana sighed, "I knew I shouldn't have come in here until I had calmed down. You were always so proud when you finally outranked him, but you were also his best friend once you two got past that. Ughhh, fine I'll see if he is up for a meeting. I'll be right back."

'Oh, that's where I know her voice from! It's a bit weird hearing a medivac without the radio static… or, you know, the medivac.' I thought to myself.

After asking her to, the medic picked me up and handed me to my mom who gave me a bunch of little kisses. I have to admit, being an adult in this child's body made this a little awkward for me, but she is my mom so I guess it's okay. Natalie looked so happy as soon as she looked into my eyes so I just smiled to the best of my ability up at her. Natalie smiled even wider when she saw this, but then the door opened and a man walked in. I didn't recognize him specifically, but he was obviously a marine. He held nothing in his arms, and wasn't wearing power armor, but he had dog-tags and the well trained body of a marine.

"Natalie! How are you doing? I didn't know you were even back here on Tarsonas! Wait, Why are you here in the hospital?" He was gushing at my mom just like she had been gushing about him. They were like the same person. It was kind of creepy, in a funny way.

My mom introduced me to that giant of a man and then held me up to see him better and I looked him in the eyes and saw… more than I should have. I saw what everyone else sees; his ice blue eyes, his scar right above his right eyebrow that looks like a bullet skimmed him, a broad jaw, and brown hair that is buzzed.

Then I saw what I shouldn't; Memories of him training a bunch of marines, one that looks like my mom but with blond hair. Memories of him drawing lewd pictures of my mother. Memories of my mom getting pinned to the floor by a zergling that they were using for training and her throwing the zergling so hard that it hit the ceiling nearly forty-five feet above her, still managing to crush it to death against the ceiling. Memories of a group of people come to take my mother and him being afraid to even ask questions.

Then I saw something new, weird, distorted; Images of him strangling the people that took her away. Images of him being intimate with my mom. Then I saw images of him killing a child (I assumed it was me), to be intimate with her in this very hospital room. Images of him killing everyone in the hospital so nobody would know. Then images of him killing my mother and being intimate with her corpse as well. It was disgusting and I was filled with more hatred than I ever remember feeling in my past life, more than I felt I should have from just one guy's imagination. It's not like this guy was acting on any of these thoughts, but I still felt like ripping him apart limb from limb.

Natalie went to hand me to him but I immediately started crying and swinging my arms as much as I could. When I started doing this my mom brought me back into her embrace with a confused look, before apologizing, "I'm sorry Sergeant, He hasn't cried pretty much at all since his birth, I'm not sure what's wrong, maybe he's hungry."

He chuckled, "Oh it's okay, I'm not too great with babies anyway. Hey there, slugger." He almost looked… Jealous? When my mom wrapped her arms around me again, and he practically sneered the word slugger.

I made a little cooing noise now that I was back at Natalie's side, I'm still not used to thinking of her as my mom, but cooing noises were all I could make. Natalie seemed a little confused because I wasn't acting hungry, but instead just acting happy that I wasn't near him. I looked into my mom's eyes, and I tried to focus on willing HER to see what I had seen in his mind and all of the sudden I was seeing those same images again, but this time my mom's eyes widened for a split second before going back to normal as the final images flashed through her mind. She looked at me in wonder for a second, before looking back up at her sergeant and said, "Sorry, he might just be tired, he was just born a couple hours ago after all."

Hearing her say that, I was actually quite tired as I had only slept for about fifteen minutes before the doctor had come in, so I started trying to go to sleep. The sergeant's booming voice wasn't exactly helpful in that task, but I did eventually fall asleep. My mom was either not concerned with what I showed her, or was a really good actress because if I hadn't shown her those images personally I wouldn't know that she was talking to someone that she knew considered killing everyone in this hospital to make love to her then kill her and do it again.