
Reborn in MCU to be the Invincible Ghost

#marvel, #mutants, #multiverse travel This is my first story on Webnovel hopefully you guys will like it I got the inspiration of this fan fic from another novel in the app called fanfic ideas. this story is about a guy who is brought into the multiverse of marvel by one above all to add a little spice to the boredom of one above all and Loki the god of stories. after experiencing the same type of story every time one above all gets mc from real god to see what fun changes he will make to the plot. Mc gets a system when he dies at the hands of a certain big tin can and goes on to become the invincible ghost. follow the journey of the mc as he faces the challenges that shape him to who he is.

Rebelcombat_1 · Films
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: Initial Story.

Chapter 1: Initial Story.

This story is about a guy who is in his prime years and is quite well known for his philanthropic deeds which started since 2021 after his parents died in the epidemic.

His parents were rich and his father had bought many shares of some up-and-coming technology industries as well as many overseas film companies so they can be considered to have a lot of assets and he was the only one remaining in his family.

He had an uncle but due to some disagreements with his father he had left and had never contacted them since.

 But after the death of his parents and no one in his family near him he got all his family assets at first, he drowned his sorrows in alcohol, drugs, partying etc. and he was so above his head that he did not consider those who serve him as humans but that came to an end as one day after partying he was very sober so he was in search of drugs he left somewhere and while searching he very rudely ordered one of the passing waiters of the pub to find him more drugs but after some time no replay came so he became angry and called him even more rudely.

As the waiter stopped his works and turned around, he looked furious but a few seconds later his expression changed as his face was very similar to his father and he turned out to be his uncle.

He was very startled at first but after sometime he went back to his usual ways and said the waiter to find his drugs but this time more politely.

The waiter after hearing him ask him for more drugs even after recognizing him as his uncle was very furious but after a deep breath, he went near him and asked "don't you recognize me".

He looked at him and said "yes, yes I do recognize you but you are but a mere waiter here so you better serve me now or else I can get you fired you know."

The waiter after hearing him say that slapped him heavily and said "I was once like you. You know I was the second child of the family and every one doted on me at that time and the only one earning money is my father and your grandfather and although he didn't earn much, he provided us with everything we wanted and I was used to be spoiled every day.

But during the school years I got addicted to drugs.

At that time your father had joined a new company and became the accountant there and your grandfather was nearing retirement and till then nobody knew I did drugs but one day those who supplied me drugs introduced me to a new type of drug and at first they provided it to me with the usual price so I took them and that was the biggest mistake I made and a mistake I regrate till date as they were much stronger and much more addictive than I thought.

As the days went by, they increased the price of this drug significantly to the point that I had to use my one month of allowance to buy only one pound of this drug and I tried to take other less potent drugs but they were like rotten bread and one who is used to eating gourmet daily can't eat rotten bread.

 So, I was desperate at that time for money and well you know I stole it from father's drawer but that was not enough so one day I followed brother to his company in the guise of gaining experience but I stole all the cash from their cash deposits. As it was the first time, I stole so much money and was in a hurry to buy the drugs I rushed towards the drug lord and used all the money I stole to buy drugs.

At that time, it was about a million and half US dollars and believe me I regrated that I was in such a hurry to buy the drugs that I used all the money to buy them but after that when I returned home everyone was distressed about the money father saved that was supposed to be for me and my brother's further education and now, they couldn't find it anywhere.

That was a heavy blow to your grandfather and he fell ill. Not because of the money but in remorse that now he can't provide money for us to pursue higher education and that was the first time I saw him crying and realized that father was not ill because of the loss of money but because he can't provide anymore for us with his usual income so that we can get to a well-respected position and be highly educated.

As I was reeling self-blame for the money, I took from him there suddenly was a knock and there were several police men at the door step and behind them was my brother who hung his head low in shame and indignation.

I was apprehended and sentenced to 5 years of jail. On the second day there I got the news that father has passed away apparently, he couldn't stand that one of his sons was jailed because of theft and the other was thrown out of his company because of his little brother's actions and was now jobless distressed he died of a heart attack.

Now you might wonder why I am telling you all this you see after the death of your grandfather only your father and grandmother were left in the house and in order to compensate for the money I stole my brother had to sell the only plot of land we had and was only left with a thousand dollars and also has to take care of your grandmother and in order to do that he had to start side hustle but not many gave him jobs and those that did only paid him in trinkets not worth counting.

That was probably the most depressing time of his life but he got above it and went beyond his capabilities to work in order to make money there was no job he hadn't tried be it mechanic, plumber and many other odd jobs can you believe it that in a year there was no job that he hadn't tried well except those that have high educational requirements and he couldn't get them because of my reputation, still he used all his strength to get to this point where he didn't have to worry about money but well in the process he lost our mother as due to a sudden relapse of the disease but he got over it and worked even harder.

We had a fight because after getting released from the jail, I directly demanded him for money to buy drugs I was so desperate at that time because of heavy addiction.

And after hearing my first request to be to get drugs after getting released from jail he was so enraged that he slapped me then and there in front of the station.

 It was so hard that I stumbled and fell after that he scolded me for being unable to learn from previous mistakes for about an hour and left me alone after that I also left and never went back home to him, I was so ashamed about what I had done.

I was down and out but I still collected every information about my brother he became wealthy all by his own effort and started with dimes and here you are doing the same exact things I did back then and you are using the same money he earned using his blood and sweat to do these useless things.

At the very least you could use these money he left for you to do some good deeds and not get remembered as a hedonistic young master who abuses his father's lifelong income but be someone who is remembered for his good deeds."