
Reborn In Dragon Ball As Goten

Accidentally traveled to the world of Dragon Ball and became Son Goten, the second son of the Son family. And the Son Goku, Son Gohan and other fighters of this time and space all died in the Cell game, but Cell is still at large. Son Goten has become the only warrior who can save the earth in this time and space... Fortunately, the god-level golden finger activated. Now lets see what adventure awaits on Son Goten path.

Rex_Zatch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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85 Chs

Chapter 56: Birthday!!!! Purple Cat Awakens

Chapter 56: Birthday!!!! Purple Cat Awakens

"Oh Videl, why waste money on a poor old me!"

"By the way, Goten, do you think I look good in these clothes?" Chichi turned her head, looked at Goten, and asked.

Observing Chichi's happiness, Goten nodded repeatedly.

"Well, Videl was right. These clothes suit mom perfectly."

Knock knock knock !!

At that very moment, a knock resounded at the door.

Goten rushed to open the door.

"Aunt Bulma, please come in!" It was Bulma.

"Goten, you've grown so much taller!"

"You're resembling Goku more and more." Bulma greeted warmly.

Then she entered the room. Three women in one place – Chichi, Bulma, and Videl – chatted for almost two hours.

For Goten on the sidelines, this was becoming quite boring.

After conversing for a while, Bulma finally disclosed the purpose of her visit this time.

"Goten, Chichi, and beautiful videl, Goten's girlfriend, my birthday is in five days!"

"I'm planning a grand celebration this time, a huge party on a cruise ship in the Sea, and you all are invited."

To be honest, there weren't many genuine friends left on Earth.

Goku and Vegeta had been deceased for eight years, and she had been immersed in technological research for the past six months.

So, there wasn't much time for making friends.

After careful consideration, these were the only friends she could invite.

"Huh?! A birthday party on a luxury cruise ship?"

"Awesome, I've never been to such a party before. We're definitely coming!" Chichi eagerly agreed with sparkling eyes.

Ever since she married Goku, she had been saving money diligently. Luxury cruise ships had never crossed her mind.

Bulma's invitation was indeed a rare opportunity. Then, she asked, "By the way, Bulma, I've seen on TV that at other rich people's cruise ship parties, there are lucky draws. Will there be any?"

"Of course. I've arranged a lottery too."

"This time, the prizes are exceptional." Bulma deliberately mentioned. She was telling the truth. This time, one of the random prizes was something that ordinary folks might not earn in their lifetimes of hard work.

"That's fantastic, Videl."

"If the three of us from the family participate, our chances of winning must be high!" Chichi exclaimed, taking Videl's hand.

Videl blushed suddenly and looked at Goten.

Goten was rendered speechless. Clearly, there was no room for decision!

"Alright, I'll head back now!"

"Make sure you all come in five days." Bulma emphasized once again before leaving in her helicopter.

Time slipped away like sand through fingers.

Five days passed in a flash for everyone.

Especially for Goten, who trained rigorously every day, time flew even faster.

On the appointed day, Videl arrived at Fire Mountain early.

This girl seemed to treat this place as her own home and was entirely at ease here.

At Chichi's request, Goten also groomed himself.

He reluctantly put on a suit he didn't particularly fancy. According to Chichi, formal events required grand attire.

What would it look like to attend a party in a training suit? His mother's will was hard to contest, so Goten had no choice but to comply.

Despite his strength that could rank in the universe, he transformed into a well-behaved son in Chichi's presence.

Perhaps it was a manifestation of bloodline's influence from family member.

Using Kai Kai, they soon reached the designated location. A colossal cruise ship that resembled an aircraft carrier awaited them.

Bulma was genuinely wealthy, no doubt about it. This cruise ship wasn't an ordinary luxury vessel.

It was equipped with energy attack and defense systems.

The constant emergence of powerful foes on Earth prompted Bulma to not only research defensive weapons, but also develop offensive tools.

After converting Krillin into an android, she had begun creating offensive weaponry.

Given her capabilities, safeguarding Earth couldn't be the sole responsibility of Goten and Krillin.

Everyone had a role to play. At least, that's what Bulma believed...

"Wow! Is this a luxury cruise ship? It's so impressive." Observing the lavish cruise ship resembling an aircraft carrier, Chichi couldn't help but sigh.

Beneath the ship was a large circle filled with food stalls.

Each snack prepared by the chef was a master in their craft.

The whole ship exuded a distinct national flavor.

"Chichi, Goten, you're here!" Bulma appeared.

She was dressed in a sky-blue fitted dress. The dress accentuated her flawless figure.

Though aging, Bulma's appearance and physique were impeccable due to her diligent upkeep.

She even outshone renowned actresses back on Earth.

"Aunt Bulma, you look stunning as always!" Goten couldn't help but compliment sincerely.

It wasn't a mere courtesy; it was a heartfelt admiration.

Indeed, Bulma's appearance and figure left nothing to criticize.

"Hey! Our Goten has quite the way with compliments. What a sweet little mouth!" Bulma smiled with delight. No woman dislikes being praised, not even by a child under ten.

"Oh! What a pity..."

"If Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks were here, the party would be more lively and perfect." Chichi sighed with a touch of sadness.

Despite enjoying Goten's company, there were still moments when she yearned for Goku and Gohan.

She wondered how they were faring in the afterlife.

Especially Gohan – was he excelling in his studies and training?

As for Goku, it was baffling how he hadn't contacted her for eight years, even though he possessed the means...


"Especially my Trunks..." Bulma's initial joyous expression morphed into sadness.

The absence of Vegeta was something she could handle a little but miss him.

But her son, Trunks, died at the age of one! Even now, she misses Trunks every day.

I wonder how tall he would be now and what he would look like?

However, after a moment of sadness, Bulma swiftly regained her composure.

She then said, "Alright, alright, today is my birthday party, and it should be a joyful occasion. Let's not dwell on these unpleasant matters."

"Yes, yes, let's avoid discussing these somber topics." Chichi readily agreed, aware of Bulma's own pain.

At least I have Goten by my side!

Yet, in Bulma's family, she stood alone. Her parents, husband, and son had all perished in the Cell Games eight years ago.

Leaving behind the disheartening thoughts, everyone quickly immersed themselves in the joyous party.

Moments later, Krillin arrived, accompanied by Master Roshi!

Even Mr. Satan had been invited by Bulma. Though everyone hadn't been fond of the guy before, they all knew he was Videl's father.


And at this distant moment in the realm of the Gods of Destruction, within the temple...

"Aha!!!" God of Destruction Beerus let out a yawning sound as he abruptly sat up.

He scanned his surroundings with a dazed expression.

It seemed he had just experienced an incredibly vivid dream, encountering a formidable opponent within it.

He distinctly remembered the opponent's name from the dream. However, as soon as he opened his eyes, the name faded from his memory entirely.


"What was that guy's name? How did I forget it so quickly?" A glint of icy light emanated from God of Destruction Beerus' eyes as he muttered to himself.

He attempted to recall the name, but it remained elusive.

A hazy figure existed in his mind.

"Whis, Whis..." After struggling to remember, Beerus called out loudly.


In the next instant, Angel Whis materialized before Beerus with the sound of air parting.

"Hey!!! Lord Beerus, are you awake?"

"Surprisingly, you've only slept for a brief period this time. What caused the change?" Angel Whis looked at Beerus with astonishment, inquiring about the shortened slumber.

After all, Beerus usually slept for at least fifty years. Typically, he could snooze for hundreds of years without a problem.

Yet this time, he awoke after a mere thirty-nine years.

A rather perplexing deviation...

"Whis, I've just had an utterly peculiar premonitory dream..."

"In this dream, a remarkably potent adversary emerged, claiming to be my rival."

"I distinctly remembered that individual's name a moment ago, but upon waking, it vanished from my memory." Beerus used his feline paw to scratch his ear with great vigor, striving to recollect.

However, despite his extended contemplation, the name remained elusive.

He couldn't recall it even slightly.

"Lord Beerus, dreams often follow this pattern. They seem incredibly clear upon awakening, yet once full consciousness returns, they become inscrutable!"

"But... a premonitory dream? A rival?"

"Are you jesting with me, Lord Beerus?"

"Within the entirety of the Seventh Universe, how could anyone be considered your rival?" Whis offered a rational explanation, followed by a disbelieving tone.

After all, Beerus served as the Seventh Universe's God of Destruction, mastering its fifth principle.

He stood as the most dominant entity within this universe.

No mortal or deity could hold a candle to him!

Excluding myself as an Angel, of course.


"That dream felt so real, and I'm convinced it was a prophetic vision!"

"The scene of me battling that individual in the dream was astonishingly lifelike, leading me to believe that this figure truly exists." Beerus furrowed his brows and spoke with unwavering conviction.

Such realism wouldn't be possible if the figure didn't genuinely exist.

Furthermore, this was a precognitive dream from a God of Destruction, far removed from an ordinary dream.

"Lord Beerus, I suspect you experienced such an unusual dream due to your prolonged period without an equal adversary."

"Dreams shouldn't be taken too seriously. You've previously had premonitory dreams that never came to fruition, haven't you?" Whis still harbored skepticism toward precognitive dreams. After all, Beerus had encountered several before, none of which manifested.

This time would likely prove no exception.

"Enough! Cease the nonsense!"

"I assure you, it's genuine!"

"Now, swiftly discover the identity of the figure in my dream and their current whereabouts!" Beerus issued a direct order without further explanation.

Regardless, he was determined to unearth the figure from his prophetic dream.

Otherwise, it would feel akin to a troublesome piece of meat stuck between one's teeth, or stubborn earwax that resisted removal—deeply vexing.

"Well then... What was the name of this rival in your dream?" Whis could only inquire helplessly.

"Name? I've forgotten!"

"But you're an Angel, brimming with incredible powers. Can't you locate this individual in the blink of an eye?" Beerus hesitated for a moment before making a request.

An Angel's abilities far surpassed those of a God of Destruction.

Moreover, the truth possessed various mystical capabilities.

Tasks like time travel were well within their purview, so it shouldn't be too arduous to track down someone capable of foretelling dreams.

"Lord Beerus, your jest has gone too far!"

"Although I am an Angel, you can't even recall the name of your supposed rival. How am I expected to locate them?" Whis cast Beerus a slightly exasperated look, refusing to entertain his grandiose expectations.

After all, this presumption bordered on omnipotence.

Yet even Grand Priest might struggle with such a task.

Moreover, Whis was just an ordinary Angel...

"Enough! You can't find them?"

"It's vexing, an incredibly frustrating feeling!"

Hearing Whis' inability to locate the figure from his premonitory dream, Beerus scratched his head in frustration.

A cat's temperament was notably irritable.

"Ready yourself, I'm about to vent my frustration."

"Perhaps witnessing the splendid fireworks produced by a planet's explosion might trigger memories related to premonitory dreams." Beerus addressed Whis in a chilly tone.

Watching the stunning fireworks generated by a planet's detonation was among his favorite pastimes.

This method also allowed him to blow off steam.

"Of course, Lord Beerus." Whis nodded before preparing himself.

He had long grown accustomed to such occurrences.

Whenever Lord Beerus grew agitated, he would obliterate a few planets.

Though such enforcement was admittedly irrational, Whis, as an Angel, could merely counsel the God of Destruction and possessed no authority to interfere with his decisions.


Next Time on Dragon Ball Z : Chapter 57: Goku Arrives!!!, Son Goku's Challenge.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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