
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

the detention center

he graduated two years early probably do to his power and control he was assigned as a guard to the detention center he know wore the omnitsukido which was full black ninja outfit both ryoshi and saraki his zanpakutos were with him they were both on his left hip his saraki was a shorter katana and was white with a gold blade and a sapphire gem at the end of its hilt and ryoshi was a fully jet black katana with an emerald gem at the end of its hilt in front of him was a man in the exact same attire as sora with his face completely covered except his eyes however the eyes are what sora look even more dangerous

"you are now the guards of prison A which is a prison that houses criminals of a violent nature, most of which are members of rukongai while special few are shinigami with seated and unseated abilities the ones that committed petty crimes are in the outer area the ones that have committed major crimes such as murder are in the inner area and the shinigami are in the core area for obvious reasons you as members of the detention unit will be guarding the outer perimeter and making sure no one escapes you have permission to knock them out but DO NOT KILL THEM DO YOU UNDERSTAND" he screamed the last part at them

"YES SIR" they yelled back

after that he noticed that soifon was still trying to spy on him he used some of his hollow powers to shunpo directly behind her

"how long do you two plan to spy on me" sora asked soifon jumped

"until we are certain you are not a threat" she said playfully

"hah even if I were no one can beat me in a fight I thought I proved that already and darius is quite a useful aide as I am personally training him eventually he will be almost as powerful as I am almost" sora said he then shunpoed away to a secluded place he made certain no one was spying on him then he called god as he thought of something else although it was more for his servant

"what is your wish" god asked

"I want evolt as my servant and I want the ability to bestow some of his power onto any I choose" sora said

"very well" he said and I was returned when I saw what looked like a liquid coming from the sky it reformatted itself as evolt in his black hole form

"you are my partner I take it" he said i nodded and he entered my body

{I will speak in your mind and you have my drivers as well as all of the full bottle the evol bottles and the evol-trigger use my power as you wish or call on me as you wish my partner and master} he said i nodded telepathically sora then went to find darius he told him about evolt handed him the evoldriver and the bat and engine fullbottles and told him how to use them he put them away and sora made sure to stress he was not to use them without permission he knelt and swore he was his loyal servant and would wait for sora's command

a jigokucho ~he'll butterfly used to carry messages~ came by I heard its message and beckoned darius to keep up