
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

the academy

sora decided to ask god for a new power as he found something else he wanted so he called god and he appeared

"I wish to have the power of a hollow and to become a vasto lorde but I can still have complete control" sora said he nodded and he felt myself transforming until eventually he was finished and god pulled out a mirror and sora looked at his reflection he saw the normal hole in his stomach that signified he was a hollow and then his face was a mask it was pure white with teeth and pure white eyes with horns sloping back and a two lines cutting from the side and cut out just below the eyes and the rest of my body was jet black and on my hip were to zanpakutos he guessed were ryoshi and saraki he overall looked awesome

"all you have to do is say the command 'return to darkness' and you will transform" god said

"thanks god" sora said and he was back in my room he saw it was late he decided to head to sleep for the night

the next day I got up and left the room and headed to breakfast before heading to his first class which was pretty useless and quite boring he did learn a lot about the second division or as I liked to call them the division of assassins which is quite funny as when he graduated hr was certain he would be given the third seat and when captain yoruichi retired he would take her place as captain and really make the second division a division of assassins but that was for then for now he was pretty secluded as he wasn't here to make friends although my relationship with lieutenant soifon grew exponentially as he kept catching her trying and failing to spy on me as I went through my day to day activities and he kinda stayed away from everyone and was isolated all of my free time was sent meditating with my zanpakutos so no one badgered me thank god one day however was different

"hey sora was it lets have a little spar" darius said sneering

"I really don't want to deal with your nonsense I have meditating to do" sora said

"oh come now it won't take long I just wanna see whose better so draw your zanpakuto" darius said and at that moment a teacher appeared

"you have been challenged do you accept" the teacher asked

"fine we will duel but if I win you are to make certain no one challenges me ever again and you will become my loyal servant" sora said as he figured might as well get a follower and stop the annoyances at once two birds with one stone

"I agree if you agree to give me your zanpakutos and leave the academy of you loose" he said

"agreed" sora said then he looked at the to where soifon was hiding this time

"would you mind fetching the captain I promised her I would tell her if someone challenged me" sora said looking to where he knew soifon she shunpoed away

"who are you talking to" darius asked a few seconds later captain yoruichi showed up

"I was speaking to lieutenant soifon who has been trying and failing to spy on me since I entered this academy" I said

"alright the captain's here lets duel" he said i activated my geass and entered my nine-tailed fox sage mode I was going to end this quickly everyone gawked at the power I was showing

"nine tailed beast bomb" sora said pointing his hand straight up and shooting the attack the explosion was massive and then he put his arm down

"so I have to continue this charade" I asked he shook his head and kneeled

"I am your loyal servant my lord" darius said

"well at least you keep your word" sora said deactivating his sage mode and deactivating his geass

"now the rest of you spread the word of this I am not to be bothered as for you darius you may go I will call if I need" sora said everyone nodded and sora left after nodding to captain yoruichi