
Reborn? Give Her Earth

Series description: What if the path to immortality and ultimate power suddenly opened up before you? Would you take that road? What if just moments before it appeared your world, your everything, was suddenly lost? Would you still take it? Would you forget everything you lost and try to build a new life in this new world? Wei Yao took that road, but he ignored the new world and the many opportunities to build a new life. Instead of sparing anything new even a single glance, he held only the past in his heart and continuously searched to regain what he had lost. While others wished for power so that they could relish in it and live forever as a king above all, Wei Yao was different. He felt no joy in anything on this road. Even when he passed by those at the very end of this road and could get anything that existed, he disregarded it all. All to search for what he had lost. What only existed in his heart. That is, until he returned. To before the road began. To before he lost everything. To Her. Volume 1 Description: He came back. To her. To before he lost everything. Now he has the knowledge of treading the path of immortality before even starting. Now, he will protect her and give her everything, even the earth. For the rest of the novel's first volume, please support me in buying it on amazon or kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Reborn-Give-Her-Earth-Same-ebook/dp/B0BXPFBJWY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BSC15389KYNR&keywords=Reborn%3F+Give+Her+Earth&qid=1678278111&sprefix=reborn+give+her+earth%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-

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11 Chs

Chapter 8 The Bowl

The old man had his curiosity peaked and asked, "Oh? What kind of jade? A bracelet? A necklace? An antique?"

"None of what you said. What I want is a lot of cheap and uncrafted jade. If you don't have it. I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction."

"Oh and what do you want such jade for?"

"Does it matter? All you need to know is that I can buy some right now and will buy much more in the future."

Although still skeptical of Wei Yao's words still the man wouldn't mind selling some jade so he said, "Sure, I have some jade in the back."

After that he went through the door behind him and came back in less than a minute.

After he returned, he spread out several pieces of jade on a cloth.

"Take a look first."

Wei Yao however didn't bother checking them and instead first asked, "What are their prices?"

Jade should be very expensive, I probably won't be able to buy much.

He pointed to a bright green piece that was very transparent and said, "This is the best I have. It is worth over ¥90,000 yuan."

Hearing this Wei Yao's heart tightened for a moment, but he relaxed as the man continued, "I don't really deal with jade all that often so this is the best I have with the rest being relatively worse quality."

The others were of various colors and transparencies.

"This one is ¥21,000 yuan. This one is ¥18,000 yuan. The rest are between six to seven thousand yuan. This one is the exception being worth only ¥3,000 yuan."

The last was not only purple but was also smaller. The others were of various shades of greenish blue and various transparencies. The better it looked the more expensive it was.

That didn't necessarily mean it was better for Wei Yao though.

He put his hand on each of them and injected a tiny amount of qi one by one.

The main factor that seems to be their transparency followed by texture, and then color. The ¥18,000 yuan one holds and absorbs qi better than the rest but for now it is best to go with quantity.

He pointed to three pieces including the cheapest one and said, "I want these three."

The old man was a little let down thinking Wei Yao might be rich since he didn't want to sell the artifact.

Still he couldn't quite understand Wei Yao so he just politely said, "Together I will sell them for ¥18,500."

Wei Yao nodded his head, took out the money from his wallet and handed it over.

The old man asked, "Would you like a box or bag for them?"

"Sure, I'll take a box."

The old man then took out a nice looking small wooden box before putting the pieces inside and handing over the box.

Wei Yao said, "thanks," and then left as the ragged man followed behind.

Once they were out, Wei Yao put the jade bowl in the box as well and then said, "Lead the way to your wife."

Although the wording sounded a bit weird, the man immediately started walking in a certain direction while continuously making sure Wei Yao was following.

This continued for fifteen minutes until they reached a house closer to the edge of town.

It looked pretty run down with the paint messed up and even a gutter that was falling down. It was obvious those who lived there were having a hard time making ends meet.

They walked inside and continued until they entered a bedroom.

Inside, a sickly woman lay there, shivering. Her skin was gray and her lips pale white.

Seeing her though, Wei Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

He then said, "Don't disturb me and this will be over with soon."

The woman wanted to question Wei Yao and her husband but the man quickly made a shushing motion and she could only acquiesce. She trusted her husband.

Wei Yao sat on a chair beside the bed and took the jade bowl out of the box. After he did so, the woman's condition seemed to get worse as she started coughing with even a little blood coming out!

This was only for a moment though as Wei Yao grabbed the bowl with both hands. As if a magic spell was cast, the woman stopped coughing. Then, something that stunned the couple happened, the bowl started glowing. Brightly! Extremely brightly! Like a miniature sun!

They could only cover their eyes and look away.

It was only for a few moments though and the light quickly dimmed down.

The couple looked back to see a sweating and exhausted Wei Yao.

His next words made them completely confused.

"It's done. Neither of you are sick anymore."

Hearing that though, the man quickly looked to his wife only to see her previous pale and shivering body had returned to normal and even regained healthy robust looking skin color.

The man dashed to his wife and hugged her with tears falling out! Then he remembered the situation and let go as he went down to the floor and started kowtowing to Wei Yao and repeatedly thanking him.

Wei Yao waved him off saying: "As long as you follow what we agreed, you don't need to worry about thanking me."

With that, Wei Yao got up to leave as he said, "I will find you within ten days."

He just stood up though when the woman on the bed hurriedly blurted out, "Wait! Don't leave yet! Let me at least make you something to eat as a little thanks."

As she said that, she tried standing up only to be stopped by Wei Yao who put his hand out and said, "Lie back down. You've only just recovered. I will let you thank me another time."

Then, he immediately left the room and then the house.

Still in the room, the husband and wife were giddy, confused, and much more.

His wife grabbed his hand and asked, "Honey, who was that young hero?"

"He is our savior and our hope for a better life."