
Reborn? Give Her Earth

Series description: What if the path to immortality and ultimate power suddenly opened up before you? Would you take that road? What if just moments before it appeared your world, your everything, was suddenly lost? Would you still take it? Would you forget everything you lost and try to build a new life in this new world? Wei Yao took that road, but he ignored the new world and the many opportunities to build a new life. Instead of sparing anything new even a single glance, he held only the past in his heart and continuously searched to regain what he had lost. While others wished for power so that they could relish in it and live forever as a king above all, Wei Yao was different. He felt no joy in anything on this road. Even when he passed by those at the very end of this road and could get anything that existed, he disregarded it all. All to search for what he had lost. What only existed in his heart. That is, until he returned. To before the road began. To before he lost everything. To Her. Volume 1 Description: He came back. To her. To before he lost everything. Now he has the knowledge of treading the path of immortality before even starting. Now, he will protect her and give her everything, even the earth. For the rest of the novel's first volume, please support me in buying it on amazon or kindle. https://www.amazon.com/Reborn-Give-Her-Earth-Same-ebook/dp/B0BXPFBJWY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1BSC15389KYNR&keywords=Reborn%3F+Give+Her+Earth&qid=1678278111&sprefix=reborn+give+her+earth%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-

NascentDude740 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 Jade

Even if he got an influx of cash Wei Yao didn't seem to care too much and just continued on his way as if nothing had happened.

'With this much money I should be able to get some stuff to jumpstart my cultivation.'

He continued walking for around ten minutes before the streets became more crowded with all kinds of vendors and shops. He continued further in though ignoring most of them.

'What I really need is jade. Jade should be a decent enough material for me to carve some arrays and formations.'

Deeper in were the shops that sold jewelry, antiques, and other expensive items.

Picking a random antique store, he went inside. Inside there were all kinds of things from plates, clocks, to jewelry.

Before he could ask the old man running the store about buying some jade, a man in run down almost ragged looking clothes came in a hurry.

He quickly walked up to the old man behind the counter and said, "I heard you were an honest man who was also very good at identifying antiques."

The old man nodded, "Reputation is very important. Just as it made you come here. I treat all my customers fairly just as my prices are fair. As for my ability in identifying antiques, although I don't dare claim to be the best in China, you would have to travel a fair distance to find someone better than me."

His words were filled with pride and could come off arrogant but the way he spoke made a person think it was just true.

Regardless of whether they were true or not though, it helped the nervous man calm down.

He reached into his clothes and took out a dull looking gray almost black looking jade bowl. However, there were some characters carved on it that made it look magnificent.

Seeing it made Wei Yao's eyes light up, but so too did those of the old man.

He hurriedly called out

"I'm willing to pay you ¥1,600,000 yuan for it."

Hearing that, the man was eager to agree. He just opened his mouth though when Wei Yao cut in, "Before you say yes, let me ask you something! Are you so hasty to come sell this thing, because you feel unwell and the people around you have gotten sick?"

The old man was about to yell at Wei Yao for interrupting them but the ragged man quickly turned to Wei Yao and called out with great surprise, "How did you know!?"

Wei Yao didn't answer him and just continued on, "I also know that no amount of money or medical treatment can help you or any others that are sick."

Hearing this, it was as if the man had lost reason and started crying, "What! Please Sir! Tell me how to help my wife!"

Wei Yao maintained a calm expression but by now the old man was thoroughly stunned and confused. He even thought they were putting on some kind of show in front of him.

Wei Yao still wasn't done and said, "I know where you got this from and that is the reason she is sick. But at this point returning it to the ground won't fix your problems."

Hearing this the last trace of doubt within the man vanished and he straight up kowtowed towards Wei Yao saying: "Please! I will do anything as long as you save my wife!"

Seeing this, Wei Yao gained a good impression of the man.

A good man who's willing to sacrifice his pride for his wife and is intelligent enough to realize I'm his only hope.

"I can save your wife."

The man stayed kneeling but looked up and promised.

"I will do anything for you if you do!"

Wei Yao's calm expression broke into a smile as he said, "Okay then I want two things. One that artifact and two, you. I want you to work for me. For at least two months. If you want to stop after that you can."

Hearing these conditions the man didn't even hesitate as he hastily stuffed the artifact into Wei Yao's arms and said, "I agree! I agree!"

After he agreed, instead of becoming happy, Wei Yao's face became more solemn as he said, "You should have retrieved the artifact three days ago. But, I have three questions. How long has it been near your wife, how far away is she and what were her symptoms when you saw her last."

Seeing that Wei Yao seriously was planning to help him and even knew when he retrieved the artifact, the man became even happier and quickly answered, "She's only been near it for two days. My home is not far from here. Only 15 minutes away if we walk. When I left she was extremely cold and tired. I was going to use the money I got here to take her to a good doctor."

Hearing this, Wei Yao relaxed and said, "Okay, your wife will be fine for even two more days. Let me finish my business here and then I will go see your wife."

The man hurriedly nodded and then went to stand behind Wei Yao like a servant while Wei Yao walked up to the old man.

He was seriously befuddled but recognized that Wei Yao was slightly unfathomable despite his seemingly young age. From the ragged man's actions and voice he no longer believed that they were acting despite how crazy it all seemed.

He couldn't help but ask, "Would you like to sell me that thing, young man?"

"Not even for ¥15,000,000 yuan."

The old man couldn't help but be surprised as he retorted, "But I thought you said that thing was the source of that man's troubles."

He had still somewhat thought Wei Yao a con artist despite him mostly believing he wasn't.

"It is but it doesn't matter right now. I am not willing to sell it nor will I ever be. Right now though, what I want is jade."