

Cruella was still in shock on how he had effortlessly carried her up to his shoulders that she didn't even know how to react as he carried her away. Sebastian had tried to intervene but Carly held him down, glaring hard at him to let them be.

“He can't just carry her against her will!” Sebastian yelled but Carly only laughed at him.

“You're just jealous Sebastian. Do you see Cruella resisting? Just let them be.” Carly said and Sebastian bit his lower lip.

Carly was right, he was indeed jealous and it still confused him as to why he picked up a liking toward Cruella so fast. He like her from the very first day she entered the academy and it scared him a bit as he never liked anyone so fast. He felt he had to protect her even though she was obviously stronger than him but that didn't change anything.

Meanwhile, Jason had carried Cruella all the way out of the field and into an empty hall before putting her down. Cruella was still confused as to why she didn't do anything all along and just let him carry her like a weightless sack.

“Now can we talk?” Jason asked but Cruella rolled her eyes.

“If you thought kidnapping me would get you my attention then you thought wrong.”

“Kidnapping? Really?” Jason asked with a chuckle and Cruella found herself smiling but quickly shook her head to get her composure back.

“What is it you wanted to talk about?” She asked with a frown.

“I wanted to apologize for what happened between us.” Jason said but the look on Cruella's face told him she wasn't satisfied with his single statement. “Look, I don't usually attack people let alone girls without a cause...”

“Really? So let me guess, my cause was that I attacked your corny girlfriend?! I was right about you being a crappy Alpha if that's the case!” Cruella snapped.

Jason ran a hand through his hair to calm his nerves. He wasn't use to people talking to him anyhow and yet here she was, calling him names and he couldn't bring himself to retaliate, not again.

His wolf side had been tormenting him ever since their fight to go make peace with her and he couldn't understand why but he decided to listen. He just had to do it without letting her get to him since she had her way of offending people with her words.

“Look, I just don't want us to be rivals okay?”

“Well you should have thought of that at the beginning and warned your girlfriend too!” Cruella yelled.

“Firstly, she's not my girlfriend and secondly, I had no idea she was treating Carly badly.” Jason defended himself.

“You had no idea or you chose to be ignorant?!” Cruella yelled. She was way too angry to even process what he had earlier said about China not being his girlfriend.

“Okay fine, I chose to be ignorant and that's why I'm doing this now. I can't protect my pack from outsiders without first protecting them from themselves.” Jason admitted and Cruella scoffed.

“And it took you a fight with me to realize this?” She asked with a scoff.

“Not the fight though but what you said. It was the first time someone had spoken to me in such manner and even though I was angry, I had to think it over.” Jason said and Cruella let out a sigh.

“I guess you're not as dumb as you look.” She blurted out even before realizing it.

“Excuse you?” Jason widened his eyes. Did she just say he looked dumb?

“What? I'm sure you think you look like some kind of Korean model but you don't. You keep putting on that straight face that there's no difference between you and a rock.” Cruella said and Jason found himself laughing, a sound which pleased Cruella.

This was the first time she had heard him laugh and it was pleasing to the ear. She wanted to see this version of him more often as it was more attractive than the stone cold Jason.

“You know you shouldn't talk to your Alpha that way right?” He said with a serious face but Cruella could tell he was supressing a laugh as his lips kept twitching here and there.

“You're not my Alpha yet.” She rolled her eyes.

“So we good now?” Jason asked not wanting their friendliness to change since her expression did.

“As long as your girlfriend stays away from Carly then we are.” Cruella replied with a slight frown. She just hated China so much as she reminded her of Maeve.

“Didn't you hear when I said she's not my girlfriend?” Jason asked with a frown. He didn't have the time to correct people's notion of him and China but when Cruella says it, it's a totally different feeling for him.

“Really? That's not what everyone in the pack thinks.” Cruella said with a straight face.

“She is not my girlfriend Cruella. We are just close that's all.” Jason tried to explain but Cruella rolled her eyes at him.

“Yeah right and yet she clings onto you like a koala. You're not doing a great job confusing me that she's not you girlfriend but I don't even care, just as long as she stays off my back”

“I will talk to China. She just has a mind of her own but she's not always like that. She can be friendly too.” Jason said and Cruella chuckled.

“Yeah right.” She said, rolling her eyes in the process. “Can I go now? My friends are waiting for me.” She added and Jason smiled slightly.

“Of course. Friends?” He said and stretched out his hand to her for a handshake. Cruella stared at it for a while before finally accepting it.

The moment their hands joined together, they both felt and spark within them and a glint flashed before their eyes.

At the same time, they both heard their wolf side scream the word, ”Mate,“