

Kyle was quick to grab her by the waist before she could hit the ground but that only made things worse. Why was she feeling this way towards these guys? She barely knew them and yet they were causing her to feel things she should only feel for someone she's interested in.

“I'm alright. Thanks” Cruella said as she peeled his arms off her waist.

“You don't look alright. Here, drink up.” Kyle said, stretching his hand to her again.

“I'll be fine I'll just get a blood bag..”

“You're gonna choose a blood bag over an elites blood?” Kyle asked and Cruella's mouth parted for some seconds before she composed herself.

“You're an elite?” She asked but instead of replying, Kyle bit his wrist, allowing the blood to drip and in a millisecond, Cruella's fangs were already dug deep into his wrist. She still couldn't control herself at the sight of blood and his smelt so fucking good and it tasted even more delicious. Was this because he was an elite vampire?

Kyle stroked her hair while she drank his blood and she kept moaning at the sweetness of his blood. She didn't even want to stop and she wondered if he would die like Gerald if she kept going. She tried pulling away but her body didn't move an inch, she wasn't satisfied yet and If anything should go wrong then it'll be his fault for offering her his blood.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Sebastian asked with a frown and Cruella could finally feel her body again and she immediately pulled away. She still had blood stain at the corner of her mouth and kyle's next action shocked both Cruella and Sebastian.

He leaned in and slowly licked the blood off the corner of her lips and Cruella's body stiffened. Anyone watching them would think he had kissed her which was exactly what Sebastian thought and he greeted his teeth.

He wanted to pull Kyle away but decided to let Cruella do that since he had no right to intervene, for now but suprisenly, Cruella didn't even move an inch until Kyle pulled away from her.

The way she was staring at him told Sebastian she had enjoyed it rather than hated it.

“You can't waste good blood.” Kyle said with a wink and Cruella finally snapped out of her trance.

“Th-hanks.” She stuttered and Kyle bounced his head before turning to Sebastian who glared at him immediately.

“Ella are you okay?” He asked worriedly and Cruella smiled.

“Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself.” She said before returning her focus on Kyle.

“Why did you help me though? I'm curious. If you're an elite then you shouldn't be giving your blood to strangers.” She said with a frown.

“I don't give my blood to strangers in fact, no one has ever tasted my blood, until now.” He said with a wink and Cruella blushed a bit. She felt special being the first to taste his blood but she immediately shook her head to get those distracting thoughts out.

“Who's blood do you drink when you're hungry?” She asked curiously and he smiled at her. She really loved his smiles as it made her smile as well.

“When we meet again, I'll tell you.” He said and before she could respond, he was gone.

She finally faced Sebastian who had a scowl on his face.

“Is something wrong?” She asked but he shook his head.

“I just got the wrong impression when I first got here that all.” He said and Cruella furrowed her brows.

“How do you mean?”

“I heard your moans and I thought you two were making out or something.” He dragged his words and Cruella's eyes widened.

“Wait, I was moaning?” She asked blinking severally and Sebastian bounced his head.

“Loudly.” He added and Cruella could tell he was teasing her.

“Come here you jerk!” She yelled and began chasing after him until they were out of the building.


“How are you feeling Carly?” Cruella asked worriedly.

“Still a bit sore but I'm fine. You worry too much.” Carly said with a sweet smile. They were at the open field, passing out time since they were done with classes for the day.

To Cruella, it felt like she was starting college all over again except this college had no finish date. The students were allowed to stay as long as they like and even help train newbies when the time comes while those who choose to leave after are also allowed to leave.

Sebastian joined them later on, holding three cups of milkshake. He handed one each to the girls and sat down next to Carly.

“Sorry I didn't find you sooner, you must think I'm a crappy best friend.” Sebastian said with a sad pout.

“I don't think Sebastian, I already know you're a crappy best friend.” Carly replied and Cruella laughed a bit. “So what now?” Carly asked.

“Now, Cruella can explain what happened between her and that vampire guy earlier.” Sebastian said with a slight frown.

“What vampire guy?” Carly furrowed her brows.

“Seriously, Seb? I already told you nothing happened.” Cruella groaned.

“But it didn't seem like nothing. If I hadn't interrupted...”

“If you hadn't interrupted nothing would have happened. He just helped me feed that's all.” Cruella cut him off.

“Who?” Carly asked curiously.

“I don't know who he is but he said his name is Kyle and he's an elite vampire.” Cruella replied and Carly's jaw dropped.

“He said his name is what?! Kyle? Kyle Taylor?!” Carly asked loudly

“Why, do you know him?”

“He is like the coolest vamp in this academy and the strongest and he's a pure vampire, an elite!” Carly gushed.

“I just said he said he's an elite vampire but what's that you said about him being the strongest?” Cruella asked. If Kyle was indeed the strongest then she would need to get to know him better so he would agree to train her when the time comes.

“Yes he is, I've seen him during one of the training sections. He fought with Jason and they tied.” Carly explained.

“I'm sorry he fought with who?” Cruella's eyes widened. A vampire fighting with a werewolf doesn't always end well but she was shocked to hear they tied.

“Yes! Jason couldn't beat him and neither could he beat Jason. Everyone is excited to watch them rematch but that would probably be after the Alpha's competition. ”

“How come you know so many things about this guy and I don't?” Sebastian asked with a frown.

“That's because you choose to isolate yourself.” Carly said with a chuckle but her face lost its expression on seeing a certain person.

A frown settled on Cruella's face as he approached them.

“What's he doing here?” She asked obviously displeased.

Jason walked up to them with a straight face, his eyes fixated on Cruella who kept glaring at him. He stopped right Infront of them and Carly got up immediately, bowing slightly to show respect.

“Alpha.” She said as she bowed. Jason turned his attention towards her and smiled slightly.

“I'm sorry about what happened earlier, are you okay?” Jason asked and Cruella's scornful look turned into a perplexed one. Did he just apologize to Carly? Did someone finally slap some sense into that wolf brain of his?

“I'm fine Alpha, thank you.” Carly replied immediately, more than delighted to be receiving an apology from the Alpha.

“Well that's the first.” Sebastian chuckled and a frown appeared on Jason's face.

“Do you have a problem with me?” Jason asked.

“I do not now that you've proven that your brain is actually functioning.” Sebastian said and Cruella laughed a bit.

Carly could see a vein pop out on Jason's neck and she immediately glared at Sebastian to shut up

Jason turned his attention to Cruella, not wanting to entertain Sebastian's taunts.

“Can we talk?” He asked and once again Cruella's expression became that of a perplexed one. That was the last thing she had expected from him but he seemed to be doing the opposite of her expectations.

“No we cannot.” Cruella said frankly. She wasn't in the mood for a private talk with him as she was sure it would only result in an argument.

Carly faced her and signaled her with her eyes to go with him but Sebastian gave her another signal not to go. Cruella wasn't even bothered by either of their opinion. She had already made up her mind not to go with him but Jason's next action shocked her to the bones.

Jason walked up to her and in a swift movement, he lifted Cruella up and placed her on his shoulder.