

The wolves were about to go for their daily hunt when Cruella suddenly appeared in their mist, fuming and ready to attack anyone that gets in her way. The first person her gaze landed on was Jason who had a displeased look on his face.

“I don't remember you being scheduled to go hunting with us so what is it you're doing here?” He asked dryly.

“Where is she?” Cruella asked instead, trying to keep her calm.

“You need to be specific and I don't really have time to entertain your questions.” Jason said and made to turn around but Cruella was suddenly infront of him, her eyes blood red. Yup, her vampire side had finally kicked in since she was yet to feed.

“Where is that pathetic ass you call your girlfriend?!” She yelled and the other wolves took some steps backwards.

No one had ever talked to their alpha in that manner and they knew any minute a fight would break out so it was best to keep their distance.

“Am I suppose to be intimidated by a vampire? I've killed vampires and it wasn't that hard.” Jason said demurely.

“You seem to forget that I'm not just a vampire nor a werewolf.” Cruella snared at him and Jason smirked. To her suprise she found it appealing compared to the frown he always carried.

“Even if you were a dragon, I wouldn't flinch at the sight of your blazing fire.” He said, dragging his word.

Cruella didn't want to fight with the wrong person. She was here for that bitch and not the alpha. She's been trying her best to stay on his good side but it seems that's not possible anymore. He was an asshole just like his girlfriend and come to think of it, they were actually good for each other.

“I didn't come here for you. Where is China?” She asked trying to calm her nerves and avoid any unwanted fights.

“Did someone call my name? What, did you miss me that much?” Cruella heard her annoying voice and turned her head towards the direction. Her eyes were still blood red and on seeing China, it just intensified her hunger.

“You fucking psycho!” She yelled and immediately charged at China but before she could reach her, something or someone hit her hard and she dropped to the ground in shock.

She turned her head to see Jason, his eyes were now blood red and it was obvious he was angry.

“I told you I won't have you attacking my pack members!”

“You should have told her to keep her fucking hands off my friend! You're a pathetic alpha do you know that?!” Cruella yelled and everyone gasped except China who heard a smirk on her face.

“You dare speak to me in that manner? Are you sure you want a fight with me?” Jason asked, taking slow and steady steps towards her.

“You claim to be the alpha and protector of your pack and yet you let your girlfriend bully a member of your pack! She's a beta! She's a strong wolf and she's only trying to avoid trouble with you! That's why she lets China get away with her taunts!” Cruella yelled but China simply rolled her eyes.

“I have no idea what she'd talking about.” She denied.

“Shut the fuck up you embarrassment of a wolf! I'm warning you China, don't ever touch Carly again or I swear I'll kill you!”Cruella yelled.

“Should I be moved by your empty threats? You're only making that pathetic wolf even more pathetic. Why does she need others to come to her aid? Why doesn't she just challenge me herself?” China asked in disgust.

“It won't be an empty threat when you loose your head.” Cruella said before walking away.

China scoffed and walked closer to Jason who's gaze were fixated on Cruella's retreating back. For some strange reason, his wolf had scolded him for pushing her to the ground. He had acted out of instinct but what was this feeling. Was it regret?

“The audacity of that creature! How dare she speak to you in such manner? We should teach her a lesson.” China said, wrapping her arm around Jason's waist which finally brought him back to reality.

He gently peeled her arm off and faced her with a demure expression.

“Why do you keep bullying Carly?” Came his question and China's eyes widened as she wasn't expecting that.

“You're not seriously believing that piece of shit, are you?”

“Do you think I'm stupid? I've been watching you China and as much as it pains me to admit, Cruella was right. What kind of alpha am i if I let my own pack members turn against each other?” Jason asked and China rolled her eyes.

“We were only having fun, I didn't know she took it personally.” She said with a smile and held Jason's hand. “We are already late for out hunt thanks to that witch, we should get going.” She said and Jason signaled the other wolves to come along.


Cruella kept punching the wall, imagining it to be Jason and China's faces. She hated them so much and hated the fact that Carly was a member of their pack. She hated the fact that she'll be joining that forsaken pack as well just to protect Carly.

She kept punching the wall and soon, there was a big hole on it. Her breathing was heavy and even though she had destroyed the wall, she still wasn't calm. She still felt her rage intensify. She wished Jason's hadn't stepped in earlier and she succeeded in landing a punch on that ugly face of China's. Maybe then, her anger would have reduced a bit.

“I definitely don't wanna be that wall at this point.” Cruella heard an unfamiliar male voice from behind but she didn't bother to turn around.

“Get lost.” She said coldly, keeping her gaze on the hole. She wished so badly she could turn the wall into China and beat the hell out of her but she was yet to master her spells.

“I would have if the wall didn't need saving. Look at the poor thing. I wonder what it did to deserve such cruelty.” Cruella heard him speak again and she finally turned around to see the annoying stranger.

Her mouth parted slightly on seeing the demi god before her. Why was every guy in this academy so breath taking? At least the ones she had talked with. He had long black hair and blue eyes just like hers. His nose was a bit pointy just like Jason's but his abs wasn't as chiseled as Jason's. He was hot enough though and she felt it again, that stir.

“Who are you?” She asked slowly.

“The real question here is what are you doing? You look like you're about to die of starvation.” He said and Cruella almost felt embarrassed. She had forgotten about her hunger because of the anger she felt and she was certain her skin was as pale as a cadaver.

“Is it that obvious?” She asked with a heavy sigh. She would have to ask the vampires for their blood bag but she hadn't mingled with any of them since she arrived and She didn't know how to approach them.

“You look like you're going through a tough time. Here, I'll help you with this one just this once.” He said and stretched out his hand to her. Cruella furrowed her brows, wondering if what she was thinking was actually what he was doing. Why would he just offer her his blood when they barely knew each other.

“I barely know you, neither do you know me so why offer yourself to me?” She asked and he laughed a bit, a laugh that increased that stir within her. What were these guys doing to her?

“You make it sound like I'm offering you my virginity.” He chuckled and she smiled slightly. She did use the wrong sentence to describe his actions.

“Sorry.” She mumbled.

“It's fine. I'm Kyle and you are the new girl right?” He asked and Cruella frowned a bit.

“I have a name and it's Cruella.” She said and Kyle smiled.

“Lovely name, Cruella.” He said as he walked up to her. The closer he got, the faster her heartbeat got. Seeing his face from afar alone caused her muscles to tighten but now he was right Infront of her, it felt like she was about to have a heart attack.

He leaned in towards her ear and Cruella could feel her cheeks burn. What was he doing?

“You might wanna take several deep breaths Cruella. I can hear your heartbeat and it sounds like it's about to pop out of your chest.” He whispered and her legs instantly gave up on her, sending her to the ground.