
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime et bandes dessinées
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87 Chs

Golden Cooler Attacks

Goku nodded his head while Vegeta used his Zoom spell to send all the Z Fighters to Planet Salada. He didn't have time to worry about everyone else on earth, they were most likely already dead, killed off by the tree.

"I'll use my planet's dragon balls to resurrect them, however, for now, I'll have to take those away from Cooler." Vegeta then used his instant transmission to appear at the base of the tree.

Goku had used the same technique to block off Cooler. However, Cooler who was rapidly gaining strength and shot a Death Ball at Goku and escaped to the side.

"Kaio-Ken Times 21!" Goku shouted as he pushed back the blast and tried to cut Cooler off.

Goku's body felt like it was on the verge of breaking down, however, he held on and managed to cut Cooler off again.

"Damn you! Stop getting in my way!" Cooler southed as slammed both of his fists into Goku's gut and Superman-punched him all the way back to earth.

As they landed Goku coughed up a mouth full of blood as he felt his body tunneling through the ground. Every bone in his body was breaking as the stone behind him broke and shattered into dust.

Cooler then jumped out of the hole and rushed over to the tree's base.

However, he arrived just in time to see Vegeta store all the fruits in his pocket space.

Cooler snapped, "You! Give those back!" his body was flushed with Demonic Qi and his skin turned golden.

"You dare to make me use this form?! I will make you pay!" Cooler's power surged into the sky.

Vegeta's eyes widened, "How the HFIL?!"

The massive tree started to whiter down now that all the fruits had been plucked. The once large tree started to morph back into a seed before falling to the ground.

Cooler reached out faster than Vegeta could see. However, Vegeta simply pulled the seed into his pocket space the moment Cooler grabbed it.

Cooler's eyes widened and shouted, "What did you do!? Give that back!"

Vegeta quickly turned into a Super Saiyan 3 and was about to use his Kokoro-Ken, but Cooler had already punched him into the ground.

Around this time, Goku had managed to pull himself out of the Goku-shaped tunnel and ate a Senzu Bean.

His base power level went from 200 Million to 300 Million in an instant. He jumped back up and saw that Vegeta's situation was much worse than his.

Vegeta was struck when his power level was only 200 Billion. His entire body was crippled in an instant before he lost consciousness.

At the moment, Vegeta was mere seconds away from death's door.

Goku looked over at the Golden Frost Demon and noticed that he could no longer sense Cooler's energy.

Taking this as a foreboding situation, he used his instant transmission to pick up Vegeta and go to Planet Salada.

Cooler seeing them pop in and out of existence made him lose his temper thoroughly.

"Where did you go, you little shits?!" Cooler shouted. "I'll destroy this whole Planet! If you think I'll let you eat my fruit, then you thought wrong. If I can't have the Tree of Might, no one will!"

Cooler raised his hands and created a massive Super Nova Ball above his head, lowering his hand it smashed into the planet causing a massive explosion.

Earth only lasted a few seconds before the core erupted and was blasted into space dust.

And just like that, Earth, home to billions had been destroyed.

Goku reappeared on Planet Salada, Vegeta was covered in pools of his own blood and was about two seconds away from dying.

Thinking quickly, Goku placed a Senzu Bean inside his mouth and forced it down with his Ki. He then watched as Vegeta opened his eyes and screamed out, "Cooler!"

Vegeta's power level had jumped to 300 Million just like Goku's. He started to power up like crazy as he tried to sense what happened to Earth, like a bolt of lightning going through his chest, Vegeta sensed that it was gone.

Vegeta released an explosion of Ki as his entire body was surrounded by a golden flame.

"I'll fucking kill him!" His rage unleashed, Vegeta was unknowingly transforming into a new stage of Super Saiyan. His body slimmed down to his base form and his hair lost its Super Saiyan spikes. However, the golden flames only intensified.

"Vegeta!" Goku shouted in worry as the flames burned the grass around them. Goku was gritting his teeth while gripping his fist to the point of bleeding while slowly being was forced back by the intense explosion of Ki.


Goku's ears twitched before he quickly turned to see his family rushing over with a look of worry on their faces.

Vegeta screamed out as the flames purified his body. It felt like everything useless inside him was being swept away by the fire coming from his core.

When he opened his eyes, golden flames ran across his irises before the black pupil in the center came into focus.

His body then adapted and suddenly felt light. The flames faded until only whisps were left flowing from his skin every now and then.

"What..." Vegeta looked at the new form and felt his immense power.

Vegeta's hair was in base form but waving slowly alongside his flaming gold aura, his tail bristled with energy as it waved back and forth, and his body had almost no spare fat on it, only pure muscle.

Even without his Koroko-Ken, Vegeta's power level was an astonishing 1.5 Trillion.

However, even if he magnified his power by 20 or even 30, Vegeta wasn't sure he could win against Golden Cooler. It was a completely different realm of power he was dealing with.

Vegeta looked around at his options.

He knew he had enough Super Saiyans to perform the ritual, but he was struggling with whether or not to use it.

In the original Canon, Vegeta could turn Super Saiyan God without the ritual, and current Vegeta's pride prevented him from going through with it.

"It will all come down to this. I can't let Cooler escape," Vegeta said with a sigh while thinking, "I'd rather fuse with that fool than use 'that' ritual."

"Vegeta...what is that?" Goku questioned as he saw the new form.

"It's the official level of Super Saiyan 4. Hmm...odd. I feel myself gradually getting stronger. As if the multiplier is slowly increasing the longer I stay in this form," Vegeta commented.

"Woah...that's awesome. Not to mention, your energy, it feels so...calm, peaceful even," Goku said as he studied the form.

"Yeah...it does feel like there...wait I don't feel any strain at all. This form doesn't eat up stamina?" Vegeta was in awe.

"Super Saiyan 4 is amazing!" Goku shouted with surprise.

"But...I think this is the end of the evolution for Super Saiyan. 4 is the final transformation," Vegeta announced as he looked up at where Earth was supposed to be.

Unknowingly Vegeta had stared up at the full moon, "Aw..crap."

Everyone felt Vegeta's power start to fluctuate like crazy.

Everyone jumped back as they noticed Vegeta's body swelling in size. They had all seen the Oozaru Transformation before, but this time his fur was golden.

His power level was 10 times stronger than that of his greatest Super Saiyan Transformation, the True Super Saiyan 4, giving him a power level of 15 Trillion.

Vegeta roared out at the sky as he quickly pulled himself together. His blood felt like it was on fire, his Saiyan instincts bursting through every cell in his body.

As he slowly regained consciousness over his own body, Vegeta felt all of his blood suddenly flow in reverse.

His body started to shrink down in size, his hair became black, long, and wild. His fur covered most of his torso and legs and turned into a dark crimson red color.

This was the biggest boost to his power level Vegeta had ever felt in his life. It was an astonishing 40 times stronger than a Super Saiyan 4. giving Vegeta a 200,000 Times Base Modifier.

"I'll call this...Primordial Super Saiyan," Vegeta announced as he opened his eyes, revealing he still had the same firey golden eyes of a Super Saiyan 4.

Vegeta's current modifiers were...

MSS1: 75 x Base

MSS2: 200 x Base

MSS3: 1,000 x Base

SS4: 5,000 x Base

Golden Oozaru: 50,000 x Base

Primordial Super Saiyan: 200,000 x Base

Mastering their previous Super Saiyan Forms allowed for a much bigger multiplier than Vegeta thought possible. If a Saiyan had passed up mastering his following forms, then it would have looked something like this...

SS1: 50 x Base

SS2: 100 x Base

SS3: 400 x Base

SS4: 2,000 x Base.

Golden Oozaru: 20,000 x Base

Primordial Super Saiyan: 16,000 x Base

(AN: Primal Super Saiyan for short. Also, since SS4 continually grows its multiplier, eventually those that skimped on mastering could catch up.)

It appeared Golden Oozaru multiplied the highest Super Saiyan Modifier by 10, rather than just the SS1's form which would have given them a 500 times boost.

The new Primal Super Saiyan Vegeta had a power level of 60 Trillion.

Goku gulped as he watched the process and looked up at the moon, just like Vegeta, Goku experienced the exact same feeling, as he too became a Primordial Super Saiyan.

However, it was clear that Goku's transformation was weaker. His modifier for Primordial Super Saiyan was only 40,000 times his base, giving Goku a power level of 12 Trillion.

However, this form was easy to handle, Goku could even use the Kaio-Ken to easily catch up. With a Kaio-Ken Times Five, Goku pushed his base up to sixty million.

The two stood side by side, their clothes were still intact, but their hair had grown and changed back from gold into their usual black. The only difference between them was their hairstyle and the golden flames in Vegeta's eyes.

Vegeta turned around and looked at his family and friends. He then looked to Goku and thought, "Maybe the mastery of Super Saiyan 3 and the tail are the only things needed to access this form. If I recall correctly, Baby Vegeta had become a permanent Super Saiyan 3 as well."

"We'll be right back! Have someone use the dragon balls here to undo Cooler's damage." Vegeta took out two fruits from the Tree of Might and threw one to Goku.

"Eat it!" Vegeta said as he bit down into the fruit and chewed it down. Vegeta's base power level skyrocketed by 15 times until it reached 4.5 Billion and came to a halt.

Goku quickly finished eating the fruit and shouted, "This is good stuff!" as he felt his energy surge.

In Primal Super Saiyan Form this gave them Vegeta a power level of 900 Trillion and Goku a power level of 180 Trillion.

All Goku had to do was maintain a Kaio-Ken Times Five, and he would be even with Vegeta.

The two teleported themselves along with a large sphere of air and reappeared where Earth last was.

They could see the destruction caused by Cooler. His golden aura still lighting up the darkness of space like a torch in the dead of night.

Vegeta and Goku were both furious as they charged towards Cooler in a blast of extreme speed.

Cooler didn't have time to react as his face was crushed by their combined punch.

Vegeta hit the left side while Goku hit him in the right.

Before Cooler could yell out in pain the two kicked him in the gut with a spear kick that stretched out his gut, causing him to fly away like a broken ragdoll.

Vegeta teleported behind him and gripped his hands together before he swung his hands over his head, smashing Cooler in the face and sending him below the Saiyan's vision.

Goku teleported below him and grabbed his tail, and with a quick tug, Goku spun him around, sending the Frost Demon's face directly into Vegeta's spinning knee-kick.

Cooler felt his head spin as Goku started to pummel Cooler with a barrage of punches while shouting, "You killed them all!"

Vegeta appeared behind Cooler and started to punch at his back aiming for his spine and lower back.

"The whole planet? For what?!" Goku shouted again as he landed a fierce kick to Cooler's gut.

"Some shitty tree!" Goku cursed as he followed up with a backflip kick to the bottom of Cooler's chin.

Cooler growled as he spread his arms and legs creating a shockwave around him. A bright red and purple Ki-Barrier pushed Goku and Vegeta back before Cooler shouted, "Enough!"

Vegeta and Goku stood side by side and powered up, they both increased their power levels by times twenty and shouted.

"Koroko-Ken Times 20!"

"Kiao-Ken Times 20!"

"Super/Galic Kamehameha!" The two Saiyans shouted in unison.

Their attacks blended together and charged towards Golden Cooler with intent to kill, even Goku could not forgive his crimes.

Cooler shouted and placed his hand out, "Nova Crusher!" A massive golden blast shot out of his hand and met with their combined attack.

The two struggled back and forth for entire minutes that felt like hours, Goku gritted his teeth and shouted, "Kaio-Ken Times 40!"

Vegeta smirked as he shouted "Kokoro-Ken Times 40!"

Their blast got even stronger as it started to push back Cooler's attack, "Useless!" Cooler shouted as he dumped even more energy into the attack.

Goku was surprised to discover that his Primordial Super Saiyan physique could handle the Kaio-Ken's stress so well. With renewed vigor, he grinned and shouted, "Kaio-Ken Times 100!"

Vegeta laughed before following Goku's lead, "Kokoro-Ken Times 100!"

Once again their blast pushed the balance in their favor, Cooler's beam quickly retracted all the way to the base of his palm.

"DAMN YOU!" Cooler shouted as he exploded in rage.

Back on Salada, they had summoned the Dragon named Ryujinn- (Dragon+Jinn), the giant monkey dragon looked over the world of Salada and stared down at Dende and the rest of the Z warriors before saying, "I am the Eternal Dragon Ryujinn. What is your wish?"

"Okay guys, he can only grant two wishes but his power is even greater than Purunga, so make your wishes wisely," Dende said, looking towards Gohan before he saw him nod.

Gohan then raised his hands towards the dragon as he said, "I wish for all the damage inflicted by members Planetary Trade Organization's leaders and their men to be undone. This includes planets, bodies, and every last thing they destroyed."

The dragon nodded his head a said, "It shall be done!" his eyes glowed bright red, and all across the Milkyway countless planets and the bodies of mortals that had been destroyed and killed by PTO were brought back into existence; Earth included.

Gohan looked up and said, "The next wish is to revive all those that died under the Planetary Trade Organization's actions."

The Dragon's eyes glowed and said, "It is done." Ryujinn turned into a beam of light before it shot across the surface of planet Salada.

Countless lives and planets that were stolen from the rightful owners appeared, and like a crazed frenzy, countless wars broke out for those victims to reclaim their planets.

For those that had their entire planet destroyed by the PTO, they woke up thinking that it all must have been a horrible nightmare.

Goku and Vegeta's blast had finally reached Cooler.

"This is pointless!" Cooler shouted as he powered up as much as he could.

Goku and Vegeta could sense his power surging to new limits, however, just as quickly as it climbed, his power suddenly took a nosedive and his golden form disappeared.

The golden sheen disappeared from his skin as Cooler quickly reverted into his 5th form. The Frost Demon felt his hands starting to disintegrate as he tried to resist Goku and Vegeta's combined attack.

When Cooler felt his defenses caving in, the top half of his body began ripping into shreds.

"No this is impossible!" Cooler shouted as his lower half separated from his body and his top half was shot into space.

While Cooler's top shot off into the depths of space, everything below fell into Earth's gravity, burning up upon entering the atmosphere.

Unbeknownst to the two Primal Super Saiyans, at the very last second, before Cooler's head was destroyed, a small and almost unnoticeable portal opened up and pulled it inside.

Goku and Vegeta were certain of their victory when Cooler's Ki disappeared. They suddenly ceased their attack and powered down.

Letting out a sigh of relief, they looked at one another and nodded their heads before returning to Planet Salada.

Goku and Vegeta appeared in front of their family feeling rather worn out. The two smiled and gave them a thumbs-up before being surrounded by cheers.

Bulma and Chi-Chi jumped into the arms of their husbands as they were swarmed by their loved ones.

Vegeta smiled as he looked over to see a completely confused Future Trunks, "When did mom have a tail? Why are there so many Saiyans, and why am I already born? Who am I? Where am I?"

"Dad, can you teach me to do that monkey transformation?" Gohan asked with stars in his eyes.

"Me too, Dad!" Goten said climbing on the back of Goku's shoulders.

"Don't leave me out of it!" Trunks said gripping Vegeta's arm.

Vegeta turned to Future Trunks and waved his hand. Everyone suddenly moved aside when Vegeta and Bulma approached him.

"Hey, doesn't he look like me?" Kid Trunks said scratching his head.

Future Trunks smiled and said, "That's because I am you, well sorta."

Everyone but Bulma and Vegeta seemed shocked, Bulma placed her hand against Trunks's cheek and said, "A mother always recognizes her child, but how is this possible?"

Future Trunks smiled and began to tell his history. When they all heard that they were killed off by the Androids, everyone shook, Goku then pointed his finger at himself, "Even I died!"

Future Trunks shook his head and said, "No, you died from a new disease. A Heart Virus was your downfall. The medicine to cure the ailment hadn't been invented yet, but luckily a cure was made many years later."

Future Trunks threw out a vial of the medicine and said, "I don't know whether or not you'll need this, but better safe than sorry."

Goku caught the vial and smiled before saying, "Is it grape flavored?"

Vegeta shook his head and cast a cleansing spell on Goku, as the light shined around his body, the Heart Virus that would have plagued Goku, vanished.

"I guess there was some validity to the Ultra Divine Water being the cause for Goku's illness. Or maybe he got it when he traveled the world as a child," Vegeta thought as he took the vial from Goku and handed it to Bulma.

"If Goku was sick, he's not anymore. We can give this to a medical facility or lab in case an outbreak of this disease ever occurs."

Surprised to hear that his father could use magic, Future Trunks shook his head and thought of asking for their help in defeating the Androids.

However, when Vegeta saw that look in his future son's eye, he shook his head and said, "We can help you...but I think it would be better if I trained you for a couple of years. You should be the one to handle your issues."