
Reborn as ssj4 gogeta

Random teen gets shot shortly after leaving his house and dies. he spends an unknown amount of time floating in a place he just calls the void, only for a R.O.B to show up and give him a chance at reincarnation, he gets five wishes and gets to choose where to go. our mc chooses to become a saiyan and embark on a new journey in his new life.

Elite41 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

chapter 5 Planet goes boom

some people seem to really hate the fact I made an oc aside from the mc. I had made it with a plan in mind and to be able to mold it how I pleased without people complaining that "that's not how bardock should act" or "that's not how raditz character is" or "goku isn't that type of person he wouldn't do that" and bs like that. It's a fan fic not the original manga things will be different that's the whole point of this being once again a fan fic. so I'll just scrap whatever I had planned and just do something completely different with the character simply cuz why not. people will complain no matter what might as well give a reason. There will be changes to the characters it's inevitable but I'd focus on the ocs I made.

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

'Shit shit shit'

'I already knew that changes were happening to the canon timeline, with me being put in this world, already having an impact like having a sister and her being born abnormally strong, now this…..'

'Kakarot hasn't even been born yet, still frieza already sent out the message for all saiyans to come back home to planet vegeta'

'I need to get my family off this planet before shit blows up, I'm assuming he came here because some idiots started spreading the rumor of me being the legendary super saiyan and now he's here since he doesn't want that'

"Father mother we have to get get off this planet, frieza is going to blow it up any minute now." I said alerting them

"What are you talking about, relax kaleth he's probably gathering everyone since he wants to send the saiyans to conquer a strong planet right bardock." mom said slightly worried

"No I'm having a bad feeling about this, I think kaleth is right about this gine. We should leave before he decides to destroy the planet, if we're wrong then we'll come back if not then we'll settle in a different planet." father said believing this would be something frieza would do

"Get caylin and raditz now, we don't have time to discuss things like this we have to get going now." I said spotting caylin but not raditz

'Wait wheres raditz'

[ Frieza P.O.V ]

"Ohohoho look at all the monkeys coming home." said frieza

"Lord frieza at this rate it will take a long time for the rest of these monkeys to come back to the planet. I suggest to destroy it now and we'll just send the rest of the surviving saiyans on missions that guarantee they will die." zarbon said eager to see the end of the saiyans

"Ohohoho it seems your eager to kill them zarbon, but yes I suppose you have a point, I don't feel like wasting any more time on these apes." said frieza exiting his ship and charging up a supernova

[ kaleth P.O.V ]

'Damn it, I knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing fuck my luck. Haaa where the hell is raditz damn it'

"have you found where raditz is yet mother. We need to leave now, caylin do you know where raditz went." I said getting impatient

"Tch why would I care about where that weakling would be." said caylin upset at the mention of raditz

'Damn it now is not the time for this shit. I shouldn't have taught that brat how to hide his damn ki, I had taught him how to control his ki'

"Mother we need to leave I'll teleport you and caylin to another planet while I wait for father and raditz." i said wanting to get them away

"Can't we wait a little longer, I'm sure bardock is on his way back with raditz." mother said not wanting to leave without raditz or father

"we have no time, look up he's already preparing an attack to blow up the planet. Now let's go grab my hand you to caylin." I said hurriedly since I can see frieza charging up his death ball

'I'll drop them off on earth and come back quickly. I could easily kill that over grown lizard right now but I don't really care for the rest of the planet, this is just an easy way to get rid of them'

"Ok let's go I'll leave you and come back quickly, Kai kai." I said while quickly teleporting

'Good thing I used the dragon balls to get the Kai Kai and some other things'

"Ok this is the planet, nothing here can harm any of you now I'll go back quickly kai kai." I said while leaving them behind on earth

'Now where are they, finally it seems father found the brat I'll go to him to speed this up the attack is about to hit the planet'

"Father let's go I've already sent mother and caylin away, grab on quickly we don't have time Kai Kai." I said as I could see the the death ball hit the planet

'Haa that was to close for comfort fucken raditz, now with the planet having gone boom we'll settle here'

"Kaleth what is this planet, the scouter shows a bunch of weak power levels." father said while tapping on his scouter

"Take off the scouter father we don't want frieza sending his minions, they'll be easy to deal with but it'll be annoying." I said annoyed

"Now explain where we are." said father after having taken off and destroying his scouter

"This is a planet full of weak humans, however it's perfect to stay hidden from frieza since he wouldn't be interested." I said trying to explain why it would be a good place to live

"Does that mean we can live peacefully here and I don't have to send my children away to conquer planets." mother said happy to not have her children sent away on dangerous missions

"Yes mother we can live in peace here, no one here is a threat to us." I said happy to see her relieved

"Now as for where we'll live, we can either live in the mountains away from the people or we can live in the city among them." I said while pointing at the mountains close to us and in the direction I sense people

'I'd rather stay away from people besides gohan, I'm curious to see what would happen if I make bulma and goku still go on there adventure. He'll be stronger and shouldn't be a dumbass…. at least I hope he isn't'

'I always thought he was dumb because he didn't receive any education, and was only taught martial arts from gohan, anyway that's for later we need to find a place to live'

"So have you guys decided where we're going to live." I said wanting to get this over with

"Yea we want to live in the mountains away from those humans." said father not wanting to have any contact with anyone

"Ok let's go to the mountains over there and start building a home so mother can rest, she's only a few months from giving birth." I said making a point of mother's current condition

"Let's go caylin help me out." I said while looking in her direction

'Uhh wth why is she wrapping her tail with mine'

"Uhh caylin why are you wrapping your tail with mine." I said confused as to why she was doing such a thing

"I want to, so I'll do what I want, what do you have a problem with that." said caylin seeming to be upset that I didn't want to have our tails together

"Whatever do what you want I don't care, let's just get to work with building the house." I said just letting her do what she wants

'Now that the planet has gone boom there's nothing that's going to happen for some time now'

'I guess I could train caylin and explore other planets in the mean time if I get bored'

'With the time chamber I can train when ever I want so I have nothing to worry about, especially not beerus. When he comes around I should be more than strong enough'