
Reborn as sakura with ope ope no mi in pirate world

Ope ope no mi is one of the most powerful devil fruit in one piece. What will happen if one of the best medical ninja eat such a fruit?. How presence of sakura change the fate of strawhats

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Chapter 4: New techniques

As Sakura and Hinata settled into their new roles as members of the Straw Hat Pirates, they quickly realized that they had a lot to learn if they wanted to keep up with their new crewmates.

The Straw Hats were a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique fighting style and set of skills. Sakura and Hinata trained hard, determined to prove their worth and become valuable members of the crew.

Under the guidance of their new mentor, Roronoa Zoro, Sakura and Hinata began to hone their ninja skills even further. Zoro was a skilled swordsman, and he taught them how to use their newfound speed and agility to become even more deadly in battle.

But it wasn't just physical training that Sakura and Hinata needed. They also had to adapt to the unique personalities and quirks of their new crewmates.

Usopp, the ship's sharpshooter, was always exaggerating and telling tall tales. Sanji, the chef, was constantly flirting with any woman who crossed his path. And Luffy...well, Luffy was just Luffy, with his insatiable appetite and endless enthusiasm.

Sakura and Hinata learned to navigate these personalities, finding ways to connect with each of their crewmates and form bonds of friendship and trust.

As they continued on their journey with the Straw Hats, Sakura and Hinata began to feel more and more like they belonged. They had found a new family in this strange, new world, and they were determined to protect them no matter what challenges lay ahead.