
Reborn as General Antonio Luna and the road to becoming the Emperor

"Reborn as General Antonio Luna and the road to becoming emperor" follows the captivating journey of a descendant of General Luna, who meets an untimely death only to be reincarnated as General Luna himself, amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the Philippine-American War. As the revived general, he must grapple with the challenges of leading his people in a time of conflict, all while embracing his newfound identity. Through strategic prowess, emotional trials, and a desire to forge his own path, the protagonist strives not only to triumph in battle but also to rise as an unexpected leader, aiming to reshape history and earn a place as an enduring emperor. The story navigates the complexities of heritage, honor, and personal growth, as the protagonist seizes the chance to rewrite fate and claim an extraordinary legacy.

Hibernating_Monk · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Traitors and Cowards

"Stand and fight!" I said to the son of Buencamino .

" Bullshit " came his reply as he escaped from my grasp and runs away.

"Fucking bastard " I yelled as I fire my revolver at his direction.

"Son of a b*tch!" I cursed as I continued to go up and down our trench line as I encountered a dying Lieutenant shouting at his soldiers.

" Keep fighting! Don't give up! To the death! " he keeps shouting as I approach him.

" Don't move, and be quiet." I commanded.

" General. I'm sorry, I cannot... Be quiet." he said.

"Rusca! Rusca! " Shouting to my captain.


"Get him to the rear. Call the medic! " I said to him.

"Medic! Medic! Hurry up! Get him out of here. " Rusca shouted at the medics on standby.

As the medics were attending to him I grabbed a Epaulettes from one of the dead Coronels in this trench line and up it on him.

" Lieutenant, for gallantry in the field of battle, I hereby promote you to Colonel of the Philippine Republic Army." I said as I saluted him.


" Get him out of here. " I commanded the nurse who was tending to him

" Thank you, General. " The Lieutenant now Coronel thanked me as the medics slowly raised him up but his shot leg bended and blood came out his mouth.

"Wait. Put him down " said the nurse but it was already too late for the newly promoted Coronel.

I stood there until the Messenger I sent earlier came back with news

"What's the news messenger? " I questioned.

"Captain Janolino refuses to obey. General! " The messenger replied. ' Captain Janolino is one of the closes near my battlefield and yet he dares defy me?' I thought.

" General " Said another messenger I sent to Contact the Kawit brigade

" What's the word from Kawit? " I said.

" The Kawit Brigade refuses to obey.Capt. Janolino says that he has no direct orders from the President. " The Messenger said.

' God damn it, these men are gonna cost me this battle!" I thought, Anger at the Kawit brigade for their insubordination.

" Private! Get my horse. " I said to one of the private closes to me.

" Rusca stay here. Hold this line as long as possible! " I commanded Captain Rusca.

" Coronel Francisco, Come with me "

" Were counting on you, brother. " Joked Coronel Francisco to captain Rusca.

____________________________________________Timeskip to the Kawit brigades Camp:


As we got near the camp I could hear of the soldiers shouting.

" Someone's coming. " as he runs to his fellow soldiers.

"Fall in! Faster! " Ordered another one.

" Look at this sorry bunch of idiots. Where is Captain Janolino? Your comrades are dying out there and hear You are just playing cards!Where's your captain? " I said as Rage clouded my head.

" Stand at attention when the general is talking to you! " Said Coronel Francisco as he points his officer revolver at them.

" He's inside. " Answered one of the soldiers.

" Roman. " I called my loyal Coronel.

" General? " he answered.

" Disarm these cowards. Strip them of their ranks and tie them up! " I said to him as I start to enter the hut where the captain of these men are.

And when I entered I did not like what I see, for I see the captain sleeping on a bed with a naked girl on his side.

" Son of a b*tch! " I cursed as took a cup of water and splashes it at them. "Good afternoon, Captain. Enjoying your nap? " I questioned.

" General... " came his answer as he he slowly stands and goes to his knees, probably gonna beg me to spare his life

" You understand Spanish and Tagalog, don't you? " I said.

" Yes, sir "

" Well, you piece of sh*t. " I cursed as I unhosterd my revolver and aimed it at his head. "Why did you not obey my orders? Do you know how many men are dead and wounded because of your stupidity? " I said to him with rage on my voice.

" I... I only take orders from President Aguinaldo. " came his reply.

" Are you not aware of the First Article of our rules and regulations captain? " I questioned with my brows raised.

" no, sir " came his almost immediate response.

" Coronel Francisco, could be so kind and read what Article one is in our rules " I said.

" Article One:

Any person who refuses

to follow orders

dictated by the General in chief

of the Philippine Army

will be immediately shot without trial. " as Coronel Francisco reads what Article one is, I could see that the captains face becoming paler each word.

After Coronel Francisco Finished reading, I kneeled down to look at the Captain in the eye. " That means you, brother." I smiled as I grab his cock hard and lead him outside to his men.

" You poor men of Kawit. Your leader has his brain on the wrong head " I said to the soldiers gathered.


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