
Reborn as General Antonio Luna and the road to becoming the Emperor

"Reborn as General Antonio Luna and the road to becoming emperor" follows the captivating journey of a descendant of General Luna, who meets an untimely death only to be reincarnated as General Luna himself, amidst the tumultuous backdrop of the Philippine-American War. As the revived general, he must grapple with the challenges of leading his people in a time of conflict, all while embracing his newfound identity. Through strategic prowess, emotional trials, and a desire to forge his own path, the protagonist strives not only to triumph in battle but also to rise as an unexpected leader, aiming to reshape history and earn a place as an enduring emperor. The story navigates the complexities of heritage, honor, and personal growth, as the protagonist seizes the chance to rewrite fate and claim an extraordinary legacy.

Hibernating_Monk · War
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: War and suicidal charges

" And by the feel of it, his brain is not that big. Francisco let's go Back to the field." I said.


Back at the Battlefield:


Here we can see Captain Rusca shouting at the Americans.

" Keep em coming! When you run out of bullets, come over and I'll smash your white balls together! " He shouted as he went to another part of the trench line.

" We can't be at them. " Said one soldier as he slowly gets up the trench.

" Shut up. " Replied Captain Rusca.

" Hey! Don't raise your head. Keep your... " said Captain Rusca as a Cannon Ball hits the soldier's face and destroys his head like a melon.

"Son of a b*tch! " He cursed, when the other soldiers saw what happened to their fellow soldier they're spirits began to fade and they started deserting.

" Come back here! Damn it! " He yelled Lucky General Luna Arrived in time.

" Get back there! Faster! " He commanded the retreating Soldiers.

" Serves you right. " said Captain Rusca as he hits the soldier with his officer cap.

" Don't despair, men! Stand fast and shoot! Fire! " He said but as the Filipino soldiers moral was rising the Americans crashed it by firing they're Gatling gun at them resulting in many casualties.

Luna stands there rooted in place as he watch his men get killed by American Guns.

Suddenly he run away from the trenches.

" General! General! " Captain Rusca and Coronel Francisco Said at the same time as they watch the general ride his horse and goes over the trench, charging to the American trenches.

" General! Don't! Cover the General! Charge! " Shouted Coronel Francisco as he too goes over the trench following the generals Suicidal charge.

" Forward men! " shouted Captain Rusca to he's soldiers.

Suddenly they see the general get shot and fell off he's horse.

" GENERAL!! " Shouted Coronel Francisco as he see's the General roll to some barrels to get some cover.

" Halt! Fire! " captain Rusca halted the men so they can provide supportive fire to the general.

Meanwhile with the General and Coronel we could see the general slowly aiming he's revolver to he's head, luckily Coronel Francisco arrived just in time to stop the General.

" Stop, General! " He said.

" Why did you stop me? Don't you see I'm... " said the general as he slowly reach out to he's injury but then he felt something hard.

It turns out the bullet was stop by one of the generals coin in he's pouch.

" * laughs* Hey! You American monkeys! " Said the General as he gets up to show the Americans he's alive and kicking.

" Get down! " said Coronel Francisco pulling the General down. " General, look! " as he and the General looks to their men.

" FOR THE MOTHERLAND. CHARGE! " Shouts Captain Rusca to the soldiers.

" CHARGE! " Shouted the soldiers.

Meanwhile at the Americans the American General, Gen. Arthur MacArthur Jr. ordered a general retreat fearing massive casualties among he's men.

we could hear the trumpet signaling a general retreat as the Americans slowly left the battlefield.

" Look! They're retreating! Long live the Philippines! " Yelled Captain Rusca with a smile on he's face.

meanwhile with the general and Coronel.

" This is not a victory, Paco. " said the general to Coronel Francisco.

" I know, General. But look at them. They're now a real army and they need you. " Replied Coronel Francisco.


As night time slowly claims the world, we could see The president Emilio along with he's prime minister Apolinario talking to a General Mascardo in he's Presidential office.


" He humiliated my Captain in front of his men. You said we should take orders only from you, Mister President. " Said Gen. Mascardo.

" We can t afford to lose anyone. " Said prime minister Apolinario As he looks at President Emilio.

" Don't worry, Tomas. They will all be reinstated. " Said president Emilio as he massage he's head.

" Thank you, Mister President. We have to do something about that crazy Luna. The Caviteanos honor is at stake. " Replied Gen. Mascardo.

While Mascardo and he's captain leaves the room, he and he's prime minister were having a talk.

" They fought with me in Kawit. I agree we need discipline in our ranks but the way he carries it out. The humiliation. " Said President Emilio as he stands up and walks up from he's chair going to the window.

" Whatever we say, The fact is Luna is still useful. " Replied Prime Minister Apolinario.

" I cant figure him out. What do we do with him? " Questioned President Emilio.

" Support him. We still share the same goals. Is there anything we can do? " Said minister Apolinario to the President.

" But his arrogance. " said president Emilio with anger in he's voice.

" Have you ever tried to catch the wind? " said minister Apolinario with a smile on he's face.


Back to the present time with General Luna( MC) and Joven.


" They say that you area warmonger. Why not compromise? Would it not be easier? " Joven questioned me.

" I detest war, Joven. But compromise? Can we simply ignore the enemy? " I said

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