
Reborn as blackbeard and asking for dark fruit

i woke up as blackbeard but instead of killing thatch i ask for the fruit and choose no longer to hide in whitebeard shadow. i will carry the future of whitebeard pirates and take down the WG

Beelze1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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81 Chs

handsome and stroger

Standing in front of the mirror, Blackbeard almost didn't recognize himself when he saw the person in the mirror.

I saw that the person in the mirror had not changed much except for the big, slightly sinister eyes. The originally fat and ugly face had become thinner, and the skin was close to a thin layer of facial muscles.

Of course, as long as he doesn't grin and expose his big mouth with four missing teeth, he still looks normal and attractive.

On the contrary, he looks very similar to his handsome face in his previous life.

In addition, the proportions of the body that have been adjusted through the use of [Life Return] have become harmonious.

The big belly disappeared and turned into a few vague abdominal muscles. As long as you exercise for a period of time, the abdominal muscles will naturally appear.

The two thighs that were originally slender and out of proportion were just right at this time.

Seeing this, even if he had seen all kinds of ruthless people who lost weight and body sculpting in his previous life, compared with the [Life Return] that he had mastered, it was like heaven and earth!

No wonder CP9's Lu Qi can change his body shape so easily.

I have to say that returning life can be regarded as an alternative magical skill!

After that, Blackbeard carefully trimmed the stubble on his face and the curly long hair, which immediately made him feel energetic.

Especially with his height of 344 centimeters, the feeling of oppression becomes even stronger.

Then Blackbeard used the bucket in the room to scrub his body, and at the same time used [Life Return] to feel the changes in his body. After confirming that it was correct, he fell into a deep sleep completely.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Blackbeard woke up from a deep sleep.

This is also an ability that can only be obtained after fully mastering [Life Return].

Not only can you fall asleep quickly, but you can also enter deep sleep with the best sleep quality.

This is why [Life Return] in Marine Six Styles is the most difficult move to master among the six styles!

To understand this kind of move, only a genius with extremely strong comprehension ability can understand it.

Thinking of this, Blackbeard couldn't help but sigh at the awesomeness of [Traveler's Clock].

Because he not only understood and completely mastered [Life Return] in one night, he also fully mastered the other Marine Six Styles, even the secret technique [Six Kings Spear] among the six styles.

Now he only needs to find a secluded island where he can use his skills to practice for a period of time. After becoming familiar with various moves, he will be able to completely master them!

With this in mind, Blackbeard decided to report his training plan.

After all, he is a member of the Whitebeard pirate group. If he wants to leave the Moby-Dick to practice alone, he still has to report to Whitebeard.

And he doesn't know which island is suitable for him to practice.

Naturally, he knows best in Whitebeard's territory.

After thinking about this, Blackbeard simply cleaned himself up and then came to the deck of the Moby Dick.

As soon as he stepped onto the deck, some of the crew members who were still yawning because they had woken up early stared at Blackbeard, their eyes gradually widening.

Everyone was stunned until Blackbeard opened his big mouth with four missing teeth and revealed his signature "thief hahaha" laugh.

"Are you...Teach!!!?"

Shouts of exclamation echoed throughout the deck of the Moby Dick!

Within a minute or two, the entire Mobydick crew was alerted. Everyone gathered around Blackbeard and looked at him like a rare animal, and then started asking questions.

"f**k! Teach, how did you do that?"

"Does that Dark Fruit also have the function of plastic surgery and body shaping? How can it be repaired! If I had known it had this ability, I would have asked Sachi for it!"

"Stop joking! If I had known I had that Devil Fruit and the ability to become handsome, how could I have given it to Teach, you bastard!"

"Hey, hey, hey, Teach, your form changes are too exaggerated!"

"My dear, I almost thought I was dreaming!"

"God, it's incredible!"



Although he knew it might cause a bit of a stir, he didn't expect everyone's reaction to be so big.

The most outrageous thing is that these guys are actually envious and jealous of him owning Dark Fruit at this time.

It seems that good looks are hard currency in any world!

Especially this kind of heaven-defying body shaping and plastic surgery skills.

"Gula la la la————

You idiot sons, you don't sleep so early in the morning, why are you making such a fuss here?


Are you Teach?

Nani? ? ? "

Just as everyone was talking, Whitebeard's voice sounded outside the crowd, followed closely by his shocked voice.


As Whitebeard arrived, the crowd immediately dispersed into a passage, allowing Whitebeard's huge 6.6-meter body to walk into the crowd.

"Thief hahahaha————"

Teach couldn't help laughing after seeing Whitebeard:

"Dad, how do you feel about my new look?"

"Teach, why did you become like this after one night? Does that Dark Fruit still have this ability?"

Whitebeard hugged his beard, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Seeing the curious looks from others, Blackbeard laughed and said:

"Thief hahaha————

Certainly not Dark Fruit's abilities.

Dad, you still remember the information about Marine Six Styles you gave me last night, right?

Although that information was basically fake except for the practice method of shaving, I accidentally understood one of the moves called [Return of Life].

After a night of practice, I became like this. "


Hearing Blackbeard's words, the entire Whitebeard pirate group was shocked again. Even Whitebeard looked at him dumbfounded.

Is this okay?

However, after the shock came the excitement.

Everyone who originally thought it was Dark Fruit's ability could only secretly regret it, but now everyone was eager to try it and looked at Blackbeard with shining eyes.

After feeling the wolf-like gazes of everyone, Blackbeard naturally understood what they were thinking and immediately said:

"Don't worry, give me some time. After I have completely mastered the cultivation experience of [Returning Life], I will compile it into a book and teach it to everyone."


As soon as Blackbeard said this, there was an uproar, followed by a round of flattery from everyone.

Whitebeard couldn't help but smile with relief. He was leaning alone on the huge sofa in the back and watching a group of family members laughing, with satisfaction in his eyes.

After Blackbeard gave the guarantee, he came to Whitebeard and said seriously:

"Dad, after my research on [Marine Six Styles] last night, I found that I seem to have some talent for practicing [Marine Six Styles].

So I want to find a quiet island suitable for cultivation to practice alone.

I will teach you guys how to do it after I master [Marine Six Styles].

By then, the overall strength of our Whitebeard Pirates will be able to reach a higher level. "

"Gula la la la————"

After Whitebeard laughed for a while, he agreed directly without thinking:

"Okay, we will prepare the materials you need for training. The mountain behind the next port where our Moby Dick is docked is suitable for your training. Let Ace take you there when the time comes. He knows that place."

Blackbeard smiled.

The first phase of the plan is completed!

As expected, it's easy to enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree.