
Reborn as AFO's Son

For those here for the tags, this is a multiverse fanfics, and the system does nothing but help the MC keep track of all his abilities, i'll leave it there. First world- MHA 2nd world-Naruto These are the world im most used to, ill release 2 votes at the end of MHA and end of Naruto and combine them to see which is the next world! Also Mc is a menace and a bit cringe at times, good luck.

Unknownking6869 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


" I seeeeee youuuuuu~ HAHAHAHHAHAHA" The crazy voice echoed throughout the dark night.

" S-Stay away! Fuck! " The blonde adult created a few clones as they split up.

" ONE ! " The crazy voice shouted as a black arm pierced one of the clones stomach.

" RUN RUN RUN! I'll find the real one at some point, heheheheh" The voice said as 2 clones were grabbed and dragged away.

" Fuck, what does he want with me? " The blonde annoyingly ran and looked for an escape.

As he ran he created clones but they were instantly killed, he was being toyed with, this guy was crazy.

" Huff...Huff...Hufff, did i lose him? " The blonde laid his back on a wall in the back alley.

" I should create more clones just incase. " The blonde was getting ready to use his quirk before noticing something in front of him.

In the other wall a small light could be seen, the closer he looked he finally realized,

" Those are eyes?! " But before he can do anything a arm stretched out and grabbed his neck.

" Found you. " after a closer look the blonde noticed this way just a boy, he had white hair and wore a hoodie with black cargo pants, it was Isamu. 

Isamu added more pressure as he took the quirk away without hesitation, 

" At least now you know you're the real one. " Isamu teased as the blonde realized he couldn't use his quirk anymore, relieved but also afraid.

" Too bad you won't live to enjoy this. " Darkness covered Isamus arm as it pierced his stomach just like his clones.

Except this time his guts and blood fell out,

" You have a really good quirk, i'll put it to great use. " Isamu said taking a picture of the body before sending it to someone.


It's been a year since I convinced Ochako to work part time as a villain, of course I don't force her to work with me.

If I put it on a schedule she works a day or 2 a week or sometimes doesn't work at all, of course she doesn't have to do it continuously as she gets a couple million every job.

I work everyday, especially because I need quirks so I find interesting ones I can combine or that I can use in the future.

I also have 5 quirks I've left on the side to train and evolve to use in the future to forcefully evolve other quirks that will be useful.


" I'd say I have about 15 quirks, including the 5 I don't use- " Far away he could someone talking " Looks like he managed to kill the bait. " A voice said.

This instantly put him at 100% focus, ' Is it just a villain? Maybe some weak heros? '

Isamu bit his lip, he wasn't going to use this anytime soon but he decided now is better than later.

' Upgrade Devourer if it can be upgraded, though I'm not sure it can work like that. ' Isamu thought in his head.

Luckily for him it worked,

[ Gluttony was created

New perks

- All quirks stolen will be absorbed into the body as if it was a mutation ( In other words they can't be " erased " or stolen, they can still be gifted to others ) ]

There was more that's all he needed to see before he upgraded [ Double ].

[ Double- Allows him to create copies of anything, but each copy is fragile and disintegrates easily.

New perks- All Doubles " Are " the real body ( Not sure how exactly his quirk works but if this is already a thing my bad. But basically it's kinda like pseudo immortality in a way and the clones can't die as easily unless they die. )

Can transfer main consciousness throughout the doubles ( In other words there's a main body but also there isn't, and he can freely make any of the doubles the main body. )

( A better explanation at the bottom )

Without hesitation he created 6 clones and had them escape using different Routes but having a specific ones using Darkness to cover himself, all the other ones are bait.

' This way even if I'm caught I can use darkness to cover my whole body like Kurogiri. Though Ill let myself get caught after a small fight, can't let them know I want to go to jail. But still I shouldn't use my dark abilities till I get caught or I'll get caught. ' He made sure to lock eyes with the hero before smirking and jumping away.

" Hes running ! " The hero yelled but he didn't chase him.

' Who could it be? Is there someone fast hrs working with? ' His question was quickly answered as a blonde man passed his vision as he ran forward.

Everything felt slow as he was just standing there with a giant smile,

He quickly bent a knee getting ready to boost forward,

' Fuck! ' Isamu quickly twisted his body as best he could as a giant boulder speed blitzed just beside him.

" Why the fuck is he here? " Isamu said angrily and annoyed.

" You've got quite the rep boy. " Someone with a white spandex and bunny ears said besides him with a kick already going towards his side.

Some ribs broke as Isamu was kicked towards all might,

' Fuck! ' Isamu shouted as himself as he used one leg to bounce off the air to change his trajectory enough for All Might to miss his punch. The wind from the punch blew him far to the right where the Bunny was already waiting as she spun ready to give another kick.

' I might just fucking kill you both if you don't calm tf down' As his anger rose a red aura came out of his body as it formed into a tentacle and blocked her leg with ease.

[ Anger Manifestation- The angrier you are the more aura you build up, this aura becomes visible to the naked eye and is able to be manipulated ]

" Is this your quirk? " The Bunny girl asked with a smirk stepping back to make space.

" God you're so lucky you're hot- " As Isamu was speaking All Might shoulder bashed his back knocking him down easily.

" Stay down! " All might shouted as he flexed his muscles.

" That was my prey! " Rumi shouted angrily making All Might apologize.

" Hmph, whatever. It's crazy how you've done so much and only now we're we let known of you. Luckily I was around but I guess you're unlucky as All Might also randomly appeared. " Rimu said as she lull off the hoodie off Isamu.

" Now let's see who you are! " Rimu said excitedly but Isamu covered his face and body with Darkness making Rimu jump back afraid.

" You're so lucky I don't want to kill you. " Isamu said in a darker deeper voice as he stayed laid out on the ground.

" Why do I feel like I'm being ignored. " All Might said with a cough.

" Aizawa is almost here right? Including those cops with the quirk stopping cuff things right? " Rimu asked which All Might nodded.

" Good, we'll know everything about you soon " Rimu smirked.


( A/N the reason I evolved the quirk like this is because I can now write a POV of both in jail ( for lady Nagant ) and home ( For other girls ) and makr more chapters.

I know it probably sounds early but who gives a fuck. Anyways you're welcome with the chapter, if you don't like it, smd or Jump )