
Reborn as AFO's Son

For those here for the tags, this is a multiverse fanfics, and the system does nothing but help the MC keep track of all his abilities, i'll leave it there. First world- MHA 2nd world-Naruto These are the world im most used to, ill release 2 votes at the end of MHA and end of Naruto and combine them to see which is the next world! Also Mc is a menace and a bit cringe at times, good luck.

Unknownking6869 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


( A/N last chapter was just to show everything that Isamu is doing so if I show them closer than before later on it wouldn't be forced since he's actively pursuing and getting things done, but I guess it was more boring that anything for y'all.

By the way should I make another auxiliary chapter with his quirks?


Nah I don't give a fuck, take out random powers from the heian era if you want, I want WOMEN )


' it's been a month since I started and I can't lie, I find Nejire pretty adorable but her personality still pisses me off. ' He thought as he proceeded to pet Nejire as they watched the other students fight.

(The blue head is timid and the other guy didn't really have his quirk maxed till 3rd grade so I'm going to leave it at they're in class B and move to class A in their 3rd year )

' I don't know how to explain it, I just really want to punch her sometimes, it's like those kids that piss you off with their annoyance...But she's still adorable. ' Isamu yawned as he stopped petting Nejire to her disappointed shown with a frown.

' Tch, aren't I the one he has a crush on? Where's my pat? Annoying brat. ' Mirko thought as she turned her head away back to the students with a ' Hmph '.

" Alright guys thats enough, any more and you'll get Injured which will be deducted from my pay and it will annoy the schools nurse. " They were about to throw a special weapon of theirs before they heard Isamus voice making them quickly stop.

Isamu is younger than them so if he wanted to beat them, he could've, and he did. They couldn't complain he's a teacher or an adult because he could give no fucks, and he's a kid too.

So if they showed rebellion in some way, they were " taught " by Isamu very strictly.

" I know that you guys are bored from school work so I threatened- I mean convinced the principal and other heroes to come along for a vacation. We will still do some type of training as we can't lose a single minute not training or teaching you guys. Class A and Class B will be coming along while the technology nerds also come to see what they're working with as they'll be making your hero suits stronger or more comforting for you in the future. " Isamu explained which gained some excited cries.

" He definitely said threatened but fuck yeah, we love our teacher! " The kids yelled similar things as they hugged each other and cried.

" We survived hell. " They cried to each other.

" I wasn't that bad was I Nejire? " Isamu asked as she simply looked away.

" Wow, you're not my favorite anymore. " Isamu Hmphed away making her turn around with tears in her eyes as she couldn't believe the betrayal.

' I didn't want to be mean,meany!' she thought.

" Alright don't cry I'm kidding. " Isamu chopped her head before petting her making her blush and smile.

" Alright you'll have to get the papers signed from your parents, whoever doesn't get it signed because they're parents suck you'll be left here with the 3rd years and also having to follow a training regime 5 times harder than it was nowadays." Isamu said innocently as he started leaving,

" FUCK " All the kids yelled in unison.

Mirko tched, before following Isamu

Something was wrong with her, he's a villain and she hates him with a passion, but the contract basically stopped him from doing villainy things since we assumed he loves money ( he really doesn't ).

He's actually pretty Tolerable...

' If only he was a hero, oh wait he's a child what's wrong with me? ' Mirko finally caught up as she shook her head, Isamu placed his hand on her head as he started petting making her unknowingly blush and smile.

It's well known that all pets love being pet, so she also has this weakness.

" Be ready this weekend, I'm sure someone will attack. They might be strong enough to kill you. " Isamu explained letting go of her head.

" Didn't you say I'll fall for you one day? You're not going to protect me~? " She teased.

' I've never seen him be nervous, it's kind of cute. ' she smirked as he chuckled.

" If that's a confession I might just do that~ " Isamu teased back making her blush but still didn't back down.


" I'll kill you. " Lady Nagant said to the boy in front of her.

" Aww, don't be like that~ A wife and husband shouldn't fight- " Isamu tried teasing but Lady Nagant simply dashed forward with a self created knife aiming at his neck.

She grabbed his neck and made sure the knife was poking his neck to look as threatening as possible.

" I thought you were cool headed, I already have one crazy girlfriend, I don't mind 2 though. " Isamu simply started moving forward which Nagant tried stopping as she didn't actually intend on killing him.

She struggled to push him back so she went for the easy option which was removing the knife but before she could Isamu grabbed her arm making her stuck.

" S-Stop dumbass." She said struggling as the knife entered his neck easily making blood fall.

" Aww are you worried for me? Didn't you want to kill me? " Isamu finished by fully stabbing himself with the knife making Nagant feel goosebumps.

Isamu still had a crazy smile as he slowly moved back with the knife stuck in his neck, Nagant let go of the knife as she did it unconsciously but she finally noticed he wasn't dead.

" You're one crazy fucking kid aren't you? " She asked smiling awkwardly.

Isamu pulled out the knife as he started healing at a rapid pace, the wound simply disappearing after a few seconds.

" I've been told something similar quite a few times. I've heard your backstory, betrayed by the hero association, etc, I was thinking about what to do to get you, acting like I had a similar backstory but it felt like so much work. " Isamu leaned closer again till he finally stopped once he was face to face.

Isamu lifted her chin lightly as he spoke " I'll just be straight up, I want you. And I'll make you want me. "

" What a nice proposal, you got a ring? " She said with a smile, for some reason this brat excited her.


( A/N what can I say, craziness and honesty gets you somewhere. The last few chapters have low-key been quite a yap session I won't lie, I feel like those 300 long fanfics that yap about nothing, I'll start making thigns interesting soon, just wanted y'all to knew his relationship status with the current girls as theres going to be a 2 year time skip to canon where Deku comes into place.)