
Reborn as AFO's Son

For those here for the tags, this is a multiverse fanfics, and the system does nothing but help the MC keep track of all his abilities, i'll leave it there. First world- MHA 2nd world-Naruto These are the world im most used to, ill release 2 votes at the end of MHA and end of Naruto and combine them to see which is the next world! Also Mc is a menace and a bit cringe at times, good luck.

Unknownking6869 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

First Day

" This might be a problem. " Isamu said to himself as he saw Deku and Bakugo do their usual dumb shit.

He was sitting behind Deku, and Bakugo was blasting Deku.

" So annoying. " Isamu sighed.

" What was that old man!?" Bakugo yelled looking at Isamu.

" Because of my hair is white? Very creative dumbass. " Isamu said as he yawned on his hand making Bakugo rage.

" I'll kill you! " Bakugo yelled making small explosion on his hand ready to jump.

" S-Stop Kaachan! " Deku said hugging Bakugo to hold him back.

" This is so gay. " Isamu said making everybody laugh at Bakugo and Deku making Deku embarrassed and Bakugo pissed as he kicked Deku off ready to jump on Isamu.

" Kids sit down, we have work to do. " The teacher said as he came in making Bakugo Tch before he sat down.

' Welp guess I'll ask my parents to help me move schools. ' Isamu sighed as he tried surviving for the day.


" I'd like to be homeschooled! " Isamu shouted as he busted the door open annoyed and stressed.

The kids and teachers were worse than he remembered, the work was durable as he already went through it but fuck those kids don't stfu.

" Hi honey um, we can talk about that afterwards we right now have company. Please get dressed and act more proper. " His mother said as she was sitting with a woman and her daughter.

' Uraraka? ' Isamu thought confused before he calmed down and went back to his room to change.

He changed into a simple white shirt and black joggers with some black Crocs as he went back to the living room.

" How's business going? Is it still rough? " His mother asked the lady worried.

" It's...better than before at least. " The woman smiled, at least the business was starting to move forward again but they were still flat broke.

" If you ever need money please ask us, you're our friends. " His mother said with a warm smile making the lady smile back. " Thank you. "

" I'm back. " Isamu said as he yawned, he wasn't even tired just very bored.

" I know it's been a while since you've seen them but this is your aunt, not by blood of course. " His mother said signaling towards the lady as she waved her hand

" Nice to meet you again. " Isamu waved back.

" Go out and play with Ochako, here's my wallet." His mother said as Isamu happily accepted it.

" Okay, but we're going to hang out in my room for a little so the sun can go down a bit. " Isamu said as he signaled at Ochako to follow him as they went to his room.

" Imagine they get together, so cute. " His mother said making Ochako blush as they weren't very far.


Ochako and Isamu went inside the room as he instantly hopped on his computer,

" Sit down on the bed I have a few questions. " Isamu said as Ochako nodded.

" For starters nice to meet you my name Isamu. " Isamu said showing his hand for her to shake.

" M-My names Ochako, nice to meet you too. " She said shaking his hand.

" I'm guessing you already know about your family's business since they openly talked about it in front of you? " Isamu asked which she nodded.

" Do you plan to help them? " Isamu asked which Ochako quickly said " Yes, I told them my quirk would help a lot but they told me to follow my dreams and not to worry about them. So I'm going to become a hero for money, I will help my parents. "

" Hm, you do know heroes don't actually earn that much right? Unless they're in the top 10 or maybe even 20. Are you positive Enough to reach that rank with your quirk? " Isamu asked which she looked at the floor worried.

She knew this would be possible and wanted to hope for the best but once it's thrown at her face she doesn't really have a solution. If she failed she could still work with her family but the money won't be the same.

" Are you willing to do anything to earn money for them? " Isamua asked which she replied " I-I don't know. "

" Come here. " Isamu said which she quickly got up and saw what was on the computer as he scrolled through it.

" 1 million to kill someone with no abilities, 1 million to kidnap, 1 million to break in someone's house to steal something, there's some with more money for specific jobs against normal people, and some near a billion to kill quirk users or heroes. Are you willing to become a villain for your family? " Isamu asked which she trembled as she saw all the money but all the things she had to do...they weren't hero like...

" You can still become a hero. " Isamu said making her look at him confused.

" If you want I can give you a different quirk you can use to do villain things, you just need to get some clothes to use as a villain while you use your normal quirk for hero things? " Isamu smirked.

" I'm planning to make a small group specific for just bounty's. Everybody can live a double life without trouble as long as we don't get caught. " Isamu turned off his computer.

" So do you want to guarantee money for your family right now? Or do you want to wait 7 years for you to become a sidekick and hope you get popular enough to earn money? " Isamu asked.

" Can I choose the quirk? " Ochako asked after thinking about it.

" If you're going to kill the target yourself yes, if not I'll decide for you. " Isamu said as he showed her a list of people with very good quirks.

" I have someone else in mind. " Ochako said giving the phone back.

" Oh? You hate someone enough to want to kill them? " Isamu teasingly asked which she nodded embarrassed.

Apparently there was someone for her families downfall, that person took everything from her father. And his quirk was telekinesis, it was very useful back when he and her father worked together. Thought of course he had other plans.

" Hm, okay I'll give you a few months to think about it because I don't want you to do something you'll regret. It was just a suggestion, who knows maybe you'll be very popular? " He said with a smile making her nod.

" Now let's go on our little date. " Isamu said grabbing the wallet and a black hoodie.

" D-Date? " She blushed.


( A/N just incase anybody mad or feel like this is forced, she's still a kid, her hero complex isn't that severe, her family is broke, and Isamu is a professional manipulator he of course knows everything of Ochako at the moment as he can easily search it up or hack the school. He knows something you dont~ Though Ochakos family being close friends with Isamus family was forced i won't lie hehe. )