
Reborn as AFO's Son

For those here for the tags, this is a multiverse fanfics, and the system does nothing but help the MC keep track of all his abilities, i'll leave it there. First world- MHA 2nd world-Naruto These are the world im most used to, ill release 2 votes at the end of MHA and end of Naruto and combine them to see which is the next world! Also Mc is a menace and a bit cringe at times, good luck.

Unknownking6869 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Came back to me

It's been a month since I've talked to him, he scared me at first, telling me randomly to kill people to earn money.

' Who knew how hard it would be to become a hero. ' i thought looking at my classmates who played with their quirks...

' I never judged people's quirks before but most were bad, but even so mine was only a bit better and can't match the people with strong quirks. ' On the corner of my eye I could see a girl start changing the shape of of her hand. She had a rubber body and was bored so she started having fun with her own body ( pause ).

" Apparently she's immune to almost all attacks whether it's physical or a beam and her only weakness is sharp objects but it's not like it's a big weakness as it's basically a normal human fighting a villain with a knife " Uraraka sighed disappointed.

' Would I be able to become famous with just my quirk? ' Uraraka bit her lip as she gave herself a reality check.

' But do I really want to kill, kidnap and steal things?...No I have to. Mom and Dad need my help, and I will help them ' Uraraka resolved herself as blood came out her lower lip ( pause ). The bell rang and I got up to ask my mom to go hang out with Isamu.


' Well Well Well, who would've expected. ' Isamu chuckled seeing Uraraka seriously look at him after giving her thoughts.

" Hm, so you'll agree more easily if we only accept jobs towards corrupted people? " Isamu said breaking Ochakos spirit.

" You want revenge don't you? Besides what he did to your father he hasnt done anything bad~ " Isamu started as he started walking, circling Ochako.

" Hes a good father, he's keeping his company going, he takes care of his people. Doesn't it seem more like it could've been your father fault? " Isamu asked

" My dad would never-! " Ochako was about to yell but Isamu placed a finger on her lips shutting her up.

" That's besides the point. You'll be killing a father, someone who takes care of his people? What will these people do once he's dead? " Isamu asked making her imagine the worst of it.

" That's right, someone corrupted could take over and make the people his slaves, his family won't have someone that makes money, and how would his son's feel? " Isamu asked again showing her a picture of his kids.

" See? I now gave you multiple reasons why he's a good person besides the fact he stole the company. Now that I put it this way, do you still want revenge? " Isamu asked as he sat back down and laid his head on his hand.

Ochako bit her lip for the second time in her life, and her lip bled again for the second time.

" I don't care about his people or family, he almost ruined mine. " Uraraka said as hint of coldness shone in her eyes.

" That would make you a villain. " Isamu said leaning forward placing a finger on her chin lifting it up.

" I don't care. " She said staring straight in Isamus eyes.

" Good, you're a scary girl. Heh. " Isamu grabbed her hand and made her follow him making her yelp and blush as he lead her.

" We're going out for a bit Ma, we'll be back before the sun comes down. " Isamu added as he left through the door as his mother yelled " Okay, don't forget it's Ochakos first time! " Making them both almost trip but he just ignored it while Ochakos head turned red.

After a bit Isamu lead her to an abandoned building as he finally let go of her hand not caring how long he held it for.

" As I scrolled through the list I found a job to kidnap the CEO of ( Blank ), which obviously is the guy that stole your fathers company. We're supposed to meet up with the guy that placed the job, he wants us to watch him torture him and then we'll finish him off. " Isamu explained giving her a wig and mask which she put on as they entered.

" All for 5 million, it's honestly cheap to kill a CEO for this little but this is to give you a reality check of what we'll do. If you can't handle the torture, you won't be able to even kill him, meaning you're not worth keeping around to help me. " Isamu explained as someone knocked on the door outside the building.

Isamu quickly covered his hand and skin with darkness before speaking in a cold dark voice " Come in. " He said before a timid man walked in.

" So that website was real? I didn't expect to get someone to accept it with such little money but I'm glad I did it. " The mad quickly grew a excited smile seeing the two people sitting in a chain as the man he wanted was stuck in the ceiling. Ochako didn't notice him because she was focusing on Isamu, but once she saw Isamu snap his finger she watched the man she hated slowly descend and land on the ground.

" Are you two going to watch? " The man asked teasingly, he didn't actually care.

" She's a new recuit, this will be a good learning experience. " Isamu said but the man wasnt listening anything, he quickly started beating the man tied to a chair without hesitation.

Once he felt satisfied he looked at Isamu, Isamu understanding he signaled to the far wall where all the torture tool were which a smirk grew on the mans face.

For the next 30 minutes distorted screams were heard as the man finally felt satisfied, chunks of skin was missing, his nipples were missing, his nails were missing, his lips were missing.

" Ahhh, that feels so refreshing. I trust you to get rid of him. " The man said as he pulled out his phone to send the 5 million without hesitation.

He walked away and left the building happily, Isamu looked at Ochako as she just stared at the CEO. Isamu didn't say anything as she got up and went towards him.

" P-Please at least let me live! I'll give you anything! I have a family- " before he could continue Ochako grabbed a hammer the man had left on the floor and smashed it on his face breaking his jaw and knocking him unconscious.

" Heh, I find this hot low-key. " Isamu said to himself seeing her keep hitting him with the hammer even after he died.

' Guess she hates being broke that much' Isamu teased in his brain, but it was about to get late so he went behind her and tickled her as he put his hand around her waiste making her yelp and drop the hammer.

" That's enough, he died 20 minutes ago. " Isamu chuckled seeing her stare at him, his face smashed in, his body smashed in, everything was smashed in.

" Luckily I already took his quirk but next time wait for me to say something, I can't take the quirks from dead bodies yk~? " Isamu teased licking her ear making her moan a bit.

" I'm sorry ahn " Ochako moaned as Isamu finally stopped.

" Good girl~ " he finally let her go before snapping his finger, a circle of water appeared under the water body as a shark bit it and brought it inside.

" I took this quirk from someone random, he apparently used it to stash bodies but I somehow combined it with some shark/water quirks to create this. Now the bodies won't stack and will simply get eaten, of course this isn't the only way to use it. " Isamu explained to Ochako as she nodded.

" Now let's give you this ability. " A red and black tentacle came out his hands as it stabbed Ochako, of course it didn't hurt.

He first added telekinesis to her body before combining them, once he finished her body glew pink as the quirks combined together.

[ Gravity manipulation has been created- Manipulate gravity to an extent, the user can do way more as they get accustomed to the quirk. All the weaknesses of zero Gravity are non existent and the abilities of said quirk have been boosted. With telekinesis to help she can now freely fly or move things around instead of keeping them in place to drop them. ]

(A/N since combinations get the best of the quirks she can basically make gravity non existent for a building and use telekinesis to move it and crash it on someone, it would be the same to just keep the quirks how they are but with this its like removing the weakness of both quirks and adding a quirk that helps both. More can be explained when she fights or some. )

Isamu explained her new ability which she got excited but lost excitement when he said " But we'll have to get you another quirk now so you don't get caught when doing villain work. " But she nodded and they went back home.


( A/N honestly long chapter, I didn't care for much grammar so I hope I didn't fuck up too much. )