
Reborn as a Sword Incarnate in Konoha

An outcast of society ends his life. In the void, choosing to walk his own path and not the one that others laid for him, he breaks away, drifting to the unknown. Across dimensions in a world of ninjas, a child with a sword as his soul recalls a life before his birth.

EonElemental · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 8 : Od Activation

[ Timeskip 2 months ]

During these months Shirou had tried to get access to the library, after pestering Ishida and the other wardens to their limits, he was finally given permission. Ishida knew that Shirou was trying to find information about Chakra and his condition. Even though he did not want Shirou to become a ninja due to his condition, Ishida knew that there was a small chance that Shirou might find a way to overcome his problems. Ishida had done everything he could, he had reminded Shirou of the possible risks. He will not help Shirou awaken Chakra as he does not want to be responsible for anything bad that might happen. But if Shirou is determined to find a way then Ishida will not stop him.

Whenever Shirou was free he would go to the library and search for any book about chakra. Luckily he managed to find a lot. Each day he would read and take notes. After finishing all the books. He found that awakening chakra can be done in multiple ways.

The first and easiest way is to have someone else use their chakra to stimulate your Tenketsu. Once the sensation is felt, it becomes possible for you to do it on your own.

The second way is by meditating. This takes a lot of time. Some could take months while others take years. It has been found that the higher someone's yin energy is, the less time it will take. Natural-born sensors are more often than not, able to awaken their chakra by themselves. The book even had a meditation exercise. Shirou suspects that this is a way to nurture civilians with ninja talents early, not everyone will be able to awaken chakra with this method, only the hardworking or talented people will.

The third way is very risky. Life and death encounters. There have been many reports of people who are easily able to sense their chakra immediately or sometime after a life-and-death encounter.

There are other ways as well. Like some individuals, they awaken chakra simply due to their way of life like eating healthy, exercising and so on. But the most effective are the first 3 ways.

Shirou decided that meditation was the best path for him. Because, he has a high amount of yin energy due to retaining his past life memories and experiences, and also he had experienced a significant life and death encounter through his reincarnation. Shirou was going to practice a modified version of the meditation technique described in the book by using some of his ideas and insights from Nasuverse.

1 week into meditation, Shirou could already feel the results. It started with his thoughts being clearer, then his concentration improving and his awareness of his own body and mind increasing.

2 weeks into meditation, Shirou started to feel that his vision was improving as he began to be able to spot objects more quickly but later he realized that it wasn't his vision. He was actually starting to develop a sensing ability. His toy sword was the easiest to sense due to his status as a sword incarnate. With practice, he was able to sense not just swords but other objects as well.

4 weeks into meditation, Shirou realized his sensing ability was an application of his excessive yin energy. He was happy as he was finally getting closer. He began focusing on his yin energy field. Later. he focused his yin energy and sensing field on his body. As time went on he started to feel a warm energy. Shirou knew he had finally done it. He had started to sense "od". Yes "od", not chakra, while both are the same form of energy "od" does not utilize the Tenketsu network instead the yin energy is directly combined with the yang energy. Chakra can be called "od" which is created using Tenketsu.

2 months in, Shirou began to develop Shirou Emiya's ability to smell magic energy as he was able to smell the overwhelming scent of natural energy that was present everywhere. This made him excited as the fact that his ability to smell magic, can smell natural energy implies that natural energy is most likely mana. Later Shirou even managed to sniff out and find one of the sealing nodes surrounding Konoha which creates the sensing barrier around the village. Luckily he acted discreetly and didn't do any tampering or otherwise a patrol ninja might have arrested him. Later he managed to train his yin field to be able to sense his Tenketsu network. It can be described as small needle-sized metaphysical tubes, connecting what seems to be the cells through an interconnected system containing 8 energy regulators, finally reaching the brain.

According to Nasuverse Wiki, the brain is what binds the body and soul. This means the Tenketsu through the brain is actually connecting to the soul and the yin energy it generates. If Shirou can learn to sense his soul then he might one day be able to direct magic energy there to activate his 27 magic circuits. Shirou already has a rough idea of how to sense his soul and circuits.

Shirou intends to pass his "od" through the Tenketsu to awaken Chakra. He needs to be really careful and have good control as "od" is very limited since his body is from the "Age of Man". Chakra is the physical energy of the body infused with yin energy using the Tenketsu network. Both chakra and "od" are the same type of energy, the only difference is in how they are formed. The entire Tenketsu network acts as a chakra/"od"/magic energy storage unit. A ninja refines chakra by combining spiritual energy and physical energy using the Tenketsu. The refined Chakras go to the Tenketsu and are stored there. There is a limit to the amount of chakra that can be refined by a ninja at a time as it consumes physical and spiritual energy. They would then need to wait till they recover their energies to continue refining. The refining process stops once the entire Tenketsu is filled with chakra.

Once Shirou awakens Chakra, he can then safely refine it over time to fill up his chakra reserves. While his total chakra capacity will be below average compared to others due to his narrow Tenketsu, with his high yin energy offering him excellent chakra control, it is possible to perform an acceptable amount of Jutsus and spells. The Tenketsu can also be expanded to hold more chakra by training. Increasing the density of chakra that flows through the Tenketsu by practicing chakra control will also increase chakra capacity. One day he can use this chakra to awaken his magic circuits.