
Reborn Anew: Life, War & Magic

This is a tale of self-discovery, strategic brilliance, and the enduring spirit of a warrior born anew. As Dustin weaves his destiny amidst the echoes of historical battles and magical realms, he must balance the thrill of conquest with the responsibility that comes with the power he wields in a world where history and fantasy converge.

the5tranger · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Early years

Two years later…

My mother passed away. She was given a simple servant's burial. It was surprising that she lasted this long, or it was the healer's error. They call doctors healers in this world. Speaking of which, this world was called Aerth. I listened to stories and gossips from the servants working in Lady Heynes' estate. I wanted to visit the library, but it was only for Heynes and their visitors. The Heynes house; Lord Brien Heynes III was the head of house Heynes. I never meet him because he's usually doing his duties at the capital, Derlinn. He holds a marquis rank. Lady Jeylin Heynes has only been the house lady for two and a half years. She is pregnant now with her first child and is on her last month. Together with her husband, they rule a large march on the border of our kingdom, Banestone, and the large sea of land consisting of plains and deserts, Nongul, ruled by a Khan. So, I just assumed Nongul was just like Mongolia back on earth.

I did nothing for those past two years. I just used that time gathering any information on this world. The third came and passed by. I would just play and run around in the servant's quarters. I was the only child for the first few years. Other children started popping up when new servants were hired. Fourth year came and went by again. The only thing which changed was the weather. It rained a lot and brought floods. Some of the fields were ruined. 

I was now five years. I was headed to Lady Heynes' office. She summoned me. I didn't know what she wanted I could only guess. I wore a peasant's green tunic with a leather belt and leather sandals. I reached her door and knocked and announced myself. "Lady Heynes? It is Dustin" I said with a child's voice.

"You may enter" Lady Heynes' voice came from inside. I pushed the door and went and stood in front of her. She was scribbling on a piece of paper. She didn't pay attention to me. It was like I wasn't even there. I did not speak a word to show I was there because last time I was punished. I still remember vividly when the head maid spanked me. I was then taught how to 'be' when I was in the presence of nobility.

Lady Heynes put down the quill and rolled the paper she was writing on. She then stamped it with her house seal. "Dustin, do you know why I have summoned you?" she looked at me. 'She still has those same cold eyes.'

"No, Lady Heyne-"

"You are a servant under house Heynes. You will address me as my Lady." She half glared at me.

"I'm sorry my Lady." I bowed since I didn't want to look her in the eyes. She sighed and regained her normal cold look.

"You cannot continue eating and enjoying being a child without working now that you are grown up." I said nothing and waited for her to continue. 'What do you want me to do? I'm still a child!' I thought.

"Starting from tomorrow, the head servant and head maid will assign you duties. Perform them well and you'll be rewarded. If not…" she stopped there. I still got the meaning. She handed me a letter different to what she was writing earlier. "Take this to the head servant. Head straight for him and do not open it. Remember that."

"Yes, my Lady." I bowed and took the letter in her hands. I put it in my side pocket on my tunic and exited the office.

(Lady Heynes POV)

'That boy… the day I carried him when he first arrived at my home, his eyes showed intelligence. It was like he understood what we the adults were talking about. And he was clam too.' I stood and went to my office's balcony. I saw Dustin run across from my estate to the servant's quarters.

'The head maid and servant say that he could speak well for a child when he was a few months old… and that he knows basic mathematics.' I thought as I looked over the vast fields my house controlled. My thoughts were interrupted when the head servant knocked on the door. "You may enter."


(Dustin POV)

Seven years passed and I was all grown up now. Twelve years on Aerth. I was heading for the stables to check on the horses and prepare one ride for young Lord Lannis and young lady Dany. When I neared the stables I meet with my fellow servant, John.

"How'd you sleep Dus?" he grinned. He was one of the few people I was friends with. His situation was same with mine. His father sold him to the Heynes for coin to survive the rainy season back then. Many families did this to cut the numbers in their homes and also to get some food for the harsh seasons. He never forgave his father for selling him, but I consoled him by telling him he has a job now, and food plus shelter all exchanged for labour. "Good. What about you?" I side eyed him while I opened the gate to the stables. "You know, just thinking about them."

"John." I called him abruptly. I sighed, "I'm your family now. We have each other." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I know. I'll always have your back brother." He then massaged his shoulder, "You have a strong grip as always Dus." He chuckled.

"Let's go and prepare the horses, John." I put my arm over his shoulder and entered the stables. We entered and checked on all the horses. There was a total of twenty horses all for the main house separate from the war horses near the barracks. I saddle a mare named Snow. She was pure white. I climb her and ride her into the paddocks. John frees the rest of them for free roaming. I made a few rounds with Snow. Two years ago, she was bought into house Heynes. She was a stubborn horse, and she wouldn't let anyone ride her. I tried to get her to trust me and others with baby steps. Now she was her riders' favourite. Many nobles tried to buy her, but Lady Heynes refused even if the offer was generous. She wanted the horse to be Dany's. Her five-year-old daughter. I was taking care of it until she was able to ride on her own.

I saw the noble party arrive at the stables. "Let us return, Snow. Our time is up." Snow just neighed and trotted towards them. I neared them and saw the little Dany shouting, "Look, there's Dus riding Snow!" she was happy seeing Snow. I decided to give them a show. I let Snow engage in dressage. Dany was happily clapping her hands and laughing. Next to her was Lannis her older brother. A year and a half younger than me, and their mother Lady Heynes behind them and a maid holding an umbrella for her. I got down from the horse and bowed and greeted them. John had their horses ready for them. Other servants came to prepare help lady Heynes get on her horse. I assisted Lannis get on his horse and he muttered something to me, "You show off… always have to get the spotlight." He smiled at me, "Sorry young lord, you just have to have a talent for horse riding." I chuckled.