
Reborn Anew: Life, War & Magic

This is a tale of self-discovery, strategic brilliance, and the enduring spirit of a warrior born anew. As Dustin weaves his destiny amidst the echoes of historical battles and magical realms, he must balance the thrill of conquest with the responsibility that comes with the power he wields in a world where history and fantasy converge.

the5tranger · Fantasy
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9 Chs


He frowned, "I told you to call me Lan-"

"In private." I interrupted him. Lannis was the other good friend I made here on Aerth. He sighed, "We'll talk later. Now I have horse riding." He said with less enthusiasm.

"Why do you hate horse riding?" I asked him amused. "I need to be good at other things that matter, like swordsmanship, governing and strategy." he answered. I adjusted his saddle, "Horse riding is good for officers… in war." I told him and he had a pondering look.

"Dustin." We were interrupted by Lady Heynes, "Starting tomorrow you'll be teaching Dany horse riding."

I looked at her, "Isn't she too young for horse riding my Lady?"

"No. she'll start early. Have her always ride Snow." With that they enjoyed their riding.

Later after supper, I went to find Lannis on his way to the library. 'I just hope they accept me as his book carrier. If there's a job like that.' I met him on his way there. "Hey, thanks again for this. We never get to learn anything outside of this estate, Lan." I said smiling with a grateful look. "Aah… don't worry Dus. These books just stay there, and nobody reads them apart from me and my mother."

Inside the library, I took a book on the history of Aerth. It was written in old English, where there was heavy use of 'thy', 'thus' and words ending with 'eth'. It was still understandable, but one would have to strain. 

'So Aerth has other races, beyond the dark forest, upward towards the North. Orcs, dwarves, elves and so on. Everything south of the dark forest is the human population. Four kingdoms; Benark to the northwest, Banestone to the north, Nongul to its east, Hapan and Igipth covering the whole of the south. Banestone with people of European ethnicity, Nongul with the Mongolians, Hapan with the Japanese and Igipth with the ancient Egyptian ethnicity. This is the only record of Aerth's history. Few other records saying magic is lost in this world on the human side. Anything divine, mystic or magic remaining are the seers and prophets.

We left the library quite late. It was past the young lord's bedtime. The week passed quickly and now I was accompanying the Heynes family across the march towards the neighbouring Myrell family and lady Heynes' family. We travelled with fifty soldiers. Ten horse riders and forty footmen. The rest was made up of us the servants. It was a three-day journey. It could have been much faster if the group was small or if the horses were running but the house Lady wanted to enjoy her countryside view. She took her children to see their grandparents. I was at the back with John carrying reserve supplies. "I wish I wasn't chosen to accompany Lady Heynes to her home. I love it back at house Heynes. No travelling long distances by foot." John said exhaustedly.

I laughed at him being tried, "This is just the first day of travelling. Two more days to go." I wasn't very tired compared to other workers. At least it wasn't a desert we were walking through. The plains and small forests had a breathtaking view.

"Prepare to set camp!" the captain issued instructions. It was nearing evening, and the sunset was kicking in. we got to work and set up tents for the noble family and higher rank officers. When we were done, I joined John at the campfire and enjoyed our supper. It was bread and soup without any meat. If we were back at the Heynes' castle, we could have been eating a supper with meat inside. "You got any stories Dus?" John with a full stomach asked me.

"How would I know any story when all I've ever been was in Heynes' castle?" the nearby servants and few soldiers chuckled in amusement.

"No. Like you are supposed to be smart. Make up one." I looked at him. He really wanted some sort of entertainment. 'I could give him Earth fairytale stories. But a conquest one, since most soldiers were present around me.' "Okay. I have a story…" I then told them the story of king Leonidas I covering the retreat of the Greek with only 300 men at the pass of Thermopylae for three days. I exaggerated the story. Sold the story so well that I was gifted my first beer. They said I had hit the drinking age and I gave them a good entertainment.

The next day came and we were on the move. We were passing through a small forest. 'Yep, feels like something is going to happen. Forest and noble convoy vessels. A bandit attack? Even if I go to the captain, I'm sure he won't listen. Let's just be careful today. I stayed vigilant. We have many soldiers, what could go wrong. Deep inside the forest, the convoy stopped. The tall wild trees covered the light passing through it. 'So, it's finally happening.' In front of the convoy, there was a man covered from head to toe. Only his eyes were left uncovered.

"Empty all your valuable then you can leave peacefully!" he shouted.

"So, it's a bandit." The captain said. "Listen here you thief. You are in the presence of Lady Heynes. So, if you know what's good for you, you'll disappear this instant." He moved to unsheathe his long sword. The bandit didn't move from his spot. He also unsheathed his blade. It was a curved short blade and well done by the blacksmith who made it. He then raised his hand and gave a calling signal. Multiple similar men came from the surrounding trees and surrounded all vessels. The captain immediately moved to where lady Heynes' cart was. "Men prepare yourselves. Protect the Heynes family." People began panicking. It was pushed down by the servant beside me. he almost caused a stampede. The bandits attacked and started killing the unarmed workers. It was all chaos. They immediately set fire to the cart carrying our supplies. I quickly ran and hid behind a fallen crate.

Smoke now filled our surrounding. I was panicking. I need to find others and even the soldiers. Near them will be the only safest and only way of surviving this. I quickly crawled under the cart to get to the other side. I stumbled across dead servants. They died gruesomely. Limbs and bodies without heads lay scattered. Others were burnt. I felt like vomiting. Then I saw it. I saw John's head in front of me. his eyes were still open from the shock he had when he was killed. I couldn't hold it. I vomited, had loss of breath and felt all sort of emotions. I remembered all times I was with him.

"Search over there!"

"Leave no one alive!"

I heard voices behind me. 'I need to run away. No, I won't get far.' I took some bodies and hid under them and held my breath. Those soldiers came to make sure no witnesses were alive. One neared me and stabbed his blade through the body above me. it missed me by inches on my neck. They passed assuming they finished everyone. I got up and just wondered. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stay there. I moved and heard a familiar voice. It was distant like it was under something. I followed it.