
Reborn Anew: Life, War & Magic

This is a tale of self-discovery, strategic brilliance, and the enduring spirit of a warrior born anew. As Dustin weaves his destiny amidst the echoes of historical battles and magical realms, he must balance the thrill of conquest with the responsibility that comes with the power he wields in a world where history and fantasy converge.

the5tranger · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Battle on the walls

I took a seat at the lord's chair in his office picked some documents he was writing on. 'His name was Jeroim Hander... A small lord…' I was interrupted when a soldier came to me and said they found some of our civilian citizens in their cells, and that the scene was bad. I got up immediately and followed him. It was bad. There were women from our kingdom who were pregnant, children who were malnourished and men who were tortured enough to lose their sense of life. It was at times like this I truly remembered I wasn't back on earth and that this new life could be… I just sighed, "Round them up. We are sending them back home. And do it fast, I don't want ambushed by the army that just left because I got a feeling."

At night, Nel came together with the rest of the reserve army. "Good work Captain Dustin. Those civilians are on their way back home. You were right about an army marching towards us. My scouts saw an army of about 10000 marching in Junguo valley."

"So, we go back… because 10000 against your 2000 is impossible, unless we had reinforcements-" she cut me.

"I already sent a letter back to lord Heynes for reinforcements. We just have to hold for two to three days." I just sighed at her words, "You know-"

"I know that you can make it happen." She said with finality. She then softened, "I need this successful defence in my career campaign." She had a small smile.

"The only time you smile genuinely is when you talk about your campaign." Her smile fell and she went back to the soldier face she usually has. "Fine I'll think of something."

The night cam and we were posted on the wall of the small castle. Four walls with 500 men each. Four captains under the Nel, the battalion commander each commanded a wall. We were spread too thin to save some men for reserves. It was going to be a long three days. At night in the dark, many torches were nearing the walls. An arrow from them killed one of our men. That signalled the start of the three-day war. Arrows rained down on both sides. This time I had my shield with me. it was round and it was all bronze. My weapons were heavy compared to the normal issued ones. My previous sword broke due to my strength. 

Ladders were erected on my side of the walls. I try to put a stop on them, but other ladders were erected to. I was cutting down many enemies and keeping my men's work short. We fought all night till morning when sunrise came. A horn was heard and the Nonguls retreated. It was a light first day for my men. "Get rest while you still can!" I shouted across the wall. Half of my men went down to get rations and restock the wall supply. The rest remained on top and were on the lookout.

"Josh!" Josh came to me, "Casualties?"

"Around 80 dead and 50 injured."

I went to the main wall where Nel and the other captains gathered. I herd them talking. "I wish the reinforcements came quicker. Almost half my men are dead." A captain who was tired said. They saw me nearing them and they shut themselves immediately. They never liked me. A commoner holding an officer's position. I wasn't the first, we were just rare.

"Dustin. You've held your wall well." Nel started. I saluted her, "Yes commander. They were just testing our strength. It was ligh-" a captain interrupted me. "Are you insinuating that my men are weak commoner?" I removed my helmet and looked at him emotionless. He took that as a challenge to his nobility and immediately stood up wanting to rush at me.

"Captain Boyle!" Boyle immediately stopped when he was about to rush at me. "You will not fight in my presence. We are all allies here. And this is your last warning." He just sat down on a stool behind him. The rest of the captains shut up, but they still gave me the 'Know your place.' Look. I just sighed and took a seat. "A good start today. But we can continue like this if we are to hold on. Suggestions?" Nel was open for opinions.

"Captain commoner lends us some of his men." Boyle said. I immediately looked at him. "What? We are all allies… we should help each other out." He had a smirk. The other captains were agreeing with him.

"I won't give you my men." His face fell, "even if I give them to you. They won't listen to someone with only a few weeks in war." He stood up with anger. "What? You lost over 200 when you had higher ground-"

"Dustin! And the rest of you. We are not here to argue." She sent me a glare. We cooled down. I then continued, "We bring them through the main gate."

"Are you crazy!? Why would we do that?"

"Because that is the only way we can fight them and reduce their numbers. Look at them, they are light foot soldiers. If we bring many of them through the gate, with our men we can cut down many of them." I gave my strategy. Nel pondered at that. Boyle sneered at me, "Do you even hear yourself. Our men cannot fight on equal with them. We are exhausted."

"Those are your men." I shot back at him, and he zipped whatever he wanted to say.

"Okay. Boyle leave few men on the main wall and regroup down in front of the gate. Sell them the idea that your wall is vulnerable. The rest are to do the same and be ready to mobilize immediately once they break through castle gate. Dismissed!"

The next day I left my post on the wall and took my best 150 and posted at the castle gate. All equipped with their shields and spears. We were going to do this Spartan style. I taught them many strategy drills from my previous life that I still remembered. "Bon!" I shouted across to him, "You wanted them. Here they are."

"Way ahead of you captain. I've gambles on the numbers of kills me and Gon would have made by the end of it."

"That is if we are still alive by tomorrow brother." Gon shouted to his brother. I looked over my wall, 'I just hope they focus on the gates and not the walls.' My thoughts were interrupted when the castle gates were being breached on. It was a matter of time since we were not trying to block them. 

"Men! Like we've practised! Show me what you've got!" I shouted at my men, and they responded.

"Look at them… skinny!"

"We'll give them nothing captain!"

"We already won this battle!"
