
Reborn Anew: Life, War & Magic

This is a tale of self-discovery, strategic brilliance, and the enduring spirit of a warrior born anew. As Dustin weaves his destiny amidst the echoes of historical battles and magical realms, he must balance the thrill of conquest with the responsibility that comes with the power he wields in a world where history and fantasy converge.

the5tranger · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Three years of war

There were no bandits who came to attack at night. There were few in the morning but every one of them was taken care of when the reinforcements arrived. They decide it was best to head back to the estate instead of going to the Myrells. A letter was sent to Lord Heynes and word spread quick throughout Banestone. I joined the guards and got a meeting with the Lord of the house. He thanked me and was grateful for what I had done for his family. I still remembered John for many weeks because I had taken him like a brother. Lady Heynes recovered but was advised to always walk using a walking stick. Lan became serious with governance. The Lord investigated the bandits and concluded that it was an assassination attempt on his family. The bandits were disguised that they were soldiers from Nongul evidently from their weapon choice and ethnic characteristics. Also, because they were amassing a huge army at the border.

Lord Heynes came back to his territory to defend since he was the kingdom's first line of defence. He sent twenty thousand soldiers towards the borders me included. I only got two months of training. Over those two months I grew a bit in height and gained mass and muscle. I looked like a young adult. Every of those 20000 men were issued with a javelin and sword, chainmail, breast plate and a soldier's sandal. Officers of higher ranking got better equipment. The war at the border had gone on for three years. Lord Heynes' forces were strong to hold of more than 40000 Nonguls. Word got to us that they were amassing more 40000 men to break the defence by force and start their conquest on Banestone.




"Three years of war captain… and you behave the same with how you first got here." Gon said as he took a piece of bread from a basket near us and sat down on the ground near me. "I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw you. I was thinking 'How could they let a enlist a child for this war?' hehehe." Bon said laughing. I stood up and went to get my rations, "A strong body and mind is the trick, Gon." I drank the water from my waterskin.

"I can't believe you were promoted in such a short time." Gon said after greedily finishing his rations.

"Three years is exactly not short brother." Bon was Gon's twin. They have been with me since the first day. I accomplished many feats big and small. Now I was captain of 500 men. I had grown a goatee, and my hair grew to almost passing my shoulders.

A soldier entered the room, "Captain, you are being summoned to the war tent." I nodded and told him I would be coming. I finished my food and exited my tent and headed to the war tent.

I was one of the early ones that arrived. I found a spot near the war table that displayed a miniature plain that we were fighting on and hand small soldier battalions both ours and the enemies. I didn't wait long, and the general followed inside together with other battalion commanders. Everybody sat on their seats and the general, Lord Heynes, began. "You all know that the Nonguls are amassing an army twice our size. The king's council has ordered us and given us the go to enter Nongul territories and capture any strategic castle they might use to host their army. We'll use the same strategy but instead of defence, we'll take the fight to them. Battalion commanders are free to do what they need to succeed. You can all retire if there's no questions."

There were few officers who had question, but I had already gone to my tent. On my way out I was stopped by my battalion commander. It was a woman and a noble from house Norman all the way to the west of the kingdom. She was trying to prove herself independent plus she was from a branch family that won't matter even if she died in a war. She escaped an arranged marriage and joined Lord Heynes' army ten years ago and has worked her way up the ranks. I respected her for that. She was also knighted by Lord Heynes himself. She was also strong martially. "Yes, commander." I saluted. The military took ranking and orders really seriously.

"Relax Dustin. I told you to call me Nel." She reassured me.

"What is it then, Nel?"

"Tomorrow, I want your men riding along side me. Yours are the strongest in my battalion and I want us to take our castle fast. That is all." She gave her orders. I looked at her blankly. She really needed friends. I chuckled, "You need to relax and have a conversation with others. Giving orders is not having a conversation. You told me to help you get friendly for when you get strong enough to return home." She was struggling to smile.

"Relax. This thing take time… for someone like you." I laughed and left.

I went back to my tent and told them what we'll be doing tomorrow.

Next day we were matching in the semi-arid desert. I was on my horse and was grateful that captains are given horses. Behind me was my men. 500 of them armed and dangerous. I wore a breastplate, vambraces and thigh armour. There was a chainmail underneath the armour and a helmet like Dr. Fate's with little wings for ears which was custom made. Everything was sliver except for the cloth and red cape with the house seal for Heynes. I had a spear and sword. I didn't take the shield. I always had someone carry that for me. My horse was all black, a stallion named Cole. I trotted fast to where Nel was. We talked a bit until we reached a hill where we would set camp.

Night came and we talked our strategy again. We were going to attack the first castle and subdue every civilian under the lord of that castle. Morning came and we marched to battle. I was part of the first wave. I got on Cole and trotted with my troupes. We encountered small resistance. This was confusing since we received word that there was an army of 1000. So, we asked the peasants there and they said that the lord of that place fled together with his family and troupes. It was reasonable since he could have been captured and used to get ransom.

"Search this castle and the streets nearing it. They couldn't have carried everything since they left in a hurry. Roundup anything resourceful. Josh, see that it is done." I looked over my shoulder.

"Consider it done." Josh, my right hand left to carry out my orders.

"Josh!" I called out and he halted. "Get someone to send word to the commander." He nodded and finally left.

Don came up behind me, "This was a little easy for a conquering campaign into Nongul."

His twin Bon followed him, "It was boring… not getting to fight. I can't wait for them who are assembling an army twice ours." He laughed at the end.

"I have a feeling we'll see them soon." I said and headed for the lord's resident.