
Rebooting Destiny

Tony snaps his fingers expecting to die only to find himself 13 years in the past. Watch as he changes his and everyone's fate with his future knowledge how will he take the world on? What changes will he bring? Read as he takes the world on by storm.

Medimi_Pratyush · Films
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19 Chs

The future of Stark Industries


May 11, 2008 (10:00 am)

Third Person POV

Day of the Press Conference

It had been a week since Tony Stark, the famous billionaire and majority owner of Stark Industries, returned from captivity. Today would be the first time he showed his face to the public since then. The world was buzzing with speculation about his physical and mental state. Rumors swirled about his suffering from PTSD, but nothing had been confirmed or denied. The anticipation was palpable.

Every major news outlet was present at Stark Industries' headquarters, where the press conference was to take place in the lobby. Reporters filled the space, adjusting cameras and speaking to their crews, eager to hear what Tony Stark would reveal today. The air was thick with anticipation.

Soon, Tony Stark entered the lobby, walking confidently toward the podium. He was dressed in his usual sharp Armani suit, his posture tall, exuding his signature charisma. He looked every bit the genius billionaire, smart and poised. Behind him, Pepper Potts followed in her usual business attire, her hair neatly tied back in a bun, exuding professionalism.

As they reached the podium, Pepper waited a few steps behind Tony, standing with a tablet in hand as he approached the microphone. Tony gave the crowd a moment to settle before he began.

"Hello everyone, I know it has been a week since I returned and kept my silence, but I am only a man and I was recovering now here I am standing in front of you, you are free to ask questions."

Causing people to murmur among themselves, soon a reporter stands up and asks.

"Mr. Stark, what happened out there?"

"What happened was that I had my eyes opened, I saw the weapons I created to protect America being used to kill American people, I saw the destruction and despair that my weapons have caused, Therefore I have decided something important this week, I don't want my legacy to be only bloodshed and destruction, I want to SI to be something more something greater therefor from today I announce that starting today Stark Industries will be delving into new sectors, we will be working in Clean Energy, Medical, Electronics, Aviation sectors this will the new Stark Industries, soon you will be seeing our products that will help people and contribute to the world as well, that is it for today."

A stunned silence followed. The reporters barely had time to process what Tony had just announced He finished causing the press to the road in shock and anticipation this was major news for the face of SI as it had always been a major sector of weapons manufacturing but now that Tony Stark himself announced the new face of SI it would change playing field as this was a man known for his genius and intellect it would be a major deal for the whole Stark Industries. Then the room exploded into activity, reporters shouting questions, cameras flashing, and the buzz of this groundbreaking revelation overtaking the lobby.




Tony pov

Tony walks into his office with Pepper trailing behind him. He sinks into his leather chair with a tired sigh, and Pepper hands him a glass of water, her face a mixture of pride and relief.

"The announcement has caused a major ripple everyone is reacting positively, people didn't expect you to recover so soon and announce something so big, the reviews are great Tony"

She spoke in an upbeat tone, tapping away on her sleek tablet. Despite the turmoil Stark Industries had faced in the last few months, Tony's announcement had shifted public opinion dramatically. Sympathy for Tony's plight, combined with his bold move, had reignited faith in the company.

"Good this is just the start, there will be a lot more changes in the I am going to bring in SI, after we put our foot in these new sectors, we will be going international pep, we will be known for more than a weapons manufacturer we will be changing the world pep"

He says in confidence and smiles he notices the smile on peppers face and moves towards her he moves towards her as she takes her step backward until she hits the tables and loses her balance causing Tony to put and hand around her waist and pull her in his chest with the tablet in her hand being the only thing pressed between their bodies, he moves closer to her ear and speak in a whisper as he breathes hot air in her ear causing her to shiver.

"Are you happy Ms. Potts? You always wanted me to use my intellect for something good"

He says with a smirk as he watches in amusement as her cheeks flushes in embarrassment making her look more beautiful with the freckles on her face, she takes a deep breath and composes herself but makes no effort to move him in the past week they have become a lot more closer everyday she would bring him food to make sure he was healthy and eating well, they would sit for hours talking to each other, flirting with each other she had gotten used to his touches and antics, she would never admit but this new Tony Stark turned her on and made her wet if he had made more moves on her she would have thrown herself on him land let him have her in any way he wanted, this was a new man at first she was concerned but soon she had gotten used to it after their playful banter she gotten to know the real Tony Stark the man in the façade not the fake one who was in a mask, she had gotten to know him more in a week than the entire years they worked together he still had his playboy antics as he would flirt and tease her but something was different she could feel it this man determined and ready take on the world which women wouldn't get turned on by it.

"I am Tony, I am really happy and glad that you took this step for something greater to do some good for the world"

She says with a smile he lets her go but not before letting his hand wander around her curves and feeling her beautiful narrow waist and her curvy ass he slaps her ass making her jump and squeak a little as she gave him a half-hearted glare making him grin, the tight skirt office skirt she was wearing defined her ass more turning him on.

"Inform the board to be in the meeting room in 10 minutes, it's time for pest control, did you call the FBI?"

He asked her turning serious from his playful demeanor.

Pepper composed herself, clearing her throat as she straightened her skirt.

"Yes, everything is ready the FBI is on standby, I have submitted the proof against Obadiah that JARVIS collected, he won't know what hit him"


In the meeting room


Everyone was waiting for Tony in the meeting room the news had been a shock to everyone but many were satisfied with the new turn for the SI as with Tony's intelligence it was more than enough and possible to do what tony had announced everyone except Obadiah he was sitting in the corner silently contemplating this was not what he had expected he had initially thought that tony would be too much in Trauma to care for company matters which had proved his point when he had holed himself in his mansion not contacting anyone he had tried many times to meet him but that bitch Pepper had not let him no matter how much he tried to get in touch with him it had been impossible, it unnerved him as he didn't know what Stark was thinking he wanted to use the opportunity to kick him out and take over the company but now it was impossible to do so everyone had seen that Tony was even better than before he was looking string and determined and everyone had seen it, no one would believe that he was suffering from PTSD but he still had a chance he would soon manipulate him again with his love and sympathy into doing his work this was a stop gap he would soon make sure his plans fruit success for now he would wait and observe.

Soon Tony enters the meeting room with his usual smirk followed by the redhead secretary

"Hello everyone, did you miss me looks like your old asses got lazy while I was on vacation"

He says causing everyone to chuckle already being used to his antics over the years Obadiah stands and goes to hug him which he returns stiffly

"We are glad that you are safe and sound Tony everyone was really worried about you, you should have been at home why are you up already it must have been traumatic"

He says with a smile while everyone nods in agreement Tony sneers in his heart at his fake concern but nonetheless smiles for now

"I am glad to be back Obie, the food was shit there was no way I would stay in a cave without a hot model in my arms"

He replies as everyone laughs light-heartedly as Obadiah goes back to his seat.

"Now everyone, it's time for pest control, we will be cleaning the house today"

He says as everyone's demeanor shifts causing an uproar.

"Are you saying there is a traitor among us Tony that is a big accusation"

One of the board members says seriously

"Exactly what I'm saying. Our weapons are ending up in the hands of people I don't recall selling to, which means someone's been making deals under the table. And I know exactly who."

The room fell into a stunned silence. Obadiah's face remained neutral, but his mind was racing. He had been careful—no traces, no loose ends. Or so he thought.

Tony turned his gaze to Obadiah, his smirk fading into a cold, calculating stare.

"Obadiah, care to explain how weapons meant to protect our country are showing up in the hands of terrorists?."

He reveals to everyone, and as everyone turns to Obadiah Stane in shock, the atmosphere in the room shifts dramatically. Obadiah was not only the acting CEO of Stark Industries but also the oldest and most respected board member. The very thought of him being involved in a treasonous act was unfathomable to those who had known him for years.

Obadiah, ever the skilled manipulator, stands up, his expression painted with mock outrage and wounded pride. He addresses Tony, his voice full of authority and false righteousness, trying to sway the room back in his favor.

"What are you talking about, Tony? I have done no such thing! I am nothing but loyal to our country and Stark Industries! How dare you accuse me of treason without any real proof? Your accusations are baseless, Tony. I demand you apologize right now, and maybe then, I'll let this slide."

His voice wavered slightly on the last words, revealing the tension beneath his practiced demeanor. Obadiah's eyes scanned the room, looking for support from the other board members, attempting to manipulate the narrative as he had always done. The older men in the room exchanged uncomfortable glances, unsure of how to react, their loyalty to Obadiah clashing with the disturbing claims Tony was making.

But Tony Stark wasn't falling for the performance.

With a smirk, Tony reached into his jacket pocket and slid a transparent, cutting-edge smartphone across the polished mahogany boardroom table. The sleek device stopped at the center of the table, capturing everyone's attention as a holographic display illuminated above it. A video began to play—a recording that would leave no doubt about Obadiah's guilt.

The video showed Tony himself, dishevelled and bloodied, sitting in a cave, surrounded by the Ten Rings. The camera panned to a familiar face: the leader of the terrorist group addressing Obadiah. The conversation, translated through subtitles, made it clear. They had kidnapped Tony at Obadiah's behest. As the footage ended, a chilling silence fell over the room.

Every pair of eyes turned toward Stane in stunned disbelief. The air seemed heavy with tension as if the room had suddenly lost its oxygen. Obadiah's smug facade cracked, and his face tightened. His eyes narrowed, calculating his next move. But Tony wasn't done.

"I've got to say, Obie," Tony said, his voice dripping with disdain, "you've got some pretty thick skin. Standing there, acting all high and mighty, after you tried to kill me. And you think these people won't see through your little act?"

Obadiah, now visibly cornered, scowled but still tried to push back. Before he could say anything, a high-pitched, piercing sound suddenly erupted from a small device in Obadiah's pocket. The sonic frequency hit every person in the room like a wave, causing an involuntary paralysis to ripple through their bodies. Several board members gasped as their muscles locked up, their faces contorted in panic.

But Tony and Pepper stood firm, unaffected. A split second later, a secondary sound hummed through the room—an even higher frequency, emitted by the speakers embedded in the walls of the boardroom. The paralyzing effect was immediately neutralized, and the board members gasped for air, their bodies relaxing as the tension ebbed away.

"Sir, a high-pitched, sonic frequency designed to disrupt the nervous system and induce temporary paralysis was detected and neutralized," JARVIS's calm voice announced over the speakers. "No lasting effects."

Tony nodded, his expression deadly serious. "Good work, J. Nice try, Obie, but nothing's going to work here today."

Obadiah's face drained of color, his attempt foiled by Tony's pre-emptive measures. The doors to the boardroom swung open as a group of black-suited FBI agents stormed in. The sound of their footsteps echoed ominously in the room as they moved swiftly toward Stane. Before he could react, they grabbed him by the arms, forcing his hands behind his back.

"You can't do this to me!" Obadiah bellowed, struggling against their hold. His usually smooth, composed demeanor was completely shattered. His voice was hoarse, almost feral. "I built this company, Tony! I kept this empire standing while you were off playing with your toys! You're nothing without me!"

Tony stood calmly as the agents secured Obadiah, watching his former mentor's downfall with cold eyes.

"You won't get away with this!" Obadiah screamed, his face red with fury. "I'll destroy you, Tony! I will come back, and when I do, Stark Industries will be mine again! You'll see!"

As the FBI agents dragged him out of the room, his desperate shouts faded into the distance. Tony let out a long, measured breath before turning back to the rest of the board, who were still reeling from the rapid series of events. He adjusted his suit jacket, regaining his composure.

"Now that the rat's out of the house," Tony began, his usual charisma returning, "let's focus on the future."

He gestured towards the holographic display in the center of the table. The room lit up with intricate designs and blueprints: Arc reactor upgrades, advanced aviation technology, revolutionary prosthetics, cutting-edge consumer electronics, and even mobile devices and smartwatches. The potential was limitless.

"As I said earlier, we're going to be dominating new sectors. Stark Industries will grow exponentially over the next few years. And after we establish our dominance in the U.S., we'll be expanding globally. Stark Industries will evolve into Stark International. We're not just going to change the game; we're going to reinvent it."

The board members murmured in excitement, their eyes now glued to the impressive display of Tony's vision. Even the more skeptical among them couldn't help but be caught up in the energy of the moment.

Tony leaned forward, his gaze sharp. "All I need from you is cooperation and loyalty. Let me take the reins on innovation, and all you have to do is sit back and count your profits."

Heads nodded in agreement. It was hard to argue with a genius who had just taken down the former CEO in front of their eyes and unveiled a future filled with opportunity.

"There's one more announcement I need to make," Tony said, his tone becoming more serious. "With Obadiah out of the picture, Stark Industries needs a new CEO."

Several voices immediately rose in protest. Many had expected Tony to take on the role himself, but he raised his hand, silencing the room.

"I know, I know. You all think it should be me," Tony said with a grin. "But with everything I have on my plate—the new tech, the innovation—I can't split my focus. I'll be heading R&D personally. I need someone to handle the business side."

The boardroom fell silent, anticipation hanging in the air. Tony allowed the moment to stretch before continuing.

"For that reason, I'm appointing someone who's more than capable. Someone who has essentially been running this company in my absence. The new CEO of Stark Industries will be... Pepper Potts."

All eyes turned to Pepper, who looked at Tony in absolute shock. She hadn't been informed of this decision and was clearly taken aback.

"Tony how can I be the CEO?."

She asks him in shock

Tony turned to her, placing his hands on her shoulders, looking her directly in the eyes.

"Pep, you're the person I trust most to lead this company. You've been doing it all along, whether I was paying attention or not. You're strong, you're capable, and you're brilliant. You've got this."

Pepper blinked, still processing the weight of Tony's words. She felt a mixture of pride and uncertainty but also immense gratitude for the faith he had in her. With a deep breath, she nodded, her determination setting in.

"Alright, Tony," she said, her voice firm.

The board members exchanged congratulations with Pepper, some more genuinely than others. While a few might have had reservations, there was no denying that Tony's choice was final. He was, after all, the majority shareholder.