
Rebirth Of The Strongest Support Class Player

Lu Feng, A legendary Support Class player in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Game got Reincarnated into another world with his Support class healing skills! "Demonic Beast tide attacking your city? No problem, I'll heal you all!" "You got seriously injured? just give me a second, I'll heal you! " "World's Guardian Protector has fallen in the war? Don't worry, I'll revive him!" "Brother Lu, please Heal our Holy Saintess!" "Brother Lu, please cure my daughter's illness!"

HiddenCave · Oriental
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13 Chs

Void Chamber of Commerce

Lu Feng, clad in brown ragged robe, walked towards the bustling flying ship port, drawing curious stares from everyone.

Unaware of the scrutiny, he marched on, his mind focused on his purpose.

As someone abandoned by system and a renowned support player in a combat-heavy game, his reasons transcended those of ordinary individuals.

As the merchant lady had informed him, flying ships were the sole means of reaching an immortal sect.

He retrieved the wooden token, examining its strange markings. Though unfamiliar with the language inscribed, he found himself understanding it.

"One of the reincarnated system perks, huh?" he muttered, with amusement in his eyes.

He had much to learn about these system perks, navigating them without the system's guidance.

Soon, Lu Feng arrived at the ship port's reception, where a beautiful young lady sat behind a desk, diligently attending to requests.

He calmly joined the queue, his presence blending with the crowd.

The port was teeming with people, a testament to a developed world.

Just like him, myriad hopefuls sought their chance at immortality.

Lu Feng noticed a significant number of young children, some no older than fourteen or sixteen, accompanied by parents or guardians. A few sported impressive items and expensive clothes, showcasing their families' wealth.

This was Lu Feng's first encounter with a cultivator since his arrival in this world just a day ago.

As his turn approached, the receptionist, a stunning woman, regarded him and inquired, "Destination?"

"White Moon Sect" Lu Feng replied plainly.

His words caused a ripple through the queue. The beautiful woman was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise. The line fell silent, even an elderly cultivator seemed to stiffen.

The beautiful receptionist was stunned.

Not everyone had the qualification to visit an immortal sect. Those who have are not ordinary.

Every eye, it seemed, was fixated on Lu Feng, the raggedly dressed stranger.

"Mode of payment?" she asked, her voice unsteady.

Lu Feng drew out the wooden token, a gift from the merchant lady.

The receptionist, her eyes widening, immediately sprang to her feet, and even the guards behind her stiffened.

The elders of the powerful families, their expressions inscrutable, turned their gaze upon Lu Feng. Their children, arrogant but sharp, quickly sensed something amiss and fell silent.

Lu Feng, usually composed, felt a wave of pressure wash over him.

The receptionist's reaction, the elders' silent scrutiny, and the unknown threat emanating from them all pointed to the token's immense value. Something a penniless wanderer like him should never possess.

Panic surged through him. He considered fleeing, even breaking the token if they tried to take it.

His death was inevitable if they stole it.

This is a disastar; a gift from the merchant lady had become the sole reason for his upcoming demise!

Lu Feng understood the harsh reality of this cultivation world— dog-eat-dog environment where survival depended on strength.

He knew he was responsible for attracting unwanted attention with his valuable token, a danger greater than his own life.

Caught in the middle of a brewing bloodbath, Lu Feng felt a storm of anxiety. Despite his inherent strength, he wasn't ready for a fight. Without even a weapon, he was ill-prepared for the chaos unfolding around him.

The entire area was quiet, locked in a stalemate. Lu Feng was standing still, as calm as water, but inside he was in a mess.

"Great, a fight is about to happen, and I don't even have a weapon. Am I going to be robbed for 10 bronze coins and one wooden token??"

Just as the situation seemed to be about to explode, a majestic purple flying ship descended, its gate opening to reveal two figures.

Lu Feng, witnessing humans flying for the first time since arriving in this world, looked up in astonishment.

One of the figures was an ancient man, his long white hair a testament to his age, which seemed beyond even Lu Feng's limited experience.

The other was a remarkably young girl, appearing no older than 17 or 18.

Seeing a girl so young soaring through the air sent shockwaves through Lu Feng and the entire crowd.

"This... A Golden Releam practitioner under the age of 20??"

"She must be a saintess from a big faction."

"Hiss, let's not offend her."

"Seems like they are from Void Chamber of Commerce!!"

The girl and the old man landed near the reception, the lady receptionist quickly bowing and saluting them. The young girl, however, ignored her, her cold gaze fixed on Lu Feng.

The old man, his eyes widening in shock, exclaimed:


Despite his overwhelming astonishment, the old man, a seasoned veteran of life, managed to suppress his excitement.

He swiftly warned the young girl not to provoke the man before them.

The young girl, bewildered, couldn't understand why the old man, with his seemingly limitless cultivation, was so concerned.

The brown rag robe worn by the man in front of her, however, emanated a palpable sense of danger.

Her instincts screamed at her. If she challenged this man, she wouldn't stand a chance. Survival, let alone a fight, would be impossible.

A realization dawned upon her. Could this be an unprecedented spiritual artifact? She, a cultivator in the Golden Core Realm - a stage others could only dream off, is outmatched by a simple spiritual robe worn by the young man before her!

Conflict raged within her.

Lu Feng, oblivious to their thoughts, remained silent.

Abandoned by the system, it would take him a long time to grasp the true value of his possessions.

He observed them, the three figures before him, silently exchanging glances. The young girl's cold gaze was a clear warning to surrender the token and live.

He had also overheard their conversation, understanding that they belonged to the faction controlling the ship.

"It's not a bad deal if I return the token and ask for something else in exchange."

The young girl's gaze locked on Lu Feng, her heart a battlefield of conflicting emotions.

She had clawed her way to a position of power in her faction, sacrificing sleep and comfort for the relentless pursuit of cultivation. Her life was far from easy.

Yet, here stood this man, draped in a robe that likely surpassed her own in value, and bearing the Supreme Token of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

The mere knowledge of this token's existence was a privilege reserved for those of the highest standing.

It was only because the elder had bumped into her that she even knew what it was, unlike the ignorant receptionist beside her, a mere country bumpkin.

Seeing the elder remain silent, the girl gathered her courage, a feat that demanded a moment of internal struggle.

Sensing the situation was spiraling towards an unpleasant conclusion, potentially even robbery, Lu Feng chose to address the young girl instead of the elder, a subtle gesture of respect to avoid offense.

"Can I not climb the ship?"

"Can," replied the young girl.

"Can the ship take me to the White Moon Sect?" he pressed.

"Can," the girl replied with just one word.

Lu Feng nodded, his eyes lingering on the young girl. She appeared young but held an air of sharp intelligence and coldness, a contrast to his own youthful naivety.

Hearing the young lady's voice, the guards opened the gate, and everyone watched as Lu Feng, who had been standing in the common line, walked towards the ship.

A sense of relief washed over him as he escaped a potential clash.

Even after he left, a heavy silence settled over the crowd.

The young masters of the prominent families, bewildered by the events, remained silent, their elders equally speechless.

Finally, the young girl, regaining her composure, addressed the old man beside her.

"Should we at least introduce ourselves? Isn't it rude to ignore the young master from the hermit family?"

The old man, his gaze fixed on the young girl, responded with a sardonic smile.

His voice, low and barely audible, was meant only for her ears. "He wears an immortal robe. We are not worthy for introduction!"

The young girl, her eyes widen with disbelief.

She looks at the old man as if looking at a ghost. If not for her knowing the capabilities of the old man, she would have doubted him!

What's an immortal artifact? That's something that even the Void Chamber of Commerce, Which stretch to various parts of Immortal world, lacks the qualification to own!

Even the minute information about such immortal items are highly valued and is kept secret. Available only to high-ranking members of the Void Chamber of Commerce within!

Only an immortal sect might be capable of owning such an immortal artifact!

Yet a young man, standing in front of her, is wearing an immortal robe in White Moon City, a City of Mortal!

She can't accept this, the gap is too big!!

The old man ignored the young girl's trance and asked the ship to set sail directly once Lu Feng was seated.

He ordered the crew not to offend Lu Feng. Otherwise, the Void Chamber of Commerce won't let them live!

Once he was done, he took the young girl and left.

An immortal item has made an appearance in White Moon City!

This is a huge issue, might be related to the resurgence of an Hermit faction!

He must quickly get back and report this his superiores!

His commands were absolute, and the magnificent spiritual ship, capable of carrying thousands, set course for the White Moon Sect, carrying only one passenger.

As the members of the Void Chamber of Commerce disappeared into the distance, the crowd finally broke free from their stunned silence.

The elders of various families exchanged meaningful glances, a silent agreement forming between them.

"He carries the supreme token, wears rags, not simple!" one elder commented, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Wearing rags, acting poor, perhaps experiencing the life of the poor?" another elder suggested, his tone speculative.

"The rag robe is not simple.." a third elder, from a distinguished family, declared with conviction.

The young masters, their familie's future heirs, remained silent, their hopes of a journey aboard the magnificent ship dashed. The vessel, once meant to carry them, sailed away, leaving them behind, their futures shrouded in uncertainty.