
Rebirth Of The Strongest Support Class Player

Lu Feng, A legendary Support Class player in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Game got Reincarnated into another world with his Support class healing skills! "Demonic Beast tide attacking your city? No problem, I'll heal you all!" "You got seriously injured? just give me a second, I'll heal you! " "World's Guardian Protector has fallen in the war? Don't worry, I'll revive him!" "Brother Lu, please Heal our Holy Saintess!" "Brother Lu, please cure my daughter's illness!"

HiddenCave · Eastern
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13 Chs

Star Moon City

The sun was sinking below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city.

Lu Feng, weary from his journey through the jungles and his encounter with the city guards, felt the day coming to a close.

The city, already vibrant with life, seemed even more alive bathed in the sunset's light. The brief interaction with the guard had made Lu Feng realize how little he knew about this world. He didn't even know its name.

The guard, however, had been more than helpful, not only providing crucial information but also giving him bronze coins to survive the night.

Lu Feng couldn't help but wonder if this guard was his system in disguise. After all, his original system had promised him a powerful amulet, sealed within him - an amulet capable of withstanding even an immortal's attack!

Lu Feng yearned to test this amalgam, but the thought of facing an enraged city guard, who could easily cleave him in two, chilled him to the bone.

He wasn't in any rush to meet the king of hell.

The darkness descended, and Lu Feng, a mortal exhausted from walking and talking, longed for a place to rest.

However, his thirst for knowledge and exploration drove him to seek out a bar or tea house, places known for gathering information, at least in the cultivation novels he had devoured.

But reality, it seemed, was different. These bars were overrun with drunken patrons, incapable of coherent conversation.

Luckily,Lu Feng encountered a captivating merchant lady, who not only spoke with him but also offered him a room for the night at the same inn.

Now, gasping for breath on a single bed, Lu Feng recounted his experience with this beautiful woman.

He had learned a valuable lesson: she had promised to spend the night in the same inn, but not the same room.

The lady merchant explained that this world, known as the Immortal World, was teeming with cultivators and demon beasts.

Conflicts between them, fueled by power struggles, were commonplace.

Star Moon City was unique, as it was one of the few places where cultivators and mortals coexisted.

This bustling city attracted those seeking encounters with powerful cultivators, as well as those hoping to gain favor or trade.

However, the most significant factor was the proximity of the White Moon sect, one of the four great immortal sects, which directly governed the city.

Rumors circulated that the White Moon sect, led by the elusive Fairy Jiao, was the most powerful of the four.

The others were the Five Element sects, the Jade Immortal sect, and the Buddhist sect.

While the White Moon sect accepted both male and female disciples, it was known for its preference for female disciples, a reason shrouded in mystery.

The Jade Immortal sect, led by Sect Master Qing Yun, accepted only female disciples.

Lu Feng had reincarnated into the immortal world during the month when the White Moon sect was accepting new disciples, who were selected based on their talent and spiritual roots.

The merchant lady informed Lu Feng that achieving immortality required either a powerful background or a strong spiritual root. Those without powerful backgrounds could join sects, but without a spiritual root, immortality was unattainable.

Lu Feng recalled his powerful system, which had promised a support skill and a powerful spiritual root before abandoning him. The meaning of this promise remained a mystery to him.

Dawn broke, and the generous merchant lady, after sharing a room with Lu Feng at the inn, settled his bill, saving him his precious ten bronze coins.

She explained the world's currency system to him, emphasizing her generosity stemmed from her belief in helping those in need, not his appearance.

She didn't mention noticing his handsome features, fiery gaze, or the ancient immortal robe he wore, a relic from a bygone era.

Lu Feng summarized the information.

Mortals primarily used bronze, silver, and gold tales, with each gold tale worth 100 silver tales, and each silver tale worth 100 bronze tales.

Cultivators, however, used spirit stones as currency.

After a moment's thought, Lu Feng informed the merchant lady of his intention to try his luck at the White Moon sect.

She was surprised, wondering why he wouldn't seek out a supreme or first-rate sect, which were ranked lower than the immortal sect.

She assumed, given his brown robe, that he wouldn't settle for anything less than the top, and so remained silent.

Lu Feng's decision to choose the White Moon sect was based on its proximity to his current location. Traveling to other sects would have been a perilous journey.

His choice wasn't influenced by the sect's preference for female disciples, which guaranteed gender imbalance.

As the saying goes, watching two voluptuous women fight in an arena is more entertaining than watching two men fight.

The merchant lady, after a moment of thought, presented Lu Feng with an ancient-looking wooden token.

"What's this?" Lu Feng asked, completely bewildered.

"A traveling token, With this, you can travel to the White Moon Sect and try your luck."

"Wait, can't we just walk there or use horse carriage?" Lu Feng questioned.

The merchant lady smiled knowingly and said, "The immortal sects are not places where anyone can simply go."

Lu Feng nodded, realizing he still lacked a basic understanding of this world.

"This must be an expensive token. Are you sure?" he asked.

The merchant lady waved her hand dismissively and said with a blushblush,"Not as expensive as the night we shared."

Lu Feng: "..... "

Lu Feng stood speechless, his mind racing.

The sun was rising, signaling the time for their parting. As painful as it was, life had to continue.

Lu Feng and the merchant lady walked out of the hotel. The merchant lady smiled and slowly walked away.

Lu Feng watched her retreating figure, cupped his fist, and bowed and said, "Thank you!"

He wanted to thank her further, but then a thought struck him.

"What's her name again?" he asked.

" ... "

The merchant lady remained silent, her expression unreadable.