
Rebirth Of The Strongest Support Class Player

Lu Feng, A legendary Support Class player in Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Video Game got Reincarnated into another world with his Support class healing skills! "Demonic Beast tide attacking your city? No problem, I'll heal you all!" "You got seriously injured? just give me a second, I'll heal you! " "World's Guardian Protector has fallen in the war? Don't worry, I'll revive him!" "Brother Lu, please Heal our Holy Saintess!" "Brother Lu, please cure my daughter's illness!"

HiddenCave · Oriental
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13 Chs

Plan to Revolt

Lu Feng harbored doubts about the White Moon Sect's sect master's survival. He couldn't fathom how he had been accepted as her disciple without her direct approval.

While he trusted Yun Yue's words, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

"A young woman in her early twenties decides not only the fate of the sect but also about her own sect master?" he mused.

"Based on what I've learned from novels of past lives, the sect master must have perished!"He concluded, his reasoning clouded by his limited political experience.

"Perhaps they're keeping it a secret to maintain the sect's image."

Yun Yue: "..."

Yun Yue looks at Lu Feng, devoid of any expression.

"Junior Brother!" her voice, cold and sharp, pierced through his thoughts. "Our sect master is alive and well. She's currently in seclusion and unable to return. Do not speak ill of her in her absence."

Lu Feng with fear, straightened his spine and wiped the cold sweat from his head. If he wishes to live, he must stop speaking. 

Yun Yue sighed, exasperated by her new junior brother's unorthodox thinking.

"I'll visit and inform the sect elders about your discipleship under our sect master." she said.  

"Junior Sister Li Xiaoye will soon help you settle into your new accommodations in the sect hall." With those words, her figure disappeared, leaving Lu Feng alone in the hall.

Watching her teleport, he fell into deep thought.

Despite Yun Yue's reassurance, Lu Feng clung to his belief about the sect master's demise.

He knew, however, that no one would believe him. He would have to bear this truth alone; a secret kept hidden within him.

Lu Feng calmed himself, accepting his new role as the fifth disciple of the White Moon Sect master.

He knew his master had fallen, and as her disciple, he had a responsibility to carry her legacy forward, even though he never received anything.

Suddenly a wave of anxiety hit him.

'Wait a minute!" he thought.

"The sect master is gone! Her first disciple is now in control, and she'll surely eliminate anyone connected to the previous leadership!"

His loyalty to his new master felt like a death sentence.

"Oh well, I might just become Senior Sister Yun Yue's disciple." he thought, adopting a cynical smile. "If you can't beat them, join them!"

Lu Feng envisioned himself and his senior sisters as the new rulers after overthrowing the sect's leadership. He laughed sinisterly.

"What's the point of being righteous? This is my chance to become a powerful henchman of a new ruler! I have to seize this opportunity before it's too late!"

He nodded to himself. "The battle for the sect will be brutal, many strong individuals will fall!" he spoke aloud, oblivious to the small figure standing at the entrance.

"It's no wonder Senior Sister invited me, a pocket healer, to her side!"

Li Xiaoye, the small figure, stared at Lu Feng in silence. Then, with a powerful kick, she sent him flying towards the feet of the White Moon Ancestor's portrait!

Lu Feng, looking like a villain knocked down by a hero, slowly stood up, glaring at the young girl.

She was small, her blonde hair fluttering in the air. Her icy blue eyes pierced him with a look of disdain.

Li Xiaoye, a young girl of twelve adorned in a white robe with blue laces, tossed an identity jade token at Lu Feng's feet.

"Senior Brother Lu Feng, here's your new identity token." she said with a cold voice.

Lu Feng, his face etched with guilt, rose slowly from the ground.

"How much did you hear?" He asked with his head bowed.

"Enough to kick you out of the sect or throw you into the sect's prison." Li Xiaoye retorted with a sharp edge to her voice.

Lu Feng approached her, kneeling before her. "This lowly disciple greets Senior Sister Li Xiaoye! Please forgive my earlier transgressions." he pleaded.

Li Xiaoye, her gaze filled with disdain, replied, "Senior Brother Feng, Senior Sister Yun Yue instructed me to deliver the token and show you to your living quarters! Also, you are older than me, making you my senior brother! Please don't mess with seniorities!" With that, she turned and walked towards the living quarters, with the sect hall.

Lu Feng scrambled to his feet. His eyes fell on the green jade token adorned with a golden silk rope laying on the ground. He picked it up and followed Li Xiaoye.

Looking at the token he saw an inscription 'Lu Feng' shimmered on its surface. He rubbed the words, a sense of belonging washing over him. After arriving in this new world, he finally had a place to call home. His heart swelled with a sense of gratitude.

Otherwise, he might have been forced to sleep on the streets.

Composing himself, Lu Feng hurried after Li Xiaoye, who was already walking ahead. As he observed her small figure from behind, a wave of astonishment washed over him.

"Her kick sent me flying meters away? And she didn't even hurt me!" he thought in disbelief. "Such control over her powers at such a young age! Hiss—!"

Meanwhile, Li Xiaoye walked ahead, her mind churning with anger. Upon hearing her senior brother's plan to overthrow her master, she'd been consumed by rage, unleashing a full-powered kick with no restraint.

However, her kick, capable of bending sturdy metal, had failed to inflict any damage on her senior brother! Not only that, he effortlessly rose to his feet as if the kick was nothing more than a gentle nudge!

This only fueled her ire. A man clad in nothing but a ragged robe had become her master's fifth disciple, and now, her senior brother!

The duo soon reached disciples living quarters, nestled behind the main sect hall amidst the ruins of Sword Peak. A serene water pool, teeming with fishes of unknown origins, occupied the center of the area, surrounded by dense rows of bamboo that formed a natural enclosure.

Four imposing residential structures stood in one corner, each belonging to one of the four direct disciples of Sect Master Fairy Jiao.

Li Xiaoye, with a hint of pride, explained, "These are our living quarters. Our master's residence lies further ahead, but since she is disdainful towards men, I can't take you there."

She continued, "My second and third senior sisters are always outside the sect, leaving their dwellings empty most of the year. Senior Sister Yun Yue, now the acting sect master, rarely visits, so I've been the only one residing here for a while now."

A touch of sadness crossed her face, prompting even Lu Feng, who had conspired against her master, to feel a pang of sympathy.

With a hint of disdain, she added, "But now you'll be joining us... It seems a beautiful lotus is always accompanied by dirt."

Lu Feng, speechless, simply asked, "Ahem, Junior Sister, where's my house?"

He longed for a good night's rest after a day filled with scheming and strategizing.

Li Xiaoye, after a brief pause, pointed towards the dense bamboo grove bordering the living quarters.

"Is my house behind those bamboo trees?" Lu Feng queried.

Li Xiaoye shook her head and replied, "You can cut those bamboos and build yourself a temporary shelter!"

Lu Feng's jaw dropped.

"Surely there's some mistake. I distinctly remember Senior Sister Yun Yue mentioning a proper house for me."

Li Xiaoye beamed at him and said, "Did she? I don't recall, but I do remember you talking aloud about overthrowing our MASTER in sect hall..." She emphasized the word "Master".

"It looks like I have to go and look for senior sister Yun Yue and ask her directly." said Li Xiaoye with a smile that wasn't smile.

Lu Feng, suddenly remembering his promise to behave and abide to acting sect master, rushed to stand in front of Li Xiaoye, blocking her path.

"Of course, Junior Sister is right. I'll go chop those bamboos and build myself a shed. You must be tired and need rest. Please don't work yourself up!"

Li Xiaoye nodded, humming softly as she headed towards her quarters to rest. A sense of victory pasted on her face..

Defeated twice by a twelve-year-old girl, Lu Feng walked towards the bamboo grove to build his shed.

He stood before a thick bamboo, murderous intent flaring within him. He yearned to split it in half. However, a sense of unease crept over him as he looked at his empty hands.

Where's the axe?

Lu Feng: "....."