
Rebirth of Internet Hegemon

Rebirth to the year 2001. It was a rather awkward juncture in time. Tencent had risen to prominence, Alibaba had emerged, and even Baidu was raking in profits... What was the point of this rebirth? Well, if rebirth served no purpose, then why not seize the opportunity to enjoy an unambitious life of comfort? But it was a pity that Chen Yu, who had set his sights solely on living the good life, accidentally ended up dominating the world of the internet. =============== The work doesn't belong to me, I'm just a hobbyist translator doing "pro bono" work just like those novelupdates guys. Enjoy this work for free, or if you really want, you can support me and donate some through the usual platforms

Shallowman · Urbain
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104 Chs

Server issues

"Ms. Liu, what's the name of this student? He's quite stubborn."

"Sigh, there's nothing we can do. Kids nowadays are all like this, very rebellious."

"So, are we just going to let it go?"

"There's no other way. I can't really bring a few students to confront him. If I did, it would likely lead to bad blood between them in the future."

"That's true."

The teachers didn't say much more.

Since they hadn't caught him red-handed, they had to leave it to chance.

Pursuing the matter further would make the teachers seem overly authoritarian, and it wouldn't be conducive to the students' learning, especially if it strained relationships among them.

"Chen Yu, did the homeroom teacher ask you to write a self-critique?"



"Why wouldn't she?"

"She didn't ask you to write a self-critique for going to the internet cafe?"

During the lunch break, Li Wenjie asked Chen Yu with some trepidation.

"Oh, Li Wenjie, so it was you who ratted me out."

"Well, um, Chen Yu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Our homeroom teacher pressured me into saying it. If I didn't, she would have come after me too."

Li Wenjie felt somewhat embarrassed.

"Oh, it's alright."

Chen Yu was initially upset, but when he saw Li Wenjie acting like a kid, he couldn't help but smile.

In the end, they were just kids. What was the point of arguing with them? As a reborn person, he was above such childish disputes.

Waving his hand, Chen Yu said, "Go back now, and be more cautious with your words in the future."


Li Wenjie nodded quickly and returned to his seat.

However, as soon as he sat down, Li Wenjie looked puzzled. "What's going on? How did I end up obediently sitting at my desk? And why did I just listen to our homeroom teacher like that?"

Then, he glanced at Chen Yu from behind, as if expecting Chen Yu to have grown three heads and six arms.

"What happened just now? It was like I was looking at our homeroom teacher, and I completely followed her instructions."

"Maybe you felt guilty. Anyway, forget about it. You have to write a self-critique. Damn, it's a self-critique of 10,000 words..."

Trying to comfort himself, Li Wenjie buried himself in writing his self-critique.


"What's with the 'yi'?"

"Weren't you called 'YiYiYi'?"

"Alright, Lululu, what's up?"

"Did the homeroom teacher cause you any trouble just now?"

Worried, Lu Xue asked Chen Yu quietly from the side.

"Why would the homeroom teacher trouble me?"

"Didn't Li Wenjie rat you out for going to the internet cafe?"

"That little brat."

Chen Yu chuckled, suddenly wanting to tease Lu Xue. "Oh, right, he did rat me out. But, I also ratted you out."

"What?" Lu Xue was dumbfounded. "Chen Yu, how could you do that? How could you rat me out?"

"We're in this together."

"Ugh, you're impossible. I'm done for. When I get back, my parents will scold me to death, and my grandpa will scold me too."

Seeing Lu Xue's anxious expression, Chen Yu said, "Alright, just kidding. Do I look like the kind of person who would snitch?"

"Chen Yu, you lied to me."

Pointing her finger at Chen Yu, Lu Xue stared at him.

"Lululu, don't look at me like that. If you look at me like that, I'll think you like me."

"Like you? Haha, don't flatter yourself."

"Alright, I won't. Well, actually, the homeroom teacher didn't give me any trouble just now. Instead, she came to console me."

"Console you?"


"Why did she console you?"

"Ah, are you trying to embarrass me again? It's because my family is poor. The homeroom teacher specially came to console us poor students. She even said that if we have any financial problems in the future, we can come to her for help."


"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do."

Chen Yu shrugged. "Look at me, I'm so relaxed. Could I look like I just got scolded by the homeroom teacher?"

"Well, then..."

"Well then, what?"

"How about this, from now on, I'll... I'll bring you breakfast..."

"What?" Chen Yu was taken aback.

"Well, um, don't get the wrong idea. You helped me get a QQ account, so I should thank you somehow. Breakfast isn't expensive, so I'll consider it supporting the poor... No, no, I'll consider it treating you to breakfast."

The more she said, the quieter her voice became, almost like a mosquito.

After finishing her sentence, Lu Xue turned extremely red and couldn't bring herself to look at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu was almost dumbfounded.

This silly girl actually believed it.

"Alright, I can still afford breakfast."

Chen Yu shook his head. "Oh."

Lu Xue responded with a simple "Oh" and didn't bring up the breakfast matter again.


"Chen Yu, are you there? I talked to a few classmates, and they said they could help you with this website."

After evening self-study, Wang Chang sent a message to Chen Yu on QQ.

Upon arriving home, Chen Yu logged onto QQ and replied to Wang Chang: "That's great. What are their conditions?"

"Why are you replying so late? I'm about to go to sleep."

"Sis, I'm a student too, and I have evening self-study. I can't be as free as you college students."

"How about you buy a phone so we can communicate more easily?"

"I'm broke; I can't afford it."

"Really? But I heard from Xiaopang that your gaming workshop made a decent profit."

"That's for building the website. How about you guys do it for me for free, and I'll buy a phone?"

"You're dreaming. I can help you for free, but some of my classmates are top students. Can you at least give them a little compensation?"

"I understand, tell me."

"We estimated that I can bring you five people, so including me, that's six people to work on the website. It will take approximately one month. I'll help you for free, but you can pay each of us 2,000 yuan. How does that sound?"


Chen Yu nodded. 2,000 yuan for each of the five people amounted to 10,000 yuan in total. It was a great deal to have the website built for this amount. If he were to approach a professional web development company with strong technical skills, they wouldn't even talk business for less than 100,000 yuan. Of course, there were some that would do it for just one or two thousand yuan, but their technical skills were often subpar. They couldn't implement certain functions, and even if they did, the entire website framework would be poorly designed.

It seemed that in the future, he should look for talent at universities whenever he needed something. They not only had strong technical skills but also hadn't entered the workforce yet, so their fees were reasonable. Some of them might even offer their services for free. Wang Chang was a prime example of free labor.

"Heh, you agreed quickly."

"It's my cousin's request; how could I refuse?"

"Don't try to pull one over on me. I'm giving you a great deal by building such a complex website for just 10,000 yuan. However, there's one condition for this low price."

"What's your condition?"

"Several of my classmates are graduating soon, and they need to present a good project for graduation."

"So, you want this website to be considered their graduation project?"

"You could say that. Of course, the ownership of the website will still be yours."

"That's not a problem."

With such a small request, Chen Yu naturally didn't refuse. However, this conversation reminded him that he still didn't have a server. Once the website was ready, where would he host it? Buying one externally was an option, but it was expensive. Using his personal computer was out of the question since it would likely crash. Telecom data centers were available for rent, but they were costly.

At the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, he didn't have much money. Saving wherever possible was crucial.

So, he added, "Sis, I haven't found a server yet. When you finish building the website, can you host it in your WHU data center?"

"Tsk tsk, you're quite cunning, wanting to host it in our school's data center. Normally, that wouldn't be allowed."

"Cousin, please help. When the website is done, we can say it was created by your university. Don't top universities like yours support their students' work? We're talking about a top ten university here; it can't be like this, can it?"

"Alright, alright, you sly one. I'll go ask."

"Thank you so much, cousin."

Chen Yu sent a flower emoji on QQ, and Wang Chang responded with a skull emoji. Chen Yu shook his head and logged off the computer to go to sleep.