
Is This Real?

Blue was pursuing someone who looked like a black coat. He drew his sword and looked down a corridor. He knocked down the person with one sword swipe. Knocking the pole out of their hand and leaving a cut in their leg.

Black Coat: Please! Leave us alone!

Blue felt a pain in his head. His vision changed. He saw a mom and her children. Blue didn't know what to say.

Desperate Mother: I'll press charges!

Blue ran away. Luckily he was wearing a black mask that covered his eyes.

Blue: What...What just happened?

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Harry was walking half-asleep in the morning to get coffee. When his vision changed. He felt like he was in a dream. He was back in the meta slave sites. Everyone was running out and he was knocked down. He touched someone's leg and made them fall asleep. He got up and started running, making anyone in his way fall asleep. He turned and bolted out of one of the chain doors. His vision changed again. He was in a coffee shop. Everyone was looking at him like he was crazy.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Donny got up off his bed. His spirits high. He opened the door to his room and walked downstairs to make some breakfast. He saw Amelia waiting for him.

Donny: Am I in trouble?

Amelia: Where were you all night?!

Donny: Don't worry. I was getting info.

Amelia: You didn't come back until after 11! Clearly you were busy with other things!

Donny: *sigh* I got Terra to help me.

Amelia: Seriously? You could've gotten her killed!

Donny: Well I didn't. Plus she can handle herself even better than I can.

Amelia: We don't know what the enemy has!

Donny: Well yes we do!

Amelia: What do you mean?

Donny: Check this out.

Donny took out his phone and showed Amelia the picture of the girl from yesterday.

Amelia: What kinda proof is that?

Donny: That Integer is involved!

Amelia turned away.

Amelia: How does that prove anything?!

Donny: Don't pretend I'm useless! Do a face scan!

Amelia: ...Fine.

Amelia took Donny's phone and took out the memory card and plugged it into a computer. She started a face scan.

Amelia: So. What did you do for the rest of the night?

Donny: What?

Amelia: The picture was taken at 7:57. You didn't come back until after 11.

Donny: ...I uhhh-

Amelia: Did you seriously go and fuck off with Terra.

Donny: No, I went stargazing with her. That's a little bit extreme…

Ameila: Shut up! You know what I meant! But you always have to have your guard up! You never know what will happen in this godforsaken place.

Donny: Well here's another thing. The people who are against us. They are closing in on us.

Ameila: What?

Donny: They wanna smoke us out from our base.

Amelia: Shit. We have to move fast.

Amelia felt her head in pain.

Donny: Seriously? What now?

Donny went over to Amelia. Who looked at him and moved away.

Amelia: Go away! We didn't mean it!

Donny: Amelia, what the hell.

Amelia: SHUT UP!

Amelia threw a punch at Donny. Donny quickly apprehended her and brought her to the ground. Amelia felt her head again.

Ameila: Did it happen again?

Donny: What happened again?

Amelia: I've been getting constant Illusions of Riley.

Donny: What? Are you high?

Amelia: No! There's something sinister behind it. Maybe your info could help us.

The computer was finished with the face scan.

Donny: See! Look! I was right!

Amelia: Don't push it. But that is Erica Springer.

Amelia looked at the info.

Amelia: Mother is Jilaya Springer. Integer. So there is some connection. So let us put two and two together.

Donny: Integer...I'm pretty sure Krilla knows who Integer is.

Amelia: Well if that's the case. Hey! Krilla!

Krilla came down the stairs.

Krilla: Yeah?

Donny: You look pretty tired.

Amelia: Do you know anything about Integer.

Krilla sat down.

Krilla: ...She did this to me. Or one of her dogs did actually. She's not getting away with this.

Donny: What do you mean?

Krilla: What did you wanna know about her? I've had numerous run-ins with her and her men. Even before I met Terra.

Amelia: How far reaching are her forces exactly?

Krilla: Oh god, pretty far. She owns most of those slave sites, she has multiple soldiers that she hypnotized. She made tons of metas and has lots of people on the inside of the government under her wing.

Donny: Seriously?! We can't deal with that power! It's like dropping a tank on a balloon and expecting it not to pop!

Krilla: Don't freak out. You guys need to act more like a needle and weave your way through to defeat her.

Amelia: Maybe Integer is responsible for these illusions. Or the people who are working with her are.

Donny: Good observation. Why don't we do some research?

Amelia: Fine. Maybe one of the other protectors of the city might know something…

Donny: Why don't you ask one of our teammates?

Amelia: You stupid? They would've told me if something was happening!

Donny: Are you sure?

Amelia: Positive!

Donny: Amelia. Go and talk to them. We haven't seen everyone else in a couple days.

Amelia: Fine. You go talk to them. I'll go and talk to the police for any other reports.

Donny: Alright then, you go take care of business. I'll do what I can. Thanks for the info Krilla.

Krilla: No problem.

Amelia sped away and Donny teleported away. Krilla got up to leave. She felt her eye.

Krilla: Your days are numbered.

Leon came down the stairs.

Leon: Hey mom, how are you feeling?

Krilla: Tired…

Leon: Why? You went to bed early, didn't you?

Krilla: I tried to. But I kept having these nightmares…

Leon: About what?

Krilla: I can barely remember. About a man in a black jacket.

Leon: That really is weird. Are you feeling up to going somewhere today?

Krilla: ...Sure. We may as well spend some time together. There's a place called Bibble and Sip that's not far.

Leon: Sounds like a plan.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra was in the gym inside of her apartment complex. She had maxed out her bench press to 1,000 and was pumping out reps. She finished and rolled out her shoulders. She got up and started shadowboxing. She went outside and walked past the work office. The man looked up from the desk.

Man: Hey. That helmet you gave me sold for so much!

Terra: Oh, how much?

Man: I would never tell. I see you were using the gym.

The man looked Terra up and down.

Terra: What are you looking at?

Man: So, what are you doing with that bag?

Terra had a large black bag in her hand.

Terra: Oh, do you have any sandbags or something?

Man: Yeah. In the back closet. Go look.

Terra: Oh yeah, what's your name?

Man: Name's Henry Hall. I own this little apartment complex.

Terra: Oh, that makes sense. This place is called Henry Hall's apartments anyway.

Henry: It is nice to see some people are using the gym. Especially you.

Terra: Ugh…

Terra went into a door that looked like a closet. She brought some sandbags back and shoved them in her bag and hung the bag up. Making a make-shift punching bag. She was throwing precise punches and kicks. Even some knees. She heard one of the bags break open.

Terra: Shit, might be too weak for me. It's fine though.

Terra worked out for a couple more hours. Practicing her form.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Amelia walked down a long alleyway.

Amelia: Be careful. We are in a dark part of Hell's Kitchen.

An arrow made out of fire flew towards Amelia. Amelia dodged effortlessly.

???: What are you doing here?

Amelia: We have no quarrel with you. You are Talia, right?

Talia: What's it to you?

Amelia: We heard you have been seeing some Illusions. So much so that you killed an innocent civilian.

Talia: Are you going to attack me? I didn't mean it. I already have so much to atone for.

Amelia: It's okay. We just want to know who caused these illusions.

Talia: If I knew then they would've already been brought to justice. I know that he's connected to someone who likes to be called "The Chemist."

Amelia: Alright. That's good to know. Thank you.

Amelia left the alleyway and reconvened with Donny.

Amelia: What did you get?

Donny: You clearly didn't even talk to any of them because ALL of them have been seeing illusions. Even Krilla has been having some! What did you get?

Amelia: Someone named Talia has been seeing illusions.

Donny: Wait. All of us blue coats have seen illusions. We have to stop this before it gets worse. I could even get illusions!

Amelia: We'll take care of it.

Amelia: We'll put together some of the blue coats and then track down this chemist.

Donny: Don't you think that they might be at risk because of illusions?

Amelia: What about me? Wait. *sigh* I swear to god.

Donny: I didn't even ask anything.

Amelia: Fine. You can take Terra along. This'll be a me, you, and her job.

Donny tried to hide his happiness.

Donny: Wow you already like her. Let's do it!

Amelia: HEY! This is for you! You little bastard!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Terra had taken a shower after her workout. She was watching a TV show about some asshole in a kitchen. She felt her phone ring and picked it up. It was Donny.

Terra: Oh hey Donny!

Donny: Hey, did you wanna go with me and Amelia to do a mission? It's all about that evidence I got last night.

Terra: Uh, sure why not.

Donny: Cool. Can you be here by 6?

Terra: Sure. I'll get ready.

Terra looked in her closet at her Artemis Armor. It was time to finally take it out of retirement. She put on the armor and threw a 1 2 punch and a forward kick.

Terra: Still light. Nice.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Ameila: Do you really think she'll show?

Donny: Of course!

Terra knocked on the door to their house.

Donny opened the door.

Donny: Alright, we can't waste any time Terra. We got business to take care of.

Terra: You don't need to ask me twice. So what's going on?

Amelia: We decided to ask you here for some help on a mission that relates to the evidence you got with Donny yesterday. We have evidence that there is someone out there causing illusions. I've been seeing illusions of my sibling. We also found another meta that had been seeing illusions. The other blue coats have also been seeing illusions. We should stop this before it spreads to anyone else.

Terra: Well, maybe it's a bunch of different people causing illusions.

Amelia: No. We only have one man with illusions logged. He's also related to The Chemist. He's been active in New York for years. His nephew, Icarus.

Donny: That sounds like a pretty normal name. You sure he's evil?

Amelia: Just because he's working with Chemist doesn't make him evil! But it does mean we have to track him down!

Terra: We might be getting into more than we know.

Donny: True, doesn't he have illusions? How powerful if they can even be scaled.

Amelia: Yes. Some people have reality breaking illusions. So let's get this done quick.

Donny: You know where the Chemist is?

Amelia: Of course I do! Follow me. We can't waste any time!

Terra looked at Donny with a concerned expression.

Donny: Don't worry. She's like this all the time.

Terra: Why am I not surprised?

Amelia: Hey! Let's go!

Donny: We shouldn't keep her waiting. She gets bitchy.

Terra laughed.

Amelia: I swear to-Let's just go. He's not that far.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

A man with old white hair was wearing a lab coat and a black undershirt that was tucked into some khakis. He had some long boots and was wearing goggles. He had some big mechanical devices on his back and around his waist. He had some protective gloves on that he was using to tinker with some sort of device. It was the Chemist. A younger man looked over his shoulder. He had some sort of dark blue school uniform that matched his pants. His hair was also white, With a streak of green across the top.

Chemist: Icarus. Go and hit the lights. I need the dark for this procedure.

Icarus: Alright. What's next on the list?

Chemist: I'm trying to copy a procedure. The same one that turned Megalodon into the man-shark that he is.

Icarus looked at Megalodon. He was a huge man shark that was bipedal.

Icarus: He shouldn't be in here…

Chemist: What? You don't like him? He's cute!

Icarus: Have I mentioned that you're crazy?

Chemist: I don't need you to tell me that, boy.

Icarus: I've done enough of this though, right?

Chemist: No! We still need you! You'd be a perfect fit for us.

Icarus: What are you talking about?

Megalodon: We have visitors.

Chemist: Now it's time for you to show us. Go and apprehend some intruders.

Icarus: Okay…

Icarus went outside. Where he saw a blue streak run by. Terra, Donny, and Amelia were hiding behind a pillar.

Terra: This is a little different from yesterday, huh?

Donny: You got that right.

Amelia felt her head hurt.

Amelia: He's here…

The same happened to Terra and Donny. They both looked around for illusions and Icarus. Nothing was there.

Amelia: He's making himself invisible to us.

Amelia: You're part of those slave supporting assholes aren't you!?

Amelia summoned her speed and started covering every foot of the facility they were in. She bumped into Icarus eventually and threw him to the ground. Breaking his illusion easily.

Amelia: Wow, I can't believe you were the one causing the illusions! You are pathetic!

Amelia saw Donny get shot in the leg. He fell to the ground.

Amelia: Donny!?

Amelia sped over to Donny and tried to touch him. But it was just another illusion.

Terra and Donny had Icarus apprehended.

Amelia went back over to Icarus.

Amelia: You bastard! You seriously made me fall for THAT?!

Amelia threw two hooks at his face. Icarus spat out blood.

Icarus: What are you talking about!?

Amelia: You know what I'm talking about! You've been giving me and my teammates illusions!

Icarus: ...I've never even heard of you…

Amelia: What…?

Terra was hit in the back by a paralyser. She fell on the ground. Donny kept his cool and kept Icarus apprehended. The Chemist walked out.

Chemist: Wow, you really are useless! I haven't been this offended by an attack like this in 2 years!

Chemist shot Terra again with the paralyser.

Chemist: This thing is also really fun!

Amelia built up speed and kneed Chemist in the stomach and slapped the gun out of his hand. Chemist snapped his fingers and shoulder turrets appeared from the two devices on his shoulders. He shot at Amelia, forcing her to run away and dodge the gun-fire. Donny grabbed the paralyser gun and shot Icarus with it. He teleported behind Chemist and smashed both his turrets. A jetpack came out right under the shoulder turrets. He flew up.

Chemist: I don't want to play games, Megalodon! Show them your might!

Donny: Megalo-

Megalodon burst through the wall. Donny and Amelia both went as far back as they could.

Donny: We got this?

Amelia: It'll be a breeze.

Amelia ran up at megalodon and threw some quick punches all around his body. Up until she got swept up by him. He looked at her and went to take a bite. Amelia touched something on her bracelet. Megalodon bit down and Amelia was protected by a shield that covered her entire body. So Megalodon just swallowed her. Donny didn't seem worried. He ran up and took out his machete. He sliced at Megalodon. Who moved out of the way and tried to kick Donny. Chemist shot some shots off from another gun he had. Donny teleported around them and kicked Chemist in the face. Donny slashed at Megalodon's hand and this time it hit. His hand was sliced clean off. Megalodon felt his stomach. Which Amelia walked out of. She was phasing her body. She stopped and Megalodon fell to the ground.

Chemist: Wow, you guys are SO rude.

Chemist shot a hole in the roof and flew away.

Amelia: We should get out before he wakes back up.

Donny: What did you do?

Amelia: Nothing good.

Donny went over to Terra.

Donny: Where we going?

Amelia: Let's return home and collect our thoughts.

Donny grabbed Terra's hand and teleported back to the Blue Coat's headquarters. A couple seconds after Donny was there so was Amelia.

Terra: Too bad you guys had all the fun…

Terra started to be able to move her body.

Terra: So what was it? Didn't that kid with the illusions seem like he wasn't even responsible for your illusions?

Amelia: Yeah. Especially because I saw Donny get shot in the heat of battle. But he was with you taking care of him. It's like whoever's responsible wanted us to know who he was.

Donny: It's a mystery…We just have to find the puzzle pieces.

Terra: Yeah. Well. Thanks guys. This was fun. Seeya Donny.

Amelia: Hey, wait. Don't you have shit to take care of? Like bills, food, clothes?

Terra: Uh, yeah..?

Amelia: Here. You came with us and risked your life. So you deserve this.

Amelia ran away and came back in a split second. She gave Terra a check for 1,000 dollars.

Terra: This is a lot! Are you sure you wanna give this to me?

Amelia: Yeah.

Amelia looked at Donny.

Amelia: ...and there's even more to come if you continue working with us.

Terra: Hey, consider me in! I'll totally help.

Amelia: Thank you.

Donny: See ya later Terra.

Terra waved and walked out the door.

Terra (thinking): Wow, I can make money from this? Maybe I really do have a place here.

Terra's phone went off. It was Amala.

Terra: Amala? That's weird.

Terra picked it up.

Terra: Hello?

Amala: Hey, I need to meet you somewhere. How about next to your apartment complex? The stupid guy in there has been looking at me weird. I really wanna punch his face in.

Terra: This is kinda sudden. But I'll be there.

Terra went back to her apartment complex and saw Amala waiting there looking at her phone.

Amala: Hey Terra. I thought I saw one of the hand members here.

Terra: What? Where?

Amala: Don't worry. They left. But there are some here. Maybe because Stick might know about you and Matt being friends.

Terra: Shit. Thanks for telling me.

Amala: No problem.

Terra: Hey Amala. Can I talk to you about something? Girl to girl.

Amala and Terra started walking together.

Amala: *sigh* Why not? What's up?

Terra: Well there's this guy I know…

Amala: Oh god. Don't make me gag.

Terra: What do you even know?

Amala: Ha. I've lived a long time and I still don't even understand people. It's cra-

Amala was hit by an energy blast from an alleyway.

Amala: Seriously?!

Terra ran over. It was Repulse.

Repulse: You are the bitch that held up a store earlier!

Amala: Any other day I would do that. But I didn't today!

Amala emptied her pockets. They were completely empty,

Repulse: You seriously think I would buy that!?

Amala: ...yes?

Repulse picked up Amala and shoved her against a wall.

Amala: Look, lady. You don't want this to get violent.

Repulse: Don't threaten me.

Amala threw a hook at Repulse. She dodged and kicked Amala in the leg. Terra was about to jump into action but she stopped. Her paralyzation from earlier made her fall to the ground. She kept trying to get up.

Terra: Don't do anything stupid Amala.

Amala got up and threw a punching combo at Repulse. Who blocked it. A blast of energy attacked Amala.

Amala: What the hell?!

Repulse kicked Amala and then took out a knife. Repulse took a swing at Amala. Amala dodged it and caught Repulse's second knife swing. Amala disarmed Repulse and took her knife, Repulse kneed Amala in the ribs. Amala lurched back and held her wound. She threw a jab and then threw the knife at Repulse. Who was stabbed. Amala tackled Repulse and started beating down on her. In a few hits Repulse was in no fighting condition. Amala got hit with a huge blast from the knife wound. So hard that she went flying off Repulse,

Amala: Alright. Now there's going to be a crime!

Amala picked up Repulse and got ready to completely blow her head off.

Amala: Let me see your face.

Amala ripped off Repulse's mask and hood.

Amala: Pretty girl. Not so pretty in a second.

Amala threw a punch so hard that it obliterated Repulse's head. Or, she would've if Terra didn't block it with her hands. Terra shook off her hand and looked at Amala.

Terra: Amala don't! I know this person. She isn't a bad guy.

Amala: What do you mean?

Terra: Millie? Is that really you?