
Rebirth: New Life

Rebirth: New Life is a captivating story that follows the journey of Zen Caine, formerly Prince Alex Kings, as he navigates a world of supernatural abilities, political intrigue, and looming apocalyptic threats. Zen, having faked his own death to escape the burdens of royal life, finds himself drawn into a web of prophecies, ancient powers, and secret organizations as he strives to prevent a catastrophic future. As Zen enrols in university under his new identity, he begins to experience vivid and terrifying dreams of a world consumed by darkness and destruction. Guided by the mysterious Olivia Hope, a time traveller from a bleak future, Zen discovers his true potential and the critical role he must play in altering the course of history. Joined by a cast of complex and powerful characters, including his best friend Jin Kenzaki and the enigmatic Niran Chakrii, Zen must navigate a treacherous landscape of political machinations, hidden agendas, and supernatural threats. As he uncovers the secrets of his own past and the true nature of the forces that seek to shape the future, Zen must embrace his destiny and become the hero he was always meant to be. Rebirth: New Life is a thrilling and emotionally charged journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the fight for a better tomorrow. With its rich world-building, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters, this story is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and those who believe in the power of second chances and the indomitable human spirit.

Silsuki · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 11: Future

"Almost there, just take a left and we'll arrive," Olivia guided Zen as they neared their destination.

Curiosity nagged at Zen as they walked, prompting him to inquire, "Is there something on your mind from earlier?"

With a smile, Olivia replied, "I believe it's best to discuss it over a meal. Otherwise, it might dampen our appetite."

"Fair enough," Zen conceded, though a hint of suspicion lingered in his response.

As they continued on their way, Zen couldn't help but wonder, "I hope she's not planning something troublesome."

They reached the restaurant and placed their orders. As they dined, the conversation hung in the air, waiting for the right moment to surface.

"I think it's time we address the elephant in the room," Zen stated, turning to Olivia with a seriousness in his tone.

Nodding, Olivia replied, "Yes, but promise me you'll remain calm and composed. We're in public, and I mean no harm with what I'm about to reveal."

"You have my word," Zen assured her, readying himself for whatever she was about to disclose.

Olivia took a deep breath, saying, "I come from the future."

"Huh?" Zen's confusion was palpable, his mind struggling to comprehend her words.

"Could you repeat that?" Zen requested, his brows furrowing in confusion.

"I'm a regressor," Olivia repeated, her voice steady despite the weight of her revelation.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? From the future and a regressor?" Zen's confusion deepened, his mind struggling to grasp the implications of Olivia's words.

"Zen, I need you to stay calm and open-minded. Your future self is quite different from who you are now, so I can't divulge everything at once. It's a lot to take in," Olivia explained, her tone laced with concern.

"It won't affect the future because I've come back from the past with memories of the future," Olivia clarified, hoping to ease Zen's apprehension.

"Well, I can't say I'm fully convinced yet, but considering the fantastical nature of this world with Forces and world-ending artefacts, I'm inclined to believe there might be some truth to what you're saying," Zen admitted, his scepticism beginning to wane in the face of Olivia's earnestness.

"Alright, if you're willing, I'm open to hearing a few glimpses of the future," Zen replied, his curiosity piqued as he leaned in to listen.

"Go ahead," Zen prompted Olivia to share her insights.

"Firstly, it's good to see you again, Alex Ki—" Olivia began to reveal Zen's true identity before he swiftly covered her mouth with his hand.

"Don't you dare," Zen warned in a serious tone, activating his Shadow Forces discreetly to ensure their conversation remained private from prying eyes and ears.

Olivia nodded, her eyes reflecting a hint of fear as she realised the seriousness of the situation.

"It's alright. Just be careful with what you say," Zen advised gently, withdrawing his hand from Olivia's mouth.

"I understand. I'll choose my words more carefully from now on," Olivia apologised sincerely to Zen, acknowledging her misstep. 

"Well, you've certainly intrigued me, but I need more than just a glimpse. Tell me everything you can," Zen urged, his curiosity now tinged with a cautious determination.

"Alright, I'm about to share a lot of information, so try to remember as much as you can," Olivia began, her tone serious and determined.

"Firstly, we were supposed to be part of the same group in university: me, you, Jin, Anne, and Jim. But I decided to distance myself and focus on changing the future," Olivia revealed a tinge of sadness evident in her voice.

"Next, there's something I need you to keep to yourself, if possible," Olivia requested, her tone becoming more solemn.

"Once again, you have my word," Zen assured her, his expression reflecting his commitment to secrecy.

"Me and Jin were partners in the future," Olivia admitted, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she confessed.

"Oh... uh... I... Well, that's unexpected," Zen stuttered, caught off guard by the revelation, unsure of how to respond.

"This is quite the day," Zen remarked, attempting to regain his composure after the whirlwind of revelations.

"Yeah, it's tough not being with Jin and the group," Zen sympathized with Olivia, recognizing the weight of her sacrifice.

"I appreciate your optimism. Hopefully, things will settle down, and we'll have another chance," Olivia responded, offering reassurance to Zen.

"Now that we've discussed that, I want to address something important. About the dreams you've been having lately, am I right?" Olivia shifted gears, her tone becoming serious as she delved into the heart of the matter.

"Yeah, I've been having those dreams. I suppose you must have known that from my future self, right?" Zen guessed, acknowledging the connection between his experiences and Olivia's knowledge of the future.

"Well, unfortunately, everything you saw in those dreams came true in my previous life, and it was even worse than you can imagine," Olivia's voice took on a grim tone, her eyes clouded with despair as if she were reliving those nightmares. Zen couldn't help but feel a surge of concern for her.

"So, what you're saying is that the world is going to end soon?" Zen interjected, hoping to draw Olivia's attention away from her dark thoughts.

"In about 10 years, 90% of humanity will be wiped out, and 15 years after that, you'll... well, you'll die," Olivia's voice remained sombre as she conveyed the grim reality of the future.

"Since you know about this future, is it possible to prevent it?" Zen asked, attempting to calm himself as he broached saving the world.

"Yes, but we'll need to unite all the key players who can stop it from happening, and you, Zen, are one of those key players," Olivia explained, revealing the potential for hope amid the dire predictions.

"I see. What about Ji-" Zen began, wanting to inquire about his best friend and Olivia's claimed partner's well-being. But before he could finish, Olivia cut him off with a solemn expression.

"He died saving my life nine years from now," Olivia looked Zen directly in the eyes, her gaze intense and watery, as if she were on the brink of tears.

"Alright, let's pause here," Zen interjected gently, sensing Olivia's emotional distress and deciding not to press further on the topic of the future.

"No... I need to tell you everything," Olivia insisted through tear-streaked cheeks, struggling to compose herself.

Zen paused, uncertain of what to say, before reaching out to gently grasp Olivia's shoulder, prompting her to meet his gaze.

"Go clean up and clear your mind. It would be best for both of us to continue this conversation when you're feeling more grounded," Zen suggested calmly, encouraging Olivia to take a break from the intense discussion.

"Yes..." Olivia, who had been crying heavily without realising it, nodded quietly and went to the restroom to regain her composure.

Olivia got up from her seat and headed to the toilet, leaving Zen alone with his thoughts.

"Shit, so the world's going to hell soon? What the fuck am I supposed to do now? Am I a key player in preventing this disaster? Damn it, all I want is to live a normal life, far from all this nonsense in the UN," Zen muttered to himself, contemplating everything Olivia had said. Despite the possibility that she could be lying, something in Zen's gut told him she was telling the truth.

Zen looks out around the restaurant and the people all look happy and enjoy their food. Zen wishes that what Olivia told him today was all lies and not true. But, the dreams that he had been having heavily back up Olivia's words.

"I need to keep this away from Jin and the others for now. I might need to tell Han. Let's wait for Olivia to come back first" Zen thinking about what to do next.

After a while Olivia returned with her face cleaned up and she looked much calmer.

"Sorry, for that I'm still not used to all of these emotions after all these years," Olivia told Zen, how she felt.

"Don't worry about it. More importantly, I want to ask if we should tell anyone else about the future beside me?" Zen asked Olivia if it was necessary to tell other people who might need to know.

"As much as I want to warn others about this grim future, you're the person I trust the most. We spent a lot of time together after everything went to hell. Regarding your question, I think it's best to keep this to ourselves for now. I know Han, Jim, and Anne well, but dropping this bombshell on them at the moment wouldn't be wise," Olivia expressed her opinion to Zen.

"Understood, I'll keep that in mind," Zen agreed with her approach.

"You seem to trust me and this whole story, even though I could be lying. Can I ask why?" Olivia inquired, curious about Zen's confidence in her.

"To be honest, knowing my identity and the dreams I've had, I feel like you're telling the truth. My gut instinct is telling me the same," Zen replied with a reassuring smile, affirming his trust in Olivia.

"That's the Zen I know. You never change. It's been 25 years, and you're still the same old Zen," Olivia smiled back, comforted by the consistency of her best friend, despite everything that had transpired.

"25 years? I must be an old man. A 44-year-old guy living in an apocalyptic world, instead of a farmer tending to crops and animals," Zen joked, injecting some levity into the sombre atmosphere that had settled since Olivia shared her vision of the future.

"Well, I'd love to spill everything, but right now I have a plan to gather all the key players together," Olivia revealed to Zen, hinting at an important strategy that could help them navigate the impending doom foreseen in their future.

"Alright, let's hear the plan to save the future," Zen said with growing confidence, a smile playing on his lips as he turned his attention to Olivia.