
Job Interview and twist of fate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After completing my morning run and some light Calisthenics I return home where I see that sister in law is preparing breakfast and is feeding niece with mom so after a quick shower and checking out my new shredded body I get dressed and come out with my bag which contained all the necessary documents for the interview and sit down to have breakfast. 

As I was having breakfast I see my brother sitting in the sofa drinking coffee and talking with his imaginary secretary so I turn to mom and sis-in-law and say "Maa, Bhabhi don't worry me and Viraj will handle everything and don't take too much stress and tension about niece's tuition I'll manage and pay it by the end of the month and I promise brother will also be better. Just give me some time, I promise we will be back like we used to be before."

After hearing me my mom starts to tear up and says "My little boy also has become responsible now. If your father was here today he would have been proud. Don't worry about us and give your all in the interview." She comes near me and kisses me in my forehead and I also hug her as mine own starts to tear up and then after our little family drama I say bye and then go to the interview. Now the place that I was about to attend the interview is not some big company or anything. It is a new and upcoming company which was established by some people who used to work abroad and now decided to come to their homeland and make some progress and take advantage here. The company wants to follow in the footsteps of film studios like Warner Bros, Paramount, Disney etc. but in Indian market. Recently the company has taken a huge project and wants some new hands to help them. So here I am today to apply for the body double and stunt man for the leading man. Even though it is not the work which is suitable on the basis of my education background(Computer engineer) the pay was massive for just some weeks of work and I really needed that money. They were ready to pay 5-6 lakhs for the whole gig and wanted someone who had the same build like the actor and can do stunts. I am here along with couple of other guys and are doing some tests like some acrobatics and fight scenes and we all perform well even though it is my first time doing martial arts and stuffs. After we finish, the director and producers tell us to wait as they will discus and have lunch which is free by the way. As we were having lunch the guys who were doing the stunts with me all sit nearby and we start to talk. All these people are good hard working people who seem to know each other probably because they worked together before and they also include me in their conversation. One of the guy turns and says to me "Bro that flip and kick sequence was superb, my mind was really blown seeing that stuff. How come I have never heard about you before? I mean I didn't mean it in bad way but the stuff you do will easily place you among the top stunt dude in this country."

All the other dude also stop talking to each other and are listening to us. I say "Well I am new to the industry and this is actually my first gig ever. I even surprised myself with the stuff that I did as I have never taken any martial art class ever in my life. I just saw you guys and the stunt coordinator said to do these moves and I just did." That guy says "Damn bro don't mock us okay we all have been training since childhood and have worked together and have never seen someone do stuff like that with grace and look cool doing it. Well even though it might be your first gig we were really blown away and hope to work with you soon and other projects also." All the guys then start to talk about their family and stuff and I also join them. We were quickly becoming good friends. I also introduce myself to others and talk a little bit about my background and stuff and they all seem to support me.

After that we all exchange numbers and decided to stay in contact with each other. After like an hour or so the director and producers call us back and tell us that we are all selected. The director pick out some of the guys and tell them that they have been selected as the lead actors body double and stunt guy and tells the rest of us that we are to be the goons who gets beaten by the hero. Well some of us are kinda sad because of not being selected for the role but were also happy for the couple of dude who got selected. But I was also feeling down because I really needed that money and now without that role I would get paid less and was thinking of what to do next. Then when were about to return, the director and producer calls my name out and we all turn back. The director and producers tells me that I am selected for the body double and stunt guy for the villain instead as I was a little bit taller and fairer than the lead actor and it will be hard to hide that but the pay was the same and the work was going to be harder as the villain's story involves more fighting scenes. I quickly accept and then return home after talking with the boys some more as they all congratulate me. 

After I arrive back home I call my mom and sis-in-law and tell them that I have secured a job and they won't have to worry about it. They both seem to be happy hearing that. After all this bad incidents one after another Viraj and me both getting jobs and helping out seems like a joyous occasion.

I quickly go take a shower and change. While I was laying in my bed all the events of today flash by my head and I start to think about it and how I was able to do all the things that I didn't even know. I quickly deduce that it might have something to do with the system and check my stats.

<<<<<<System >>>>>>>


Name: Krishna Anand

Age: 23

Strength: 82 +5 >>87(all stats max at 100)

Stamina: 86 +4 >>90

Charisma: 91 +2 >>93

Intelligence: 85 +3 >>88

Special skills:

No progress loss(Passive): The progress made will not be lost.

Perfect memory(Passive): Memory is just like a computer.

Perfect body(evolved): Nearly a perfect body.

Copy Ninja(new): Can see something once and copy it just like the copy ninja kakashi.(P.S. this is due to high intelligence)

As I lay there I think that the increase in strength, stamina and charisma can be added to the factor that I did something physically taxing and got the fruit of the labor but how is the increase in the intelligence explained? Maybe because I learned all these new techniques and moves. If so, can learning anything new also increase my intelligence? I quickly sit out to test my hypothesis and open up an action movie with superb fight scenes in my laptop and watch it. After watching the movie I see a point being raised in the Intelligence.

Intelligence: 88 +1 >>89

So my hypothesis was correct and I start to watch a lot of videos about stunt coordination, camera angles and whole lot of stuff. I was so immersed in the videos that I didn't even notice that it was dinnertime and mom came to my room to inform me that dinner was ready. After telling her that I would be down in a minute I quickly take a peak in my stats and am surprised.

<<<<<<System >>>>>>>


Name: Krishna Anand

Age: 23

Strength: 82 +5 >>87(all stats max at 100)

Stamina: 86 +4 >>90

Charisma: 91 +2 >>93

Intelligence: 89 +3 >>92

Special skills:

No progress loss(Passive): The progress made will not be lost.

Perfect memory(Passive): Memory is just like a computer.

Perfect body(Partial): Has the chance to evolve to max and get body like a Greek god.

Copy Ninja: Can see something once and copy it just like the copy ninja Kakashi.(P.S. this is due to high intelligence)