
Fated to love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

(2-3 weeks after last chapter)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and did all my morning routine and then went for a quick run and then did some workout back at home. While I was doing my workout bhabhi who was making breakfast came and gave me my cup of coffee and talked with me for sometime about the necessary groceries that I have to buy and gave me list. Mom was also playing with niece and feeding her food. I quickly freshen upped and bought the groceries from the market and shops near our apartment. As today was weekend niece wanted to come with me to see my workplace and I agreed and later informed sister-in-law to bring her during the shooting. 

After that I packed some stuffs that I might need and went to the location where the shoot was to take place. Today's scene was to be of the first face off between the protagonist ,the main female lead and antagonist and during the scene the place have some explosions going off. As I was getting ready for the shoot where the antagonist survives the explosions I see my sister-in-law and niece approach the place. They come in with some of the stunt man who were my friend as I told them to look out for them in the first place. During the shooting some mishaps occurs and the main female lead of the movie who was supposed to run with the main lead gets stuck in dangerous situation as everything around the set was exploding and burning. No one was there to save the girl and hearing her scream I just hooked myself to a wire rig and then jumped in. I just reached the actress and grabbed her hand when a shock went through my whole body making me dazed for a moment before I quickly hug her and then pull us both up the rig after which seeing me the whole crew starts to direct us to a safe place where a group of concerned people as well as a medical team was already there to check on us. After finding no injuries and given a clear by the medical team I was treated like a hero by everyone on the set and even the director coming by and thanking me a lot and in response I joke and say "Well if you are that much thankful you should raise the amount which you are giving me."

But the director really seem to take it seriously but I tell him that I was just joking and it was fine and he didn't have to do anything and he leaves me alone. Sometime late my sister-in-law and niece also gets up to me and scolds me for doing something so reckless and dangerous. But I try pacify her and she says "But why are you working as a stunt double? With your education and degree you could have gotten a nice computer engineering job anywhere. I thought that you were working as some special effects, vfx or cgi guy in a movie." I reply "I also wanted to work as an engineer bhabhi but the salary for starters weren't sometime that was appealing and we needed the money too, so after finding a job which paid well I took it. Don't worry bhabhi this is just temporary work, after I get some fund to not worry about our expenses I will quit and work a safe job okay! Just don't tell mother about it she will not take it well." which seems to calm down a little bit and she agrees a reluctantly.

But the situation is exactly the opposite with my niece as she has stars around her eyes as she has just seen a real life superhero and was in awe. 

Niece: "Uncle that was super awesome! The way you went whoosh in the fire and came out with the beautiful aunty was just like spiderman. So you save people from getting hurt like the superhero from movies. I also want to go whoosh and fly like you. Can you take me on a ride?"

Seeing her this excited I laugh and tell her "Yes I am just like them but you have to keep it a secret okay otherwise the villains would come and take you away and you can go on a ride with like whoosh and swish but only when you are older and have learned more and eaten all her food veggies included." She ask me with her pinky finger up with a cute look "Promise?"

I lock her pinky finger with mine and promise her. After that we were given a long break which turned into lunch break. I was sitting with my niece in my lap and was eating as well as feeding her some food next with my sister-in-law who was talking and also eating with my group of friends that I made during this period who were teasing and making fun of me. As we were having lunch a beautiful voice beckons us from behind and we all stop making noise and turn back to look the female actress all wrapped up in blankets and having cleaned up towards us with a very grateful look. She mustered up her courage and asks "Who among you is Krishna? I want to personally thank him for saving my life. If he wasn't there to save me today I don't know what would have happened?"

As I turn to look at the actress my heart skips a beat and I totally forget to breath for a moment. I never cared much about the movie or anything except doing my part with full focus and then after the work was done I would make some excuse and return home. Sometime my friends invite me to clubs to party which other people from industry used to throw but I just decline and go straight to home. The point is I never cared about anything outside my part in the movie shoot so I didn't know who the main female actress was in the movie before today. I am just mesmerized by her beauty plus there was more to her than just her beauty which attracted me to her like a moth to a flame.

I try to talk but nothing comes out my mouth and I end up making a dumb face looking at which all my friends bust out laughing and pat me on my back. I turn my head and look around and see all of them having shit eating grin and even my sister-in-law having a knowing smirk on her face which irks me I shake my head and regain my bearing. I reply to her "Well no need to thank me. It's just anyone would do the same if they were in my position and help a very beautiful person like you."

Seeing me talk normally she smiles which makes my heart beat even more faster and a small blush appears on my face. She says and shakes my hand " Still even among all the people you were the first to help me for that I am really grateful. I am Deepti and you probably know my name already" I feel the same buzz or shock from before and ask her "Did you feel that? The buzz?"

She looks at me with a concerned and worried look thinking that I may have some injuries and says "Sorry I didn't feel anything like that. Are you sure you are alright? Should I send someone to check for any injuries?"

I reply " Oh its okay I am fine and the medical team already did a check up on me. Its just i thought something happened. You don't have to worry about me." 

She says "But still I want to thank you some how. How about this I have my birthday party tomorrow and I want to invite all who saved me and gave me another chance at life to be there to celebrate the day with me?"

I was going to reject her saying I don't go to parties and stuff but my friends the from my back hugs my head and tells her "Don't worry we all will come and make sure this knuckle head also is present there."

She smiles and says "Okay my manager will give you guys the information later and Krishna you have to come!!!! see ya tomorrow then!!!" and she starts to walk towards vanity bus.

As she was walking towards her bus my friend start to dance and tease me and I start to chase them around the set making the atmosphere very lively and good but she turns back once more and yells "KRISHNA YOU HAVE TO COME OKAY!!!!!"

We all come to halt and I turn and nod my head seeing which my friends starts to tease me more and I begin to chase them even more. After sometime I see bhabhi and niece sitting and smiling so I approach them when bhabhi smirks and says "So should I tell mother about her youngest daughter in law or not?" I reply " Bhabhi not you too. I admit she is beautiful and I was dazed for a moment there. Okay okay if this was in the past when papa was alive and we weren't having such tough time I would have pursued her with everything I have got but now our world are different. She is this big actress whereas I am a stunt double. Her one hour appearance fee would be higher than the entire work I am doing. Maybe after I have made something of myself and she is still single that I would think about it but for now please don't tease me more." 

Bhabhi with smirk still in her face " Okay Okay I will not mention it to mother but I will still tease you about it. How can I not tease you when you were so cute when she appeared in front of you with the speechlessness and blushing? Oh dang I forgot to capture that moment in my smartphone. It was so cute."

I say "Bhabhi pleaseeeeee. Niece tell your mom not to tease me or else I won't take you to fly when you are older."

Niece hearing this "Nooooo!!! mom stop teasing uncle please otherwise he won't take me please!!!!!!!!!"

After that bhabhi stops teasing me but still has that annoying smirk on her face and she asks "When will this end? We have to go otherwise it will be late and mom and your elder brother might worry about us. Plus I have to prepare dinner also."

I tell bhabhi to wait and go and ask the director and he says we can go as they were just looking to pack up and tells me we have 3 days after that as leave to recuperate and with the next day being birthday of the lead actress. I quickly go and pick up my stuffs and tell goodbyes to my friends who all say that they will come to pick me up tomorrow and I say okay and and meet up with bhabhi and niece and we return home. After returning I take a quick shower and start to help bhabhi cooking which surprises mom, bhabhi, niece even my sick eldest brother who comes and tries my dish and exclaims that it was tasty just like some chef's work and praises me. This prompts everyone to taste and exclaim that it was and they all but order me to cook once a week for them and I agree with them. During the past week while working and watching all sort of stuff in the internet to increase my intelligence I learned a lot of things and now my stats looks even more impressive. 

<<<<<<System >>>>>>>


Name: Krishna Anand

Age: 23

Strength: 90+4>>94(all stats max at 100)

Stamina: 90+3>>93

Charisma: 95+2 >>97

Intelligence: 95+2 >>97

Special skills:

No progress loss(Passive): The progress made will not be lost.

Perfect memory(Passive): Memory is just like a computer.

Perfect body(Half): Nearly there just another evolution and you have a physique of a greek god minus small pp.

Copy Ninja: Can see something once and copy it just like the copy ninja Kakashi.(P.S. this is due to high intelligence)


Martial Artist (Adept): All the martial arts movies and videos have helped you somehow. You can fight 20 dudes at once (maxes at master)

Master chef (Home cook): All the cooking videos have bear the fruit. Can help cooking taste better (maxes at Michelin chef)

Artist (Semi-Pro): All the artist videos have managed give out a good result . All works related to art can create masterpiece(maxes at master).

Man of steel: Activated due to high strength. You have immense strength just like superman.

I can do this all day: Activated due to high stamina. Just like the name suggests you can do it all day.

Mr.Perfect: Activated due to high charisma. How can someone look so handsome and beautiful at the same time?

 Megamind: Activated due to high intelligence. Your brain works as brilliantly as megamind's.

As we were all having dinner and bhabhi telling mom about our day minus the jumping in fire and dangerous stunt man job I remember that I have to attend a birthday party and tell my mom and she tells me that I was always in the home and always watching videos and movies or exercising and finally someone managed to make me go out more. While my mother my telling me to go out more and young people should meet with other people otherwise how would they meet and fall in love and how will I bring home her daughter in law , I choke on the food and drink some water while bhabhi gives me a knowing look with a smirk. I quickly finish the food and rush in to my room where I am faced with a problem. What should I give her? I thought about it for some time and couldn't come up with anything. If I gift her some materialistic stuff she probably can buy it 100x better and more. So it has to be something with sentiment behind it and something she can cherish so an idea begins to form inside my head and I search around my room to see if I have the necessary items but only find some things. So I tell my family I was going out for a bit and run to the nearest shopping mall and buy painting supplies and return home.

After returning I begin to setup the painting supplies to paint. I thought I would give Deepti a painting of her from the first time I laid my eyes on her amidst the fire looking like a goddess and show her beauty and not traumatize her. So I watch even more videos about painting and singing. After sometime I see that Artist has leveled up to pro so I start to paint her.

Artist (Pro): All the artist videos have managed give out a good result . All works related to art can create masterpiece(maxes at master).

After an hour of painting I was satisfied with my work and let it out near the balcony to dry over night. I was only thinking about painting her but don't know why her beauty mesmerized me and made me think more about her so i decided a song also. After setting everything in order I decide to sleep as tomorrow was also another new day waiting for me.