
Rebirth in Asgard : Hela's twin brother

Fanfiction_Lover08 · Films
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6 Chs

Chapter: 2

*MC's POV*

I opened my eyes and looked around, it looks like I really got reincarnated as a baby and from the looks of the room that I am in right now I am most likely in Asgard. So that wasn't really a dream huh...

Hela, my twin sister was sleeping right next to me in another cradle. I really got full package of Sung jin-woo's powers huh cause I can feel over ten million soldiers in my shadow and I can feel mana. Things are going to be interesting in the future. There was a noice of what I think is of opening of door and after some seconds I see Odin in front of me looking at us with a small smile on his face. I don't think he can sense my shadow soldiers, good for me.

*Odin's POV*

I hurriedly returned to Asgard as soon as I can from Vanaheim when I heard that my wife is going through childbirth and when I opened the door of the room, I saw my beautiful wife Frigga sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face and next to her were two cradles.

I walked towards them and in the cradle resides the twin brother and sister, the future leaders of The realm of Asgard and most importantly my children.

"They are beautiful, aren't they." Frigga says to me. Looks like my presence waked her up.


"So what will you name them." She asked me.

" Hela, Goddess of death and Hǫðr(Hodr) God of Darkness and Winter."

"Fitting names, my dear."

"I know." I said as I see my wife hugging our son and daughter with a smile on my face.

*MC'S POV* (10 years later)

It's been smooth 10 years since I was born and from the information that I gathered it looks like that Odin has already started his conquest of the 9 realms. But the only realms that he has in control right now are Asgard and Nidavellir. The only reason I can think of why he didn't try to take control of Midgard (Earth) is because of the involvement of Eternal and I don't think Odin right now wants to make an enemy out of Celestials. I also discovered that I got two bonuses by the Void, first one being getting authority over winter from the get go and the second that I think is the a little amount of control on the Void, and the things I can do with that little authority are enormous but let's talk about it afterwards because there's someone knocking on my door.

I commanded one of my shadow soldiers to open the door, after opening the door the shadow immediately went in my shadow again and my sister came running through the door and jumped on the bed next and cheerfully said to me "Father wants both of us in his study room, do you have any idea why?"

"Hmm no idea but let's go and see why he wants us there, alright." I said to her and she nodded rapidly, Ah why is she so cute. I have to change the future of her being imprisoned. When we were leaving the room Hela hugged my arm like she usually does and I don't really know why but I didn't bother to ask.

When we arrived in front of the door of the study room of Odin and both sides of the room two Einherjar were present gaurding the room and when they saw us all of them bowed lightly and we nodded to them after that, I knocked on the door and Odin's voice came from behind the door "Come in."

After coming inside the room we saw few maid who were pouring mead for us and Odin who was sitting on the chair with two chairs on the other side of that table.

"Come, sit down." We followed his words and sat down on the chairs. "Do you know why I wanted the two of you here?" He questioned us.

"No, a maid came and said that father wanted the both us here. She was coming to brother afterwards but I told her that I will also bring brother with me." Hela answered him.

"I have some speculations but no, nothing definite, Father." It becomes easy to see him as your father after ten years and being orphan before helped. Hela was staring at me with the look of "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It is just a speculation, Hela." I turned to her and said. "Hmph" and now she is pouting, it looks like I am going way too easy on her recently.

"Hmm I thought so, but first I would like to hear what Hodr thought you guys are here for?" Odin said to us.

"I thought you would want us to start training from tomorrow or today so that when the Realm of Asgard needs us we will be ready."

"Indeed I was going to tell you both to start your training from tomorrow, will it be alright with both of you."

"I don't have a problem with it, and you Hela. You don't really have to If you don't want to, you know that right." I said to her

"I will do it after all, I will not be leaved behind by you." Hela responded

"Alright, then start from tomorrow morning." Odin said to us.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

*Time Skip*

(10 years later)

(Narrator's POV)

The training grounds buzzed with the clash of Hodr's spear against Hela's sword. Hodr lunged, and Hela sidestepped, her sword deflecting the spear. Quick on her feet, she countered with a swift strike, aiming for Hodr's side.Hodr parried with strength, muscles tensing as the weapons clashed. They circled, eyes locked, and in a sudden burst, Hodr thrust his spear forward. Hela met it head-on, the clash echoing across the training grounds.Locked in a struggle, they strained against each other. Hodr, determined, pushed harder, his muscles flexing. With a forceful shove, he broke through Hela's defense, sending her stumbling backward.

As Hela stumbled back, Hodr wasted no time, seizing the opportunity to press his advantage. He closed the distance swiftly, his spear a blur of calculated strikes. Hela, recovering her stance, deftly dodged and parried, the dance of their movements intensifying.

The sound of metal meeting metal echoed through the training grounds as Hodr unleashed a series of rapid thrusts and swings. Hela, showcasing her agility, maneuvered with precision, narrowly avoiding each attack. The training grounds became an arena of skill and strategy, a testament to their prowes.

In the midst of the intense exchange, Hodr subtly adjusted his approach, holding back of his strength. His movements, though powerful, carried a finesse that hinted at a deliberate restraint, and that infuriated Hela by the looks on her face.

The spar continued and Hodr knowing of his sister's resilience, aimed his strikes and made a little opening in which he can disarm her and win and he did exactly that.

Hodr executed a masterful feint, creating an opening that allowed him to disarm Hela without overpowering her. Her sword went flying, and Hodr, acknowledging the victory, held his spear in a poised stance.


That's it for this chapter guys and I am sorry for late chapters but I don't know how to write a good fighting scene without making it boring so I am learning how to write those so if you have any advice then please give them to me.

Thanks for reading and Bye 😊😊😊