
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantaisie
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716 Chs

Someone Behind It?

"It's not a type of snow or any other liquid like all of you thought but a type of saliva." Hearing Azalu's words she looked down at the pond of saliva in front of her and visibly recoiled while taking a step back. "Gross...however if it's just saliva why did you tell me it's dangerous and why is it even here." "That's what I was trying to remember and while it took me a little bit I finally remembered where I had seen this stuff before." "Where?" "From a rare Astral beast that stormed and attacked cities while going on an endless rampage that took over a hundred high level protectors to take down." Remembering that monster she shuddered at how much carnage it had caused as she continued her story. From thousands of cities and innocents that giant beast never rested.

"it starts off as a relatively weak beast that anyone could beat even normal humans but it has an incredibly acidic part of its body, it's saliva and as time goes on it'll feed on Astral Beasts slowly growing stronger with each one without ever reaching roadblocks or a limit until eventually it's strong enough to do whatever it wants. From the looks of it here somewhere is clearly aware of the risk of it's saliva so they are transporting it out while disguising it and most likely the reason all the Astral Beasts are gathering here is to be fed to that thing." "Wait, shouldn't we run then?" "Put bluntly yes, This is something the three of you can't take care of, thankfully whoever is behind this and the beast don't seem that strong yet though based on the strength of it's Saliva at the moment, So try and warn your new friends and get them to leave." "Right." Looking up from the pond she opened her mouth as she saw Xelfia wondering forward.


"Hey Xilo, come look over here."

"Alright give me a second, sorry Relia."

Turning to her he quickly apologized for leaving her hanging when she was saying something before turning around and walking around the edge of the pond until he arrived by Xelfia's side as she stood still staring into the distance. "Oh right, your voice isn't that....." "Shut up, I know I'm not the best at talking but that isn't the point, what do we do now? Can I even get them to listen to me?" "You'll have to keep trying but if it fails again I want you to run. Risking your life for those two isn't worth it." "But they're nice people." "...Nice people aren't worth your life." "Well my life is worth nothing anyway, without them I might have just gotten kidnapped again or died in that forest." "Arhhh dammit, do what you want." Refusing to continue speaking logic with her Azalu shut up as she watched. "When will you value your life more? You were born again to live, don't throw that away." Sighing some thoughts lingered in her head as she watched Relia walk towards Xilo and Xelfia."

"What's the matter?"

Wondering why she seemed a little out of it Xilo looked down over the cliff in the direction she was looking as he saw a forest. "It's just a forest....." Almost looking away he doubled back as he took a closer look and nearly stuttered as he watched the forest beneath him wiggle and move around as he spotted a small little house in the middle of it all. "I guess we found out where all the Astral Beasts are." There were no trees or plants down in the valley he was looking at, only Astral Beasts so packed together that they started to look like a forest.

"That's a lot of Beasts..."



Hearing that he turned to Relia and signaled with his eyes to explain further.

"Someone....Trying to hide....Everything...With a weak...trick."

"How come no one else has known about this yet?"

"..Don't know.."

"We don't know how long it has been here, maybe we're the first to discover it?"

"maybe but I find that hard to believe. Rumours have been spreading already which is why we know about it."


Staring at all the Astral Beasts there Xilo couldn't really wrap his head around it. "The only possible thing I can think of is someone is trying to protect this area but why and who has the power to do such a thing." So many questions had popped into his head as he heard the slight snapping of a twig in the distance as he turned around before he could find any answers.

"Somethings coming."

Hearing that the three of them tensed themself while Relia slowly backed up behind Xilo as fear coursed through her. "There's five of them, all around the fourth stage along with one fifth stage." Relaying that information to Relia, she watched as Xilo and Xelfia prepared themselves.

"Oh, look at what we have here brothers, More trespassers."

Looking at the distance Xilo watched as five different people came into view all hiding their faces with masks. All five of them had a wolf mask of their own except the one person who had a black one instead a brown one who stood at the front of the pack. "The pack leader I'm guessing." If Xilo had to take a shot in the dark then that one was probably the leader and had the most strength.

"Xelfia, Can you deal with that one?"

"Yes, Should be no problem."

Turning to Relia he made sure she was safe as his voice entered his ears.

"Four....Fourth stages....one...Fifth stage."

Smiling he thanked her as a bit of confidence came to him hearing that information.

"Thanks, just stay here and defend yourself alright, we'll take care of this in the meantime."

"Eh, boy are you listening to us? You're trespassing in our territory and the punishment for that is death."

"Trust me, I heard you the first time."

Holding a blade he threw it out before anymore words could be said.


Thank you for reading...

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