
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs

A little Surprised

Throwing one blade out towards one of the brown Wolf Masked men while creating more ice blades trying to grab the others attention the same way while he started escaping away from Xelfia and Relia to find a better place to fight. Meanwhile Xelfia plants slithered underground towards the leader. "Well At least I'll have a proper chance to try my upgrade out." Seeing Xilo's improvements she had been itching to try hers out ever since but never got the opportunity so this was perfect. Watching Xilo grab all of the attention himself, even the leaders, she made her plants spring up from underground and grab his leg pulling him back to stop him from chasing after Xilo. Pulling him back she tried to pull him towards her more but unfortunately he broke her vine in two while turning to face her.

"Oh? You're quite the protective one if you want to try and distract me."

"Hmph, Just fight me."

"I'd rather not, You seem to be the strongest, yet I don't think you'll give me the choice."

"At least you're not a complete idiot."

"I do try my best."

Saying that he stopped his pointless chatter as he flicked a flame to life burning the leftover vines left on his leg just in case. "Damn he really isn't an idiot." Cursing in her head she watched him burn her plant as she realized the slight disadvantage she'd be at but at least she still had water up her sleeve. "For now though I'll continue with this." Creating as many vines as she could, she managed to create six different ones compared to her past limit of four while she sent them flying towards the man while staying near Relia. She knew Relia had some strength for herself but since she didn't seem to want to fight it was better if she tried to protect her as well.

Watching her attack get avoided she tried to ensnare him with her vines but he simply burst into flames for a quick second before grabbing his sword and rushing towards her. "Good, I'm better at close combat." Preparing herself she met his attacks head on, with the strength of her body she wasn't too worried as she deflected his sword while taking a punch in her arm. "Weak." Feeling little pain from that she punched towards his gut hoping to do some damage but was only left with her attacking hitting his arm as well as she pushed him to the side with her strength however she definitely heard a small cracking sound.

Smiling she felt her blood boiling for a quick second as her feelings of joy while fighting grew stronger then they ever did before. "Stay calm." Trying to calm herself she lunged forward as she attacked him again off guard while he flew through the air. This time her attack landed right in chest sending him flying back further into a tree that was a few feet away as the man coughed a couple times struggling to breathe. "Dammit, She hits hard." Feeling slightly dizzy he knew she wouldn't be an easy fight as he got up a little unsteady before he could be attacked again.

Unfortunately for him he wasn't anywhere near strong enough to fight Xelfia. Barely standing up he felt his bones cracking as another impact of strength ran right through his back. Coughing up blood he turned around to see Xelfia behind him staring at him with a small smile on her face while emotion was void from everything else. Staring at her eyes that stared at him like trash he slowly reached up to one of his pockets to grab a distress crystal. "They need to know..." However in the second he felt his hand touch nothing. Wondering what happened he looked at his hand to see it completely crushed and mangled in seconds as his heart leapt out of his chest while his vision dimmed.


Watching the life leave his body she tossed him aside while she cleaned her hands of his blood. "That was a lot easier then I was expecting...I guess I learned a lot more than I thought in the ruins." She hadn't really realized until now but it seemed the ruins really was a great place for her to train a little bit. "Hopefully I can be more useful to Xilo now....Speaking of." Turning her head to side she watched as Relia looked on in disgust for a second before she saw Xilo walking out of the forest by himself covered in blood.

"Did you handle it?"

"Yeah, I think so at least..."

Seeing his pain she understood all too well what he felt as she sent her Astral Energy out just in case. "Ha..I can't blame him." Looking at the four bodies in the distance covered in ice daggers she wasn't surprised about his feelings. She was more worried about that fact that one of them was still alive and probably already signaled for back up. "He'll die anyway sooner or later but." Sending a root to him she stabbed his heart from underground before forgetting about it as she walked to Xilo. "One day it'll get easier...I think." Sometimes she didn't know herself if it really did or not, at this point it was just second nature to her though. She liked that side of XIlo though so she let it be as she relayed some of her information she guessed.

"How are you?"


"Well we'll need to leave now I think."


"one of the people you fought lived and most likely called for backup, so it's best if we leave this mountain for a bit. We don't know how strong the next people who come are going to be after all."

"Sorry, You're right."

Feeling disappointed and disgusted in himself he signaled for Relia to follow him and Xelfia as he started walking down the mountain again. "That boy is scared of killing....Surprising." "Why is that." "His aura doesn't seem...normal to me, so I thought he'd be okay with such things but I guess I was wrong, Regardless how are you holding up." "Could be better." "Try not to worry about death too much, It was us or those men." "I know..." Walking alongside Xilo she noticed his silence along with Xelfia's as they made their way down the mountain for now.


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