
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantaisie
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716 Chs

Astral Beasts Phases

Seeing Tearia standing before her with Relia she almost felt her anger slip away before she sneered.

"Xelfia, you need to calm down, let Zilan go."

"It's nice to see you again too Tearia, why am I not surprised you're causing trouble for Xilo again. Relia, back away from her and the rest of you behind me don't make a move or he dies."

Pointing down at the man under her she pushed the dagger she created further against his neck. She could have just simply killed them all but with Relia next to Tearia she also had to play it safe. She didn't have as strong of a hate for Tearia as Xilo did but seeing this situation once more that was changing. This time was even directly aimed at Xilo himself and not just her. If she didn't stumble upon them, who knows what would have happened to Xilo. Feeling all those thoughts, anger continuously pumped through her body as her heartbeat sped up while one of her hands quietly covered itself in a set of red scales with specks of gold that ran up her sleeve.

"It's...not like that."

Feeling Xelfia's anger Tearia tried to speak up but she lost her standing in this. She couldn't defend herself even if she wanted to, however she still needed to defuse this situation. Staring at Xelfia's golden eyes as they lit up in rage and worry, Tearia sighed as she looked down at Relia. Feeling Relia's body shake in her arm Tearia rubbed her hair once more as she let go of her like Xelfia wanted. "I should have seen this coming." Xelfia wasn't Xilo and nor had they spent much time together. Straightening her back Tearia let Relia walk slowly towards Xelfia again as she tried to talk again.

"Xeflia I'm not trying to hurt Xilo nor is anyone else here trying to. I know what happened to you before so maybe your emotions are running wild but you need to calm down. This won't end well for any of us if you continue this."

"Do not. Tell me. What to do."

Practically spitting that out, Xelfia's one eye swapped completely red as claws extended through on her hand. Noticing the changes Xelfia was going through, Relia rushed forward a little scared as she grabbed Xelfia's hand. "She needs to calm down Relia! This won't end well otherwise." "Azalu!?!?" "No time for pleasantries, Make some of your fire and inject it into her body now." Listening to the sudden voice of Azalu, Relia did what she said as she latched onto Xelfia's arm and started to soothe Xelfia. "Let me take control for now....fucking hell she's in the middle of a transformation into a further stage." "If you can fix her." "I can make her more stable but her whole body will be unstable for a while regardless while she goes through this." Grabbing control of Relia's body, Azalu looked Xelfia over as she went to work.

"You damn Lizard, calm down or else you're going to go mad. Your body is going through changes that you can't handle right now."

Surprised at Relia's voice, she had heard this type of speech from her before.


"Yes it's me now, calm down. Damn weakling, can't even control your transformation. Pathetic."


"You heard me. Now stop crushing the poor man's throat."

Feeling her grip loosen on Zilan she felt three presences rush up to her and grab the man under her taking him away. With Zilan safe they all walked over to Tearia and sat behind her as all eyes turned to those two. They wanted to attack or do something but Tearia's presence kept them in check. With Zilan safe, Tearia quietly walked up to them, leaving the rest of them behind as Relia's voice entered her ears. Freezing she felt a little hurt but she knew Relia was right.

"Stay back, you're zero help right now."

She knew Relia was right that she wasn't of any use in this situation but she still wanted to do something. Spotting Xilo in the corner of her eye still passed out, she walked towards him and picked him up. "He's not conscious currently but it should be enough." Walking back towards them she heard Relia's warning once more but ignored it this time as a loud roar directed at her blasted her ears. Looking At Xelfia she watched Scales cover her face more as she went back to her original form. "So this is what you look like." Not letting Xelfia get to her she carried Xilo forward as she arrived next to the two of them and set Xilo down beside Xelfia.

"Zilan are you alright? What should we do?"

"I'm fine and we do nothing. It seems that the woman knows Tearia and Xilo. Well more like Astral Beast. It seems she's going through one of her transmutations so her whole body is unstable. Besides being worried for Xilo this was also probably part of the reason."

"So we just forgive her?"

"Yes, it's not worth getting upset over."

He knew Marie was worried for his safety and while he appreciated it, getting upset over this wasn't good. He liked Xilo and if she had a close relationship with him then any mistake could end their friendship. This was the first time he had a friend like this and he didn't want to ruin it over something so small. "Plenty of Astral beasts also go through this." Watching her scales appear he knew she was far from the only one to experience this. Every single Astral Beast went through this to varying degrees. It just so happened her's was at a very inopportune time.

"Here's Xilo, Safe and sound right, so please calm down."

Seeing Xelfia like this Tearia wasn't happy about it, she was the woman she looked up to afterall. Feeling more of that familiar fire course through her body, Xelfia spotted Xilo beside her as she reached out to him ignoring everything else. Unable to see if she was okay she grabbed his arm and pulled him in as best she could in this position. "Xilo." Feeling his body stir in her arms she felt her body settling down thanks to Relia. Along with Xilo seeming to be waking up she felt a string of joy.

"Good morning Xilo, It's been a while hasn't it?"


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