
Re:Zero Why Me?

It was supposed to be simple cosplay show. He didn't think much of it and only participated due to a friend's invitation. So why the hell did he find himself in this World? In a World where Demonic Beast, Monster and crazy fanatical cult are lurking around. SIOC! Slight AU!

X3nr0x_Starfield · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Preparations To Take Down The Sloth Archbishop...

Chapter 15 - Preparations To Take Down The Sloth Archbishop...

It take about almost an hour for me to find the mark I left and manage to go back to the village. It supposed to be faster however I decide to take my time because seriously, I need it, like really need it

I... Simply can't rush things. Not in my mental state. I need a break, I don't care if it risky but it was really necessary. I can't recheck my plan with my mind disturbed so I decide to clear my head first

Doing nothing but stare at the sky with blank mind seems working for me. At least I'm not as bad as one hour ago so...

It wasn't long before I can tell I'm getting close to the village because the forest, the road and the tree around me now started to become familiar


I narrowed my eyes when notice there silhouette not far from me, just around the entrance of the village, my hand instinctly twitched, fingers flexed and ready to draw Excalibur if it spy from Witch Cult. Petelgeuse won't notice if one of his scum missing and I don't want to have one of lunatic close to village that I personally know

However when I focused my eyes further I caught glimpse of blue hair and I blinked when notice the figure is certainly familiar

It was...

"Aaron-sama!" She called from afar when notice me


"Rem." I called back while fastening my pace and approach her, I briefly observe my surrounding keenly and make sure my hearing and sense sharpened to make sure no one spying on us. Finding none I focus back to her "What are you doing in here? I-"

"Nee-sama has told us everything." Rem cut me with grave look "Witch Cult going to attack Emilia-sama and so we had villager ready to evacuate anytime, they now already pack their stuff. Does Aaron-sama manage to get what he wish from the Witch Cult?"

Unlike her sister -I hold back flinch when hear she mentioning Ram name- that talk to me with distrust and cold voice yesterday, Rem voice was sincere, genuine, she truly believe in me, there no any ill and hostile intention in slightest

And knowing all of that it make me feel more guilty

I should be yelling at her right now, angry that she told Ram about what happened in city and my assault to Roswaal, angry that she basically ruin my relationship with Ram.

And if it was me who from one hour ago standing in front of her, I would do that without hesitation

Thankfully I already calmed down a bit and not letting my emotion blind my mind anymore

Yes, what she did is indeed bad for me but at same time I can't blame her since she only did what is right from her perspective

No matter how close I am to them it doesn't change the fact that it was Roswaal who save them in that fiery night. It was Roswaal who pick over them, taking them under his care, nurturing them, funding them, protecting them. Even if he have his own agenda by doing that but it doesn't change all he did is saving them

So of course it was her duty as his maid and as Ram's little sister to told her what happened in Capital, I practically threatening their master after all

"Good." That was the only thing I can said right now "Let's go back to the manor, I will explain everything in there."


The moment he stepped into the mansion he saw silver blur coming to his direction, so fast it is as it make him thought that the blur going to struck him. Fortunately the 'silver blur' stopped only few inches from him and he found his hand suddenly moved up


The words was barely coherent and it was only his sharp hearing sense that allow him to put them together -again barely. The half elf seems bounced around him from one place to another, checking him like a mother bear inspecting her cub that got into fight

It lightened his mood seeing this

"Emi, Emi, calm down a bit." Aaron put hands on her shoulder and press her to the ground to keep her from bouncing again, seriously it started to hurt his eyes "I'm fine, nothing happened, everything went smooth, so stop blabbering, you will run out of oxygen." He said in amused voice

The half elf give him scrutinizing look from top to bottom before she nodded tentatively, red hue slowly spread to her cheeks "Sorry." She meekly apologized, feeling embarrassed

"It's fine. Now let's get this meeting done, I want to take bath and eat Rem's food." He said while barely able to hold drool. Seriously, he only eat Wolgarm for few days that he roast by his own with salt, soy sauce, and sugar sometime. It only two night but he want to eat her cooking, it was real food after all

Great Gods, he really want to eat it so badly

"Aaron-sama you're drooling." Rem pointed with smile

Aaron turned at her and give dull look "Very funny Rem, it's-"

"No, she is right." Emilia cut in with amused voice "You really drooling."

Aaron blinked and touch her lips, then he feel the wetness and slight slimy texture in there and quickly wipe it "So I did." His face began to getting warm from the heat that rushed to his cheeks, God damnit this is clearly embarrassing!

"Perhaps the talk about the Witch Cult can be later?" Rem suggested with careful voice, there mirth that barely restrained in there though "Aaron-sama has been out for two nights, it will be better if Aaron-sama clean himself first, Rem will prepare food for you."

Aaron lick his lips unconsciously, he really could use some food now, he still did not eat until now ever since he wake up after all

Rem nearly giggling at the sight she currently see. The man look very unsure, licking his lips and chewing bottom part of it, it remind her of a boy that told to pick between two of his favorite toy

It was very adorable in her opinion

And is it just her or was his hair... Was the single strand of his hair that usually poking out just twitching?

Image of Aaron with curious face and having his hair twitching crossed to her mind and Rem almost squealed at her the mental image

Keyword : almost

"Aaron-sama, it will be better to discuss things when your mind clear. How long do we have before Witch Cult attacking?"

"... About three days but I plan to deal them tomorrow, the sooner the better."

"Then it better if you take bath and eat first." Rem suggested "This is still noon, we still have plenty of time Aaron-sama." She added when the man open his mouth to response. She saw he still having doubt about this and she decide to give the finisher "Rem will make Aaron-sama favorite steak, and Aaron-sama can eat as many as he want."

That was the last nail that needed for the coffin

"Very well then, a bath and food first." He nodded with acceptance "Making plan with empty stomach is unwise after all." He turned to Emilia "We will talk later okay?"

"Yes." Emilia nodded

Aaron give smile to the half elf before turned to Rem and give her wider smile, it make the oni heart flutter for moment, the blond then walk away to the stairs direction, intent to get his cloth and clean himself

Rem watched this with smile, she shook her head and hold the giggle that about to erupt from her mouth. Even if it was only simple thing but she can't help to find the man behavior very amusing and entertaining to watch, there is never boring moment with him

She about to excuse herself from Emilia and went to kitchen to prepare food but stopped when notice said the half elf staring at her

The look she give to her is... Strange. The oni caught there sharpness and analytical look from the Royal Candidate, and dare she said... Irritation? Why she irritated? What possibly could...


The moment her name called the silver haired girl seems realize that she was staring, her violet eyes blinking once before she shook her head as if snapping from stupor

"Ah, yes?"

The blue haired oni tilt her head and give appraising gaze for a second "Are you okay? Emilia-sama you look disturbed."

"Disturbed?" Emilia repeated with small frown and she turned around from her "No, I'm fine. Anyway, Rem I will be back to my room, call me if he is done."


The blue haired maid watched as the Royal Candidate leaving, her calculating look turned to small frown as well

What was that about? Did she do something that make her upset?

She shake her head and decide to think about it later, it is not important now. She have someone to be feed, someone that can be considered special

She go to the kitchen while thinking of certain blond

Normally Rem would allow the man to started to discuss their plan and strategy just after he goes home. This is important after all, related to Witch Cult, a Cult that filled with fanatic and crazy people, Rem have no intention to let them go or doing whatever they want, she want to crush and destroy them

However she did not do that because when she and Aaron on their way back she notice that he seems not in right state

Something burdening his mind, he look very troubled. He always walk and carry himself with confidence and firm aura around him, even when he look tired or exhausted but never once they loss. However when they were on their way, those charismatic and strong air diminished from him

Rem doesn't like that... She doesn't like to see him so troubled like that...

So she decide to push him to rest and relax his mind first and it wasn't bad decision seeing they still have quite time, one day. She sure Aaron-sama have plan to deal with the cult, even if it only twenty four hours

She have faith on him after all

Aaron must say taking proper bath and eat delicious food after spending two night in forest is clearly make him in better mood. Not just the warm water refreshing his body but the delicious food that Rem's provide make the atmosphere to be... Less tense

Don't get him wrong, he still sulking after what happened with Ram but right now he can ignore them and focusing to bigger task

"Alright." He started as he stare at the residence of the manor; Beatrice, Rem, Ram, Emilia and Puck "I don't know what Ram said, but I'm sure you all getting the picture about it right? About the Witch Cult that coming here. Everyone know what they are right?"

"Garbage." Rem spoke the word with harsh as if spitting venom

"Stain in the World." Ram added with equal tone

"Barbarian and disgusting bunch of people." Beatrice sniffed her nose in disdain

"Lunatic with meaningless goal." Puck remarked while lazily resting on table

They all turned to Emilia, silently asking for her opinion. The half elf blinked at the sudden attention and she squirm a bit from that

"Bad people?" She offered weakly, she still not good facing public like this even if they are familiar to her. While the other appear to be unfazed but Aaron in instant giving her look, that look, the one that practically scream 'My Gods, where were you all this time?!' aloud to the point it become insulting "Aaron! Don't be mean!" She whined

"It is common sense." Aaron said flatly

"I don't want to-"

"""It is common sense.""" Ram, Rem and Beatrice agreed at same time while shooting blank look at her

The silver haired girl flinched at the trio assault and she mumbler under her breath while looking down, meanwhile Puck who resting in table try his best to look innocence

"Emi I can tolerate you about many things but that, Emi, the knowledge about Witch Cult is equal to one plus one equal to two." Aaron told the girl with sigh "Regardless, you were live in forest so I can tolerate that but..." He turned to Puck "Why in name of Akasha and Root you did not tell her about this?!"

The whole residence attention now turned to Puck, the cat spirit have decency to look sheepish as he pawing the back of his furry head "Well, truthfully it because Lia didn't ask."

The ridiculous answer was enough to make Ram, Rem and Aaron shoot him bewildered look while Beatrice simply palming her face, apparently the librarian spirit know even this is crossing the line

"Puck-dono, no offense What. The. Hell?!" He emphasized the last three words with mixture of enraged and bewildered expression

"I know you mad and think it was ridiculous, I know you think so too Lia." Puck said when get the look from his surrogate daughter "But that was the real reason, I have no other intention at all. Look there some things you can live without knowing, then not knowing is fine too. If Lia asked me, I would have told her, but she didn't ask… People like that, if you just avoid them then it doesn't matter, right?"

Aaron lips become thin at that, his face set to solemn and stoic expression "I agree wholly with that Puck-dono, some things is better to left unknown. But you should know this is important and different matter. Emi came out of the forest, to become King, she is fighting to win the Royal Selection! There is no way to avoid the Witch Cult like that."

"... You're right about that. The Witch Cult appearing… I suspected it too." Puck pawing his forehead and sighed "But it not like I'm not going to tell Lia about them, make no mistake I will. What I don't expect is for them to appear this soon."

Aaron eyes narrowed slightly, his jaw and fist clenched unconsciously. He know what Puck tried to do, he really do. In Canon Witch Cult, make their move to Emilia because her face shown to public for Royal Selection, her existence revealed to the World

But in here... She did not, at least not yet

You can say thanks to him for that

It was without doubt that he is believed as descendant of Dragon by Royal Guard, Noble, and Sage Council. He is as good as Demigod, a man that share same blood with the Great Dragon that they praise and worship as God, even if it is not Volcanica but it doesn't change the fact it still Dragon, one of Volcanina's kin

And people still not ready to know that there Demigod walking among them. There will be panic and outrage just by revealing Emilia existence, many will protest about her worth as candidate to be King. If you add his existence and said that the Demigod supporting her...

That is why the announcement delayed for a week. The Sage Council currently discussing how they should doing this and how they will handle the reaction from public that coming afterward

They need something good to reveal his existence and his support for Emilia, something big that reassuring

"Can we discuss this later?" Puck asked while scratching his furry head "Don't we have something more important to talk about?"

An attempt to avoid this conversation but he is right. Right now they have something else to discuss

"Alright, the Witch Cult." Aaron nodded and staring to them one by one "I manage to gain information that there would be at least a hundred cultists, they all led by Arcbishop of Sloth, Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti."

"A hundred..." Emilia murmured "That... That was quite a lot." Her voice and face show concerned expression

"True, and they all clearly far from rookie, at least they have one or two experience." Aaron agreed with grim face "Five or four of them is easy to take down for someone at our caliber, but twenty? That is something else..." He said "Though it won't be too hard for me or Puck-dono."

Which is true, he did not try to get cocky but he stating a fact. He can deal with twenty or fifty of them by his own, with Magic Resistance and Mana Burst, he can easily decimate all of them. True he won't leave unscathed but he still can take them down

Though if there Petelgeuse it would be different story

"The problem is that I'm not sure just how wide their range." Aaron continued while giving glance to Rem who nodded and step forward then unfold some paper in table, showing a map of the area around manor "I pretty much circling one or two kilometer from the village." He make a circle mark where he travel days ago "And I stopped in one of the cave that located here." He make another mark "They all pretty much come to me afterward, and the Arcbishop certainly going to stay in there as well, along with group of cultist. If this only small operation I would suggest we go launch all-out strike to him but..."

"I think I get it." Emilia muttered as she keenly observing the map "You afraid they going to targeting the villager."

"Exactly." Aaron nodded with solemn expression "I'm sure they come here not only for you, there's no doubt they also going to target the village."

The half elf jaw clenched in unconsciously, the thought of people in village that... That has accept her, laughing, chatting and joking with her despite her appearance that resemble Witch of Envy is targeted make her angry

She won't let that happen! Not to them!

"What do you suggest Aaron?" She asked, her eyes and voice sharp. This is not Emilia who joking, laugh and acting airy. No, this is Emilia who has face the World, standing in face of those who hate her due to her appearance but not showing any sign of cower or back away. This is Emilia who stand in front of Nobles, Royal Guard, and Sage Council as one of Candidate to be Queen of Lugnica and declare her ideal for the Kingdom

Aaron feel corner of his lips tugged upward slightly, it seems his attempt to make Emilia grow backbone started to show result

"In term of power, we surpass them." Aaron said, his eyes flickered to Puck "We know that Puck-dono can easily kill dozens of them with few attacks, I don't think the Arcbishop will be problem if he goes all out." Which is true, Puck pretty much obliterate Petelgeuse when he transform into his monstrous form, freezing him alive without much difficult and even his soul "And I also confident I can go fight the Arcbishop by myself, but the problem is our range and area. Puck-dono and I can't be in same place at same time."

He doesn't need army from Crusch or Anastasia to deal with the Witch Cult, no. Contrary to everyone believe Emilia's camp actually is the strongest among other Royal Candidate -save for Felt who have Reinhard on her side. They have army, group of people that strong, yes, but Emilia have Puck on her side, the spirit that dubbed as the Beast of the End

And the cat spirit himself is already army and monster that need thousand of soldier -save for Reinhard- or more to brought down. Combined with his strength, they have enough power to deal with the Witch Cult

But the main problem is their range. He and Puck can't be at same place at same time. He will deal with Petelgeuse and few of his fingers that close to him, but what about other that spread around the forest? Puck can handle them, yes, but what if their number actually more than he anticipate?

That is why he discuss them now

"Their target is me but they going to attack village." Emilia nodded in agreement "They can use them as hostage."

"True, and to prevent that we must strike them before they ready." His green eyes shift to the girls and the spirit one by one "Tomorrow, when Puck-dono at the peak of his strength, we strike."

"Tomorrow?" Beatrice eyes narrowed "Betty think that wouldn't be bad idea, but it still seems too hasty, I suppose."

"Agree but the faster we deal with them the better for us. It mean they won't be able to spread and make a base for their defense."

"Strike while they all at one place." Puck nodded and give understanding look "That is good idea."

"But surely they would be already spread by now." Emilia pointed "They not going to sit and do nothing."

"Which is why we must strike them as fast as possible. But since it was impossible to attack them now, we change it to tomorrow." Aaron replied before he take out some Conversing Mirror "Thankfully I manage to snatch one of this from them."

"And we can use this to pinpoint their location." Emilia face brightened as she stare at the mirror "Good job Aaron!"

"Thank you for your praise Your Highness." Aaron replied with smirk "But is there someone who know how to do that?"

"Ram do." Ram said, voice stoic and blank "Ram understand how to track other mirror through one."

"... Very well, I will leave that to you then. And can you use your Clairvoyance ability to make sure they also there?"


At the cold response Aaron only nodded stiffly before turned back to everyone, he perfectly aware of how Puck eyes trailed between him and Ram but he ignore it

"Beatrice-san, the library of yours, I take it that since you have control over it and it can be accessed from all rooms in this mansion it mean you can use some kind of space manipulation spell?"

"... You mean teleport?" Beatrice asked "Yes, Betty can."

"How far your teleportation range?"

"Hmph. Betty can teleport range is quite far but it limited to few place, the library and the village is two of them. I suppose." Beatrice answered with wrinkling nose. Truthfully she didn't like this situation, she don't want to go out and fighting like this, she rather spending time in her library and reading her books

But since the Witch Cult targeting this manor, it mean they going to target her place as well. Then it might be better to cleanse them before they come to disturb her, really, what a troublesome bunch of people, those crazy lunatic, they always bring problem to other

And the boy that sit not far from her has prove himself competent and good enough until now so she will let him to take command for this operation

Meanwhile Aaron nodded, that was to be expected, Beatrice has teleport Emilia from village back to manor and Subaru to Sanctuary, the distance between those places is quite far so this should be no problem

This is it... There's no need army to dealing with Witch Cult. With Beatrice teleportation and Puck's strength...

"Then Beatrice-san can you accompany Ram to track our enemy?" He asked "I can handle the mana problem if you need more." He then turned to Ram "How about you?" He offered, his voice void and hollow when saying this

Ram only silent at the offer, her pink eyes peering over the blond without any emotion. Her mind momentarily drived back to the night when he give her mana and shook her head

"Ram refuse, Ram can do it by herself." She answered plainly

"If you feel so." He replied in blank voice, giving her respectful nod before he shift his attention back to everyone "Alright then, tomorrow in morning Beatrice-san and Ram will pinpoint our target location, after that you two will return to us and we started to form plan to hit them."

"Speaking about them, we should do something about the villager." Emilia pointed "We already told them that there might be something dangerous lurking in forest and have them ready to evacuate anytime but that's it."

"... And what would you suggest Emi?"

Emila put thoughtful expression, hand rubbing her chin, her eyebrow scrunched in concentration "I... Think we should tell them. About the Witch Cult."

Aaron stare at her and tilt his head "Why? It will cause commotion, something that we trying to avoid."

"It won't." Emilia replied in firm voice "The villager, they all not troubled when they saw me for the first time, and they also has experience with Wolgarm." The former is actually more big than the later of course, and thanks to that the villager has experience to not jump into conclusion in instant "True there will be commotion but it won't be big and..." She frowned and twitching a bit in her seat "I don't like lying to them. They deserve to know about this..."

"... And let just say we did, then what are we going to do? What we going to tell them? We order them to leave?"

"... No." Emilia answered after moment of thinking "We can't do that, if we told them to leave they will be vulnerable, the Witch Cult can cut them when they on their way."

Aaron smiled, pride swelling inside him at Emilia's answer "Well said, that was absolutely right. We can't let them escape, not in this situation, leaving from village without preparation will do nothing but cause problem." He responded with nod "You learn quick Emi, I'm proud of you."

Emila beamed, practically preening at the praise as she feel warm sensation gnawing inside her

"Anyway." Aaron turned back to everyone, with his face set back to stoic expression "So the decision has been made. However it still going to be better if the villager move, but only after we clean few Witch Cult so they not paying attention to them. We not going to evacuate them fully, only those who defenseless and can't fight like children or women. The purpose of this is of course for their safety, who know there might be some stray cultist that

"... Good idea." Emilia nodded in agreement "But we still going to need someone to protect them, both that stay in village and evacuate."

"I have plan for that, however I can't be sure, let see how the Witch Cult divide themselves tomorrow, after that I can make alteration in my plan."

"If you say so then." Emilia give another nod, trusting Aaron completely "So what now?"

"Now? We prepare ourselves." Aaron state sternly "There's weaponry inside here right?" He asked to Rem

"Yes, albeit not much but we do have few." Rem nodded "Aaron-sama want to arms the villager?"


"Rem believe the numbers will be suffice enough. Rem shall make preparation after this."

"Good, then..." Aaron glanced to everyone, his green eyes shifted from one to another "This meeting is finished, we will hold new one tomorrow 7 Solartime in village after we inform them about this."

Hopefully nothing will go wrong. Theoretically nothing could go wrong, he already made this plan for a weeks and check the flaw, he already try to use various scenario and the chance of this plan success is high

But there still chance everything goes to hill. What if some unknown factor come and interfere? Just like what happened in Royal Selection

It doesn't matter though, right now all he can do is plan for the worst and hope for the best

"And that is our situation." Emilia said aloud while looking at the villager that gather in central area "I know this is a bit sudden, and you all don't like this." That was very obvious judging by how anxious few villager looks, if she was on her position she would be too, the idea of leaving their home even only for a moment is not comfortable one, especially knowing there danger lurking around

"And I know you all also afraid and worried, but have no fear, Aaron and I already make plan to handle this situation, and as long as you all follow it everything will be fine." She bit her lips, feeling uncertain as everyone eyes focused to her, she still have problem talking to public after all "I... I have no solid proof everything will be okay actually since anything could happen and the best I can say is..."

She take deep breath, memory of Aaron smiling proudly and said he trust her flashed in her mind and she feel her confident back

"Have faith in me, in us. Trust us. We will went through this without much problem and anyone dying, I will keep you all safe."

She finished her speech by putting determined face and make sure to tilt her head up, high enough so everyone can see her expression and eyes, Aaron always said to stare straight to people face to convince them, to show your spirit, your determination

And she going to do exactly what he said, he has yet to disappoint her after all

The villager only silence, they all begin to look at each other, begin to whispering, their low voices echoed in the area and Emilia can hear what they all say, as half elf she have better hearing sense than normal men -these pointy ears not just for decoration you know- after all. They all hesitate, uncertain, afraid, and worry, all of things that she already expected in first place

Then one woman step forward, purple hair, tied into high ponytail, clad in orange shirt that look like net, her brown eyes sparkling with mischief and there rogue grin plastered over her face

"Meh, why not?" She asked aloud with shrug "I mean, you already one of us."

"Anko..." Emilia murmured the woman name, her eyes shone with appreciation

Another woman step forward, having long salmon colored hair that reach her shoulder and pink eyes, she give supporting smile while staring at her "Anko is right, Emilia you're part of this village. You not need to afraid that we going to abandon you, you already done so much to us by saving Petra and every children from Curse that inflicted by the Wolgarm."

"Cleo..." Emilia murmured as she stare at her

"That's right! Emilia-sama you not need to worry!"

"We will follow your instruction!"

"Yeah! This is payback for you and Aaron-sama!"

"Have no fear Emilia-sama! Your words is my command!"

"For our cute and beloved Emilia-sama!"

The half elf feel her eyes getting wet and there very pleasant sensation crawling inside her chest. This feeling... What is this feeling? She... To be trusted and treated like this... Even if she have silver hair and look like Witch of Envy herself, these people, they still...

In that moment Emilia make a vow to the World that she will always look over this village, and when she become King, she will not forget just how precious and kind everyone in this place

She will pay them back... One way or another...

"Though I kind of worry." Anko said while putting fake troubled face "I mean, you make plan? The clumsy and airhead Emilia make a plan? Well damn! Now I fear for my life!" She exclaimed in dramatic manner

"Anko!" Emilia protested the woman remark

The villager, including Anko, letting out laugh at the response, the tense and heavy atmosphere moment ago dismissed into airy and cheerful one

"Alright folks! Gather your thing!" Ken clapped his hands together with grin "We will meet again in here after finished packing!"

The villager murmuring in agreement before they decide to went away, back to their own home and gathering their belonging to evacuate

Emilia watched all of this with smile, she give wave to Anko who wink and Cleo who grin at her. Those two, they really has help her a lot by talking aloud like that, she clearly owe them one

She turned to her back, her eyes fell to Aaron who chatting with Rem that holding out his Metia, the blue haired oni seems fascinated by something it show and the blond seems also happy to talk about it

She feel irked at this, here she making public speech and trying to reassure the public but he did not even bother to pay attention to her?! How could he?! She huffed her cheeks and stomps forward to them

As she approach them, Aaron seems aware of her presence as she getting near to him and he turned to her. She about to open her mouth to say something but he cut her

"Nice speech Emi, I know you can do it."

The angry words and irritated feeling that crawling inside her freeze in her throat at the sudden praise

"You were listening?"

"Of course I did." He nodded with eyebrow quirked, as if the idea of not listening to her was ridiculous. He tapped his ear once and tilt his head slightly "I have good sense of hearing."

Well... She doesn't know how to response to that, she feel embarrassed, she should knew better that there is no way he not paying attention to her, she mean, they are like teacher and student after all! So of course as her unofficial mentor and teacher she will look after her!

It has no connection or link to strange feeling that she have, nope, absolutely no, whoever said that is a liar

"Though I have to agree with Anko-san, I feel kind of worry if it was you who make plan." He added with small grin

"Aaron!" She complained, her eyes glaring at him who only chuckled and she huffed her cheeks in annoyance

She clearly should expect this one from him, he is that annoying despite his gallant and gentle personality

"What were you talking about anyway?" She asked as she stare at Rem who only glancing at her and Aaron the moment she arrive

"Nothing much, only about my nephew." He answered flippantly


"Yes, Rem, can I take that back?"

"Yes Aaron-sama."

He took the metia back from the maid, tapping it few times before he flip it and show it to her. The screen display a picture of small girl, she appear to be at age of three or four, wearing pink polka dot dress, having round styled black hair with their top tied to upward direction

She is cute alright, Emilia admit that, the way her lips curled front in kissing motion, yeah she is indeed cute. One thing caught her attention the most

"It is her cheeks isn't it?" She asked in dry voice

Indeed, the cute small girl cheeks was certainly quite... Puffy. It look soft enough to be pinched

"Yes." He admitted in serious voice, he seems have no shame to said that judging by his straight face "Her name is Chloe, and she is one of the cutest thing in the World!"

"... I... I see..." She doesn't know how to reply his words, judging by Rem face who look exasperated -but amused- the blue oni also having similar thought "One of the cutest?"

"Angel still number one of course." He declared "Nothing can beat my sister in that aspect."

She did not bother to make retort about that statement, even if he rarely talk about his family or his past but it was well known to everyone in Margrave Residence that Aaron Pendragon like his sister, a lot, so arguing with him in that aspect will be useless

So she only observe the metia she hold once again, briefly her eyes wandering to foreign language and symbol that plastered over the screen, she didn't know what they mean and Aaron said it was his home language, it look like interesting enough, maybe she could ask him to teach her about it, knowing more about him is something that she want after all

Meanwhile Aaron himself only can shook his head in amusement at the way Emilia staring at his cellphone, it never cease to amuse him seeing how these primitive -in technology aspect- people awing his cellphone

Normally he not going to let people to check on his phone, who know what they might stumble into but he already take precaution and lock his gallery, he also already set each picture in separate folders to ensure they won't open things that they shouldn't see

Like picture of his real self or his family -cousins and nephew not counted and Angel is too cute to not shared with other- and everything that related to Re:Zero, he only add fantasy picture or one that he have when he was at Cosplay Show

"Umm... Emm... Oh!"

At particular noise that Emilia let out make the blond face turned to her, only for him to blink when the half elf expressing tight emotion in her face

"Aaron... Who is this?"

The half elf asked the question while showing the phone to Aaron who look at it

It was picture of him when he at cosplay contest, one of his hand draped over his sword while having stoic face to the camera. He not alone however, standing near him -practically snuggling to him- is someone that very familiar to him, she wearing blue frilly dress, her head rested on his shoulder, her blue eyes opened wide and look so innocent, her smile itself is sweet and beautiful

It was his friend, and she cosplaying as Manaka Sajyou, the First Master of Saber from Fate Prototype

"That is my friend..." He said to the half elf, he briefly feel movement from behind him and caught sight of blue hair peering over his shoulder "Her name is Nathania, I usually call her Nia. In that outfit, she is known as Manaka Sajyou."

"Manaka Sajyou..." Rem rolled the name in her tongue, he noted there something strange in her voice

Emilia look at the picture, her face tightened further "You seems very close to her."

"You can say so, we are quite close." Nathania is one of his oldest friend, his best friend from highschool. While in past there some... Situation where he have crush on her -which led to awkward moment- but that already water under the bridge, right now the woman is someone he can consider as sister or family

Though he must admit it kinda ironic seeing he is cosplaying as Saber but he harbor slight feeling to her, someone who cosplaying as Manaka Sajyou

Well, Nathania is cute and pretty after all, so he can't be blamed fully

"... You seems close to many girls." Emilia murmured under her breath as she staring at the picture. She got to see the picture by accident actually -her finger slipped in first place and new image appear afterward- and she don't want to intrude but after seeing this... She have this strange feeling that told her to check on this metia to see more of his picture

Tempted as she was -and she really did- but she knew it privacy violation and she don't want to do that to her friend, so she begrudgingly handed the phone back to Aaron

Only for it to be snatched by Rem


"So this is Manaka Sajyou."

The blue haired oni glowered at the phone she hold, her blue eyes shooting glare at the blue eyes of 'Manaka Sajyou' with ferocity. And by the way her grip become tightened on his phone, Aaron afraid that his cellphone might snap into two

"Rem, can I have my metia back? I don't want it to broke." Aaron asked as he grip top of his phone and gently tug it from the blue haired maid hand

The oni let he take the device away however it was clear her good mood already nowhere to seen judging by her pout and stink eyes

Aaron instantly send it to astral state, not wanting to risk his cellphone anymore, he briefly glanced at Emilia to ask some clearance, only for the half elf to turn away when their eyes meet shortly

'What the hell? Are they jealous?' Well they indeed look very close in there, they use that pose because it was cosplay, and Manaka Sajyou is known to have unhealthy obsession toward Saber in first place

He will be lying if he did not enjoy it as well, Nathania is cute and pretty, plus she is his friend and also kind, what kind of guy doesn't like it?

Beside, she may look petite in that picture but her 'petite' figure actually healthy one and...

Of course he not going to refuse it if Rem or Emilia asking him to take picture with that kind of pose with him. He may ask why and feeling awkward but he won't deny he going to like it

It is hormone working alright? And he is healthy boy, so sue him!

Still... To be jealous like this... He had his suspicion that Rem already harbor feeling for him -Emilia did not count, she doesn't know what love is- but this clear everything

He don't know how to response to this situation, on one hand having cute and hot girl like Rem having crush at him is flattering but on another hand he did not wish to get into relationship with anyone

It will do nothing but hinder him after all

Suddenly a sound of something teared apart reach his ears, he spun, followed by Emilia and Rem, and see the source, it was a portal, one that familiar, from the hole in space certain librarian spirit and pink oni come out. The latter actually being carried by the former despite their different in size much to everyone surprise

"Nee-sama!" Rem instantly gasped and approach her sister who now gently dropped to the ground, Emilia who on her side also run to the pink oni

Aaron meanwhile only stood and watched things impassively, he already knew thing like this will happen after all

Emilia waste no time to check Ram's condition, just from the outside she can tell the pink haired maid wasn't in good state. There bleed from her eyes and ears, and she also appear to be in deep pain judging by how she whimpering

"It not as bad as it look." Beatrice commented, face also stoic "Overall, she just exhaust herself, she doesn't have enough mana."

"That..." Emilia bit her lips, that is not something she can handle or cure, mana exhaustion is something different entirely

"Oi, boy! Come here and do your job, I suppose!" Beatrice yelled to Aaron who only stood motionlessly

"N-NO!" Ram croaked out, her eyes that closed snap to open only for them to forced to pushed to shut once again from the pain "R-Ram, R-Ram d-doesn't-"


A good smack to her forehead by Beatrice send the pink haired oni to the land of the dream before she can finish her words

"Betty doesn't care if you going to die, but at least don't do so in front of Betty." Beatrice deadpanned before she turned back to Aaron "She's clear and safe, I suppose." She said, presenting Ram as if the girl was animal that just tamed

Aaron's lips curled to dry smile as he approach the fallen form of Ram "How very generous of you Beatrice-san." He remarked as he kneel on the pink oni, his fingers brushed the hair that covering where her horn supposed to. For moment he consider to let the oni be, knowing that healing her will damage their relationship further but that thought brushed aside in instant

He will never be able to forgive himself if all of them survive but she died in here alone...

So he sit in ground, he gently tug Ram's head and place it on his lap, his palm meet the sliced horn and he let his mana flow to there, feeding the cripple appendage softly

"Beatrice-san, their position?" Aaron asked

"They divided into three." Beatrice answered "The farthest to village is about three kilometers away on northwest from here, they already build small cave -probably using magic- and guard the post. The second is in the east, probably around two kilometers, they currently still set the base. And the last one, the nearest, is one kilometer northeast from us, the Arcbishop is there, I suppose." She paused, putting thoughtful face as she digging her brain further "And also there's another one, but this group were patrolling around instead stay in a place, they move constantly so Betty can't track their precise location, not without the mirror."

Aaron scrunched his eyebrow at that, lips curled slightly "That group must be marking the area around village, planting trap to prevent anyone to escape or enter the village." He murmured "The numbers?"

"The northwest have 47 men, the east 29, the northeast around 17, and the group that patrolling is about 38."

Aaron face turned to scowl at the number. That was too many for his liking. While he can dispose them all but he only can do it one by one, he can't be at two places at same time after all

This is clearly not good... The Witch Cult divide themselves too much... And there only four of them, and one must escort the villager that evacuate while the other guard the village, which mean it leave only two people...

'No, I'm thinking too small. I have Beatrice with me, I can teleport back to the village if I want to. Which mean...' He turned to Beatrice "Beatrice-san, track down the patrolling group, we get them first."

"... You want to ensure the village safety first, I suppose." Beatrice grunted, if the patrolling group gone then the Witch Cult will momentarily blind enough so the villager can slip away "A wise thing. Very well, Betty will teleport you to them."

He nodded before turned to Emilia "Do you get it?"

"Yes." Emilia nodded as she unfold the map that they carry "According to Beatrice-san, these is where the Witch Cult right now." She show few area in the map that marked "Which mean the safest path would be through here. Which will led to Sanctuary."

Aaron stiffened when hearing that, Sanctuary... Place where Echidna sealed... Oh how he wish to avoid that damn place!

He glanced back at the map, his eyes scanning the area that marked and their surrounding, and he grit his teeth inwardly when notice that the path to Capital is blocked by the base of the Witch Cult, they can't use that road without getting their attention

'The mansion... If I recall there secret path underneath it, maybe I can evacuate them to there and...' And what then? Where that path lead to? Even he doesn't know where it goes, he do not remember much about the detail, it because the novel itself is barely translated and he only read through synopsis in wikia

It was too risky

But if he send them to Sanctuary... It is not risky anymore, but it certainly will bring problem...

He don't want to meet Echidna... He doesn't want to went through the trial and let that Witch free! She is too much like Magus from Type Moon for her liking, and the Magus from there is certainly not the best example of Human being

Not to mention Echidna herself is psychopath, a genius psychopath

'Then let them stay in here! It was more safer! Place traps around here.'

And what about the unknown factor? The so called sacrifice to test Emilia?

Under normal circumstance he going to let the village to stay in here, however there unknown factor that lurking around. If the villager stay in here, this place will be too cramped to be used for battlefield by then, and it will be very risk for them all, enemy can use the defenseless to strike them

And even if he using the secret passage or send them to manor... The unknown that lurking could be waiting for them...

However if he led them to Sanctuary he sure that the villager will safe when they reach there. Why? Because that is what Roswaal want in first place. If the villager goes to there they will be 'trapped' and Emilia forced to take Trial

Damn that man... Even until now he still stand in front of his path...

But his path is the simplest, the best and the-

'No! I can't allow him to win, I already follow his web deep enough. Time to step up the game, I use my own way.'

There's no need for Sanctuary... There's no need for Arc Four to happen. He don't want to let Echidna free or meet that woman, ever.

"Send them to the mansion." Aaron said firmly "There's no need to send them to Sanctuary, the distance were too far and too risky."

"... You're right." Emilia agreed with him after moment of silence "It was too risky, I agree with you. There's also secret passage underneath the mansion that led to outside in case things happen, and there also small basement in there with food, and drink, a shelter." She nodded in acceptance "I support the idea."

"Then it decided." Aaron spoke quickly, too quick perhaps, cutting anyone else before they can say anything else "The villager goes to Mansion." He decided aloud

Then he paused and turned to everyone, green eyes keenly observing everyone facial expression, trying to find someone that disagree and ready to shoot them down

He waited, waited, and waited...


That's it?

"No one protest?" He asked

A chorus of "No", "Nope", and grunt from Beatrice is the response he got

And Aaron let out breath through his nostril, more heavy than normal

That's it? They all accept? No Sanctuary? Is that mean... There is no Arc Four? No Echidna? Without villager 'trapped' in there Emilia and he won't have any reason to visit that place, no reason to follow the trial

That's it?

"If you done doubting yourself boy, can we continue now?" Beatrice asked in dull voice, obviously she sense something strange with the blond and normally she going to let it be but right now they were in middle of something

She want to finish this as soon as possible after all

"Ah? R-Right." Aaron coughed, trying his best to bury the glee and relief inside him. Celebrate later, he have to focus now, it will be useless if the villager or one of Emilia's Camp died "The villager will left to the mansion, but they going to need escort to there just to make sure they not run into any other cultist." He glanced at Ram unconscious form that squirming in his lap from the mana transfer "I guess Ram can do that."

"Wouldn't it better to leave that to Rem?" Rem asked

"No, you were needed here. If the cultist somehow find out their patrol gone then they going straight to village. Or you can be used to strike at one of their base." Aaron denied before he rub his chin "Now, the only thing we need to do is to get the patrolling group but we have to do it fast and quick so they don't have chance to report it to the Arcbishop." If Petelgeuse know they assaulted, things will be very messy

"Hmph." Beatrice smirked "Leave that to Betty, I suppose." She cross her arms and put arrogant face "Betty can eliminate them while also preventing them to use their mirror."

Aaron blinked, once, twice, clearly surprised the librarian offered herself like this "If Beatrice-san said so then..." He said reluctantly "How fast you can get them?"

"Their numbers not even reach fifty, they will need hundred to make this into challenge." Beatrice snorted "Betty will be back in next five minutes."

A portal opened behind the librarian spirit and she stepped back, allowing the hole in space to swallow her whole and took her away before Aaron can say anything else

The pseudo Saber only can stare at where the blonde loli exist few seconds ago, his mind trying to comprehend just what exactly happened? Not like he mind that Beatrice go and finish them off but...

"That was unusual right? Right?" He asked to Rem and Emilia who nodded in agreement

"Beatrice-sama usually not one who love to do some job." Rem said with troubled face "It is very uncharacteristic of her to..."

"I may not know her for long time but I can agree with Rem on that part." Emilia added with equal expression

"Hmm, it because of you Aaron."

A familiar voice come from Emilia's direction, top of her head precisely, the trio looked at there and granted by sight of Puck that manifest himself

"You all done with the people I take it?" Puck asked as he stretching his limbs "Morning Lia."

"Good morning Puck." Emilia greeted back "Did you just awake?"

"Mmm few minutes ago, I awake in part where Betty explain the cult position."

"Puck-dono, what do you mean by because of me?"

"You overloading Betty Aaron." Puck answered while curling his tail "Your mana in first place already potent, just small amount is enough to cast middle-tier spell, and you give to Betty a lot. If you give that amount to Human they will explode but since Betty is spirit." He give shrug and pointing look to the blond

"So... She's like... Having too much sugar in her system?"

"Yep, that is totally right."

"But... True I gave her mana a lot more than usual but when in manor she never..."

"It because Betty in manor, in her library." Puck replied "That place is Betty territory, she is powerful in there, she have total control over that place, all mana that you gave to her she store around the mansion or library." He explained to the pseudo Saber "But you give Betty mana in here right? Well, she quite far from her place and she can't just dump that mana so easily so she hold all of them by herself and the result..."

Aaron face turned to slight concern as he caught what the cat spirit mean "She going to be okay right? I mean, when the mana inside her reduced back to normal there won't be any side effect right?"

"You not need to worry about that, as long Betty return to her library there won't be anything happen to her. Even if she did not the side effect probably only small exhaustion or things like that."

"I see..."

"But still... Sending Beatrice alone."

"Hmmm rest assure Lia, Betty is not without strength. Her mana is at her peak and she can use her best spell without any hesitation, you should worry about Witch Cult rather than her." Puck said in reassuring voice "Though I don't think they deserve to be worried."

Puck was right, Aaron himself already knew about that. That is the reason why he let the blonde loli go by herself. Beatrice is powerful, one of the strongest character in Re:Zero, she capable to go toe on toe against Roswaal. She only lose to Elsa in Canon is because she limited in mana, she also can deal wiith Arcbishop of Gluttony in Arc Five if she have enough mana, the problem is she never did

But now she have enough mana, enough power to back her spell... Aaron won't hesitate to say that Beatrice right now is on same level with Caster-level Servant, even better than few as matter of fact

And she specialize in Shadow or Yin Magic, a magic that related to curse, debuff, or such thing, he had no doubt she can easily intercept the signal the converse mirror send to each other

Which means the patrolling group is as good as dead.

'And she is created by Echidna, the same woman who also turned Puck to artificial spirit.' More reason to not let that woman out from her seal, regardless how useful she could be in future if he got her as ally.

"Aaron, I suggest you stop transferring mana to Ram now, you don't want her to went through the same thing as Betty."

Puck voice broke him from his stupor and he quickly pull his hand away from Ram's forehead on reflex.

"Ah, sorry, I was thinking about our plan." He said as he gently put Ram's head on the ground that covered by his coat.

"... Aaron, is there something happened between you and Ram?" Emilia asked "You two barely talked to each other yesterday." Which mean a lot, Ram and Aaron always, always, talking to each other, bantering, arguing and trying to ridicule each other.

But ever since he return to mansion yesterday they only talked when it necessary, and even that they look like they wish to be anywhere but near to each other.

Aaron fell into silence as he heard the question, his mind contemplating the best thing he should say "I'm not surprise, we weren't that subtle after all." He said while letting out small sigh "We have small disagreement." Small? No shit, if it was small then Puck is harmless beast "Let's leave it at that, now is not the time, we have something else to focus."

He know they still curious, he can feel Rem eyes digging to him but he ignore it, he then stand and brush his thighs slightly, he briefly glanced to Ram's peaceful sleeping face and feeling something heavy appear on his stomach when caught sight of her peaceful face but he ignore the feeling.

Not now...

He focused to Emilia, Rem, and Puck "Alright, let assume Beatrice-san has done dealing with those guys. This is what we going to do."