

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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76 Chs

More training...

~ Omni Pov, A few weeks prior... ~




"W-What?" Rosetta asked. A part of her wanted to make sure what she heard was true.

"... I said Vegeta will soon have an heir... And make no mistake, it isn't me that is having that child..." Darles finished.

Rosetta looked, shocked.

She couldn't believe what she was hearing...

"I-I-I don't understand..." Rosetta asked, shakily.

"Don't act surprised. Your son isn't much of a man... Understandably, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, gravity 101... Vegeta is promiscuous, Rosetta. It's the reason why I never saw him as more than a stress relief when our 'urges' kicked. You, out of anyone know that when mating season is present, the female will automatically be attracted to a stronger male..." Darles stopped, getting up off the floor, and wiping her eyes whilst clenching her teeth. She then began again after letting Rosetta digest the information she was presented with...

"You know us females release 3 times as many pheromones by nature in comparison to our men, of course, this male was originally Daiko... But he was too young to produce his own to satisfy my urges or to be on my radar, which you also knew if you are as sharp as I hope you are..." Darles stopped before continuing once more...

"Have you ever wondered why I'm not with Vegeta almost every day despite my 'mating' cycles? It's because he sees me as nothing more than a game that is to be won, his pleas for love are nothing but empty words... Hell, it's also the reason why I would rather lock myself up in the 'cell of containment' for days than have sex with him, however even my sanity has its limits, and I don't want my brain to fry because of it..." Darles finished.

Rosetta was shocked seeing the reasons she was presented with. She thought of it as nothing more than a love triangle... But it's much more complex than she originally thought, not only did she learn of another side of her son, he was a womanizer and she hadn't had a word of it anywhere...

When she thought of the reasons. she only arrived at one reasonable conclusion...

'That BOY! He must have bribed the guards to not say a thing!...' Rosetta thought, clenching her fists tightly, almost drawing blood...

"Do... Do you know who the mother of his child is?" Rosetta said, trying there best to not lash out and beat her son half to death.

"... It's a saiyan girl named Toba, she lives a few houses down from here... I don't think the prince is aware that she is of the child either... And for the child's sake. He better not" Darles added.

Rosetta got the implications of what Darles was implying... And she didn't like it one bit.

"He would never-" Rosetta tried saying, but she was cut off by Darles swiftly...

"He, WOULD!" Darles said, a tone below shouting. This left Rosetta shocked, Darles would never shout...

"I don't think you understand how fucked up your child is, Rosetta..." Darles responded with a bit of venom, but not out of animosity. She continued.

"I should know since I've had the utter displeasure of fucking him... Vegeta is a self-centered asshole, a man whore of the highest caliber, and an arrogant, egotistical fool that's no better than the man he's from. If the other saiyan men didn't have their wives I would have much rather done it with them instead, but unfortunately, our physiology constitutes that we have sex with a powerful male that is at least as strong or stronger than I am..." Dalres paused for a bit turning around and facing the door.

"Do you think I wanted to have sex with anyone other than the person I loved since I was little? If Daiko was my age. I would have confessed long ago, but I was hesitant because I didn't want to be seen as predatorial by him or wake up every day with guilt and disgust on my mind about bedding a child... He's one of the few men on this planet that are genuine and kind... And it'll be hell since I won't give it up..." Darles said, leaving her home to the stunned queen.





~ Daiko's Pov, A Week and a Half on Yardrat... ~





[Spirit Control has leveled up to level 6...]




"Finally! I thought it would never level up." Oh thank Zeno I was a quick learner, this process was tedious as hell.

Meditating for almost 3 days straight is not easy... I would rather not do this again in my entire life... But, no pain no gain.

I then stretched my arms and legs from meditating so hard in the last week alone...

I then checked my status to see my new passive.




[Spirit Control lvl 6/10: This advanced Mastery of ki-control has enabled you to increase the potency and efficacy of your by an additional +75% per level. The current bonus is +450%.]




Oh, I was proud. Extremely so. I was probably at a higher Mastery than Vegeta was in the manga... My ki potency had increased tremendously over the last week, and that isn't even mentioning my control of ki as well.

Now, I could easily make ki constructs with ease. Hammers, blades, and shields could all be created nearly instantly.

'And I'm not even scratching the surface of what I'll do here' I thought, flexing my power for a bit... Maybe shaking the planet just a little.


I should be done with my training within 3 weeks tops if I get lazy, maybe this week if I grind hard again...

Other than that, my training here was progressing quickly.

What Vegeta took several months to do in the manga, I did in a week. Showing my pedigree of talent. Even I am a little shocked given my nature and ki that this should be hard, but maybe that 'growth' affinity I have is making it far easier than it should be.

Other than that, nothing else really happened here.

My physical training didn't start until 2 plus years after this, and that's if I don't finish my current training before then.

The next jn my list of things to be skeptical about is my bloodline, rather my lack of it.

When I check my status, all I see is 'Hanma bloodline- 0%'. It either means I haven't received anything from my bloodline, or the blood ratio is too small to make any real difference to me...

Given the fact that I was getting nothing and not receiving a 'hybrid' title, I'm leaning towards the former, rather than the latter, for now...

I just hope my theory is right about the physical training aspect.






