
Re:Degenerate’s Tensei

What if Rudeus from the future succeeded in turning back time? What would he, a morally degenerate bitter old man in a child’s body do with his life now that he is starting from the beginning once again? Would he try to redeem himself for the mistakes he had made and become a better person, or would he fall further in his degeneracy and become a slave to his hatred and lust? This his His journey, a completely different man from the one who had first opened his eyes to this wondrous magical world. A Mushoku Tensei Fanfic. Read at your own risk. Incest alert.

Needygasm · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

A Mother’s Love and Art

Paul POV

It was a clear sunny day in the Buena village where outside of a comfy two-story cottage, the sounds of grunting and clanking of swords could be heard. Currently Rudeus was having a sparring match against the maid of the house, Lilia as Paul watched over them. While Sylphy and Roxy were on the sides cheering for Rudeus who was currently having a hard time against the maid who had improved at an incredible rate for the past few years since she began joining him in his sword lessons. Granted it was more like she was remembering what she had already known from back then when she had just left the Water-God dojo her father was the owner of. And from the look of things, she had almost gotten back her touch as now Rudeus could not even land a single hit on her unlike before even though both should be at the same intermediate rank, with Rudeus even knowing two more sword styles than her as she had always been only a Water God practitioner.

Though from the outside, it would seem that Rudeus was quite impressive but his father certainly didn't think so. As he was now a Saint ranked swordsman in all three major styles, his improved kinetic vision could see that although his son had improved astonishingly before, he had stopped improving for a while now after achieving intermediate rank in all three styles.

He sighed, he had been hopeful that his son might become a prodigious swordsman as well due to how promising he was initially, but alas it would seem the Gods were jealous of his son after seeing his magical abilities and took away his flare in swordsmanship.

He tried hard to hide his disappointment from his son lately but his son Rudeus was clever, he might have felt it which may also be the reason why he was feeling down these days even though he was trying to put a tough front. He as a father had tried to encourage him and told him not to loose hope, but even he himself was not believing his own words. Rudeus simply was not talented in the sword.

What he didn't know was that though it was true that Rudeus was upset, it was not for the reasons he thinks.

And not just Rudeus either, but his own wife was also down in spirits as well, when asked she would just pass it off as nothing but he was sure of it! It was definitely because she still hasn't gotten pregnant after Rudeus! We had tried all these years since Rudeus was born, but still no sign of any pregnancy… 'Hmm, maybe I should try a different position next time that increases the odds? Hehe, don't you worry my wife! Your husband shall try twice as harder next time to seed you good!'

As he had unknowingly sported a perverted expression on his face due to his less than appropriate thoughts, instead of focusing on the sparring match right in front of him, he couldn't see the wooden sword flying towards him thrown at him by his son. Despite that his reaction was swift as he quickly took hold of the wooden sword then threw it right back at his son, striking him at his knees.

"Ugh" Rudeus grumbled as he got up from the ground.

"Hehehe! You think just because your dad was a little distracted that he would be easy to hit? Dream on kid!"

"Maybe if you concentrated a little more on your son's sword training instead of thinking of perverted things, dad, he would have become an advanced rank long ago?"

It was not uncommon for his son to throw weapons at him at random as it was also part their North God training, but the main reason he had encouraged this type of training was that he always liked to see his son's frustrated expressions when his throws were almost always deflected… Right back at him.

As the father-son pair began taking jabs at each other, a sudden scream broke off their playful arguments. It was his wife Zenith! So he along with the others quickly went inside to see what was wrong when they found Zenith in the living room with her hand glowing in green, holding her stomach.

"Honey what's wrong?" He asked in panic, but was certainly not expecting to hear those words uttered any time soon from her mouth when his eyes met his wife's as she said with a beautiful smile, "Darling~ I'm pregnant!"

What Zenith had just performed was a pregnancy test spell she had been using regularly and apparently, it had finally come out positive!

After comprehending the meaning, Paul immediately let go of his wooden sword and took his beloved wife to his arms, spinning her as he rained down kisses on her face and thanking her again and again. For a while the joyful laughters of a husband and wife filled the room as everyone else also joined in congratulating the pair.

Rudeus POV

Watching my parents celebrating the joyful news brought back nostalgic memories. I also feel relieved knowing that Norn was conceived in this loop as well which I was sure would happen based on my knowledge of Fate, but nevertheless I had my doubts. But most of all, I was happy to see my mother's genuine smile after a long time as it was hard to bear watching her suffer this past year.


After that day, the day I had no-penetration sex with mother, she still acted lovingly towards me when others were around and I went along with it, but I could feel it was fake as she didn't want to alert others of anything. When we were alone she was cold, she didn't seem to hate me though, I could see that she was conflicted and in great pain because of her guilt, not just because of committing a grave sin according to her religion, but also for betraying her husband as I'm sure she too had enjoyed it and didn't know how to make sense of it. After that she had only allowed me to breastfeed but seeing her reluctance, I stopped demanding for it and slowly our bathing sessions stopped happening all together as we drifted apart. Our growing distance was not met with any suspicions though as it was probably viewed as me growing up and becoming more independent, considering how close we were in the past it might have come as a relief to some.

I had many times tried fixing things between us but unfortunately my every attempts to make it up to her was only met with bitter smiles and fake appreciation. No matter how much I had showered her with love and affection, it wasn't reaching her… My loving mother was now gone and it had been all my fault. I just couldn't play the late game like I had originally planned to do and instead got impatient! How stupid could I be?

Granted I had thought I was going to die to Orsted and after somehow keeping myself alive I had this irresistible urge to fuck, and mother seemed to be the best option at the time... Now that I think of it, it must be the primal urge in animals to procreate after a life-threatening situation, an information I remember from somewhere… But that was no excuse. I had used her love and compassion for me in order to satisfy my lust and broke her heart! Strangely enough, I was feeling ashamed of myself, a feeling I had become distant to as the skies were to the sea since loosing my wives… It was a terrible feeling and I wanted to get rid of it but so far with little success… So I tried to make it up to her by doing the best I can, whether it would mend our relationship any time soon remains to be seen.


Since that day, life went on and time passed by rather quickly. I was now six years old and just now mother announced that she was pregnant, things were looking up. Yes, my dear sister Norn will come to our life once again… Hopefully this time I will be able to be the brother that she deserves!

When night came and I was sure everyone was asleep, I secretly snuck out and went near the entrance to our garden, right beside mother's favorite tree, I conjured a large amount of the special clay used in the production of the mana-proof bricks that Master Roxy had mastered recently. But I wasn't about to create any bricks this time, but a statue of my mother along with Norn in order to get my mom back.

I had this sudden inspiration on how to earn her forgiveness when I had seen Zenith smile genuinely for the first time in a long while as she'd announced to the family that a new member of their family was on their way. At the time I was mesmerized by the scene of her pure happiness. I knew she had insecurities about not being able to get pregnant once again, so it must have come out as a huge relief for her to once again have the opportunity to become a mother. Something similar might have also happened in the first loop but then I hadn't cared to get to know her then so hadn't thought much about it unlike now.

Said inspiration had no certainty that it would work, but I was getting desperate by this point. Sometimes when words and actions are not enough to convey your true feelings, art just might! A phrase I had forgotten the origins of, but surprisingly appropriate for my case.

So here I was in the middle of the night with only the floating ball of fire as my companion which I had created for illuminating my work as I carefully molded the special clay, all the while laying the hidden formations to strengthen it despite skipping many important steps in order for such formations to work, but thanks to my knowledge in magic and our ongoing research on the matter with master Roxy, I was able to alter and even improve the formations enough for them to work despite that! Though the end result would not be as durable as a structure made of magic bricks, it's resistance to magic should be even higher as I wanted this statue to remain here even after the Metastasis hits it, though I am not sure if it would actually work, but the idea kept me going.

I started by first sculpting a large rectangular slab out of the special clay which was to be the foundation of the statue, with most of it submerged into the magically hardened soil to keep the statue as stable and steady as possible. Then I molded the remaining clay into a vague shape of a woman twice the size of a regular human, making it stand on the slab, connecting the two. It had taken me approximately two hours and nearly a third of my mana just to get this far as the very nature and endurance of the special clay resisted mana manipulation to an absurd degree so I had to use my mana frivolously in order to speed up the process to agreeable levels which was simply unheard of for the Magic Guild as just to shape a small brick out of the clay took more than two mages working on it for many hours let alone a whole statue!

Then with an earthen stump I had created to elevate my position I started working on the face as it was the most tricky part, requiring extreme precision and attention for detail for the most minute features my dear mother had.

As I was working my magic on it both figuratively and literally, I thought about my mother Zenith's facial features, visualizing her face in my mind. She was beautiful. Simple as that. The cute angular shape of her face that gently met with her golden locks of hair so full of life to create the perfect definition of aristocratic charm, probably from her noble blood, was what I had wanted to convey.

Her thin and sparse brows shaped like a bow had only enhanced the power of her blue gaze. Her gentle smile filled with affection and motherly love which once was aimed at me was now gazing at the baby in her bosom who she lovingly cradled with one hand. In her other, was a large opened book closely resembling the one I had given her containing some of my life's work and experiences… The reason of it's existence in this particular case is both to represent her scholarly background and also to insert myself using the book as a symbol. On her one hand and bossom it was Norn and on the other at a distance it was me. Her two children who she loved.

After completing some of the the hardest parts like her bare hands and pretty feet, I then carved the rest of her naked body, focusing especially on her bountiful breasts and thick thighs, not to mention that ass… After that, I added a layer of luxurious clothing resembling that of Millis nobility as I knew she loved those kinds of clothes as she had once told me that one of her regrets at not living in Millis was not being able to wear the beautiful dresses of nobility she had used to wear. Though she now could buy them easily with her money, wearing one in a village like Buena would not be appropriate according to her as they were technically not real nobles here much to my chagrin as I had wanted to see her in those dresses damn it!

So I had wanted her to see how gorgeous she would look with those clothes on as she gazes at this statue so that hopefully she would eventually decide to buy and wear them! But it needs to be mentioned that there was a couple of important differences between the clothes that I had made for her statue and the real deal! For one, it was a much more revealing version of the dresses it was based of on, much more emphasis on her breasts and legs, though certainly not something mother would be ashamed of as she in her adventuring days used to wear more revealing clothes than she did after marriage. Also, instead of the symbol of Saint Millis decorating it, I had opted to use the symbol of the Migurdia race instead as a silent jab at the fuckers who had made my life miserable, as well as honoring my Master Roxy as I was her devout believer and seeked to leave her mark in every given opportunity!

For the finishing touches, I had added a pair of Migurdia earrings on her ears, as well as an assortment of valuable looking rings not just for the fingers in her hand, but for her feet as well, giving her an exotic look. And the end result looked more like a Greek Goddess than a Millis noble which amused me to no end, as in my opinion my mother deserved more than being just a mere noble.

As I gazed at my finished work of art one last time, my feelings of wonder were only dampened by the dizziness that left me wobbling. The reason was of course mana depletion! Despite not practicing my trademark gravity spells today, I had surprisingly managed to spend most of my nearly endless mana supply while creating the sculpture, which was incredible in it's own right. It was no wonder considering that I had just created a masterpiece which I had put my heart and soul into, in fact, I would go as far as to claim that none of the figurines or statues I had created so far was this perfect! Despite the lack of color besides it's original marble white, I had never seen a statue this alive! If this wasn't enough to reach her, nothing ever will I was sure of it!

Now it was only an hour before mother wakes up, so after getting rid of the earthen stump I had used for elevation, as well as the floating fire spell which had served it's purpose, I headed back to bed as I needed to get some quick rest until then…

Zenith POV

It had been a very hard year for one Zenith Greyrat, previously Zenith Latreia. For she had gone against her religious teachings and cheated on her husband who had made many sacrifices in order to marry her. Chief among them being, forgoing his polygamous ways which must have been very hard for him as he was not a Millis believer in the first place and had even been in relationships with many women during their journey, she had even witnessed him having a threesome with their party members Elinalise and Ghislaine that one time... But he had sacrificed all of that, even their cozy party which they had seen as family to be with her.

She had still doubts about her husbands fidelity the first few years of their marriage and even after her Rudy was born, but her husband proved time and again that though he struggled with it, he was keen in keeping the one promise that mattered to her the most, to be faithful to her.

So how can she expect fidelity from him now? When she had went behind his back! With her own son even! Oh Millis forgive her, but her son was simply incredible despite his then five year old age. Even though they hadn't crossed 'that' line, he knew just how to push her buttons and say the right words to make her melt that day like never before… If she didn't know any better, she would have suspected that her boy had ample experience with many women! But it was most probably due to his Greyrat blood as her beloved husband liked to put it. Even as a five year old he could satisfy a grown woman like her, just what would he do when he grows up? She shuddered to even think about it.

What should she do? Every time she had interacted with Rudy this past year, she could feel she hurt him with her cold attitude, but she didn't know just what to say to him after all that? Whenever she looked at him, her mind would go to how he had satisfied her that day and it had made her ashamed and guilty for even thinking about it. No, it was unnatural what they did, not to mention sinful, and she needed to distance herself from her boy!

Just why? Why had she been ignoring the fact that she was beginning to enjoy her intimate time with her boy more than she should… Why had she let things escalate to such an extent? That day why had she not pushed him away when he had began humping her or when he kissed her… Was she also expecting this…. Wanting to have sexual relations with her baby? No, she was sure it! She was not attracted to Rudy as he was now… But that day when things escalated, she had for the briefest of moments imagined Rudy in his adult form as he pleasured her which broke a dam she didn't knew she had resulting in… That incident…

Yes she could imagine how much superior her boy would be to most men in many ways when he grew up and it brought her no small amount of pride to be his mother who had been the one to bring him to this world and on an instinctual level, she had felt vindicated for her excellent choice of mate in Paul, the love of her life, instead of the noble wimps back in Millis that her mother was interested in giving away her hand in marriage to! But even so, she secretly desired the incredible man that Rudy will be in the future as she witnessed how much he desired her… She was sure of it he will become an incredible man and achieve great things!

But it was wrong! She had to put a stop to this kind of thinking! She didn't want to commit anymore sins! She had to put some distance with her son as that was for the best for the both of them… Right?

No, it was not for the best as she had learnt in the following months. She had failed to consider that her dear son had become an integral part of her life and seeing him suffer everyday because of her unresolved issues brought even more pain to her. Especially loosing her breastfeeding time was a deep blow to her psyche as she had apparently become dependent on the feeling of breastfeeding, the motherly feelings it had brought to her was just too precious to loose after so long…

Back then she didn't have any intention of denying him her breasts as his health was on the line as well, but her boy misunderstood her and refused any more offers, he even refused her pudding… She must have really broken his heart if he'd rejected her to such degree. Everything devolved from there.

Thankfully her boy had managed to keep it together, he was still his enthusiastic self as he played with his crush Sylphy, he still helped Lilia with her work, same for his sword practice though his improvements slowed down, he was doing fine all over.

But as the one who knew her Rudy the best, she could see clear as day that he was also mostly acting… Like her… But she was hopeful that things would improve as time goes on…

This last year one of the only good things to happen to her was the recent blessing of a second child! Finally! She had thought that she was incapable of being pregnant again but when she had confirmed with her spell that yes, she indeed was pregnant, she had finally had a good nights rest after a long time! Saint Millis hadn't forsaken her after all even though she was a sinner!

Today she woke up better rested than ever as now she had company in the form of a growing baby inside her belly. She enthusiastically went to the kitchen to gather water for her watering-can so she could start her day like any other by tending to her garden which was her crown jewel. With the help of her healing spells, she had cultivated many quality specimens over the years and seeing their growth was something of a hobby to her.

After filling it up, she went outside only to drop it the moment her eyes landed on a giant white object right next to her favorite tree! It was a statue! She couldn't believe her eyes so after a good rubbing, she opened her eyes again but the scene in front of her remained unchanged. Impossible! She had tended to her garden yesterday as well, so seeing such an object sprung seemingly out of nowhere made her question her sanity.

When she got closer to get a better look, she let out a gasp as she realized that this was a statue of her! There was no mistaking it, they had the same face! The amount of detail the sculptor had taken into account was simply unbelievable. The statue was wearing a very handsome dress similar to the Millis nobility but with just the right amount of adventuring touch that she absolutely found breathtaking! And she recognized the book it was holding as well! And the baby… It must be… She gazed at her tummy before her eyes caught on to something strange.

When she got closer, there was a white slab that the statue was standing on with bare feet as it read, 'To my beautiful mother Zenith and my cute sibling …' there was an empty space to fill right after the word 'sibling', and even though there was no name for the creator, it was all too obvious who it was as she completely lost it and began crying, touching the statue.

Her little boy did this for her… Such a magnificent artwork… Even that one time she had seen the entrance of the Pope's Palace back at Millis, the statues there of many heroic figures with their legendary weapons and wondrous creatures that had mesmerized her when she was a teen simply paled in comparison to this one… A simple statue of a mother and her baby… It was obvious this was not just a work of talent and hard-work, but also of the heart as well. Her Rudy loved her… Loved their family… How could she forget something so simple? She was so focused on herself, terrified of being a sinner and going against Saint Millis's teachings that she had forgotten one simple thing. Love. Hadn't Saint Millis also preached that 'Hate can only conquer the world of men, but Love can conquer even the heavens?'

She resolved herself to fix things as she immediately headed inside, determination flaring in her eyes, the emptying water-can long forgotten on the ground as she entered her son's room, there she found him sleeping. When she had taken in his features, it was obvious by the marks under his eyes that he had stayed up all night just for the sculpture… He must have exhausted himself…

Her boy was mindful of her suffering, keeping his desires to himself even though he could have lashed out at her anytime, he didn't and respected her wishes. He tried to mend their relationship many times but she was adamant in keeping him at a distance, acting cold towards him.

"Oh my poor boy… How could I do this to you? How could I hurt something so precious just because of my own selfishness? Cheating on my husband is a sin I alone must bear, not you" She sat down by his side, brushing his hair lovingly and placing a kiss on top of his forehead, "Mommy is here for you, she won't run away anymore~" she cooed and joined him in the bed, hugging him.

Rudeus POV

—Lemon Warning—

"This smell… Nostalgic…" I muttered as I opened my eyes only to see complete darkness. Though I could feel my face smothered by something very soft… this could only mean… Yes! It didn't take long for me to come to the conclusion that my plan had worked magnificently! For I was currently being sandwiched between my mother's bountiful breasts! My face was burning hot and I had trouble breathing but I still maintained my position even if I was being choked, as dying right now wouldn't be so bad… Just her smell was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I was beginning to feel aroused as I could feel my member springing into action. But what I didn't expect the next instant was for a hand to get inside my briefs and to gently start caressing my balls!

"They have grown~" a tempting sultry voice entered my ear as I suddenly shuddered. She continued caressing my testicles, running in circles with her fingers sometimes tickling them sometimes lightly squishing them which elicited involuntary moans from me.

"Fufufu, ara Rudy, have you missed mommy's hands~?" Her breath was tickling my ear as she leaned to me,

I was hyperventilating with excitement as I let out, "y-yes mommy! Please, please stroke my pipi!" he quickly got in the role, understanding his mother was only acting tough to close the gap that had formed between them.

She let out a teasing chuckle, "no~ I have to first measure how much my baby's little testies have grown~"

"T-they're n-not little!" I protested but she was having none of it, as she stuck her nipple in my mouth as she continued on teasing my balls, "Of course they are little my baby stop lying, now shut up and suck on mommy's tits. They are no longer milking, but when your sibling is born you can taste your favorite milk again~ Of course only if you be a good little boy~" she said teasingly to which I nodded enthusiastically.

It seems mother also had some pent up sexual desires that she had bottled up this past year, she was not this aggressive with the teasing before… Not that I mind, in fact I welcomed it! So I enthusiastically sucked and teased her nipples, sometimes playfully tickling them with my tongue as I massaged her breasts with my adept hands which elicited her appreciative moans as she began to stroking my dick in my briefs which was now nearly about six inches! Though I believe dad must have been at least 9 inches when erect if my own in the previous loop was anything like his, so it was most probably not enough to completely satisfy her pussy that has been that stretched, but still there were other ways…

Somewhere along our tryst, I had found myself in a strange position where mother was spooning me from behind on my bed while she was sensually jerking my member while whispering dirty in my ear, shocking even a degenerate like me, "have you been jerking your little pipi to mommy~?" "Yes mommy!" "Good boy~ And have you been cumming from listening mummy make babies with daddy~?" My eyes widened, she must have really been frustrated, "no mummy" to which she stopped her ministrations as her voice grew cold, "don't lie to mommy or you won't be allowed to cum~"

She waited for my answer as she just maintained my penis in her hand, blowing on my ear to tease me! She was torturing my member with neglect. Not long after that I had caved, meekly saying, "sorry mommy, as I said before, I always listen to your moans while I masturbate…" Even though I could tell that she had tried to keep her voice down when she had intercourse with father this past year, Paul wasn't having any of it as he only had to increase the power of his thrusts to turn mother into a moaning mess.

"That's a good boy~ Your father put a baby in me Rudy~ Do you also want to put one in me as well~?" This was getting out of hand, and I loved it! I could feel my mother's hyperventilating breaths on my ear, it was almost as if she was close to orgasm? Just form a dirty talk? "Y-yes mommy! Please bear my child as well!" Thankfully I had put a silencing barrier in my room to keep my magic exercise from disturbing others or else we would have been exposed.

She let out a derisive chuckle, before condescendingly saying, "Noo~ Your pipi is too small for that~ It has to be at least this big for it to even be allowed entering me~" she said as she showed how much longer she wants it, it was about a little shorter than twice my length which was certainly in my future range! The thought of entering my mother brought me to my limits,

"Mommy I'm cumming!" I screamed as I felt my member starting to twitch, "yes baby, cum for mommy~ Oh yes like that~" she whispered in my ear the whole time as I came, whispering sweet nothings as her fingers were strongly jerking me with each pulse! I was sure this was the first time my climax lasted for this long even though nothing came out of my penis! It was almost as if her words had the miraculous effect of prolonging my high!

As I had calmed down, mother turned me towards her and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, looking at me with love and affection, no more was there any of the cold indifference I had come to expect from her lately when we were alone. As we stared at each other, there was nothing more to say. We had both confirmed what needed to be confirmed, with our feelings fully communicated… Finally, I had my mother back.